• 2 days ago
Monday Zooms from the Buffalo Bills
00:07:50Hey coach, hope you're having a good day today.
00:07:53I'm currently and looking for you on site here.
00:07:57So I apologize for the delay.
00:08:00I'm going to go ahead and get started with questions.
00:08:03Matt Bovee will have our first question.
00:08:11Hi Sean, how are you today?
00:08:13Good Matt, how you doing?
00:08:14I'm well, thanks.
00:08:15Can we just start with an injury update specifically Terrell, Dorian and Curtis?
00:08:21We'll see how they do.
00:08:23Really no updates at this point.
00:08:25We'll see how the week trends with all three of those guys.
00:08:28So more of like a day-to-day kind of prognosis for all three of them?
00:08:32Well, I don't I don't really know yet.
00:08:34I think but I'm not really sure on on Dorian and then Terrell and Curtis.
00:08:43Again, waiting, waiting for their answer before they call it evaluations as the doctors tell me.
00:08:49All right, cool.
00:08:50With the first half yesterday, I know you said that you felt like you guys corrected
00:08:54kind of a lot of things from the first half to the second half.
00:08:57But it has been a little bit of a trend this year that you guys have kind of played from behind
00:09:00and you've been able to erase some of those deficits.
00:09:03But what do you need to do to kind of start faster, more consistently?
00:09:08You know, I think just execute comes down to execution.
00:09:11And as you saw yesterday, some fundamentals and then not beating ourselves,
00:09:18ourselves with pre-snap penalties.
00:09:21So I, you know, give all the opponents credit.
00:09:25But there's also an element for us of just execution more than anything.
00:09:30Thank you, John.
00:09:34Good afternoon, Coach.
00:09:35Pat Freeman from the Buffalo Criterion.
00:09:37How are you doing today?
00:09:38Good, Pat.
00:09:39How are you?
00:09:40I'm great.
00:09:41I want to ask you a question.
00:09:43It's something you've always talked about, taking care of the football and the quarterback.
00:09:48Is the person that touches the ball the most?
00:09:50And to my understanding, Josh has not thrown an interception yet.
00:09:54How pleased are you with how he has managed games?
00:09:59He's done a tremendous, tremendous job, Pat.
00:10:01He really has.
00:10:02I couldn't be more pleased with the way we've protected the house on offense and special teams.
00:10:10You know, we had a ball on the turf yesterday, potentially two.
00:10:15We were fortunate to get him back there.
00:10:17So all in all, special teams and offense led by Josh, they've done a great job protecting the house.
00:10:25My last question to you, Coach.
00:10:26Dwayne Carter once again is a young man that is starting to make plays for you.
00:10:32How pleased are you with his development?
00:10:35He continues to improve.
00:10:37He really does.
00:10:38You know, when I had a chance to speak with him after, let's see, it was after the Jets game.
00:10:45And he had a really good game in Houston.
00:10:48And then probably not as not the game he wanted in New York this past last last Monday night.
00:10:54And then but he recognized that he was aware of it.
00:10:57And then he took another step forward this week.
00:11:00And that's sometimes what you see with young players, two steps forward, one step back.
00:11:05Just the patience you got to have.
00:11:06I mean, he's not the only rookie contributor.
00:11:08It's Keon, Ray Davis, D.C., as you mentioned, Brandon Codrington and and many others like Cole and and Zion and and Solomon who are all out there.
00:11:20You know, Zion wasn't out there this past game, but he's been out there.
00:11:23So a lot of rookies contributing for us.
00:11:27All right. Thank you, Coach.
00:11:29Sure, Pat.
00:11:31Hey, Sean, thanks for doing this.
00:11:33You mentioned going back to the slow starts and execution thing.
00:11:36Is that more focus?
00:11:38It's because it's so regular.
00:11:40Why do you think that maybe they're not as crisp on either side of the ball coming right out the gate?
00:11:47It's a great question, John, it really is.
00:11:50Sometimes it's one side of the ball.
00:11:52Sometimes it's both sides of the ball.
00:11:55If I had the exact answer, I I would have gotten a change by now.
00:11:59Believe me, I don't like getting down 10 nothing and or whatever it was.
00:12:03I think Arizona was 17-3 or something like that.
00:12:07So it's I don't have a lot of hair left on my head and I'd like to keep what I got.
00:12:12So let's just try and get off to a better start.
00:12:15Just let it go.
00:12:17I could speak from experience.
00:12:19I see that.
00:12:20I see that.
00:12:22And shifting gears to Tyler Bass, you mentioned him a little bit postgame yesterday.
00:12:26I was able to speak with him.
00:12:27Truly, how did you see him handle the past week and and take ownership and then for him to go perform like he did,
00:12:35even though they were relatively short kicks?
00:12:38How critical do you think that was to start established getting him back on track?
00:12:44I think I think the way he handled it was as as a true pro would.
00:12:48He was honest, forthright and and him acknowledging the situation.
00:12:55And and he didn't he didn't do anything other than focus in and do and get his job done.
00:13:03Quite honestly.
00:13:05Hey, that's that's good enough for for me and good enough for for the team.
00:13:09So I was I was happy with the way he performed and how he handled things.
00:13:13Appreciate it, Sean.
00:13:15You got it, buddy.
00:13:16Hi, Sean.
00:13:18Spencer Brown yesterday.
00:13:20I know we talked a little bit about the penalties the week before.
00:13:23How did you see him respond during the week?
00:13:26And from just my vantage point, a lot of fans vantage point about his completed game as he could play yesterday.
00:13:32How pleased were you with the way that he respond?
00:13:34Yeah, well, he made it known, I think, to Brandon after the game.
00:13:38Brandon shared the story with me that he said.
00:13:40Brandon walked up up to me, said zero penalty.
00:13:43So he it was on his mind.
00:13:45So he received the message loud and clear.
00:13:48And it's cool that he was aware of it, not only aware of it, but also intent to to get it cleaned up.
00:13:55And and that's what he did.
00:13:57I thought he played a real solid game and the effort down the stretch in the fourth quarter.
00:14:02Some of those effort plays were, you know, just to me, a trademark of.
00:14:07Of who he is.
00:14:08And then this football team as well.
00:14:10The effort that they give.
00:14:12Thanks, Sean.
00:14:16Sean, John Worrell with the AP.
00:14:19Hi, John.
00:14:21I know a lot's been made of Dwayne Carter and the impact that he's made now seven weeks into the season.
00:14:27What do you make of the trust that you put in him to be in on the field during that crucial fourth down or third and fourth down stretch?
00:14:37No, great, great job by him.
00:14:39Great job by the defense.
00:14:41Defensive staff as well.
00:14:43I'd like to take the credit, but I'm not the one that handles the the rotation there in those situations.
00:14:50So, you know, Coach West, Coach Edwards do a great job with that.
00:14:56And kudos to them for having having DC on the field there.
00:14:59He made a great play.
00:15:01What does it say about the trust the coaches have and what Dwayne has been able to show?
00:15:04That he's gained that trust.
00:15:06And what is it about him?
00:15:08I mean, a rookie making these types of types of plays.
00:15:11Well, again, you know, opportunities are earned.
00:15:15They're not just they're not just handed out here.
00:15:17And, you know, it's I think more than anything, when you when you get a small opportunity and you handle it well, you'll get bigger and bigger opportunities as you move forward.
