NEW - Sister Wives - Season 19 Episode 4 - How the Mighty Have Fallen - Part 1

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00:00And so we have to have a party to celebrate that.
00:03Hello. Hey, Tony.
00:05My Kelty's like, Chad and Rob are here.
00:08Your stuff. Oh, thank you. Thank you.
00:10Well, I haven't seen Christine in months.
00:13I kept my distance and did not greet Christine
00:17because she told me she didn't want a relationship
00:19and I don't want to push myself on her.
00:21Is your marriage with Cody over?
00:23I feel like I'm on trial, like I'm being cross-examined.
00:26It's really complicated because there's no legal marriage.
00:29He's not talking to me about it,
00:31so I think I'm going to have to lawyer up.
00:34Cody and I are officially done.
00:36Oh, jeez.
00:37I'm upset that I was neglected and abandoned.
00:41I'm just Rob and I'll leave him.
00:42You know, I know who I am. I'm confident in who I am.
00:45And he's going to wake up one day and be like,
00:47wow, what the hell did I just do?
00:51He's going to be accountable for that,
00:53whether he likes it or not.
01:25Hi, welcome to Oma.
01:29Oh, hi, Archer.
01:32Babe, I made you food.
01:33No, Ace.
01:35Oh, my gosh. Hi, boys.
01:37Your Oma missed you so much.
01:40I missed you. I didn't see you all day.
01:43McKelty just barely had the twins.
01:45Like, Ace and Archer are so cute, so delightful,
01:48but they're really newborn.
01:50Like, she had to have them cesarean section in the hospital.
01:53She left pregnant and less than an hour later,
01:55she came back with twins.
01:56It's amazing.
01:58How was your first night home?
01:59It was good. It was nice.
02:01You know, that's like a record.
02:02You had your cesarean.
02:03I don't think it's a record.
02:04Yes, it is.
02:05You were in the hospital for one night.
02:07Ace and Archer are fraternal twins.
02:10You can definitely tell who is who.
02:12The last night I was definitely hurting a lot.
02:16Worst night of sleep of my entire life, honestly.
02:20My stomach, just because everything's loose in there,
02:23would kind of move over and slide, so it would pull the scar.
02:26So no matter how I slept, it hurt so bad.
02:31But then I'd also have to get up and then sit up
02:34so that I could hold the baby and try to nurse one of the boys.
02:38Robin helped me through all of it.
02:40What did we do?
02:41Oh, we put a mattress pad down in our closet.
02:43Robin slept in the closet.
02:45And she had both boys with her,
02:46and then when they would wake up and be hungry,
02:48she brought the boys to me, helped me sit up and stuff,
02:51and then I'd feed one of the boys and then give the boy back to Robin
02:54and she'd go back to bed.
02:55So I know that some people think,
02:57well, why are you sleeping in the closet? That's weird.
02:59But then it's just like, well, it's really close.
03:01It's convenient. Their closet's huge.
03:03You know, just, I could be close.
03:06She didn't get any sleep. She's sleeping right now.
03:08She doesn't even, and she wouldn't want to.
03:12Guaranteed, Robin didn't sleep at all. There's no way.
03:14But she got to hold the babies. That's the most important part.
03:22I'll trade you places.
03:24I know.
03:26McKelsey, you were the most beautiful babies.
03:29They're so little.
03:31I'm really grateful that, you know, Robin could be there,
03:34and she really was helpful, it sounds like,
03:37especially with those first few hours.
03:41I can remember when Logan was born.
03:43Christine was brand new in the family.
03:45She and Cody had just married a few months ahead.
03:47And I remember Christine keeping Logan for me one night,
03:50and that was the most awesome thing, because, like, I could sleep.
03:53And so having somebody do that while you're at home in your own bed resting is huge.
03:59Look, I will say, when it comes to the kids,
04:02we really hope that we can all co-parent together peacefully.
04:05So the babies slept good. How was Avalon with them?
04:08So I kind of put one of the boys in her arms for a second,
04:11and then she started crying.
04:13Wait, what?
04:14When Tony had a kid and I had a kid,
04:16she, like, realized that we're not holding her.
04:20It was sad.
04:21That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard.
04:23Yeah, that was rough.
04:24Our whole world revolved around Avalon, and she knew it.
04:28And in one day, everything changed, and everything became hard.
04:33I'm sorry, you guys. I'm so sorry.
04:36She looked at her mom, and she looked at her dad,
04:39and she realized her whole world was going to change.
04:41It's so sad.
04:43I'm going to need to spend some extra time with Avalon for sure.
04:46Oh, you got Maria here. How long is Robin going to stay?
04:49She wants to be home for Thanksgiving.
04:51So no matter what, I think she'll leave Wednesday.
04:53Thanksgiving is less than a week,
04:55so I'm going to be making Thanksgiving dinner
04:57because it's McKelty's year to host.
04:59I'm going to cook a little bit, hold the baby, cook a little bit, hold the baby.
05:02So this year has little to do about the food.
05:06What is cool is, so Jessie, one of the labor and delivery nurses,
05:11she was the one that kind of took care of,
05:13she was one of the nurses that took care of Archer when he came out.
05:15They both had their own team.
05:17Hey, Robin. Hey.
05:20I hear you slept in the closet with the babies all night.
05:24That's the night of your life, right?
05:25Comforting, too. Nice.
05:28Did you sleep well? Did you have a good nap?
05:32My desire and intention has always been
05:37to have a good relationship with Christine.
05:40That's what I'm putting forward.
05:42Maybe this is kind of laying a foundation for future interaction,
05:47you know, so that it's positive.
05:49So time-wise, they're probably not too hungry.
05:51It's more like, oh, my milk came in.
05:55So they've been really enjoying it.
