• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:00I'm off to collect gumtree berries for my holiday wreaths.
00:29Exploding berries?
00:31Little grenades for when the holidays get out of hand?
00:33No, they just look nice on your door.
00:35But pretty things attract government agents.
00:38And possums!
00:38And you know how horrible they smell?
00:40The possums too!
00:42I'll take that chance.
00:43So you want to get back from Hidden Meadows?
00:45Hidden Meadows, huh?
00:46How you gonna get there?
00:48Well, I was gonna go through Hazard Jungle,
00:51past Peril River, over Danger Falls,
00:53through Pleasant Gardens, and around Jeopardy Lake.
00:55Are you kidding me?
00:56You'll never make it through Pleasant Gardens!
00:59I gotta teach you some survival skills first!
01:04What are we laughing at?
01:06If anyone should teach Amy survival skills, it's me.
01:09After everything Eggman's thrown at me,
01:11surviving in the wilderness is a piece of...
01:16I'm okay!
01:17I'll just use my survival skills to fashion a ladder out of...
01:21Tails, pull me up.
01:28Great work, Tails!
01:29You passed well, Rescue!
01:31I can teach anyone.
01:32How about Knuckles?
01:37I bet that I can teach Amy survival skills
01:40better than you can teach Knuckles.
01:46It's tasty.
01:47And the losers have to do the winner's laundry for a month.
01:51That's not a fair bet.
01:52Knuckles and I don't wear pants.
01:54But I'll do it, just to teach you a lesson.
01:56So, we'll race to Hidden Meadows.
01:58That'll take a good four days.
02:00And some serious survival skills.
02:05Gumtree berries.
02:06It's teams, Sonic.
02:08You and Knuckles versus Sticks and me.
02:10To win, both of you need to get there.
02:13Good luck with that.
02:16Well, teammate...
02:20I thought you loved nature.
02:22I do!
02:23That doesn't mean I know how to survive in it.
02:25Well, even so, this is gonna be a piece of...
02:35Okay, Team Sticks.
02:36The first thing you need to know is survival skills
02:38aren't about crafting and making things pretty.
02:41It's using what you got.
02:43First up, building fires.
02:45Let's try something simpler.
03:00Not tying.
03:04I added cinnamon sticks to mine.
03:06You can hang it in your closet to freshen your clothes.
03:09And if you lock yourself in,
03:10you can eat them until the fire department rescues you.
03:13So, I hear.
03:17Finish up here.
03:18I'll rustle up some dinner.
03:35Oh, yeah.
03:35You're ready.
03:40I wonder how the guys are doing.
03:43Stay tuned for Survival Skills Made Easy.
03:47Why would anyone watch that?
03:51And now, back to Are You Smart Enough to Feed Yourself?
03:55That's more like it.
03:56You know, the test to get on that show is a lot harder than you think.
03:59Uh, shouldn't you guys be training?
04:02Guess I have to give in to nature.
04:04Let the training begin.
04:13Should we be bringing food?
04:17Nah, there's plenty of food in the wild.
04:19As referee for this race, I want a clean competition.
04:22No cheating.
04:23Of course, you'll be deep in the woods, so I won't know if you cheat.
04:27Look, just don't cheat, okay?
04:29I mean, come on, you guys.
04:30My job is hard enough.
04:35Where are you?
04:37I think I'm lost.
04:42I'm lost.
04:52North is that way.
04:54That means it's exactly 2.37.
04:56We're right on schedule.
05:05Look, this is exactly what we need.
05:13Uh-oh, it's 2.37.
05:17We better get going.
05:18Wait for me!
05:36There is no way we're eating that adorable little thing.
05:38He's too cute.
05:40I picked us a nice woodland salad.
06:00I can't get the fire started.
06:05That's not how you start a fire.
06:06Let me show you.
06:17Ow, ow, ow!
06:18Knock it off!
06:19Stop it!
06:20Ow, ow!
06:21This is just getting sad.
06:24Ow, ow, ow!
06:26Listen, if you guys admit you lost the bet,
06:28we'll help you with the tent and fire and share our food with you.
06:31No way!
06:32We may have had a few minor setbacks, but this isn't over till it's over.
06:36Tomorrow's another day.
06:37Yeah, if you live to see it.
06:39Here's some food, guys.
06:50Look what they've got us doing.
06:53Knuckles, we're going to have to use our brains.
06:55Good idea.
06:56And while I'm doing that, you think of something.
07:02I got it.
07:02We'll just follow them.
07:04Then, right before they reach the finish line, we'll run ahead and win.
07:07I don't know what we were so worried about 15 seconds ago.
07:09I don't even remember 15 seconds ago.
07:16Look at those losers.
07:18Go into bed when there's a whole night ahead of us.
07:20Let's go blindfold ourselves and run into the forest to see if we can find our way back.
07:24All right!
07:33Knuckles, get up!
07:34They didn't wake us up so we could follow them.
07:36That's cheating.
07:37It's okay.
07:38We just have to figure out which way they went.
07:40I'll zip back home and grab a compass.
07:47Let me try.
07:56I thought we were lost.
07:58We are lost.
08:01It's like watching lab rats in a maze.
08:04Lab rats aren't that clueless.
08:05We better help them.
08:07I stepped on my hand.
08:09Get off me, me!
08:10You think?
08:17Which way did the girls go?
08:19Not to worry.
08:19I'll use my tracking skills.
08:22They must have gone that way.
08:24But what if an animal picked up the boomerang and left it there?
08:27We're going that way.
08:39Look! A compass!
08:45Why'd you do that?
08:46Nobody tells Knuckles which way is north.
08:52This time they can't miss the clues.
08:54Even for them, this will be a piece of...
09:01That was freaky.
09:03Where are we?
09:03I bet it's an abandoned missile silo.
09:06It's always some crazy conspiracy with you.
09:09What makes you think it's a missile silo?
09:11The missile.
09:13Eggman Missile Industries, a subsidiary of Eggman Fun Toys.
09:22We heard you scream.
09:23You guys okay?
09:24Never better.
09:25You sure you're okay?
09:27Now get us out of here!
09:28Oh, we will.
09:29After we get to the finish line using our superior survival skills.
09:33Don't go anywhere.
09:37Here's what we do.
09:38I'll cut up the tent.
09:39You put the rest of the food on the console over there.
09:42How do you know all this?
09:44If I had a newspaper for every time I fell into a missile silo,
09:47we could stack them and climb out of here.
09:50But they're all stacked in my burrow,
09:52so we'll have to stick to the original plan.
10:03All set.
10:04Now what?
10:05Bird calls.
10:13Come on!
10:26Almost there!
10:29Hey, you hear something?
10:56No fair!
10:57Why not?
10:58Survival skills are just using what you've got.
11:01We... I...
11:03You guys want to lead us home?
11:06Hey, what do you think happened to that missile?
11:08I stamped it.
11:09Return to sender.
11:12I know that sound!