00:15:27And and then, you know, I think the other thing that stands out with DC is the situation we went into in the Houston game.
00:15:35He was forced into a starting role and he made the most of it.
00:15:39He I think was the first play the game on a screenplay.
00:15:42He disrupted the screenplay and again, made the most of that opportunity to start and play a ton that game.
00:15:49And I'm very impressed by that.
00:15:51And now it's just continual, steady, consistent growth for all these young players.
00:15:54And in addition to our entire football team.
00:15:56Lastly, you're not going to excuse your schedule.
00:16:01You're not going to, you know, whatever.
00:16:03But how important is it to get a win?
00:16:06You're going against a team now with a winning record in Seattle.
00:16:10The emphasis of maybe taking that next step and proving that you can come come away with a victory against a in I'm using quotation marks, a quality opponent.
00:16:21Well, I believe they're all quality opponents in the NFL, regardless of record.
00:16:25And you've been around the league a long time, John.
00:16:28We have a ton of respect for the Seahawks and coach and and what they're what they've done out there and the players that they have.
00:16:36And we're going out to the Northwest and we better better be ready and have a great week of practice because they're a really good football team and well coached.
00:16:46Thanks, Sean.
00:16:47Sean, how are you?
00:16:50How you doing?
00:16:52Not too bad.
00:16:53Not too bad.
00:16:55It seemed like yesterday things kind of flipped a little bit in the second half in terms of stopping the run when you guys started adding a safety to the box a little a little more often.
00:17:07You know what?
00:17:08What kind of went into that decision?
00:17:10You know, maybe at halftime into the second half?
00:17:12No, I think Bobby really did a good job of burying the calls really in both in both halves.
00:17:20It wasn't as much the calls as it was just some of our fundamental, fundamental execution of the call.
00:17:28And so I'm getting our eyes in the right spots.
00:17:32You know, that's a big part of playing good defensive football.
00:17:36So I was really proud of the way that the staff adjusted at halftime and the adjustments that they had to make, which sometimes may not be anything other than just settling the players down and trying to give them a little bit of clarity on what was going on.
00:17:51Because sometimes when you feel like you're out of rhythm, you feel like you don't really know what's what's happening.
00:17:56You think you're you plug this hole and this hole opens.
00:17:59And so it's just really trying to get them to understand what's going on so that then they can settle in and do and execute their fundamentals in this game.
00:18:10A.J. in the past has talked about, you know, leaving some sacks on the table.
00:18:15Well, you know, he's there and he's kind of got the quarterback wrapped up and he gets away.
00:18:20It seems, you know, really since last year, he's he's kind of clean that up a little bit.
00:18:26And this year he's had some, you know, he's had some good runs.
00:18:30Well, I think, you know, it's probably a better question specifically for A.J., but I would say I think he's really off to a good start.
00:18:37He's doing a lot of good things.
00:18:38and this year he's had some, you know, not only sacks,
00:18:41but some big hits when he gets there.
00:18:43What's gone into him just kind of cleaning up,
00:18:46you know, some missed tackles?
00:18:50Well, I think, you know,
00:18:51it's probably a better question specifically for AJ,
00:18:54but I would say I think he's really off to a good start.
00:18:57He's doing a lot of good things.
00:18:59He's working on some of the areas of his game
00:19:01that he knows he wants to improve on,
00:19:04which I think is important.
00:19:05And, you know, I think you saw early in the game,
00:19:09they ran a draw on a long yard situation.
00:19:13He got up the field later in the game,
00:19:14happens again, and he's in better position.
00:19:16So that shows development.
00:19:18That shows growth, even during one game.
00:19:22So I think there's more to come there with AJ
00:19:26and more growth to be had in development.
00:19:28And we look forward to it.
00:19:29He's off to a real good start.
00:19:31It seems Keyon is a little bit of the same mold.
00:19:34I think Houston, there was an RPO where, you know,
00:19:39he wasn't really ready for it and it hit him in the head.
00:19:41And then yesterday he's ready for it.
00:19:43And I think with 50, 60 yard gain on that.
00:19:47For a young guy like that to kind of see things
00:19:50and make those improvements in such a short period of time,
00:19:54you know, what does that say about him?
00:19:56Yeah, let me just clear that up.
00:19:57Cause that was not his fault in that situation.
00:20:02So back in the Houston game.
00:20:05But to your point, very, very pleased
00:20:08with how he played this week.
00:20:12Again, more growth and development to come
00:20:14and thought he had a really good week of practice.
00:20:18You know, and he took advantage, to your point,
00:20:19of his opportunities yesterday
00:20:21and got some rack with the ball after he caught it,
00:20:25in particular, the one that you mentioned.
00:20:27So, you know, very pleased with his performance yesterday.
00:20:37Hey, Sean.
00:20:38Now that you've had a day to digest Amari Cooper,
00:20:41I don't know that there's a direct line here,
00:20:43which is why I'm asking you.
00:20:45I asked Josh about it yesterday,
00:20:46but right after the game, it's hard to tell maybe.
00:20:51He got going in the second half
00:20:53and your offense got going in the second half.
00:20:56Is his involvement or his ability to make an impact,
00:21:00did that open up things for everybody else
00:21:04within the game?
00:21:05I know that in general, it happens in football,
00:21:06but within the game, was there a direct correlation to that?
00:21:11I mean, listen, when you put a good receiver on the field
00:21:14and a good player on the field,
00:21:15it certainly helps open things up.
00:21:19Is there a specific correlation just to him?
00:21:22I wouldn't say that necessarily, I wouldn't say it isn't,
00:21:25but I would just say overall,
00:21:27I saw our offense start to get into a rhythm better
00:21:29in the second half, probably like you did, Tim,
00:21:32and many of those on the call.
00:21:33And some of that is when you start really winning
00:21:37the line of scrimmage and being able to run the football
00:21:41like we were in the second half, very impressed by that.
00:21:44And then that opened up some of the passing game as well.
00:21:47So I thought Joe Brady and the offensive staff
00:21:50did a great job of adjusting and then the execution
00:21:54led by Josh for some of those throws.
00:21:56And I mean, those were some great catches as well.
00:21:59You mentioned Coop and you mentioned,
00:22:01you gotta think about Dalton and some of the catches he made
00:22:04and some of the runs after catch by Khalil as well.
00:22:08So I'm probably leaving someone out,
00:22:11but overall I thought the execution
00:22:13in the second half was high level.
00:22:17When you add that big of a component into your offense,
00:22:20and I'm talking holistically about your offense,
00:22:22not just Amari Cooper,
00:22:23but as a head coach who's been around the league for so long
00:22:27you can kind of anticipate things,
00:22:29but what's your level of anticipation or curiosity
00:22:33even at 1245 yesterday afternoon
00:22:37about what your offense is gonna look like yesterday?
00:22:40I'm just curious if I'm gonna get sunburned
00:22:46during the game.
00:22:47I had to make sure I put my sunblock on Tim.
00:22:49And now I listen, you don't know.
00:22:53I mean, you really don't know to be honest with you
00:22:55what it's gonna look like
00:22:57because as I mentioned in the week leading up to the game,
00:23:01there's a certain rhythm and then you had a player in
00:23:04and there could be a different rhythm.
00:23:05Is that different rhythm good?
00:23:07Is it sustainable?
