Welcome to Plathville - Season 6 Episode 12 - Hold My Earrings - PART 2

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Welcome to Plathville - Season 6 Episode 12 - Hold My Earrings - FullEpisode


00:00Mariah? Yes? Do you want to play this real quick? I wrote three more verses. Yes.
00:10The concert's tomorrow and we haven't practiced in a while. What are you doing?
00:16I have something to tell you eventually, I don't know how, but I just need you to listen to me eventually.
00:24Okay, and where is this coming from?
00:27Let's play the song!
00:35Tell me what you think of this.
00:38Or the things that you're paying, you know, right?
00:42Or the things that you're paying will teach you.
00:51No, no, one fourth.
00:53Mariah, she wasn't really hitting the chords, you know, the chord changes and stuff.
00:58She kind of looked like she was looking at me but looking through me at the same time.
01:01Just kind of like she was lost in space or something.
01:05I mean, I thought maybe Mariah was just having a Mariah moment like she does sometimes.
01:14Your pain will teach you.
01:18Will make you better.
01:24I love that.
01:28So, what are you all twisted up about?
01:36I don't know. I don't know how to tell anyone and everyone.
01:40I just, I know everybody's going to laugh at me, but I really don't care.
01:46I've never felt so strongly.
01:52What is this?
01:55I talked to him.
01:58Why would you do that?
02:01Mariah and her ex have talked. Are you freaking kidding me?
02:06I'm like very confused.
02:09Who else knows about this?
02:13Mike and Isaac?
02:16Isaac knows a little bit.
02:17Does dad know?
02:19I don't know.
02:21What did he come into the concert?
02:27This guy that Mariah wrote all this music about, he's going to be here.
02:31Like, okay, what the hell is going on?
02:36Mariah's gone back with him.
02:38Mariah's what?
02:39And she's inviting him here.
02:41Wait, wait, wait.
02:42You should talk to her.
02:43Wait, who?
02:46She's gone back with him?
02:48Hold my earrings.
02:49Mike is like deer in headlights.
02:55Are they okay up there?
02:57She wrote a song, the devil in a suit and tie, and he's back, and she let him in.
03:03There's no way a concert can actually happen tomorrow.
03:13What did he come into the concert?
03:19Because I left with no answers, and I was trying to get my answers, and I have them now.
03:27There was something that he had kept from me that I didn't know about,
03:31and then when I found out, I went no contact for eight months.
03:36I don't think anybody knows how hard it was leaving with just no answers whatsoever.
03:46He reached out to me and said, if you're looking for answers, feel free to call me, text me.
03:52I am more than willing to explain things to you and your family,
03:56and I took him up on his offer and met with him and talked, and it all makes sense now.
04:04How do you know he's being honest now?
04:07I talked to him for four hours.
04:09I knew things he didn't know that I knew.
04:11He explained all of it, even pieces that I wasn't even planning on asking about.
04:16Do you want to be with somebody that lied to you from the start?
04:20Ethan, if you talk to him, it will all make sense.
04:24Why do you want me to do that?
04:27Whenever you see him.
04:29Which will be?
04:30Maybe tonight.
04:32On the beach, with the sharks and the water and the stuff?
04:37He was the reason why me and Mariah didn't have a relationship for a year.
04:41He told her not to have a relationship with me.
04:44I'm worried that he will pull Mariah back away from this family.
04:48I'm worried that Mariah will not be treated like she deserves to be treated.
04:52I don't know what Mariah sees in this guy.
04:54Everyone has always told me, and you've always told me, he was a good talker,
04:57so how can you trust what he says?
05:00All I know is I know where I stand.
05:03I understand that there's multiple reasons that Ethan is upset and reacting the way that he is.
05:09I don't know if one of those is because he thinks that this is the reason that
05:13Ethan and I's relationship wasn't good for a while,
05:17but that's not necessarily true.
05:20The decisions I made and how I handled myself is nobody's fault but my own.
05:25Nobody forced me to do anything.
05:27I was dealing with too much emotionally at the time to try and take on any more.
05:34You know, between me and Mike Lasky, he doesn't stand a chance.
05:37Ethan, I will protect you.
05:39I understand.
05:40You, 60 pounds, will protect him?
05:44I completely get where Ethan's coming from, and I understand,
05:47and I don't want to be like, no, I'm going to do what I'm going to do, and I don't care.
05:51Like, I do care, but I have all the little pieces to the puzzle,
05:57and I'm putting that puzzle together.
06:00I got a job, I wrote an album, I worked hard, I saved money,
06:04I figured I'll buy a camper and truck and go on the road with my dog and whatever,
06:08but that's not the life I want.
06:13I want him, and I want a family one day.
