• 6 hours ago
Sed De Venganza Capitulo 10 en Español


06:40No voy a cambiar de opinión.
06:41Tengo que estar cerca de esa gente.
06:43A ver.
06:44¿Sabes qué?
06:45La tal Fernanda recibió una llamada de tu abuela
06:46antes de morir.
06:48Okay, te entiendo.
06:49Pero eso no quiere decir
06:50que se ha metido a su casa a matarla.
06:51Pero claro que fue ella.
06:53A ver, ¿con lo que no me contó?
06:54¿Estás hablando de Ana?
06:56Ana es una...
06:57es una logadita.
06:58Y ha estado medicada por años.
07:00Dime, ¿qué peso va a tener
07:01la palabra de una persona así?
07:03Bueno, alguien mató a mi abuela.
07:04Y todo checa, Marcelo, todo.
07:05Fue Fernanda.
07:06¿Quién más?
08:08Entonces, seguro es eso
08:09lo que quiere hablar mi papá conmigo.
08:11Porque si Alfredo te dijo
08:12que ya mi papá sabe lo de la arena,
08:14seguro está pensando que yo fui la que dije
08:16toda la información.
08:17Mi amor, mi amor.
08:18No te mencionaron.
08:20A ver, ¿cómo sabes?
08:21Porque mi papá me lo hubiera dicho.
08:23Se oía furioso, Gabriel.
08:24Me dijo que teníamos que hablar
08:26de asuntos familiares muy serios
08:28y que debía decidir el rumbo
08:30que mi vida debía tomar.
08:38No creo, no creo
08:39que el banco nos dé otro préstamo.
08:41No veo por qué no, señor.
08:43La empresa siempre ha cumplido
08:44con todas sus obligaciones.
08:45No puedo creer, no puedo creer
08:46que estemos prácticamente sin liquidez.
08:49Lo que se compró de la arena
08:50fue considerable, señor.
08:51Todos los negocios que se han hecho
08:53en los últimos años
08:55han sido fracaso tras fracaso.
08:57Y no entiendo por qué.
08:59Las cosas siempre parecen ir bien
09:00y de repente, pof, se empiezan a perder.
09:03Hemos tenido mala suerte.
09:04No, no me digas esa estupidez.
09:06Yo no creo en eso.
09:08Se han tomado malas decisiones
09:10porque estoy rodeado de ineptos.
09:14Es que no puedo creer
09:15lo que me estás diciendo, Elisa.
09:18Yo sé, pero es la verdad.
09:21Entre más tiempo te tardes en reconocer...
09:23Nunca hubo nada entre Sebastián y yo.
09:26Porque tú nunca lo pelaste.
09:28Pero Sebastián estaba enamoradísimo de ti.
09:32Y por eso Alonso empezó a tirarte la onda.
09:37¿Sólo para fatidiar a Sebastián?
09:41Y me duele decirlo
09:42porque es mi hermano y lo quiero.
09:44Pero Alonso es enfermizo
09:45y también es enfermiza
09:46la relación que tienes con él.
09:51Si tú no quieres que nos asociemos
09:52con los del Pino, yo respeto tu decisión.
09:55Y entiendo perfectamente
09:56por qué nada de eso te incumbe.
09:57¿Qué te incumbe?
09:59Estoy aquí por ti, te estoy cuidando,
10:00tú eres mi hermano, mi mejor amigo,
10:02te estoy protegiendo.
10:03Te lo agradezco mucho,
10:05pero no voy a cambiar tu opinión.
10:07Ten presente que va a ser muy difícil
10:08conseguir pruebas en contra de esa mujer.
10:10La palabra de una drogadicta
10:12no tiene pesos ni fundamentos.
10:14Sí, pero las pruebas son lo de menos, Marcelo.
10:17Lo que yo quiero es vengarme,
10:19vengarme de todo lo que nos hizo.
10:21Y como lo sé, lo voy a encontrar la manera,
10:24la voy a encontrar.
10:28A ver, lo que pasó fue que tu papá
10:31le dijo al mío, esto es la guerra.
10:34Pero no es que sepa
10:35que tú me dijiste lo de la arena.
10:37Seguramente lo que quiere es
10:38que tú tomes partido, nada más.
10:40Sí, como comprenderás,
10:42yo voy a estar de su lado.
