• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:23Tails, I need jumper cables.
00:30You got any duct tape?
00:34How about a battery?
00:35Anti-matter or self-generating?
00:37I don't know. Something with a lot of juice.
00:40Anti-matter is on the tub shelf behind the video games.
00:54Initiate spinning blades of death!
00:56Spinning blades of death?
00:58I guess that sounds safe.
01:06Activating hyper mode.
01:11Oh, Sonic here.
01:12Sonic, did you return the book I lent you to the library?
01:16Not yet.
01:19It's due today.
01:21If you don't return it on time, I'll have to pay late fees, Sonic.
01:24Late fees!
01:25Slam on your worry brakes, Amy. I'm all over this.
01:28Not a problem.
01:32I can't remember where the book is.
01:33When I can't find something, I retrace my steps.
01:36Okay. What did I do yesterday?
02:05Oh yeah, that's where I left it.
02:12Got it.
02:14But why'd you bring it back here instead of taking it straight to the library?
02:17Because you were part of the team that helped me track it down,
02:19and I wanted you to share in the glory of this victory.
02:22And I didn't think of that.
02:23I feel glorious. And victorious.
02:26Now get going! The library closes in...
02:28...seven minutes!
02:30Plenty of time. Not a problem.
02:34I feel glorious too!
02:35No, wait, that's nauseous.
02:37Seven minutes? I'll get this to the library in ten seconds.
02:41Then I'll have six minutes and fifty seconds to eat a chili dog,
02:43kick back on the beach and read a book,
02:45which I'll no longer have, but still.
02:53After you!
02:55No, please. After you. I have all the time in the world.
02:59Oh, I thought the same thing when I was your age, Sonny.
03:13Did I ever tell you about the time I got a soda out of the vending machine
03:18without putting money in?
03:20Uh, no. We just met.
03:22Oh, it was the best day of my life.
03:39Enjoying fishing?
03:40For aliens.
03:41I dreamt about badminton teacups last night,
03:44and you know what that means?
03:46Let's pretend for a second that I don't.
03:48It means aliens are coming!
03:49Or I'm going to a badminton tea party.
03:51But I'm not taking any chances.
03:54Well, good luck with that.
04:05Don't mind if I do.
04:07Actually, I'm not sure what I want.
04:10There are so many choices.
04:12Should I have a Madburger?
04:14Or a Madburger with cheese?
04:16Or a Double Madburger?
04:18Or a Double Madburger with cheese?
04:20Or a Super Madburger?
04:22Or a Super Madburger with cheese?
04:26I know.
04:28I have a hot dog.
04:31Should I have a hot dog with sauerkraut?
04:34Or a hot dog with onions?
04:36Or a hot dog with mustard?
04:38Or a hot dog with...
04:39How about a chili dog?
04:41Actually, a chili dog sounds delicious.
04:45Would you like something to drink with that?
04:48Something to drink?
04:51Should I have a soda?
04:53Or a water?
04:54Or a shake?
04:55Or a juice?
04:56Have juice!
04:57Everyone loves juice!
05:00I'll have juice.
05:02Would you like to have...
05:03He doesn't want anything else!
05:10You cut in front of Motobug!
05:12He was holding my place while I was in the little villain's room.
05:15Sorry, Egghead.
05:16I didn't see him.
05:17Go ahead.
05:17No, no, please!
05:19You're Sonic the Hedgehog!
05:21You deserve to be next!
05:23Go on!
05:24I insist.
05:26Well, I am in kind of a hurry.
05:28Thanks, Egghead.
05:29One chili dog, please.
05:33I'd like a chili dog with extra relish.
05:36Sorry, we're sold out.
05:41Want a bite?
05:42No, I don't want a bite!
05:44I want my own!
05:45We have some at the warehouse.
05:46Two villages over.
05:52Be right back.
05:59Did I ever tell you about the time I got a free soda?
06:20There it is.
06:24Do you mind if I go first?
06:25I'm in kind of a...
06:26Did I ever tell you about the time I found some money on the street?
06:31You gotta be...
06:32No, we just met.
06:33I used the money to buy a soda,
06:36so it was like the soda was free!
06:49I wish I liked soda.
07:02I asked for extra relish.
07:25You got me thinking, sonny.
07:27Today's the day.
07:29I'm headed home to drink my soda!
07:44Gotcha, alien!
07:49You're not an alien.
07:51Really? You think?
07:52Get me out of here, Sticks!
07:54Um, okay.
07:56Which one was it again?
07:58You gotta be kidding me.
08:12You're welcome!
08:13Plenty of time.
08:15Oh, come on!
08:17I need a straw.
08:23Sonic! Sonic!
08:26I have a flat tire and I'm late getting back to my home to feed my children.
08:30Can you help me fix it?
08:32Um, I have a book to return, then I'll come back.
08:34I promise. Two minutes, tops.
08:36Oh, that's okay.
08:37Growing children don't need nutrition.
08:40It just keeps them healthy and stops their bones from getting brittle.
08:44I'll just fix this flat myself.
08:47My sciatica is flaring up, but I'm sure I'll only be laid up for a week or so.
08:52You go return your book while I struggle painfully and injure myself.
09:09Book, please!
09:15Eat this, you line-cutting relish-forgetting rodent!
09:18I ran to the warehouse and got you your own chili dog.
09:21Doesn't that count for anything?
09:23No! You ruined my chili dog moment!
09:26Okay, fine. I'm happy to battle you over this,
09:28but can you give me a second to return this library book first?
09:31I'll show you exactly the same consideration you showed me.
09:36None! None consideration!
09:48All this over a chili dog?
09:50It's the principal!
09:51Besides, I'm sure you'll think twice about cutting in line next time.
09:54Oh, did someone get pushed to the back of the line one too many times in elementary school?
09:59It was middle school. And those girls were vicious!
10:02Minions, attack!
10:06Sonic! We got your back!
10:28Still plenty of time to get to the library.
10:30Okay, where's the book?
10:32You mean my book?
10:33The one you were supposed to return that you said was not a problem?
10:37I still have 30 seconds. We're fine!
10:40The Library
10:48Give me that!
10:50But... pictures!
10:53See? And 10 seconds to spare!
10:58We're closed.
11:00No, you're not! There's 7 seconds left!
11:02I closed early. I'm taking my assistant to get some of those chili dogs.
11:06Chili dogs!
11:10Thanks, Egghead!
11:15Told you I'd get it here on time.
