• 2 days ago




00:00Okay, good. Isabel, I think, if you don't mind, I think that what was your initial reaction
00:10of David? How do you feel? Because I think that out of all my kids, you're taking it
00:15the hardest. Can we be honest about that?
00:16Wait, really? Is he?
00:18I'm not taking it hard.
00:19I said you're taking it the hardest.
00:20I'm just moving slower.
00:23I also think you're taking it the hardest.
00:26I feel like you're more protective of me than anyone else.
00:30As happy as I am for her, I think that there is a strangeness in it, just because I've
00:35only known her as married to my dad. So she's divorced. She's only been divorced for a little
00:39bit. And so it's a little, I think, just strange.
00:45I thought it was fine. I thought it was fine. I do, however, think you guys are moving so,
00:48so fast.
00:50So fast.
00:51I proposed to Tony before two months.
00:53I'm not talking about you right now. I'm talking about mom.
00:55This is all fast. It definitely is. I think it's harder for some siblings than others.
01:02If Christine's wanting to date, she should have been dating, in my mind,
01:07it's like whenever she felt like she was divorced.
01:09I agree with you. It is moving fast.
01:11I think it's also like you've never been physically affectionate with somebody before.
01:15Because, I mean, you got dad and his other wives, and you're not going to be physically
01:18affectionate in front of them.
01:20Well, dad and I really never were that physically affectionate anyway.
01:23How is that with you guys seeing me physically affectionate?
01:26I like it. I think it's healthy.
01:28Isla doesn't like PDA from anybody, though.
01:31I'm super happy for you.
01:32Just in general.
01:33It's weird.
01:33It makes me uncomfortable.
01:34I'm happy for you, but I'd rather not be in the same room.
01:38So we kiss and we hug in front of our kids. It's a whole new world for them.
01:43And David and I just don't care. And our kids are just going to have to get used to it.
01:49I mean, Cody and I were always very affectionate. I just was uncomfortable with PDA in front of
01:54Personally, I think there's a limit to PDA, whether you're in a plural family or just
02:01dating. You know, like nobody wants to see, you know, hey, go get a room. You know what
02:06I mean? Like, be respectful.
02:09I hated PDA because I had four wives, and it was just always awkward, never quite right.
02:15I actually, I like doing PDA now, but Robin's very shy.
02:25So that other evening when you were over and David was here.
02:29Oh, it's so weird.
02:30Yeah, it's really weird.
02:31It's so weird.
02:32We were just sitting there.
02:33I don't think it's weird.
02:35Yeah, my mom always wanted more physical affection from Dad, and she didn't really get it.
02:41And so now she's going to have one person to herself who she can have physical affection
02:48with publicly as much as she wants.
02:50So you think this is long term?
02:52Yes, I do.
02:54He's cool.
02:55Are all his kids on board with you?
02:57Oh yeah, big time.
02:58I got to go to work.
02:59They took us to on a date, like his kids, his oldest kid, like took us on a chocolate date.
03:04That's so cute.
03:04They took us on, yeah, that's where that chocolate bar comes from.
03:07I wanted to try that chocolate.
03:08I think Isla's got to go to work.
03:09Yeah, I got to leave.
03:10You guys try that chocolate.
03:13Sorry, you can go.
03:15I just think it's okay also that you're having feelings about this.
03:20It's not like a crazy thing that you're experiencing.
03:22I think what you're doing, how fast you're going, it's okay.
03:25And I'll get used to it, and it's okay to get used to it too.
03:29But it might take me, but I'm doing fine now.
03:31Okay, good, good.
03:33Mom, acknowledging it's going fast isn't us telling you that it's bad.
03:37It's just being less observant.
03:38It's just saying, oh, this is going really fast.
03:41It's not telling us to stop or slow down.
03:44Oh, good, because I wouldn't.
03:47It just is going fast.
03:48It's just us observing.
03:50This is arguably mom's first boyfriend ever.
03:53So I think they are moving fast, but it's also completely okay,
04:00because this is a brand new experience for her, at least.
04:03And then I told him, I said, there's a lot of extra kids in my life,
04:06and I want you to meet all of them, and Janelle, and everybody.
04:09And he's like, I'll meet whoever you want.
04:12The second date that we went on was the day where I told him everything.
04:15And in us talking about me being a polygamist,
04:18he's like, I've known some polygamists.
04:19It was such a relief that he understood polygamy.
04:24We have said the magical words to each other, but it only took us a week.
04:28Oh, I was going to high five you.
04:30You said I love you within a week?
04:32It was a week and a day.
04:34It was just a week.
04:35Who said it first?
04:37Him, of course.