00:23:09You know, there's just some unknowns naturally, right?
00:23:12So I thought Coop did a phenomenal job.
00:23:16I thought the offensive staff, the players on offense,
00:23:20Coop's teammates all around offensively, defensively.
00:23:24There's a really cool shot to me on the sideline
00:23:28of one of Coop's catches where he goes out of bounds
00:23:32onto our sideline and about four or five people
00:23:35run over and pick them up or try and help them up.
00:23:37Staff, defensive players, offensive players.
00:23:41I mean, to me that just shows the character
00:23:45of the players on our team
00:23:47and the staff as well for that matter.
00:23:50Thanks so much, Sean.
00:23:52You didn't like my sunblock joke, Tim.
00:23:59I mean, I don't think he liked that one, coach.
00:24:01I don't think he liked that one.
00:24:02It was a beautiful day out there.
00:24:03Definitely had to work on my tan there for a minute,
00:24:06but it's victory what they coach awesome job yesterday.
00:24:13Midway again, you know, through the season here
00:24:15dealing with a lot of turnover, injuries, new acquisitions.
00:24:19The team is five and two and nowhere near jail.
00:24:23What impresses you the most about how your team has played
00:24:26so far near the midway point?
00:24:30You know, I think more than anything,
00:24:32we've shown a ton of poise.
00:24:35The team has shown a ton of poise.
00:24:39I think Josh is really playing the game
00:24:42and especially in the five wins
00:24:46and the position of command of the offense and the game
00:24:52and understanding the situations that the offense is in
00:24:55or that he's in throughout a game as the game unfolds.
00:24:59I think, you know, what we've been able to do
00:25:03in coming back, you know, coming from behind,
00:25:06I think has also been good, not ideal.
00:25:11However, I like the way that we're getting contributions
00:25:16from the young players
00:25:17and players that have been forced into action,
00:25:19stepping up that were primary backups due to injury.
00:25:22And I think that's important because that experience
00:25:24will hopefully for those players
00:25:26will hopefully pay off down the road for us as well.
00:25:30And so I think the staff overall
00:25:33and the coaches have done a good job of collaborating
00:25:37and communicating during the week and building game plans.
00:25:42And so still, you know, much, much work to be done
00:25:47and we're getting right back at it here
00:25:49with getting our focus on Seattle.
00:25:52Speaking of Seattle, the number one passing team,
00:25:55eighth in, but they got an explosive running back
00:25:57in Kenneth Walker, the third.
00:25:59On the flip side of that,
00:26:00they really get after the quarterback, Rick Six and Sacks,
00:26:03number two in passing and four in points allowed.
00:26:06On top of it being probably one of the loudest stadiums
00:26:09in the NFL, you know, what is it gonna take this week
00:26:12for you guys to go in there and pull out a victory?
00:26:15Yeah, like I said, Mookie, we've got a ton of respect
00:26:17for the Seahawks and their organization,
00:26:19their coaching staff, the players, tough place to play.
00:26:24You know, we'll have to practice this week
00:26:28at a high level each and every day
00:26:29as we prepare to go out there
00:26:31and earn the right to win, really.
00:26:32Yeah, I know the speakers is gonna be loudest ever
00:26:35at practice.
00:26:36Have a good week, coach.
00:26:38All right, thanks, you too.
00:26:40Hey, coach, your team leads the NFL
00:26:43in turnover differential at plus 10 right now.
00:26:46How crucial has that been to the five wins
00:26:49that you guys have so far?
00:26:51Yeah, it's been huge, Maddie, it really has.
00:26:54Again, like I mentioned earlier on the call,
00:26:55the way that the offense and special teams units
00:27:00have taken care of the ball, protected the house,
00:27:03the way the job that Josh Allen has done on,
00:27:07you know, being smart with the ball,
00:27:09throwing the ball away when he needs to,
00:27:10sliding when he needs to as well.
00:27:13Just, you know, to me, the level,
00:27:17his level of decision-making has, you know,
00:27:20increased this season and been very important
00:27:24to our team and the wins that we've had.
00:27:26So, and then the defense and special teams,
00:27:30you know, working to get takeaways
00:27:31and feed the offense has been good to see as well.
00:27:36Thanks, coach.
00:27:37Got it.
00:27:38That's all we have for you today, coach.
00:27:40Thank you. All right, thanks, guys.
00:27:41Have a good week.
00:39:05Hey, coach, can you hear me okay?
00:39:31Yeah. Let me just turn it up a little bit.
00:39:36All good, brother.
00:39:38Awesome. Going to go ahead and get started with questions.
00:39:40Pat Freeman, we'll have our first question.
00:39:46Good afternoon, coach.
00:39:47Pat Freeman from the Buffalo Criterion.
00:39:49How you doing today?
00:39:50How you doing, brother?
00:39:52I wanted to ask you about Josh has really done a good job
00:39:57of taking care of the football
00:39:58and not giving the opponent
00:40:00over opportunities with interceptions.
00:40:03How important has that been during the course of the season
00:40:06when the offense has taken a little bit of time
00:40:09to get going in these games?
00:40:11Yeah, I think anytime, you know,
00:40:13anytime you turn the ball over in the NFL,
00:40:15you put yourself at a disadvantage, right?
00:40:17And, you know, even when there's lulls on offense
00:40:22or hey, when we might not be, you know,
00:40:24clicking all the way, as long as we're not, you know,
00:40:27as long as those drives are ending in a punt, good things.
00:40:29We have an opportunity to flip the field,
00:40:32us be able to regroup and not feel like,
00:40:34oh, man, we got stopped because we turned the ball over,
00:40:36whether it was a fumble or an interception.
00:40:37And so not playing scared, not playing conservative,
00:40:41but understand the importance of if we can just protect
00:40:44the football for 60 minutes, good things usually happen,
00:40:46and pleased with how they've done it so far.
00:40:49We got to continue that, right?
00:40:50Because every week the teams that we're going against
00:40:52is probably like, hey, this is going to be the week, right?
00:40:54And so it's got to be important to us.
00:40:57My last question to you, Coach,
00:40:59how important also has it been to have the availability
00:41:03of the five guys up front?
00:41:05Availability NFL is big.
00:41:08How big has that been for you so far this season?
00:41:11Yeah, no, it's huge, right?
00:41:13There's the continuity with those guys
00:41:14understanding each other and the communication skills
00:41:17and understanding how they approach blocks
00:41:19and all things that people, you know,
00:41:21it's natural inclination is you just plug and play
00:41:23and it's always next man up.
00:41:25You know, don't get me wrong with that,
00:41:26but just everybody plays a little different
00:41:29and just combination blocks and pass sets
00:41:30and understanding when you're getting help
00:41:32and, you know, when it's the same guys communicating
00:41:34and doing it, you know, it helps.
00:41:38It's obviously beneficial.
00:41:39And I feel really good about the five that we have,
00:41:42you know, when they're out there and doing a good job
00:41:44and, you know, it's, you know, a knock on wood,
00:41:46you know, I know how the NFL is,
00:41:48but, you know, as long as they're out there,
00:41:50you know, we have a good opportunity
00:41:51to be able to move the ball.
00:41:53All right, thank you, Coach.
00:41:54Appreciate you.
00:41:57Hey, Joe, the offense ranks top five in scoring
00:42:00in the second and third quarters this year.