05:58Oh, I bet.
06:00Partially since they both had the real thing, too,
06:02now they're like, I want it, I want it.
06:04They don't necessarily need the food right now.
06:06I got them to take bean sprouts.
06:08That's amazing. That's amazing.
06:10Oh, wow.
06:11Do you think they're going to keep taking them? Maybe?
06:14Yeah, it's a little bit awkward that Robin's here, of course.
06:17You know, we're not on the best of terms.
06:21I wish I didn't feel awkward.
06:22It's just stupid.
06:24This is the last, it's not even about me at all.
06:28You guys want to hear a funny story?
06:30Robin last night was like a prophet.
06:34His kids were, like, super unsettled.
06:36She's like, they need to poop.
06:38And so she comes over here and opens one up.
06:42And then he started pooping on command.
06:44He did?
06:47It was so funny.
06:49He was, like, pooping another diaper.
06:50Like, OK, we'll wait.
06:51And so I went through, like, three diapers
06:53because he just kept pooping and pooping.
06:57I know that the dynamic between my mom and Robin
07:01is really difficult.
07:02This new transition that my family's going through,
07:04it's hard, but I think that it just stands up
07:07for the incredible character of both of my moms,
07:11that they're able to work with each other
07:14for somebody that needs them.
07:18When Robin came in the family, and it was obvious
07:20her and McKelty had a great relationship,
07:22it was everything that I hoped for.
07:23When I was so excited about having a plural family,
07:26I was hoping that my kids would have
07:28a great relationship with other moms.
07:30It's great that McKelty has a great relationship with Robin.
07:32It's what I've always wanted for my kids to have.
07:35But, like, just taking the kids out of the bassinet, too,
07:38and just keeping them with you helped so much
07:40because I was like, OK, I don't have to worry.
07:41I don't have to do anything.
07:43Robin's got the kids.
07:44I'm going to pass out.
07:45And I solid passed out.
07:48Yeah, Christine was great.
07:49We just co-grandparented,
07:51and that's kind of always what I've wanted.
07:53I understand and I have to respect
07:55that she doesn't want it the same way,
07:56and I know that she was probably just making sure
07:59that she was supportive to Tony McKelty, which I appreciate.
08:03And so it worked out.
08:04It was fine.
08:05It was great.
08:11I just had to leave the twins
08:15and Avalon and Tony McKelty,
08:18and I just don't want to go.
08:20I've had the most beautiful experience with those babies.
08:23The family's in a weird place,
08:25as I guess you would expect from a divorce.
08:28The struggles that we have had have been so foreign
08:33from what our family was.
08:35It's been such a sweet experience being a part of all of this
08:40and being there at the hospital
08:44and helping taking care of the babies
08:46and getting to bond with them.
08:50I just really love being a grandma.
08:54I'm having a very difficult time
08:57connecting with all of my kids.
08:59And, of course, twins being born
09:01is going to give us all something special,
09:04something maybe that heals,
09:06helps to move things forward.
09:11I don't know if it'd heal anything between me and ex-wives,
09:13but I'm going to have to go see those babies.
09:15I've got to see those grandkids, you know,
09:17so I'm going to be excited to go see them,
09:19and this is going to give us more opportunity
09:21to open the doors with my children.
09:24I don't know.
09:25I don't know.
09:26I don't know I'm going to go home and not see them every day.
09:29I'm having a hard time even thinking about it.
09:31It's just been such a sweet, sweet experience.
09:39So you want some darkness, right?
09:41Robin and I don't behave like a married couple
09:44when my other wives are around,
09:46so we weren't acting like a married couple
09:48with Mary in our presence.
09:50I've heard Cody say multiple times how awkward it is
09:53because he can't show the affection to Robin that he wants.
09:56I just really don't want to go be a third wheel
09:59at Robin and Cody's house.
10:15This is the first Thanksgiving that Robin and I are having
10:17with just our children alone.
10:19We have never had this before.
10:23There's another nice piece.
10:24So I had had kind of tentative plans
10:26to take a trip to California over Thanksgiving,
10:29and that fell through.
10:31Yeah, Robin did reach out
10:33and ask if I wanted to go over there for Thanksgiving,
10:37and I'm not going to do that.
10:39That's just weird.
10:41Oh, my God.
10:43Last year, Mary was here with our Thanksgiving,
10:46and it was a pleasant experience.
10:48But Robin and I don't behave like a married couple
10:50when my other wives are around,
10:52so we weren't acting like a married couple
10:54with Mary in our presence.
10:56That's mostly on Robin, to be fair.
10:58That's because Robin is very sensitive to other people.
11:00She wants to be very careful about their feelings.
11:02So when Mary's there with us at our Thanksgiving,
11:04I'm not close with Mary,
11:06and now I'm no longer close with Robin
11:08because Mary's present,
11:10and Robin wants to be sensitive to Mary.
11:12That's it. That's yours.
11:14I've heard Cody say multiple times how awkward it is
11:17that I'm even there because he can't show the affection
11:20and the adoration to Robin that he wants to,
11:22and I'm not going to inhibit that.
11:25You know, I'm not a member of the family.
11:29I just really don't want to go be a third wheel
11:32at Robin and Cody's house.
11:38Aw, there we go.
11:41I'm just saying it's my turn.
11:45This year, this Thanksgiving this year is about,
11:47and what we're most grateful for is those babies being healthy,
11:50and we're just grateful that they have this little family now,
11:53and everybody's doing great.
11:55Let's get the bowls up there.
11:57Isabel's here, Aspen, and Mitch,
11:59and then we have Tony's family,
12:01Tony's mom, Maria, dad, Antonio,
12:04and then some of his siblings are here as well.
12:07So Gwendolyn came into town with her girlfriend, Bea.
