• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:30Dude, what up?
00:32How can you be flying?
00:34Heh, I'm Sonic powered.
00:37Let's go for a big boy ride.
00:43Woo hoo!
00:47This is fun!
00:50And only mildly damaging to my kidneys.
00:53Use your head on this one!
00:59You know, in retrospect, that may have been bad advice.
01:02I don't know where retrospect is, but it was bad advice here too.
01:17Huh, maybe it's a friendly gargantuan rock monster.
01:23Nope, he's playing into the stereotype.
01:30Here I come!
01:32There I go!
01:35Keep him busy, Sonic. I'll give you a hand with his feet with my head.
01:42Yes, Grandma, I will have another ginger snap.
01:56When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
01:59But I already had lemons.
02:02Sonic! Knuckles! What's going on?
02:05A giant rock monster is laying waste to the countryside.
02:08You mean, a Granifier Giganticus is laying waste to the countryside.
02:12Yeah, thanks for clearing that up.
02:18As previously noted, I already had lemons.
02:31Don't worry, it's still covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
02:34But you're the manufacturer.
02:36I knew I shouldn't have given myself a receipt.
02:39Guys, rock monster?
02:44Oh, right. What do you know about that thing, Amy?
02:46Granifier Giganticus is a proud race of mountain dwellers from the time of the ancients.
02:51No one has seen one in hundreds of years.
02:54That's not true. I just saw one.
03:00He's ignoring the you break it, you bought it sign.
03:03He really is a monster.
03:06Egad. There's a pitiless monster spreading destruction and horror across the land.
03:11Sounds like your kind of people.
03:13Oh, I'm a huge fan of his work.
03:15I must make him my minion. He can destroy entire cities.
03:19And clean my rain gutters. They're hard to reach.
03:22Cubot! Orbot! Go capture him!
03:24Why us? There's no way we could catch that behemoth.
03:27Well, not with a negative attitude like that.
03:30Now get moving! Left! Right! Left! Right!
03:33He always says left, right, yet we have no legs. That's hurtful.
03:39So, so horrible.
03:41They were supposed to reupholster my love seat.
03:45Hey, he's doing what my neighbor's Uncle Tannous does when he has the insomnia.
03:49He can never get comfortable, so he's always fluffing his pillow.
03:54Like that!
03:55My neighbor's Uncle Tannous' next move would be to get up and get a drink of water.
04:04Like that!
04:10But my neighbor's Uncle Tannous doesn't yawn ducks.
04:17Hey, he isn't rampaging. You know what he's doing?
04:20Ravaging? Devastating? Marauding? Obliterating? Flinging or scattering to the winds?
04:25Found a thesaurus in a cranberry bog.
04:27He's trying to get comfortable. He can't sleep.
04:29Slumber? Repose? 40 winks?
04:32Ooh! A cranberry!
04:35We gotta help him get back to sleep.
04:44I'm no giant rock monsterologist, but our guy looks overtired.
04:48Nothing brings on sleep like a dulcet melody sung by a sweet songbird.
04:57Not you! Me!
05:00Hush, little gratifier, gigantic ass, don't say a word.
05:04Amy's gonna buy you a mockingbird.
05:11He's made out of rock. What does he know?
05:21That's not a lullaby. That's what happens when I drop bagpipes into a wood chipper.
05:26Yeah, but it's working. He's falling asleep.
05:33That road is the delivery route for all the deli products that come into the village.
05:37If the monster sleeps for a thousand years, how are we gonna get potato salad?
05:42You know what? Giant rock monsters are a pain in the butt.
05:45Sticks, keep singing. Or whatever it is you're doing.
05:57Worst parade ever!
06:12It's working! Sleep, my large, rocky friend, and dream of large, gravelly girl monsters.
06:20Release the bebots!
06:23After you've returned your seat and tray table to the upright position.
06:43Hey, that was a very expensive honeycomb cage.
06:46If you and I are going to subjugate the world for a thousand generations, I need to see a better attitude from you.
06:51Give it up, Eggstain. We're not letting you capture Rocky.
07:00Hey, bebots, follow me!
07:13Might be time to turn on the fasten seatbelt sign and head back to the lair.
07:22Okay, Eggman's gone. Sticks, you can start singing again.
07:28The monster took Sticks.
07:30Then let's go get her.
07:37Wow, that was good camouflage. You gotta teach me to do that.
07:43Not gonna teach me, huh?
07:45Fine! Then I'm not gonna teach you how to use gelatin to keep monkeys from swarming into your fireplace!
07:53I searched all the mountains and canyons. No trace of Sticks.
07:56I scoured the coastline. Bupkis. I searched the jungle. Zilch.
08:00I just finished lunch. Nice, fresh potato salad.
08:04Knuckles, we can't find Sticks. We've searched everywhere.
08:07Not everywhere.
08:11Okay, now we've searched everywhere.
08:15That's my disaster-o-meter!
08:17Disaster-o-meter? What does it do?
08:19What do you think something called a disaster-o-meter does?
08:22Detects and stores the sound signatures of typhoons, earthquakes, and other disasters?
08:26Either that or it makes snow cones.
08:28That's horrible! What could be causing it?
08:41I can't sing forever. I've ruined my voice!
08:44Hey, that's Sticks!
08:46The rock monster still has her. Can that tell us where she is?
08:49Yeah, I can triangulate her location and get a topographic visual representation.
08:53And somebody mentioned something about snow cones.
08:56That peak is a mile high and Tails' plane is out of commission.
09:00We've gotta find another way.
09:02I had to open my yap.
09:05Does this thing come with a barf bag?
09:07There's Sticks!
09:10I can't sing forever!
09:16Concert's over, Rocky. You can buy a T-shirt in the lobby.
09:24New fun fact about Granifier Giganticus.
09:27Their breath smells like dead jellyfish.
09:33Now what are we gonna do with them?
09:35No worries, guys. I got a plan.
09:40Hey, boss! Where's your leafy lady friend?
09:42Stop flapping your hinges.
09:44Since you two botched the capture of the rock monster,
09:46I need the peace and quiet of my meditation garden to calm my nerves.
09:51May I say, sir, it's working like a charm.
09:58He'll want us to put the leaves back on. I'll go get the glue gun.
10:06Hey! Do you mind?
10:08Don't stomp on the topiary!
10:15Okay, I thought, don't stomp on the topiary.
10:18Also implied, don't drop a gazebo on it.
10:21We can't just stand here and watch Eggman's place get trashed.
10:24You're right.
10:28Good news! The disasterometer recorded Sticks' singing,
10:31and I've put it on an endless loop.
10:33That is good news.
10:44Oh, sorry about the flowers, Eggie.
10:49How long must I endure this?
10:52It takes Granifier Giganticus about a year to fall completely asleep.
10:56But we could always turn it off.
10:58No, no. That won't be necessary.
11:00Come on, guys. Saddle up.
11:06Ah, well. Maybe I can make a fountain out of his nose.
11:10Koi pond and his bellybutton.
11:12Cubot! Orbot! Bring me potting soil!
11:16Evil potting soil.