06:17Only time will tell what will happen, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
06:24Are you willing to meet him?
06:28I'm not giving him a chance.
06:30He had a chance a long time ago, and he blew it, obviously.
06:34Ethan is very black and white.
06:36When he makes up his mind, there's no changing it.
06:39Love is blind, Mariah. Just be careful.
07:10Here we are.
07:12Oh, hi guys.
07:14Hello, hello.
07:16Ethan, I got your seat down here.
07:19Ethan's down there.
07:20You want to sit here?
07:21Yeah, I'll just sit here.
07:22Yeah, we're celebrating your birthday.
07:24Is this what's going on?
07:25There's a lot going on on this trip, and Mariah's just in such a bad head space.
07:33It's almost like you feel like you were led on,
07:36and then in one day you're expected to have a 180 and accept all this and be okay with him being there.
07:45This whole thing is just a s*** show.
07:49Happy birthday!
07:50Happy birthday, Ethan!
07:52Happy birthday, Ethan!
07:53Ethan's birthday was a couple days ago, so I set up a little surprise party on the beach.
07:59What drinks are those? I should have gotten one.
08:01Virgin berries.
08:03This is the first time that Barry has been around Ken, and Ken has really been around Barry.
08:12Just the fact that they're together at a table with the whole family, celebrating a family event, is huge. That's a big deal.
08:22Would you like a cherry?
08:25I'll take a cherry.
08:26Would you like a cherry?
08:28I have never seen my dad and Ken be in the same room, on the same plot of land, or probably even in the same state.
08:36So I wasn't very sure how this would go.
08:40But to my surprise, they actually seemed to be okay.
08:43A lot of respect for my dad, because it's gotta be tough.
08:48Cheers, happy birthday!
08:49Too many more diapers!
08:53Yeah, Ken and Kim are here. It's something that, in my perspective, I'm like, yeah, it's only right that they come down and be a part of this and enjoy it.
09:06Here we are. It is what it is, right?
09:23Where do you come from, 1990?
09:25Hello down there on that side of the table!
09:33So Maria, is that guy coming today? Have you talked to everybody about that, or is he just showing up?
09:38He's coming.
09:40Tonight or now?
09:43I mean, I understand you guys are talking again, but I just don't know about bringing him to a family event after everything.
09:50If that's such a good idea.
09:55I'm just saying, after everything that's happened, him just showing up to a family event is a lot for everyone here.
10:04I can't change what Maria's gonna do, but what Maria does will affect other people.
10:13Oh, this cake looks so good!
10:16Okay, thank you.
10:19This is so good!
10:21I can feed myself, I don't trust you.
10:33Okay guys, goodbye.
10:35Happy birthday.
10:37Are you taking off?
10:39So Maria shows up late and then leaves early, so it's just very weird.
10:45Where are you going?
10:46I'll be around.
10:48I'll be around too.
10:51She's leaving us in the dark about tomorrow.
10:54We're all here, she orchestrated all of this, and we don't know what's going on.
10:57I don't know what songs we're singing.
10:59And she said goodbye to everyone at the table.
11:00She said goodbye to everyone at the table and walked away.
11:02It's weird.
11:04And we don't have that much time for tomorrow.
11:07Tomorrow's normally the next day.
11:10We're getting pretty close to zero hour.
11:12We need to be working on stuff.
11:13I know.
11:14Alright guys, how about a run on the beach or a jump in the water or something?
11:17It looks so beautiful down there.
11:19Okay, let's go do it.
11:22Who should we throw the cake at?
11:24Probably save it for Maria's ex-boyfriend when he shows up.
11:28Oh, he's coming?
11:29No way.
11:30Maria's going back with him.
11:32Maria's what?
11:33And she's inviting him here.
11:34Wait, wait, wait.
11:36You should talk to her about it.
11:37Wait, who?
11:39She's gone back with him?
11:41Hold my earrings.
11:42There's no way.
11:43He's joking, right?
11:44You're joking.
11:46Veronica and I are both hearing this for the first time.
11:48And it's mind-blowing.
11:50I'm putting pieces of the puzzle together.
11:54So, Dad, do you know what's going on with Maria?
11:56No, I don't know what's going on with her.
11:58I know who she's talking to.
12:00It isn't about me.
12:02She's talking to him.
12:03But why?
12:04I don't know.
12:05She's been behaving very aloof, too.
12:08I was mainly shocked because I had understood that Maria wanted to cut ties and get over him.
12:14Maria said that she talked to him for four hours and everything he said made sense, so she believes him.
12:20I'm just letting you know, Maria's planning on having him here at the concert.
12:23Hold my earrings.
12:24And I told Maria, don't bring that to this with all of us.
12:29Like, it's...
12:31What's this?
12:32I will never get over it.