10:44Ni se te ocurra, tú eres mi esposa.
10:47Gabriel, ellos son mi familia para siempre.
10:50Te guste o no.
10:52Si tú y yo nos divorciáramos,
10:53simplemente seríamos dos extraños.
10:57A ver, señor.
10:58Mi amor, mi amor, mi amor.
11:00Eso es lo último que yo quisiera en esta vida.
11:03Pues yo no estoy tan segura
11:04de querer seguir siendo tu esposo.
11:07Muchas veces me he visto obligado
11:09a usar sumas considerables de mi fortuna personal
11:13para sacar adelante la empresa.
11:15¿Y sabes qué?
11:16No lo pienso volver a hacer.
11:18Por eso mismo, señor.
11:20¿Por qué no vamos al banco
11:21para que nos den el préstamo?
11:22Mañana mismo me vas a rendir
11:24un reporte completo de los gastos.
11:27Es lo que tendrías que haber hecho
11:28desde un principio.
11:30Ya lo hice, señor.
11:31Con su esposa.
11:32Y creí que...
11:33No, no creas nada.
11:36De ahora en adelante voy a ser yo personalmente
11:38que se encargue de todo.
11:40Ya me cansó esta situación.
11:56Le rogué.
11:57Le supliqué que no la diera en adopción.
12:00Le supliqué.
12:01Le dije,
12:02ella tiene derecho a verla.
12:05Pero la niña le estorbaba.
12:11Tenía 14 años
12:13cuando ella nació.
12:16Yo desde entonces
12:17me la he pasado llorando su muerte.
12:20¿cómo hubiera sido mi vida
12:21si la hubiera tenido conmigo?
12:22¿Y ahora me estás diciendo que está viva?
12:24¿Está viva?
12:35Oye, qué mala onda
12:36que no haya podido venir Fermín
12:37a cenar con nosotros.
12:41llega tarde una vez más
12:42y Erika le pide el divorcio.
12:44Yo no lo puedo creer.
12:47¿Y tú no puedes confiar en ella?
12:49Porque si supiera que eres tú,
12:51la canción sería diferente.
12:53pero ¿para qué me arriesgo?
12:55Ella trabaja con su hermana
12:56en la casa de los del Pino.
12:58Si le cuento el chisme
12:59y luego dicen algún comentario
13:00y las escuchan,
13:02no estoy para el mínimo paso en falso.
13:07Me sigue preocupando
13:08lo que vas a hacer para rescatar a Ana.
13:10Imagínate que...
13:12estés de mala suerte
13:13y que llegue la policía.
13:14Bueno, pues esperemos que no.
13:16Es que no la puedo dejar ahí
13:17de ninguna manera.
13:19Ya ha sufrido suficiente,
13:20la pobre.
13:41Mi amor,
13:43tú eres lo más importante de mi vida.
13:46¿Por qué te cuesta entenderlo?
13:51Porque tú eres el que se empeña
13:53en no demostrarlo a nadie.
13:55Si es así, te pido perdón.
13:58Tienes toda la razón.
14:00A veces estoy un poco tenso
14:02por los problemas de la oficina,
14:04de la constructora,
14:06y me siento un poco...
14:08perdido, nada más.
14:11Si vas a dejar que el trabajo
14:12interfiera entre nosotros...
14:14Nunca, nunca más
14:16voy a permitir que eso pase.
14:18Yo te amo.
14:20Tú eres lo más importante de mi vida.
14:23Te lo juro.
14:27¿Qué ocurre?
14:41No, no, no, no.
15:18Eugenio nunca más va a ser un problema.
15:21Dios mío, lo dices así,
15:23con esa sangre fría.
15:25What are you going to do with that investigation?
15:28I didn't leave the state of Florida.
15:31I was in a spa in Palm Beach and I made sure the records were there.
15:36I traveled to Dallas for a false identification.
15:39Besides, you know Eugenio. He had a lot of enemies.
15:43The businesses he ran were always dirty.
15:46I don't even have to tell you.
15:48Imagine how many people wanted to kill him.
15:52You don't know anything, Micho.
15:55Eat. You're not hungry.
16:02Hey, you made me very smiling.
16:04It shows that I am very happy.
16:06What is the reason? I mean, if you can know that.