00:42:02Sean said, you know, a lot of times
00:42:04it comes down to execution,
00:42:05but are there details within that,
00:42:07the execution of those plays that have stood out to you
00:42:10in the middle part of the game?
00:42:12No, I think usually it helps if we can get a first down.
00:42:16That was a little different yesterday, especially early,
00:42:20but I think it's a combination of a lot of things.
00:42:23You know, obviously we want to be able to start fast
00:42:24and, you know, you'd love to be able to get points
00:42:27on the board to start.
00:42:28And, you know, I think it's a credit to our guys for,
00:42:31you know, when things aren't going well,
00:42:33I'm not panicking and understand that,
00:42:35hey, adjustments are going to be made.
00:42:36We're going to be able to figure it out
00:42:37or, you know, that they believe in one another,
00:42:40that we're going to be all right.
00:42:41And so, you know, whether it's the second quarter,
00:42:44third quarter is an opportunity, like last, yesterday,
00:42:46we got in the locker room and there was no panic,
00:42:49you know, or obviously our defense was, you know,
00:42:51did a great job of keeping us in a, you know,
00:42:53despite, you know, how we were kind of playing,
00:42:55but guys kind of understand kind of how we're going to play
00:42:57and the adjustments that are going to be needed
00:42:59in the flow of the game.
00:43:00And that was a big difference in the third quarter.
00:43:02I wish I can give you a secret sauce, you know,
00:43:04you know, maybe I go into this week and say,
00:43:06you guys pretend it's the third quarter to start the game.
00:43:08But no, I think it's sometimes it's a simple throw
00:43:11and catch.
00:43:12It wasn't just one particular thing,
00:43:14in particular to yesterday,
00:43:15but obviously the first half wasn't the standard.
00:43:18And all three running backs that were active
00:43:21to the game scored yesterday for the first time this season,
00:43:23all of them reached the end zone.
00:43:25What did you like just about the interchangeability
00:43:27of all three guys out there?
00:43:28Yeah, no, and that's,
00:43:30that was kind of the vision from the beginning, right?
00:43:32You know, being in, being in Champa together,
00:43:33that room that we felt like we had three backs
00:43:36that can do a little bit of everything
00:43:38and aren't going to just when they're on the field,
00:43:40people know exactly what they're going to do.
00:43:42And so, you know, we had an opportunity last week
00:43:45to see the guys step up in Jimbo,
00:43:46not meet in Jimbo being out and those guys coming in
00:43:50and understanding their roles
00:43:51and how they can help our football team
00:43:53and whether it's through the run, you know,
00:43:54and protection and then Ty making the play
00:43:56in the red zone on the, on the pass.
00:43:59You know, it's just three guys that just, you know,
00:44:02we trust that they can do a little bit of everything
00:44:04and it makes our life a lot easier.
00:44:05I'm sure it makes it a little harder going against
00:44:07when they don't know exactly what you're going to get
00:44:09when people are on the field.
00:44:10Thanks, Joe.
00:44:14Coach Brady, Mookie Harkins,
00:44:16White Falls Sports Today, a good one yesterday, coach.
00:44:18Thank you, appreciate you.
00:44:20Coach, Keyon Coleman's production is something
00:44:23everyone has been waiting for Coleman to have.
00:44:26How can you build off Coleman's career day?
00:44:30Yeah, I mean, we just got to continue the, you know,
00:44:32harping on the consistency and the, you know,
00:44:35all the little details and little things, right?
00:44:38You know, I think sometimes it's so important
00:44:40for guys to not get caught up in the production
00:44:42or the results and understand all the little things.
00:44:44Sometimes you might catch a route that
00:44:47he might not get a ball thrown on a route
00:44:49that I actually liked was a better route
00:44:50than the one that he might've even got
00:44:52and maybe completed, right?
00:44:53And so to try it, especially at this point in the season
00:44:56in general is just to not be concerned with the results
00:44:59and more so the how, and I'm proud of how he was able
00:45:02to kind of make some plays on the ball.
00:45:03And obviously would have liked to come down
00:45:05with the one in the end zone, but, you know,
00:45:07everything at this point in the year
00:45:08with all of our young guys, with a guy like Ray,
00:45:10with all that is hoping that, you know,
00:45:12they just continue to progress, you know, with that.
00:45:14But Kian's confident, he can be coached hard
00:45:17and I like how he's, you know, approaching it.
00:45:20Absolutely coaching.
00:45:22Man, you got a tough one this week,
00:45:24heading out to the Northwest to face the Seahawks.
00:45:27What stands out the most about this defense
00:45:29when you take a good look at them?
00:45:31Yeah, I mean, obviously still, you know, it is early.
00:45:34I'd be lying to you if I could tell you just the exact,
00:45:36all the details that's, you know, part of,
00:45:38we finally got an opportunity on Monday
00:45:40to kind of go through a defense and, you know,
00:45:42but, you know, it starts with the head football coach,
00:45:45you know, with the style of the defense
00:45:47that you're going to be facing and, you know,
00:45:49he's always had a good defense and it's no different now.
00:45:51Again, regardless of whatever their statistics might show,
00:45:54you know, what you're going to kind of be walking into
00:45:56in addition to that environment.
00:45:58You know, they're really good on the outsides.
00:46:00You know, we have some familiarity
00:46:01with the inside with T-Dot, a linebacker, you know,
00:46:05and then Leonard Williams has always,
00:46:06always been an elite player for his whole career.
00:46:08And so, you know, it's going to be a huge test for us
00:46:11and I feel like I say it every week,
00:46:13but, you know, an elite defense that, you know,
00:46:14we're going to have to be our best.
00:46:16Absolutely, four and three definitely
00:46:18does not do Seattle any justice,
00:46:19but coach, have a great week of practice
00:46:21and good luck this week.
00:46:22I appreciate you.
00:46:27Coach, second week in a row
00:46:28that Ray Davis has looked really explosive.
00:46:31What can you say specifically about him?
00:46:33I know you mentioned a little bit about the running back room,
00:46:35but what can you say specifically about Ray?
00:46:39His approach, his mindset, you know,
00:46:42everything we've kind of, you know,
00:46:45through the draft process, you know,
00:46:46just his maturity, his character,
00:46:49it kind of speaks to kind of the way he plays.
00:46:51And, you know, you feel him when he runs,
00:46:54you feel his style of play.
00:46:56He's continuing to learn, right?
00:46:57It's, I wish it was just as easy
00:47:00as just being a football player
00:47:01and you just give him the ball and go make things happen.
00:47:03And there's so much more to the NFL game
00:47:05of understanding the defenses that you're going against,
00:47:08the way that the fronts play, how to set up blocks,
00:47:10when to make this cut, hey, I got an under front,
00:47:12an over front, all those little things
00:47:14that at the same time,
00:47:15you can't be thinking when you're running, too.
00:47:17And so it's just his development from that,
00:47:19you know, he's continuing to progress.
00:47:21And as always, right, you're a rookie,
00:47:23you want to go out there, and when you have some success,
00:47:25you want to be able to build upon it.
00:47:26So I'm sure he's feeling a little more confident out there
00:47:28and you feel him when he's running the football.
00:47:30And so he's been a great addition to our room
00:47:32with Ty and Jimbo.
00:47:38Hey, Joe, I was just wondering,
00:47:40what did you learn about Amare this last week?