12:35I know it's her life, but I'm not okay with that.
12:42I'm just letting you know, Maria's planning on having him here at the concert.
12:46I know it's her life, but I'm not okay with that.
12:49No, no, she just doesn't get it.
12:52I don't know.
12:53Maria and I are really close, but Ethan tells me that she's back together with her ex-boyfriend.
12:59It was shocking.
13:01Part of the reason why she doesn't really want, like, isn't talking to us much is because she doesn't know how we're going to receive it.
13:06Why does she walk off, then, instead of bringing it up at the dinner table?
13:09Of course not.
13:10Because she's scared.
13:11What is she going to say in front of everybody?
13:13Oh, hey, the guy who was so rude to me and manipulated me is back.
13:17But, you know, it's all good.
13:19How's that going to go over?
13:21I need to talk to Maria. I need to see if I can get her.
13:24She won't answer.
13:27I just don't like it.
13:28I know. No, I don't think any of us like it, but he's back in her life.
13:31So, if you can, hit the pause button on this.
13:34Okay, Maria, hit the pause button on this.
13:36This isn't, this isn't, I'm not talking to Maria, I'm talking to three guys here, and all I'm asking is for you.
13:43We can hit the pause button on this if he's not going to be here at the concert tomorrow.
13:47I think we can agree with that.
13:48You got any bail money?
13:51Let's go make an intervention. Let's go find her.
13:53Let's go find her.
13:54I'll go find her.
13:55I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it.
13:56Where did this getting back together with him come from?
14:00She just, her words were, I was wrong about him.
14:07To have, like, as little planning, as little prep, as little everything, and still all come together and try to make a concert,
14:12and then to have this wrench thrown in.
14:14This is a crazy wrench. This is like...
14:16This is a whole toolbox.
14:17This is insanity.
14:18In my mind, I'm like, there's no way a concert can actually happen tomorrow.
14:24Because no one knows what's going on.
14:27Yeah, I want to talk to her. I'm going to go see if I can find her.
14:30Isaac's already gone.
14:31Are you, are you good here?
14:36Where are you?
14:38Everyone is needing to talk to you.
14:41I'll call you back in a minute.
14:47She hung up on me.
14:48I called her and she was like,
14:49Isaac, you have her location on your phone.
14:51What's happening?
14:52Micah is trying to find Mariah.
14:53So we have her location.
14:55She's out there.
14:58If anybody understands Mariah,
15:00It's Micah.
15:01It's Micah, and if anybody can talk to her in a way she'll get and understand, it would be them.
15:08I'm going to have shoes on.
15:13Are they okay up there?
15:14Should we check to see if Lydia's handling it okay?
15:17I don't know where Micah and Ethan are.
15:19We went from like super awkward dinner to Ethan dropping a bombshell of news
15:26to basically a riot with pitchforks of plas.
15:33Let's go back.
15:35She wrote a song, The Devil in a Suit and Tie,
15:38and he's back, and she let him in.
15:41She won't answer.
15:47Amber had Mariah's location,
15:49but Mariah's location was like jumping all over the place.
15:51It showed like she was in the hotel,
15:53and it showed that she was over here on the street.
16:00I never met her ex.
16:02I don't even know what he looks like.
16:13I just walked up to this car.
16:15The windows are so tinted, you couldn't see anyone in there,
16:17but I saw that there was a seatbelt across someone,
16:21so I tapped on the passenger window.
16:23The window kept going down, and there was Mariah.
16:27Mariah, come on.
16:28Dad and Micah want to talk to you.
16:30I told Mariah that it was time to go.
16:33Guys, I think we should all go.
16:36I can't believe that she wrote songs about him,
16:39and he looks like Mr. Potato Head.
16:47This whole thing is, like, annoying.
16:51Everybody calls me the drama queen,
16:54but, like, dude, I'm just...
16:58Like, well, I understand.
17:00Like, see, this is where I'm like,
17:01I understand where y'all are coming from,
17:03but at the same time, you see me.
17:04I'm fine. I'm an adult.
17:06I'm going to make my decisions.
17:08I'm going to try my best to explain to you,
17:10but at this point, I don't think you're even going to listen, so...
17:14Any news?
17:15Where's Mariah?
17:16With Micah.
17:18Mariah, tell me what's going on.
17:20Tell me what changed.
17:22I had a four-hour conversation with him.
17:25He explained everything from beginning to end,
17:27and it all made sense.
17:29Completely made sense.
17:31First time I've seen his face.
17:33He was talking to Mariah.
17:34This is kind of like Murphy's Law.
17:36If anything can go wrong, it will,
17:39and it'll happen at the worst moment.
17:42All I know right now is, you know,
17:44Kim and I need to talk to Mariah.