16:09No, that the problems that Brenda and I have had lately, last night were resolved.
16:14And besides, we had a night of...
16:17Passion and romance.
16:20That's it. Very good.
16:22It's good that your little cone finally woke up.
16:26Well, even if it wakes up, it will help you a lot.
16:30Look, women love men with great qualities.
16:36They don't settle for miseries.
16:42You don't have to tell me, Fermin.
16:44I know you would never give the cones to Erika.
16:47In fact, you wouldn't do it even if you wanted to.
16:50You would panic if she found out.
16:53You're so funny, Claudia.
16:55Are you still not forgiving yourself?
16:57Of course not. As if you didn't know her.
16:59She won't let me enter the room, not even to change.
17:01It can't be. This sucks.
17:07You agreed to buy that sand.
17:09I don't understand why you complain now.
17:11The problem is not having bought the sand, Lisa.
17:15We can't keep working on that.
17:17The problem is not having liquidity.
17:21In a few months, we won't be able to meet our commitments.
17:25The last building had an incredible pre-sale.
17:29And then, for no reason at all, sales plummeted.
17:33See what I'm saying? Everything seems fine.
17:36In the end, something happens that makes it worse.
17:39And you know what happens?
17:41You've given Fernanda too much power of decision.
17:44She influences Gabriel, Alonso, you, Dad.
17:48Tell me, what does Fernanda know about business?
17:51She went from your personal assistant to the head of a construction company.
17:55Does that make sense to you?
17:58Eugenio's money will be mine.
18:00He told me many times that...
18:02If something happens to me one day and I die,
18:04you'll be completely protected.
18:07You are my universal heir.
18:10But don't forget that he was murdered.
18:15And if you are his heir, they will suspect you, of course.
18:18Of course not, Mirna.
18:20They can't prove anything to me.
18:22He had a romantic night.
18:24He lit candles all over the apartment.
18:26And oops!
18:27There was a regrettable accident and the place caught fire.
18:30Sometimes, in autopsies, things happen...
18:33You watch too many movies, Mirna.
18:35What can you find in a body so disgusting?
18:43And what are you going to do with Eugenio's fortune?
18:47I'll get out of the map.
18:49I'll forget about El Pino, I'll leave Florida
18:52and I'll spend 24 hours looking for my daughter.
19:05You know I don't judge you at all, Fernando.
19:09Eugenio hurt you so much.
19:12He took you to the limit.
19:16Besides, after coming back from that miserable life
19:20you had with your parents,
19:23look at you.
19:24You fell for the worst.
19:27But this is over.
19:29He erased and he has a new account, Mirna.
19:36And that's how it should be.
19:38Do you know why?
19:39Because El Pino's people have never told you anything.
19:43You're there executing a revenge
19:46that you should never have been a part of.
19:49You never had to be involved.
19:52Do you know what I have to do?
19:56I have to call Eugenio's lawyer
19:59to tell me about his testimony.
20:02With the money, I'll get as far away from you as possible.
20:06I'll get away from Alfredo and his horrible family.
20:09And then, Mirna,
20:12I'll be able to feel free.
20:16Okay, Fernanda?
20:18Let's be free.
20:23You know what I'm telling you is the truth.
20:25The day Brenda proves what a real man is,
20:29she's going to send you to hell.
20:33And what makes you think I'm not well-educated?
20:40We grew up together, brother.
20:42I've seen you so many times.
20:46Or rather, I've tried to guess.
20:48Because at first glance, you don't look like anything.
20:51You look like an eunuch.
20:54Shut up, you idiot.
20:56We're in trust.
20:57Yes, yes.
20:58No problem.
20:59Cover yourself.
21:01I can't, Gabo.
21:03It really hurts.
21:10Today, your sister was having breakfast before going to her classes.
21:14And most of the time, do you know what he did?
21:16Ignore me.
21:17As if I didn't exist.
21:18Can you believe it?
21:19Brother-in-law, he's going to get angry.
21:23All he said was...
21:24Those mysteries you bring to me, they lie to me.
21:27What mysteries, Erika?
21:28I just had a few drinks with some friends.
21:30Nothing more.
21:31It's not for you to get like that.
21:33And why did you ask Claudia for Fernanda's phone number?
21:36Well, what for?
21:37To have it or for anything she offers.
21:40Oh yeah?