00:47:43Last time we talked to you,
00:47:43you were just getting to kind of find out the news
00:47:46and everything.
00:47:47So what was it like actually getting to know him
00:47:49and seeing him up close,
00:47:50both from like the practice standpoint, too?
00:47:53Yeah, I mean, he's a pro's pro.
00:47:56You know, it's obviously I've been following Amare
00:47:58being from South Florida.
00:48:00You know, I always, you've seen some, you know,
00:48:02South Floridians kind of move on from college,
00:48:04you know, high school to college and to the league
00:48:05and always kind of follow their career.
00:48:07But, you know, a guy that just as soon as he got here,
00:48:11just wanted to learn whatever he could,
00:48:12you know, with no expectations about,
00:48:14hey, obviously the hope was for him to play,
00:48:16but hey, we'll see what he can handle and what he can't.
00:48:19And I mean, we went to a meeting
00:48:22straight to a practice slash walkthrough last week
00:48:24and, you know, he knew what he had to do
00:48:26and no credit to, you know, Adam and DJ
00:48:29of getting those guys, getting him ready,
00:48:30but kind of speaks to his character
00:48:32and kind of who he is and pro's pro
00:48:34and doesn't let things phase him.
00:48:36He's obviously quiet, you know, he loves football.
00:48:39You could talk to him about ball, but, you know,
00:48:41even that I told him before the game yesterday,
00:48:43I said, look, you're going to make mistakes,
00:48:45you know, bad stuff might happen.
00:48:47You know, it's the reality of it,
00:48:48but, you know, I'm going to keep going to you.
00:48:50You're going to kind of grow in this offense.
00:48:52Like, don't worry.
00:48:52You don't have to be perfect tomorrow, right?
00:48:53Trust the other guys around you that will figure it out.
00:48:56I thought he did a good job responding.
00:48:57You know, obviously that first catch he's going to want back,
00:49:00but did a good job not letting that kind of,
00:49:02you know, breed mistakes.
00:49:03And again, it speaks to kind of who he is
00:49:05and just having the trust and made some huge plays
00:49:07in the second half.
00:49:08And, you know, obviously you can see the impact
00:49:10it kind of has on offense.
00:49:12Why was that so important for you
00:49:14to have that conversation with him about,
00:49:16hey, mistakes might happen,
00:49:17but I'm going to keep going back to you?
00:49:19You know, I think I sometimes, you know,
00:49:23you don't know how it is across the NFL
00:49:24and it might be like that across the NFL,
00:49:26but I want our guys to, you know,
00:49:27guys that have been here to understand
00:49:29that they don't have to be perfect.
00:49:30And that, you know, if the stress to feel like you have to,
00:49:33sometimes mistakes happen and is, you know,
00:49:36trust that, hey, things are going to happen
00:49:38and let's move on to the next play.
00:49:40And that we got 10 guys, 10 other guys in the huddle,
00:49:42they're going to do everything they can for you
00:49:43to try to make it right.
00:49:45And let's not let it kind of soak in.
00:49:47And so I just try to let,
00:49:48when you go into a new game, right, it's one thing,
00:49:50especially a guy that he's been playing for, you know,
00:49:52a decade, but, you know,
00:49:53you feel like you can answer all the questions
00:49:55when, you know, you're asked,
00:49:56hey, what do you have on this?
00:49:57What do you have on this?
00:49:58And things go full speed, right?
00:49:59And so, you know, it's, that's hard.
00:50:02Like, I think people think that's easy
00:50:03to just go into a system, but, you know,
00:50:06for him to go in there and, you know,
00:50:07I didn't want him worrying about, oh man,
00:50:09what if I make a mistake?
00:50:10Like, we're going to be all right.
00:50:11And, you know, I was, and the way he kind of played,
00:50:14you know, there wasn't really mistakes.
00:50:17And so it kind of shows who he is.
00:50:19And then you mentioned DJ,
00:50:20Shauna mentioned him after the game as well.
00:50:22You've got such a strong relationship with him, obviously.
00:50:25Just what makes him kind of a good coach
00:50:28to help bring someone like Amari along in such a quick week?
00:50:31What does he do to make that happen?
00:50:33I mean, DJ's a stud.
00:50:34He's been, I mean, fortunately I've been with DJ
00:50:37for a lot of the spots.
00:50:38So DJ has a great understanding of our offense,
00:50:40but also he can give Amari a little bit of feedback
00:50:42in terms of understanding how I'm thinking.
00:50:45And I know that sounds, that sounds like that's not big,
00:50:47but hey, like, Joe's thinking this,
00:50:49this is a reason we're in this split.
00:50:50This is when he's wanting to attack this.
00:50:53DJ's an elite coach and a great communicator.
00:50:55And so, you know, it makes you really tough
00:50:57when you bring a new guy in
00:50:58to try to get them up to speed with a playbook.
00:51:01It's like, you can't really teach a playbook.
00:51:02You got to kind of teach plays and game plan
00:51:04and where to start.
00:51:05And, you know, DJ, you know, spent a lot of time,
00:51:08you know, before and after kind of getting Amari ready.
00:51:11And, you know, obviously he scored a touchdown
00:51:13and it's kind of last, yesterday kind of shows the,
00:51:16makes it all worth it.
00:51:17But yeah, no, that kind of speaks to who DJ is.
00:51:20Awesome. Thanks.
00:51:23Hey Joe, one more quick on Amari.
00:51:26He played 19 snaps in this,
00:51:28in this game on a really quick turnaround.
00:51:30What did you see from him in terms of the actual day-to-day
00:51:34digesting the playbook and how much more prepared
00:51:38or comfortable do you feel like he'll be next week
00:51:41with a whole nother week to kind of dive into it?
00:51:44Yeah, I mean, he, nothing seemed too big for him, right?
00:51:49You know, but it's to say he's going to play
00:51:51more than 19 snaps this week.
00:51:53It's still too early to be able to tell.
00:51:56Obviously he's impactful.
00:51:57Definitely can't be when he's in the game
00:51:59that the ball's going to him.
00:51:59I know that, you know, and so we gotta be able to make,
00:52:02you know, find ways to interject him in the run game,
00:52:05find ways to just get him, you know,
00:52:06moving around different personnel groupings.
00:52:08And, you know, that all, that all is going to come.
00:52:12But a lot of it is all about, hey, what he can handle,
00:52:16which we obviously showed that, you know,
00:52:17he can do a lot, the more that we put on his plate.
00:52:20But it's more of, again,
00:52:21it's just kind of learning the game plans right now
00:52:23as opposed to trying to learn an offense for sure.
00:52:27And I popped in a little late,
00:52:28so sorry if you were asked this already,
00:52:29but Sean talked a little bit about it before,
00:52:32the slow starts.
00:52:33Has there been anything that you've kind of diagnosed
00:52:36over the course of the first seven games
00:52:38when things haven't gone well early?
00:52:40What's kind of been the problem?
00:52:43Yeah, no, I mean, we definitely, we've looked at it, right?
00:52:45You can look at some games,
00:52:47some games you go down and you score,
00:52:49you know, on the first drive, you know,
00:52:50some games we didn't score until the second drive.
00:52:52And so it's, the worst feeling is going to three
00:52:55down on the first drive.
