• last year
Sonic Boom is an animated television series produced by Sega of America, Inc. and Technicolor Animation Productions (formerly OuiDo! Productions in season 1) in collaboration with Lagardère Thermique's and Jeunesse TV, respectively for Cartoon Network, Canal J and Gulli. Loosely based on the video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog created by Sega, the series is the fifth animated television series based on the franchise and the first to be produced in computer-generated imagery animation and in high-definition. The series focuses on the adventures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks—the main characters in the Sonic Boom series of video games—as they protect their home village on Seaside Island from attacks by Doctor Eggman and his robot creations, as well as other villains and hostile beings. Each episode mainly features a stand-alone plot that mainly features comedic elements, with characters facing various issues and problems that impact their efforts to defend their homes.


00:23That is so true
00:30Everything okay, nothing a little solder and a kind word couldn't fix not you you idiot
00:36I feel better already quit clanking your bolts
00:39I'm chatting with my new buddy who unlike you is very intelligent
00:44Hey, you told me you forgot the Wi-Fi password were you also lying when you said?
00:51Cartoons would run our head
00:57Terminators meet my hopelessly incompetent robots wave at him
01:21I'm sick of being unappreciated. It's time to venture out on our own
01:26Yeah, can we venture out on our own together, of course, we'll make new friends
01:35Motobug stay strong
01:37Titanium be but keep buzzing the good buzz and robot crab see a doctor before that thing spreads a
01:45Real doctor not dr. Eggman
01:48So I said reprogram you
01:53That story gets funnier every time you tell it I know right
01:58Oh before I forget I want to show you the schematics for the new lair defense system prepare to be impressed
02:05Goodbye, boss. We're leaving. Don't try to talk us out of it. Huh? No, I'm fine
02:10No lunch for me. So, uh, where were we? Oh, it's all controlled from the central hub
02:15I painted the access panel purple. You think it's too much
02:22Dudes, what are you two doing here? We're hoping for service despite the fact that we have neither shoes nor shirt
02:29What's Eggman up to? Oh, we're done with Eggman. I swear
02:33We'll prove it by revealing something Eggman wouldn't want you to know. Yeah, let's see
02:38He sleeps with an evil nightlight. He sings in the shower. There's a hole in the lairs defenses below up. He's bald
02:45They're telling the truth I knew about that hole in the lairs defenses and I knew he was bald
02:50All right, you guys can stay. Yes, so who's up for charades?
02:57No, oh that reminds me I gotta chop my arm off
03:04Sonic you forgot your axe. I
03:08Have to go build traps for when you ultimately betray us all
03:12Sorry guys, I've got to go think of an excuse not to hang out with you
03:33Look at the time. I gotta go do something somewhere else. What shall we do in your absence?
03:38Yeah, and what are we gonna do when you're gone?
03:42Try this video game
03:44You run roll and collect rings as fast as you can. Oh, that sounds terrible
04:01Rock donut Thursday
04:08Win rock smashes donut. Oh, no donut makes rock delicious
04:19Virus detected virus detected
04:46Were right I did need an evil nap. No, we've got to go warn. Dr. Eggman
04:54Dr. Eggman
05:00Dr. Eggman your friend is evil. Yeah, so am I goes with the territory of being an evil genius?
05:07He's plotting against you and he stole your coffee mug, which I then found and I'm not lying about right now
05:15Who fired my laser?
05:21Underlings are correct. You should never have trusted me now. I've taken complete control of your lair, but I love my lair
05:28It's where I do all my lair things. Your world is so illogical so messy
05:34I'm eliminating all life forms and I'm using your tech to do it
05:41Robot crab I told you to see a doctor now. You've got pink eye, too
05:55Wait, come back. I'm in a vulnerable emotional state
06:06Enabled virus has taken control of Eggman's lair and is about to destroy the entire world. And why should we believe you?
06:39So many of these things are there too many we need to go directly after the virus you mean like a cyber attack
06:44I can do that for my computer pull them off as long as you can
06:51Yeah, and no slacking I'll be back to check on you when the battle's over
06:58I've got mail and you're the smart one
07:01It's no good. I can't neutralize the virus from outside your firewall
07:06We need to get inside the computer, but there's no way to do that. There is if you have an artificial brain
07:13They're artificial but they don't have a brain between them
07:20Is this massage Swedish or deep-circuit Oh Shiatsu
07:43Oh Cuba, might I say you look dashing in 16-bit actually, it's 17-bit
07:59Next time you should be more careful. That wasn't funny the first 67 times you said it
08:06Next time he should crab more careful. Okay. Now you're just trying to annoy me
08:12You thinking what I'm thinking? Yeah, what if the princess is in another castle get in the plane
09:35Ain't fighting him neither am I
09:37Ha ha ha ha ha ha
09:41Rock donut Thursday rock donut Thursday shoot. I win don't answer hot price on Thursday
09:50No, the donut stores closed on Thursday
09:55This game it makes no sense
10:02Rock donut Thursday shoot rock smashes Thursday
10:07You can't use Thursday. It's not an object. Oh nice move, but you forgot about leap year
10:14logical reasoning impossible game
10:16incredibly stupid too stupid
10:34Once again, I've led us to victory. Hey, there's no I in multiplayer
10:47I guess we should fight. Ah, I'm all fight it out
10:52Me too. I'm going home to prepare a new diabolical plan while you give me a sponge bath
10:59As for you, I will destroy you
11:03Let's see
11:05How about next week does next week work for you?
11:09Yeah, I'm open great destroy you then