21:42And here's your tarot, look.
21:44Claudia, I asked you not to say anything about that.
21:47What's wrong with you that Erika knows?
21:49Have you been working here all your life?
21:51Why did you want to know Fernanda's phone number right now?
21:55Let's see, let's see, let's see.
21:56No way Erika thinks I'm with Fernanda, right?
21:59That's good, that's good.
22:01No manches.
22:03Who's going to believe something like that?
22:05Fernanda wouldn't notice you.
22:07Not even if you were the last man on the planet.
22:10Ha ha ha.
22:11That's good, huh?
22:13Ha ha ha.
22:15What did you want me to do?
22:17To be left alone after your mother's death?
22:19Hypocrisy bothers Me, Dad.
22:22What a coincidence that shortly after my mother died,
22:25you and Fernanda were already together.
22:26Well, love is like that, daughter.
22:28It happens when it has to happen.
22:31And it has been a blessing for me and for all of you.
22:35Look, I'm not going to keep arguing about the same thing again.
22:38I only tell you one thing, Dad.
22:41There is no worse blind man than the one who does not want to see.
22:46You arrived early, my love.
22:48Of course, my love.
22:51I did not see the time to arrive, I missed you so much.
22:54Me too.
22:55Elisa, I had such a good time at the spa.
22:59Next time, will you come with me?
23:02I doubt it.
23:04But beauty treatments are not mine.
23:09Alonso is getting more and more unbearable every day.
23:12If he continues like this, we will have serious problems
23:14because he will not treat me like he treated Sebastian.
23:16Not even more was missing.
23:25The next day
23:36We have arrived.
23:37The cameras inside and outside the clinic are already set up.
23:40The men are ready to enter.
23:50And where is Ana del Pino?
23:52Over there, in the back of the hall.
23:58In the back, in the back.
24:07Shut up.
24:09Hey, on the floor, on the floor.
24:12Where? Where? Tell me.
24:15Ana del Pino, Ana del Pino.
24:20Get out.
24:21Get out of here.
24:28Ana del Pino.
24:34Ana del Pino.
25:11Una Una Ana, Trenchilla, Ana, Ana, Mira Me, Soy Francisco, Si, Soy Francisco, Mirame, Mira Me, Mira Me, Mira Me, Si Soy Yo, Soy Yo, Si, Si
25:25Y Se Viene A Rescatarte, Si, Ya Nunca Mas, Nadie Te Va A Hacer Daño
25:41When I married Gabriel, we agreed that we wouldn't mix
25:44my personal life with your business.
25:47What the Del Pino's just did to us
25:50is a complete declaration of war, Brenda.
25:53No, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
25:56What am I going to know about the sand smuggling and those things?
25:58They've stabbed us in the back,
26:01taking away our main provider of sand.
26:04You don't.
26:05You have no idea
26:08how many problems we're in because of him.
26:12Dad, but...
26:13Dad, nothing.
26:14We're your family, Brenda Ferrero.
26:17Gabriel made mistakes that cost the company a lot of money.
26:20I told him he was making the wrong decisions,
26:23but you know how he is.
26:25He's very stubborn.
26:26I'm not going to put money in my personal accounts.
26:30We have no choice but to ask the bank for a new credit.
26:33Yes, yes, pay interest.
26:34Alfredo, we need money.
26:37And not just money to pay the bills and keep buying.
26:41Today, do you remember?
26:43Today we have a meeting with the people of Monterrey,
26:45the owners of the old buildings we wanted to buy.
26:49Dad, if you want me to break up with Gabriel,
26:52I'm not willing to do it again.
26:54No, no, no.
26:56It's not that.
26:57It's the opposite.
26:59I want you to continue with him.
27:02But I'm just going to ask you.
27:03I need you to find out everything that's going on
27:08inside that company.
27:11Now you want me to spy on them for you?
27:14Brenda, please.
27:16I know you like the back of my hand.
27:19And I know that sooner or later
27:21you'll get tired of him.
27:24You'll leave him.
27:25And then what will you have left?
27:30The only real thing is us.
27:33The family and the construction company.
27:36I repeat, we have no money to buy anything.
27:40My love, it could be a very lucrative business.
27:43The area where those properties are located is highly priced.
27:55How strange.
27:56I already sent the psychiatric clinic.
