• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:31What happened to us last night? My head is spinning.
00:34That's not spinning! This is!
00:37That was a mistake! I hope whatever we did yesterday didn't involve a heavy meal!
00:43I'll check my memory array.
00:46Curious? Last night's memory file appears to have been erased. Check yours.
01:02Where was I?
01:03Perhaps Dr. Eggman knows something about this. Dr. Eggman, sir?
01:10That's odd. Usually by this time he's telling us how inadequate we are.
01:14It appears as though he's completely vanished.
01:17Uh, so wait. Dr. E ain't here? I can do whatever I want? I'm gonna kick over that garbage can!
01:34That'll teach you to mess with me, Doc!
01:37We need to figure out what happened to us last night and find Dr. Eggman.
01:41But where to start?
01:44What do you two bolt bags want?
01:46Oh, my own talk show, long blonde hair, taste buds.
01:49But that's not why we're here. We seem to have misplaced Dr. Eggman.
01:53Did you and Heaperchance battle yesterday?
01:55Oh, we battled all right. I remember like it was yesterday.
01:59It was yesterday.
02:01It was yesterday. What was?
02:04I've got you now!
02:07Oh, no. I guess we have no other choice but to give up.
02:11Hey, that's not how it...
02:17I'll handle this.
02:19Now, you've made me mad.
02:50What a dreamboat.
02:52I want to be just like you when I grow up.
02:55Knuckles, you've been elected governor!
02:57All in a day's work.
03:09That's all very nice, but I believe we were inquiring as to the whereabouts of Dr. Eggman.
03:14Yeah. After we, as a team, defeated Eggman, he retreated toward the marketplace.
03:19Many thanks.
03:23Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to write my acceptance speech.
03:27What rhymes with governor?
03:29Keep your optical sensors peeled, Cubot. There must be a clue around here somewhere.
03:34Hey, you two!
03:35Oh, you got a lot of nerve coming around here after what Eggman pulled last night.
03:39Dr. Eggman was here?
03:41He was, and he tried to make me the victim of his most evil scheme to date.
03:46I'd like to return this umbrella.
03:48You can't expect a refund for that. It's broken.
03:51What are you talking about? It works fine. See?
03:59But you have a 30-day return policy. This is ridiculous.
04:09You just lost a customer, pal!
04:12After he ran out, I called the police.
04:18Hey! Don't sneak up on a guy! It's not nice!
04:23I do apologize, but have you seen our missing employer?
04:27He's a loud, stalky fellow with an evil laugh and a, you know...
04:31Oh, no! That guy! He's a dangerous criminal. We caught him last night.
04:37The streets are much safer with him off the, um, streets.
04:43You're welcome!
04:46We need to raise bail money to get the boss out of jail.
04:50And I know just how to do it.
04:53Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do.
04:58I'm half crazy all for the love of you!
05:12I have a better idea.
05:15So, with your donation, we can finally build that oil bath for the old robot's home.
05:21Of course!
05:24I've been collecting for a charity myself.
05:27Operation Toasty Beak, we provide sweaters for baby penguins.
05:33They must be so cold in the frozen tundra.
05:36They are. And we have all these sweaters for them.
05:40But we can't afford the jet fuel to deliver the sweaters.
05:45Those poor little fluffballs!
05:48I was saving this money for that.
05:51But your cause seems important, too.
05:54Here you go!
06:02We can't do it! You keep the money!
06:05Oh, and take ours, too!
06:10Penguin sweaters!
06:18I don't think we should sell the Eggmobile.
06:21The boss ain't gonna like it.
06:23Oh, I see what's going on here.
06:26You're trying to con me.
06:28Well, you're not gonna pull one over on T.W. Barker, new siree.
06:32Oh, no, we're not trying...
06:34So, how about I take her out for a test drive?
06:37If I like the way she runs, you get yourselves a sale.
06:40Just name the price.
06:42He says we can name the price.
06:44This guy must be a real sucker.
06:46Mr. Barker, we have a... deal.
07:03That's it! We tried doing things your way.
07:06Now we're gonna do things my way!
07:15Boss, over here!
07:28Thanks for the help, fellas. I always appreciate a good jailbreak.
07:32Willie Walrus, nice to meet you.
07:34We thought you was Eggman.
07:36Oh, I get mistaken for him all the time.
07:39In fact, I was just talking to him about it last night.
07:42I was walking through the marketplace when...
07:45You just lost a customer, pal.
07:48Whoa! Who's this handsome fella?
07:51Oh, you honey-dripper.
07:53I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta break into a helium warehouse.
07:57You bumped into the right Walrus. Breaking and entering is my speciality.
08:01Well, what are we waiting for? After you.
08:13How do we know these are helium?
08:18I'm not sure.
08:20If only there were some way to tell.
08:26And that's the last I saw of him. I spent the rest of the night in the joint.
08:30Breaking and entering is my speciality, but I'm not so good at exiting.
08:34Dr. Eggman!
08:36Dr. Eggman!
08:38Are you in here?
08:40Here, Eggie Eggie!
08:46It's his disintegrator ray!
08:48Finally, a real clue!
08:50Now all we have to do is follow the path of destruction and...
08:56Dr. Eggman's mustache!
08:59In his panic, he must have misfired his ray and...
09:05And all that's left of him is his glorious mustache!
09:13Come on, Q-Bot. Let's go home.
09:49Dr. Eggman!
09:51Hey, get off me!
09:54We thought you was toast.
09:56What are you two clanking oil cans talking about?
09:59You were gone this morning when we awoke.
10:01I went to get a breakfast burrito.
10:03footsteps all over town until we found your mustache at the helium warehouse?
10:07That's just part of the pin the mustache on the Eggman game I made for your party.
10:14Our party? Yes! You said it would improve morale if I threw a surprise party.
10:20You went to all this trouble for us? Of course not! I don't care about your nincompoops.
10:26I had you do all the work and then I erased your memories to make sure it was still a surprise.
10:31So surprise! And what a wonderful surprise it is. Hang on a sec. You erased our memories?
10:38You can do that? Oh yeah I do it all the time. It's real simple. You just press this button right here.
10:45What happened to us last night? My head is spinning. That's not spinning. This is.
11:06That was a mistake. I hope whatever we did yesterday didn't involve a heavy meal.
11:11Hey do you two have any idea where the Eggmobile is? I got no idea boss.