00:52:57And I think a lot of times,
00:52:59whether we get the ball or whether we don't,
00:53:00I'd love for us to be able to set the tone for the game.
00:53:02And, you know, you get five yards on first down
00:53:05and get four yards on second down or three,
00:53:07whatever it ended up being on that.
00:53:08You love for us to be able to execute
00:53:09and just be able to sustain drives
00:53:11and be able to stay out in the field.
00:53:12And, you know, we didn't do that.
00:53:14It's something that we were able to set the tone
00:53:16against the Jets game.
00:53:16You see the Miami game, the Jacksonville game,
00:53:19you can kind of see the difference in some of those games.
00:53:21And so, you know, we do feed off of it.
00:53:25And so, you know, there's,
00:53:27I can go into little details of schematics or just,
00:53:29hey, the, you know, the why,
00:53:31it's never one particular thing, but, you know,
00:53:33we obviously, we don't want to wait
00:53:35until second half to get going.
00:53:37And there's been some games that, you know,
00:53:38it's taken us to that and it can't happen that.
00:53:41It's never easy to score 27 points
00:53:43and do those things in a full game.
00:53:46For us to do that in the second half
00:53:47kind of speaks to the character of the locker room,
00:53:48but we don't need to make it that hard.
00:53:50That's for sure.
00:53:52Can't make it that hard.
00:53:53Can't make a living in the NFL doing that.
00:53:55Thanks, Joe.
00:53:58Hey, Joe, how are you seeing this offense come together
00:54:01through seven weeks, both with your play call
00:54:03and the guys on the field executing that?
00:54:07Yeah, it's, you know, it's said in the beginning, right?
00:54:10It's going to be a work in progress,
00:54:12especially with a bunch of new receivers.
00:54:14And, you know, now we add Amari and, you know,
00:54:15you have some injuries here and there as we kind of go.
00:54:17And so, you know,
00:54:19you're trying to build that identity as you go,
00:54:21but also being able to understand kind of who you got
00:54:24and figure out personnel groupings,
00:54:27depending on how some games.
00:54:28So it kind of changes week to week,
00:54:31but I feel really good about the core that we have,
00:54:34the way the guys are being utilized
00:54:36or how they feel like they are, you know,
00:54:39they're involved in the offense.
00:54:41As always, we want guys to just get
00:54:42as many touches as possible.
00:54:44I know that that makes it really hard,
00:54:46but our guys are buying into playing for one another.
00:54:48And that's the biggest thing,
00:54:50making it less about the scheme
00:54:51and more about the players.
00:54:53And so, you know, I'm not kidding
00:54:56without giving you the exact details
00:54:57of where I see our identity is.
00:54:59Like where our guys are at,
00:55:01they have a lot of belief in the system.
00:55:03Obviously we'd like it to be able to come out
00:55:04and play to our standard early, make life a little easier,
00:55:07but like where we're at right now.
00:55:09With so much newness on this offense this season,
00:55:12a lot of the offense was about building
00:55:14that chemistry with Josh.
00:55:15How have you seen that progress now through seven weeks?
00:55:19Yeah, I mean, you can see,
00:55:21well, one, it speaks to kind of how Josh is,
00:55:23like even little things of like that, you know,
00:55:25the touchdown you called back on Keon,
00:55:26like how much Josh and Keon have worked that, you know,
00:55:30some of those things that it seems like
00:55:32such easy throw and catches,
00:55:33but the amount of time on tasks that it takes
00:55:37to be able to understand the body language with it.
00:55:39And that's what, like some of those throws to Amari
00:55:42yesterday, which was so special,
00:55:43is like, they don't really have those time on tasks.
00:55:45They might've had a day of practice
00:55:46and some of that to be on the same page
00:55:48is pretty impressive.
00:55:49But yeah, it's a, I really like our receiving room.
00:55:54I've liked our receiving room,
00:55:55and then we get to add Coop to it.
00:55:57It makes life a lot easier,
00:55:58but, you know, it's kind of speaks to Josh and him,
00:56:00kind of just Josh and that group kind of getting together
00:56:02and understanding each other.
00:56:03And obviously we have to continue to evolve
00:56:05the past offense.
00:56:06We have to get better, you know,
00:56:07and so we're going to really depend on those guys
00:56:09to continue to take more steps.
00:56:11But, you know, we've played a lot of good defenses,
00:56:14but we're a good offense.
00:56:15And so it shouldn't matter about who we're going against.
00:56:17It's all about us.
00:56:18And so we've got to continue to find ways to get better.
00:56:20Thanks, Joe.
00:56:22That's all we have for you today, Joe.
00:56:24Thank you for your time.
00:56:47Hey, Bobby, can you hear me? Okay?
00:57:13Yeah. Yeah.
00:57:15You got me?
00:57:17Awesome, we're going to go ahead and get started with questions.
00:57:19Pat Freeman will have our first question.
00:57:24Good afternoon, Coach.
00:57:26Congratulations on a great win yesterday.
00:57:28Thank you, I appreciate it.
00:57:30Good afternoon.
00:57:32Hey, it seems that your back-end defense
00:57:36against a run has really improved
00:57:38in the last couple of weeks.
00:57:39What are some of the things that you've worked on
00:57:42to get your back-end guys, your linebackers,
00:57:45and D-backs to do a better job against a run?
00:57:48Yeah, you know, it really starts front to back.
00:57:53And I've talked about it in past weeks,
00:57:55but it's our consistency of, you know,
00:57:59gap integrity, which we talk a lot about,
00:58:02going into our fundamentals,
00:58:03whether it's block destruction, run-pass keys,
00:58:08and everything that's, you know,
00:58:11kind of combined in that.
00:58:12You know, proper depth in your alignment,
00:58:15proper depth up front, the width of my alignment up front.
00:58:18So there's a lot that goes into it,
00:58:20and, you know, we've had a lot of guys in and out.
00:58:24So you've really got to focus in
00:58:25and pinpoint each individual player
00:58:27and where they need their individual improvements
00:58:30and growth.
00:58:32And, you know, credit to our guys, man.
00:58:34We knew that they were going to come in here
00:58:37and try to establish a run.
00:58:39And for the most part, except a few in there,
00:58:42we did a pretty damn good job.
00:58:44How happy were you, Coach, in my last question
00:58:47about the play of some of those guys up front,
00:58:51including getting back Ed Oliver
00:58:53and particularly Greg Russo?
00:58:56You're just saying how was their play?
00:58:59No, I said how happy were you with the play,
00:59:01getting them back, Ed Oliver and Greg Russo?
00:59:04It's always good to, you know, be at full strength
00:59:07and get some of those key players back.
00:59:10And, you know, they did a pretty damn good job,
00:59:14and, you know, we'll continue.
00:59:16There's areas in each of their game
00:59:17where there's room for growth,
00:59:18and we're going to continue to pinpoint those
00:59:20and go after those.
00:59:21But it was really nice to have them back.
00:59:24All right. Thank you, Coach.
00:59:25You got it.
00:59:29Hey, Bobby. John Warrell with the AP.
00:59:32Hey, John. How are you?
00:59:33Good, good.
00:59:34What's it say about the trust that you've developed
00:59:37in Dwayne Carter at such an early stage of the season
00:59:40in a rookie to have him on the field for,
00:59:43you know, to be able to make a game-turning play
00:59:47as he did in the third quarter there?