28:06How is this possible?
28:08Oh, no, no, no.
28:10Yes, of course.
28:11The police will contact us.
28:13My God.
28:15I can't believe these things are happening.
28:19What's going on? What happened?
28:23Some men got into the clinic and kidnapped Brenda.
28:37I don't understand.
28:38Ana has been there for 10 years.
28:40I don't understand why they're going to kidnap her right now.
28:43And what am I going to know?
28:45Manuela, the police should be in contact with you soon, right?
28:49They're probably going to want to intervene
28:51when the kidnappers call you.
28:53Now, on top of all the problems we have,
28:57I'm going to have to release who knows how much money to rescue Ana.
29:00That would be a big disaster.
29:03Especially because the poor thing is in a state of emergency.
29:07My love, my love.
29:09She's your daughter.
29:10You can't abandon her.
29:17Ana, this is Ignacio Montaño.
29:19He's the person who helped me plan your rescue.
29:21Nice to meet you, miss.
29:25Ana, Ignacio is going to take you to a clinic in Del Rey Beach
29:28where they're going to give you the attention you need, okay?
29:33Are you coming with us?
29:36Ana, I can't go with you right now,
29:38but I promise I'll be there with you tomorrow, okay?
29:40And I'll call you on the day of everything I'm planning.
29:43I can't go alone.
29:44Ana, Ana, Ana, listen to me, listen to me.
29:46You have to trust Ignacio, okay?
29:48He's going to take you to the clinic
29:50where they're going to give you specialized attention
29:52to get you back to 100.
29:54I can't go alone, my love.
29:55You're going to be okay. Listen to me, listen to me.
29:57Trust him.
29:58You're going to go through his sister.
30:00You're going to call yourself Sandra Montaño, okay?
30:03Sandra Montaño.
30:04Under no circumstances can anyone know who you really are
30:07because the police are definitely looking for you.
30:19Those things don't happen.
30:21Oh, please.
30:22It's ridiculous.
30:23No, sometimes they have been seen.
30:25Dad, if they ask you for money, you send them to hell.
30:29Ana, it's like she's dead.
30:32And for a dead person, you don't get paid.
30:34Honestly, this is something I would never have expected.
30:38You have to be practical, Dad.
30:40You don't care about anyone other than you, Alonso.
30:44So what do we do?
30:46Do we cancel the appointment with the Monterrey family?
30:48No, no.
30:50I don't know how long they'll stay here in Miami
30:52and we can't miss this opportunity.
30:54Let's see, let's see, let's all go to the office.
30:57And I'm not saying this for the Mexicans.
30:59I hope it's clear to you that we can't buy anything.
31:07We're going to keep working as if nothing had happened.
31:10And don't tell Elisa until I talk to her.
31:17Yes, Patricia, tell me.
31:20Good, good.
31:21Tell them I'm on my way.
31:22Tell them to wait for me in my office.
31:26The police are waiting for me at the office.
31:38You finished college a few months ago, Sebastián.
31:41It's only natural that you return to your home,
31:43that you live in Miami again.
31:45No, I don't like living there.
31:47It's my sister Elisa's time.
31:49The truth is, I don't miss anyone.
31:51Well, I'll only accompany you to the wedding
31:53and I'll be right back.
31:55We'll be back, Moni.
31:58My life is already made here, by your side.
32:02Miami, I don't know, it's not a place for me.
32:19We're here.
32:21This is the clinic where you're going to stay.
32:23It's very nice.
32:24I'm sure you'll have a great time here.
32:29I think I'm comfortable.
32:33What they did to you was very unfair.
32:39They're going to pay.
32:47I love you.
33:17I love you too.
33:25Well, let's go.
33:28The moment was waiting for you.
33:37Alonso, what's going on?
33:39Everyone came with faces.
33:41My dad will explain it to you.
33:43No, don't be mysterious with me.
33:45I'm not mysterious, baby.
33:47It's just like always.
33:49You know, I'm very obedient.
33:51Or, let's see, only if it's an order, okay?
33:54Talk to my dad.
34:04Are you nervous?
34:05What do you think?
34:06Well, me too, but let's leave it at that, okay?
34:10Now, if you want, we cancel this, we go and that's it.
34:13Don't start with that, you make me more nervous.
34:17I'll call you later.