04:38Oh, God.
04:39He said it first?
04:40He did say it first.
04:42I said it right after, though.
04:44I want mom to be happy.
04:45I want mom to be safe.
04:46And I'm holding judgment until I meet him.
04:49But from what I've seen in her, she's happy, and I think she'll be OK.
04:52We sat down.
04:53I went through and met his family.
04:56And then we sat down off to the side, and he just pulled my chair next to him.
05:01And he just pulled me into him, and we just cuddled.
05:03And I thought, everything was crazy all around us.
05:08And I'm like, so everything's going to be crazy all around us.
05:12But right here, we're going to be calm.
05:14And I legit felt calm for the first time in my life.
05:19And I put my hand on his heart, and it was racing so fast.
05:23And my heart was racing so fast.
05:26But it was like a breath.
05:29And I just realized I loved him then.
05:33And I would do this for the rest of my life.
05:38And it was the most amazing memory, experience.
05:46And then our souls just synced up.
05:49And our heartbeats synced up.
05:52And I realized I was in love with him.
06:02My whole life with Mary, she has said one thing, and I felt a vibe for another.
06:06I felt like I'd been shoveled bulls**t my whole life.
06:09Had I wanted to leave sooner, I would have left sooner.
06:24It takes a complete, like I have to like, yesterday when we were cooking and everything,
06:28it was hard for me to settle down.
06:29But now I'm like, oh, OK.
06:31This is good.
06:32This is good today.
06:34I'm here.
06:34Savannah's with me.
06:36We're always talking about where could we get property?
06:38What about the property in Montana?
06:40Because we loved it there.
06:42My opinion is if we find just the plot of land.
06:46That's right.
06:46And it's just so amazing that we've got to have it.
06:49And what by the plot of land.
06:50I wish that was a 40 miles from town.
06:52And then we can start working on building the house, our house together.
06:56Well, Maddie and Caleb and I, we realized that we both kind of want to do the same thing.
07:00I have kids who want to have a piece of property.
07:02We would never be real farmers.
07:04We're never going to be real farmers.
07:05It'd be awesome.
07:06But we'll hobby farm around and maybe we'll have some chickens and a garden
07:13and maybe we'll grow something.
07:14I don't know.
07:19The property in Montana is exactly what you think of when you think of the West.
07:22It's sagebrush knee high all over the place.
07:26There's a little creek that runs across it, which is very rare in the West.
07:29And it's just cute.
07:31It's just perfect.
07:32I talked to your dad and I just said, I want you just to buy me out.
07:35And I think that was interesting to him.
07:39But your dad doesn't take action really fast.
07:41I can tell it's like everything's falling down.
07:45And then he finally gets like.
07:47So you probably want to make sure that you.
07:49I'm actually going to still consult a lawyer.
07:51I still have the property in Flagstaff, Coyote Pass.
07:55We're going to split it four ways.
07:58And the last I talked to Cody, he says he doesn't have his part of the money
08:02to pay off the property.
08:04I have my part and it's just sitting there.
08:07It's really up to Mary, Robin, Cody and I to pay it off.
08:11Look, all of my quote unquote retirement, all the money I've saved
08:16is tied up right now in these properties on Coyote Pass.
08:20I have suggested to Cody that he just get a loan and finance me out, get my portion out.
08:25Because when we're pooling our efforts and our resources,
08:28then all of a sudden every so much more, so much more becomes possible.
08:34I'm so ready as I'm living in this apartment in Flagstaff.
08:38I'm so ready to be somewhere that I can choose which furniture I want permanently.
08:43If I would love to settle somewhere, I'm so ready to settle somewhere.
08:48You know, I can remember.
08:51It was right after we moved to Las Vegas.
08:53And I just had this perspective change where all of a sudden I'm like, you know what?
08:58I'm not going to sit around and wait for Cody.
09:00And if I sat around and wait for him, nothing ever would happen.
09:16I'm going over to Mary's place.
09:17We're going to talk about our divorce, our breakup.
09:19I think there's just some things we've got to clarify.
09:23I'm not going to sit and accuse her of gaslighting,
09:32but I felt like I've been shoveled bull**** my whole life.
09:35I don't know where she's at ever.
09:38Oh, hi.
09:38Come on in.
09:39How's it going?
09:40How are you?
09:41I'm good.
09:42Good, good.
09:43A few months ago, Cody and Robin and I were out at the property.
09:47We ended up talking about our relationship.
09:50After that, I ended up moving forward and taking the steps through
09:59the church that we were married in to terminate the marriage.
10:07David and I have been dating for about a month.
10:11Hi, baby.
10:17I would like you to meet David.