00:59:49Yeah. I mean, with consistency comes trust.
00:59:54And, you know, I talk a lot.
00:59:57We talk a lot as a defense about,
01:00:01you know, just like the NBA, this is make-or-miss league,
01:00:05and you're either making plays or you're not.
01:00:07And we talk about that,
01:00:09and it's really important to make sure
01:00:12that we're not chasing plays at the same time
01:00:15and within the framework and structure of our defense
01:00:18and how our defense works,
01:00:20of making the plays that present themselves.
01:00:22And I think Greg, I heard him say yesterday after the game,
01:00:26he said, and, you know, I joke around a lot,
01:00:28it might not be the eighth time.
01:00:30It might not be the ninth time. It might be the tenth time.
01:00:33You know, you just got to make sure you're in position
01:00:35and you're not chasing things.
01:00:36Things tend to get frantic when you chase plays,
01:00:39and Dwayne's doing a good job of focusing in
01:00:42on what each individual call is telling him to do
01:00:47and then lining up what's his key,
01:00:49what's his key, tell him to do,
01:00:50and then when a play does show up,
01:00:52you know, being able to make that play.
01:00:54What stood out re-watching the tape of that play
01:00:57and what Dwayne did?
01:01:00And really, you know, really when you look at it,
01:01:03it starts with get off the ball.
01:01:07That's what we talk about, get off the ball.
01:01:09And he did a great job.
01:01:12You know, D-line,
01:01:13there's a lot of footwork and hand placement involved there,
01:01:16and he did a great job with his pad level,
01:01:18his footwork, his hand placement,
01:01:21you know, and at the point of attack, he won,
01:01:23you know, and really, we all know
01:01:26that was a big play in the game,
01:01:28and, you know, that's as good as a takeaway.
01:01:30You know, that's a sudden change as far as that's concerned.
01:01:33Sure. I get that.
01:01:35And lastly, how much of an advantage
01:01:38or benefit do you get from having a guy
01:01:42who's 23 years old coming in as a rookie?
01:01:45He's going to be 24 in December,
01:01:47but just the level of experience
01:01:49and the maturity that he has
01:01:51as opposed to maybe a younger player,
01:01:53and how much does that help in his development
01:01:56and from what you've seen from him?
01:01:58Yeah, it's interesting you bring that up
01:01:59because Dwayne, regardless of his age,
01:02:01he comes across as, you know, as a more mature young man,
01:02:06and, you know, that certainly helps you
01:02:12when it comes to, you know, framing your mind every week
01:02:16and kind of coming up with that routine
01:02:18and, you know, everything that's involved,
01:02:21and what you see out of him right now is, yes, there is it.
01:02:27There is some inconsistency, but that inconsistency
01:02:30is starting to wane a little bit
01:02:32with more consistency showing up.
01:02:35Really targeted him after last week
01:02:38on a few things that he needed to improve,
01:02:40and, you know, he did a pretty dang good job,
01:02:43and, you know, nobody's perfect.
01:02:46Nobody's perfect. We're chasing perfection, you know,
01:02:50and, you know, that's what we're going to look for in him,
01:02:53just that continued consistency.
01:02:55And I'm sorry to belabor this,
01:02:57because I said last question,
01:02:58but I recall back to his draft when he got drafted,
01:03:04and there was all this noise in the background on his Zoom call,
01:03:07and he's telling his father.
01:03:08He gets up from the table
01:03:10and tells his father to essentially pipe down.
01:03:14I mean, you don't usually see that,
01:03:16but it's like what you get out of his personality
01:03:19that is, I guess, he's assertive,
01:03:23and yet, you know, kind of is his own person in that sense.
01:03:28Yeah, you know, I would say this about Dwayne.
01:03:30The thing, when it comes to football,
01:03:33like on the football field,
01:03:34the thing that I've really enjoyed watching him,
01:03:37if you go back all the way back to Houston
01:03:39when he had his, I believe that was his first start,
01:03:41you go back to Houston, the energy that he brings,
01:03:46the juice, you know, that, to me,
01:03:49is something that, yes, I saw on the college tape,
01:03:51but for a rookie to, you know, make a play
01:03:55and establish himself, especially early in that game,
01:03:58you know, that's unique, and that's great to see,
01:04:01and I know it gets everybody going,
01:04:03and I know, most importantly,
01:04:04he's earning the respect of his teammates,
01:04:06you know, and that's really important.
01:04:08So I would say, you know, as far as his personality,
01:04:11yes, he's assertive, but he's still a rookie in our building,
01:04:14you know, so, but those are some of the cool things
01:04:19that you see from him.
01:04:20You know, when you watch the tape, you know,
01:04:21my eyes go from a play made down
01:04:24to getting ready for the next call,
01:04:25so I don't see a lot of that
01:04:26until I see it the next day or that night.
01:04:30Good stuff. Thanks, Bobby.
01:04:31You got it.
01:04:33Hey, Bobby, how does the defense build off
01:04:36of a strong second-half performance here?
01:04:40Hey, Maddie.
01:04:45Honestly, I'm kind of sick about talking
01:04:48about the strong second halves, you know,
01:04:50and they've done a great job in the strong second half.
01:04:52We just need to come out firing.
01:04:54You know, it's interesting, you know,
01:04:56I was having a discussion today with the staff
01:04:58about you look back at Houston.
01:05:00We come out, bang, we start out with a three-and-out,
01:05:02come out hot, bang, I think it was the next two series.
01:05:05Self-inflicted wounds affect us.
01:05:08You go to this game, we come out with a four-and-out.
01:05:11They hit the one boot on us, got the first down.
01:05:13We get off the field on third down.
01:05:14I believe it was the next two series,
01:05:16you know, second and third series.
01:05:17They move the ball a little bit, and it's, you know, it's...
01:05:21We have to maintain that same, you know, energy and focus
01:05:27that we had on the first series as we do those next two.
01:05:30So the second half piece of things is very encouraging,
01:05:37but we need to come out and start faster.
01:05:40And, you know, the guys have done a good job
01:05:43grasping of what the offense is trying to do to us at halftime,
01:05:47but we need to do that a little bit sooner.
01:05:49Can you take us behind the curtain a little bit
01:05:52on what happens in halftime?
01:05:54I know there's...
01:05:55It's not like you guys have 20 minutes,
01:05:56and you're drawing up plays, and you're saying,
01:05:58okay, do this on this, do that on that.
01:06:00It's, hey, we have a couple minutes
01:06:03to talk about all of this regroup.
01:06:04Maybe you have, you know, something to drink, eat,
01:06:07and you're back out on the field.
01:06:10What has happened at halftime to allow these guys
01:06:12to really play at a really high level?
01:06:16Yeah, so, you know, I think...
01:06:18And I think Sean hit on this a little bit.
01:06:20It's not always schematics, and sometimes it is schematics.
01:06:27You know, getting together as a staff and saying,
01:06:28hey, here are the three things, four things we need to hit.
01:06:31Bang, bang, bang, bang.
01:06:32Okay, we're good here.
01:06:34You know, pinpoint a couple areas in the game
01:06:36where maybe we're not having as much success,
01:06:40specifically third down, you know, this game,
01:06:43and we need to be a lot better on third down.
01:06:45But, you know, just some areas there.
01:06:47And so it could go two different ways.
01:06:50It can, and really, it's three different ways.
