• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Le imprese green affrontano meglio le crisi. E' quanto emerso durante la presentazione del 15° Rapporto GreenItaly, presentato da Fondazione Symbola e Unioncamere. Il Rapporto dipinge un quadro ottimista per l’Italia verde, leader europeo nell’economia circolare e nell’impiego sostenibile delle risorse. Secondo i dati, negli ultimi cinque anni oltre 571.000 imprese italiane hanno investito nella green economy e sulla sostenibilità, dimostrando maggiore resilienza anche in tempi di crisi. I “green jobs” in Italia superano i 3 milioni, rappresentando oltre il 13% dell’occupazione totale, mentre i nuovi contratti per professioni legate alla sostenibilità sono saliti a quasi 2 milioni nel 2023.


00:00Green companies face the crisis better and this is what emerged during the presentation of the 15th Green Italy report presented by Fundazione Simbola and Union Camere.
00:14The report depicts an optimistic picture for Italy Verde, the European leader in the circular economy and in the sustainable use of resources.
00:20According to the data, in the last five years, more than 571,000 Italian companies have invested in the green economy and sustainability, showing greater resilience even in times of crisis.
00:31Green jobs in Italy exceeded 3 million, representing more than 13% of the total occupation, while new contracts for professions related to sustainability rose to almost 2 million in 2023.
00:43The companies that have made these investments, among other things, have very positive feedback, because in recent years they are the ones that have produced the most, have made the most, exported the most and occupied the most.
00:55So, I mean, in a way, the advantage is perceived in the choice to invest in eco-sustainability.
01:03Today, the Green Economy is the economy of the future, said Gilberto Pichetto-Fratin, Minister of the Energy Security, intervened with a video message.
01:11Italy is a virtuous country on the recycling front. The management of waste is seen as an excellent country, with a comprehensive recycling rate of 91.6%,
01:20clearly surpassing the European average, maintaining high levels in sectors such as paper, glass and steel.
01:26In addition, Italy saves on the costs of imports and reduces the environmental impact through the recovery of materials from unused tires, mineral oils and packaging in biodegradable plastic.
01:36At the regional level, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Lazio stand out for the number of new Green contracts, with the absolute primacy of Lombardy, which has foreseen almost half a million acquisitions.
01:45According to the President of the Symbola Foundation, Ermete Realaci, Green Italy 2024 confirms the potential of the green transition as an engine of competitiveness and innovation.
01:56Our relationship does not say what should be done, it says what Italy does, sometimes without knowing it.
02:02Already today, 3.2 million employees are Green Jobs, as they say, and above all on new jobs, on new contracts, 40% require strong green skills in all sectors.
02:20Green economy can strengthen the economy and society, so it is important to continue to promote a culture of circular economy.
