• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:30Yes, my minions, this may very well be my greatest creation yet!
00:53Yes, yes! Rise, my creation, rise!
01:16All that for cookies?
01:18Evil cookies!
01:19Sweet! I'll go get the evil milk!
01:31Wow, cookies!
01:32Hope this turns out better than the last time someone left baked goods on my doorstep.
01:56It'll just be another minute.
02:06Hey Sonic, you there? I need a little help.
02:09Is it urgent, Tails? I'm sort of in the middle of something.
02:15Um, yeah?
02:17Okay, I'm on my way, buddy.
02:20Come back and eat that cookie, you mutant blue rat!
02:26No, no, no!
02:28Oh, don't mind if I do.
02:42Back! Back, I say!
02:51Aw, I knew Sonic wouldn't forget my birthday.
02:54It's four months late, but it's the thought that counts.
02:57Why would he leave your birthday present on his porch? Where's the logic there?
03:21That's it! The last two cookies are for Sonic and nobody else!
03:26Oh, come on!
03:29Hey! Put that back!
03:50Look at this mess! I just vacuumed!
03:53Get out of here!
03:55So, yeah, a feather duster might be a better way to go.
03:59Oh, hey, I forgot about these.
04:01What the heck? There's only one left!
04:03Yes, eat it! Eat the cookie!
04:08Sonic, wait! Don't eat that cookie!
04:12Well, chocolate chunk is my favorite.
04:15You gotta be kidding me!
04:17Fine, I'll just go in there.
04:20You gotta be kidding me!
04:21Fine, I'll just go inside and make a sandwich or something.
04:26Chocolate chunk.
04:28Ooh, with a hint of cinnamon.
04:30And a touch of...
04:39You'll never get away with this, Eggman!
04:41Sonic will see you coming from a mile away!
04:43Yeah! If we want to trap Sonic, we've got to think like Sonic!
04:58This is even better than I hoped!
05:00Five evil genius masterminds!
05:03Actually, I'm an evil mastermind of average intelligence.
05:06Five evil genius masterminds, give or take.
05:10Working together under my leadership will be unstoppable!
05:14So here's the plan.
05:16We wait at the beach shack for Sonic, and then bombard it with an all-out robo-assault from five different sides!
05:22No, no, no! What we should do is tunnel underneath to bypass his defenses!
05:27We should attack from above by plane!
05:30We have to get rid of his stupid friends first!
05:38I'm yelling words! Calm down!
05:39Even though you're evil geniuses now, for the most part, you lack experience.
05:44Time for a crash course in villainy!
05:49Evil lesson number one, berating your underlings.
05:52Orbot, would you kindly hand out the worksheets?
05:54Gladly, sir.
05:58Not that worksheet, you dunderhead!
06:01See? It's that easy!
06:07Lesson number four, surveillance.
06:10There's nothing more evil than recording your subjects without their knowledge.
06:18Get me a monkey wrench, I'll fix that.
06:20Another security camera?
06:24Lesson number seven, mustache care and maintenance.
06:29Fifty strokes every morning, but don't overdo it!
06:32Or what?
06:34Don't ask.
06:36Lesson number twelve, lesson numbering.
06:39Evil lessons should be numbered as follows.
06:41One, four, seven, twelve, sixteen.
06:44Lesson number sixteen, target practice.
06:50We must procure assistance.
06:52We don't have time for that! Let's just get help!
06:58And now, back to Pawn Shop Wars, Gogoba edition.
07:02Can I afford to give you two hundred for this? No.
07:05But you seem like a nice fellow.
07:07And I suppose my children could go hungry for a couple nights.
07:18So far, so good.
07:20Now, the written exam.
07:22The topic is, how to capture Sonic.
07:25You may begin.
07:32Pencils down, eggheads.
07:34Clones, change of plans.
07:36Your written exam is now a practical.
07:44Not me, Sonic!
07:46Oh, right.
07:48I hope that doesn't affect my grade.
07:50Enough of this! I'm taking charge!
07:55Amy, what are you doing?
07:57You guys are my friends!
07:59Your evil friends?
08:02Stop sucking up.
08:08You guys, you gotta snap out of it!
08:10This isn't you! It's the cookies!
08:18Wonderful work, everyone!
08:20Finally, after all my years of trying, I've captured Sonic the Hedgehog!
08:25What do you mean, you captured Sonic?
08:28This is clearly a result of my leadership.
08:30You were losing until I deployed the robots.
08:33With all of you arguing, I can't hear the voices in my head!
08:36I'm an evil mastermind of average intelligence!
08:48This didn't work out like you planned, huh, Egg Face?
08:50Why won't those other me's listen to me?
08:52I only want what's best for me!
08:58I think I know how to fix this.
08:59Do you? Boy, that would be great!
09:01I've got so much going on, my plate is full, you know, I've got...
09:04Look at this, the calendar is just a book!
09:25So, yeah, if you could help me out with that, that would be...
09:34Let's crack these eggheads!
09:44I could get used to this!
09:58Hold him off, Eggman! I'll be right back!
10:05Ew, gross!
10:21Let's get baking!
10:49I feel like myself again!
10:51I'm also back to feeling like myself again.
10:54Knock on wood.
10:58Who is it?
10:59Yeah, and the best part is, now we're all on the same team.
11:02We'll fight side by side, together, one for all and all for...
11:09Okay, fun's over. I gotta get back to work.
11:12Evil doesn't brilliantly plan and execute itself, you know.
