• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:25Tails, we're heading to Meb Burger. Want to come along?
00:27I'm installing an awesome speaker system in my baby. Check it out!
00:38You spend way too much time with that plane.
00:41It's like he loves it. Do you love your plane, Tails? Do you love it?
00:48I do.
00:49Oh, that took the wind right out of my sails.
00:51Well, if you guys will excuse me, it's time for her propeller-to-tail fuselage massage.
00:57Okay, now that's just nuts. We're getting you out of here.
01:02Thanks for talking me into coming along. It was good for me to get away from the workshop.
01:08So I could buy more stuff for my plane!
01:10Free samples! Get your free samples here! Step right up and try the zestiest, lip-smackingest flavor extravaganza ever to hit your taste buds! Eggman's Tomato Sauce! Made with real tomatoes!
01:27Uh-oh, this isn't good.
01:33You'll thank me later. I know you're up to something, egghead. I just don't know what it is yet.
01:38You're trying to poison these villagers!
01:42Poison? There's no poison here. Just my patented blend of herbs and spices. Here, I'll try some myself.
01:54See? Harmless and delicious. You try.
01:59Uh, yeah, I think I'll pass.
02:00Well, looks like I finally found Sonic the Hedgehog's weakness. He's scared of tomato sauce!
02:15Oh no, my worst fears have come true.
02:18What's wrong?
02:20It's delicious! It's like my taste buds are swimming in a sea of mouth-watering, tomatoey goodness!
02:28Ooh, zesty. The spices are all organic and layer-grown.
02:33I better buy a few cans and run some tests, just to be safe.
02:41It's been hours since I ate the sauce and I'm feeling totally fine. You find anything on your end?
02:46I've tested for acidity, radioactivity, arsenic, old lace, and mind-control serum. It comes up clean every time.
02:54What about brain-itis? Did you check for that?
02:57Last time, Knuckles. There's no such thing as brain-itis.
03:01Then how do you explain?
03:04I hate to say it, but, um, maybe Eggman really has changed?
03:17Hey! Hey, mister! You're my hero! Can I get an autograph?
03:22Sure, kid. Anything for...
03:24Sure, kid! Anything for a fan!
03:28When I grow up, I want to be just like you!
03:31Whoa-ho! Don't set the bar too high. Not everybody is cut out for the big time.
03:36Just look at that Sonic the Hedgehog guy. Whatever happened to him? Is he still a thing?
03:42Hey, Tails. Get this.
03:44Oh, come on. Seriously? Nothing's going right today.
03:48What's going on? I need Tails to fix my communicator.
03:52Hey, get in line, dude. First he's got to fix my headphones.
03:56And my ancient artifact analyzer.
03:58And my magic light tube.
04:00Sorry, guys. I'm having problems of my own. My plane's been acting funny lately. I've been working on her all night.
04:07Maybe you just need a break. Let's eat lunch, and then you can get back to the repairs.
04:12Can we go to Medburger instead?
04:14I'm sick of that stuff.
04:30How do they do it?
04:32The secret ingredient is mayonnaise.
04:35What the...
04:37Welcome back to a very special edition of the Comedy Club.
04:41Welcome back to a very special edition of the Comedy Chimp Show.
04:45Live from Dr. Eggman's evil lair.
04:48Thanks for having me, C.C.
04:50Oh, you've got to be kidding.
04:52So, Dr. Eggman, you're a successful...
04:55...super villain.
04:57Why the switch to Celebrity Chef?
04:59Well, Comedy Chimp, honestly, I just needed a change.
05:03Besting Sonic week in and week out had become tedious.
05:07It was time for a real challenge.
05:09Okay, that's enough.
05:11And what's the deal with his haircut?
05:14I feel like I'm getting attacked by a blue pineapple.
05:19You know, because your head has those pointy things on it.
05:22Now I'm told you have a very special announcement for our viewers at home.
05:26That's right, C.C. You see, in just a few short weeks,
05:29I've gotten cans of Eggman's tomato sauce into every home and business in town.
05:34But Sonic and his friends assumed I poisoned the tomato sauce.
05:38Can you believe that?
05:40That's just bananas.
05:42I know, right? My sauce was never tainted.
05:45It was the cans they should have been looking out for.
05:48That's great. Wait, what?
05:50While you people had your backs turned,
05:52my cans have taken control of all your electrical devices.
06:09Watch it!
06:11A goose like a dog hit peach.
06:33They all laughed when I said our appliances would turn against us.
06:36But who's laughing now?
06:41Why would I be laughing? This isn't funny.
06:43You've got a sick sense of humor.
06:45Let's do this.
07:06Take this, you robo-trash!
07:19No, it can't be.
07:33Tails, we've got to destroy that plane.
07:34No, we can't. Let me talk to her. I know I can reach her.
07:41Plane, it's me, Tails.
07:44Remember all the good times we've had together?
08:04You guys go on and stop Eggman without me.
08:07I'm going to stay back and save my plane.
08:11Good luck.
08:14So the doctor tells me it wasn't an infection at all.
08:17I just had an erasin.
08:19Good one.
08:21If you get me out of here, I'll set you up with a nice box of ricottoni.
08:30This is a closed set, you know.
08:32Really sorry about the lack of professionalism around here.
08:35Show's over, egg-face.
08:37So you think the show's over, huh?
08:40Well, I beg to differ.
08:48Oh, now I get it.
08:53I'm right here. Why don't you come and get me?
09:21Could you please not do that?
09:23You should try it. Layer-grown spices really make a difference.
09:33Not bad for a blue pineapple.
09:39What are you doing? Pull up! Pull up!
09:42Got it!
09:48Woo-hoo! We did it!
09:51Great to have you back, old friend.
09:54Now, let's go cancel Eggman's show.
10:03Knuckles, give me a boost!
10:23Ah, for the love of...
10:27Face it, you blue-haired blockhead.
10:29I've got this thing in the bag.
10:32Victory for Eggman!
10:35Did somebody call for backup?
10:42Hey, give that back!
11:03You may have won this round, but no matter.
11:06I've got a warehouse full of thousands more of these evil robotic cans of sauce!
11:16Hmm. Probably shouldn't have said all that on TV.