34:34That's Alonso del Pico, he didn't recognize me.
34:36No, no, no, no, no one is going to recognize you, okay?
34:39Let's go.
34:43Let's go.
34:51Do you feel bad?
34:53Since you arrived, you've been making a bad face.
34:57No, baby, I'm fine.
34:59Well, at least physically.
35:01Because inside I'm not hot or the sun.
35:05Let me guess.
35:08You broke up with Elisa's brother again, right?
35:12You can't end something that never really started.
35:21The house is very big.
35:22You can stay there without a problem.
35:24Surely it is not better that I go to a cheap motel and ...
35:27In Miami?
35:28No, there is nothing cheap there.
35:31Look, in the courtyard in front there is a guest house.
35:34You can stay there without a problem and you would have total privacy.
35:39This is where my stepmother lived when she was my father's personal assistant.
35:43From everything you have told me about her, I already have her crossed in my liver.
35:47She must be insufferable.
35:49The bad thing is that she is not.
35:52She is kind, charming.
35:55A whole box of coins.
35:58So why do you like her so much?
36:01Neither Elisa nor I swallowed her.
36:03We believe that she was messing with my father before my mother died.
36:08And why is she a hypocrite sending power?
36:11Obviously she is with my father for his money.
36:16No, no one has communicated.
36:19And this situation seems incomprehensible to us.
36:22My daughter has been hospitalized there for just over ten years.
36:28I believe that someone who works in the clinic must have done this.
36:35What? Already?
36:36Sorry, I have to go to a meeting that I can't miss.
36:44Do you have any other information that may be useful to us?
36:48No matter how hard it is to accept it, Elisa is right.
36:52Alonso has never taken me seriously.
36:54He only uses me and dispels his desire.
36:58Forgive me for telling you, but he does that because you allow it.
37:08But when you are in love, there are certain things that become inevitable.
37:14No, no, no, princess.
37:16When a relationship becomes damaged and hurts you,
37:21instead of giving you happiness,
37:24all you have to do is cut through the arms.
37:28Because if not, it damages, if not, it destroys us.
37:36I love you.
37:54I don't know Mr. Emilio very well, but I know he is an excellent person.
38:03Yes, the one who hired me to help you.
38:06He loves you very much.
38:09He wanted at all costs to find a way to get you out of that clinic.
38:18Don't worry.
38:20You are very young and very soon you will be able to recover the lost time.
38:37I was the one who contacted you a few days ago in Monterrey.
38:40Gabriel Del Pino.
38:42Nice to meet you, Mr. Del Pino.
38:43A pleasure, Marcelo Echeverri.
38:45My partner, childhood friend, partner in my company, Emilio Montenegro.
38:49A pleasure.
38:51The others are coming.
38:56No, no, I...
38:58No, I never had a tormenting love.
39:03In fact, I could tell you that my amateur experience is almost null.
39:11What I'm telling you is based on the experiences of other friends, other women.
39:19You never had boyfriends, you never got married?
39:26When I was in my twenties, I started working and taking care of my parents.
39:31And look, when I realized, too late, the train had already passed.
39:37Well, they say it's never too late to meet someone to share life with.
39:42Well, but that's not what matters most to me now.
39:47Besides, we're not talking about me, we're talking about you.
39:53Look at yourself, princess.
39:57You are a woman.
40:00You are a beautiful, intelligent, rich, good human being girl.
40:07I am convinced that out there there must be hundreds of handsome, beautiful young men
40:14who would give everything to be with you.
40:19Ah, yes, I see.
40:21That boy has self-esteem on the floor.
40:25But you can't let yourself.
40:27Get up, recover, take your place, look at yourself.
40:33Oh, look at her.
40:35Princess Tania.
40:37I already joined, I'm already standing.
40:39Very good.
40:44And how are you doing in Miami?
40:46You've been here before, I guess.
40:47Well, not in my case, first time.
40:49But what I've seen, I'm loving it.
40:52Very good, very good.
40:53Here comes my father's wife and his main advisor, Fernanda del Pino.
41:12Emilio Montenegro, at your service.
41:15Nice to meet you.
41:22A pleasure.
41:23Marcelo Echeverry.
41:26Thank you very much.
41:27Emilio and I are childhood friends and partners.
41:36And my sister, Eliza del Pino.