01:06:52It can go, hey, we're doing a good job.
01:06:53Nothing's going to change.
01:06:56Just keep doing what we're doing.
01:06:58It can be, you know, a mental thing.
01:07:01It can be a calm them down. We're good.
01:07:03Let's just read our keys,
01:07:06do what our keys tell us to do, and execute.
01:07:08And then it can be, hey, schematically, they tweak this,
01:07:10so we need to tweak a couple things here or there.
01:07:12So, and it is, it's a short amount of time.
01:07:14So we got to go in there. We got to be efficient.
01:07:16We got to roll.
01:07:17Thanks, Bobby.
01:07:18You got it.
01:07:22Hey, Bobby, seven games through now,
01:07:26Chris Benford at times,
01:07:28I feel like you can forget about him a little bit,
01:07:30or maybe even, like, take him for granted a little bit.
01:07:33From your, I'm sure you don't.
01:07:36But can you speak to his growth,
01:07:39where he is in terms of the weekly production you're getting
01:07:43and what you're seeing from teams?
01:07:46Maybe try not to challenge him
01:07:48because of the growth that he's made.
01:07:51Yeah, CB, CB's a joy to be around.
01:07:55I think there's been a lot of talk on our new wide receiver
01:07:58who doesn't talk much. CB doesn't talk at all.
01:08:01And when I say at all, he's a very quiet person,
01:08:05extremely intelligent,
01:08:09understands the scheme in and out.
01:08:14So that's a joy to coach.
01:08:16You know, as far as his play goes, he's playing well.
01:08:18And I would say, I think he would tell you
01:08:20that in the Jets game, didn't play as well as he wanted to.
01:08:23There was a couple things we saw, you know,
01:08:25that he needed to focus on this week,
01:08:28and he did a heck of a job, you know.
01:08:30But, you know, just like his personality,
01:08:32I think right now he does go a little unnoticed, you know.
01:08:36But he's certainly, you know, doing his job at a high level.
01:08:41And, you know, we're looking for him to continue that.
01:08:44And now that you're seven games in,
01:08:47what's it been like in your new role?
01:08:49And, like, obviously Sean was in the D.C. role.
01:08:51We talked about that just whole development
01:08:56and maturation of what that was going to be.
01:08:58What's it been like seven weeks in
01:09:00and how you guys work together
01:09:02and how you've asserted yourself,
01:09:03but also leaning on him with all the experience?
01:09:07Yeah, like I said way back, you know,
01:09:09I lean on him heavily.
01:09:12I know he trusts me.
01:09:15And so that has not changed.
01:09:17I still lean on him heavily.
01:09:20You know, and for me, you know, what is it today?
01:09:24Monday of week eight is a new day.
01:09:27Every day is a brand-new day.
01:09:30And I know you think, you know,
01:09:32hey, you know, each week is the same.
01:09:35It's not. It's not.
01:09:37And, you know, especially with as we go through
01:09:39a lot of these prime time games and those type of things
01:09:42and with managing time and, you know,
01:09:48making sure that, you know,
01:09:49you look at tape a certain way, right?
01:09:51Like I was a safeties coach, a linebackers coach thing.
01:09:54There was a certain way I did things.
01:09:56And now as a coordinator, all the different, you know,
01:09:59you have your hands in every area.
01:10:02And so you really have to manage your time,
01:10:06you know, well, I would say that, you know,
01:10:09there's a lot of things that I'd like to do different,
01:10:13you know, hindsight, which I hate hindsight, you know,
01:10:16but there's a lot of learning opportunities there.
01:10:19And I'm going to continue to learn.
01:10:21I'm going to continue to go grow,
01:10:22try to pinpoint the areas where I need to improve first
01:10:25and show that to the players, you know,
01:10:27as an encouragement for them to find areas where they grow.
01:10:32Thanks, Bobby. Appreciate it.
01:10:33You got it.
01:10:36Hey, Bobby, Tim Graham with The Athletic here.
01:10:39Hey, Tim.
01:10:40I'm asking the question with the linebackers in mind,
01:10:43but I think this can pertain to any position group,
01:10:46especially now here you're entering week eight.
01:10:48You've had to get guys ready at every position.
01:10:54You know, we talk about reps, especially training camp
01:10:56or whatever, and these young guys
01:10:57and the value of their reps to get them ready to play,
01:11:00backups I'm talking about, younger guys.
01:11:02That's right. That's right.
01:11:03What does it do for a coach for these guys to get their reps
01:11:07so that way it prepares you for what
01:11:10and get with familiarity and things?
01:11:12What's the, I guess, the perspective from you to them
01:11:16versus what they can do for the team?
01:11:21It's a great question.
01:11:24You know, I think I used the word earlier.
01:11:26I think the biggest thing that you're looking for is trust.
01:11:30Right? So you're going to get an opportunity in practice,
01:11:33and I think this will answer your question.
01:11:34You're going to get an opportunity in practice,
01:11:36and for the backups, you know,
01:11:40way back moving from college to the NFL in my career,
01:11:45you know, it's like, wow, like, in college,
01:11:47you have all these reps, and you're getting all these backups,
01:11:50all these reps. Well, in the NFL, it's hard.
01:11:52You know, it's hard, and you only have a 53-man roster
01:11:55as opposed to a college roster
01:11:58where you have maybe, you know, 100.
01:11:59I don't even know what they're at anymore.
01:12:02And, you know, so you have a small opportunity
01:12:05and a small window to be able to show that,
01:12:08hey, not only my teammates,
01:12:10but my coaches can trust that I can go in
01:12:12and play and play at a high level.
01:12:15You know, so I think it's twofold right there
01:12:16to where there's a practice portion of things
01:12:22to where, hey, I'm going to show them
01:12:24that I know what I'm doing, and I can go in,
01:12:26and I'm ready to roll, and then there's the game.
01:12:28So now you go in the game, and what's that look like?
01:12:32You know, as opposed to practice,
01:12:34and, hey, is there a disconnect when we get into the game?
01:12:38Can they take their practice reps
01:12:40and just turn them into game reps?
01:12:42And, you know, so I think that's the way you look at it.
01:12:46So there's two pieces of evaluation
01:12:48when it comes to that, and it just comes down to building trust.
01:12:52Hey, if this guy can go into practice,
01:12:53he can run the show, he can operate at a high level,
01:12:56and then he can go into a game and operate at a high level.
01:13:00In general, where is Week 8 in that arc
01:13:04in terms of what you think you know?
01:13:06I mean, what are the unknown unknowns
01:13:07at this point in Week 8?
01:13:09Yeah, I think, you know, if I was to put a percentage on it,
01:13:15I would say, you know, I think we've had
01:13:1716 starters on defense this year.
01:13:20You know, so I would say that we're sitting at about a,
01:13:24you know, 80, 85% clip of, you know,
01:13:28kind of knowing what to expect, not good or bad either way,
01:13:33but knowing what to expect when, you know,
01:13:35player X or player Y goes in.
01:13:38That's what I'd say as a, you know,
01:13:41as a guesstimate on percentage-wise of the roster,
01:13:45you know, kind of knowing what we would get
01:13:47if that player went in.
01:13:49Great insight. Thanks so much, Bobby.
01:13:51You got it.
01:13:52That's all we have for you today, Coach.
01:13:53Thank you for your time. Thank you.