Sean McDermott, Joe Brady, Bobby Babich

  • last week
From the Monday Zoom
00:00Yeah, big shot to the chest and rolled my ankle there.
00:17They flagged me for hitting my head, but felt good enough to go back in the game.
00:22First half before the second half, what went wrong in the first half to fall behind?
00:26If you look at it, I mean, we missed by a little bit.
00:30Had Mac open early, overthrew him.
00:33And then right before the half too,
00:36Dalton running down the seam had a chance and an opportunity there.
00:39We just, we were off slightly tonight.
00:41That's something I gotta clean up.
00:42And I'm proud of how we responded in the second half.
00:46Got on our horses and gave ourselves a chance to win a football game.
00:48Josh, can you explain the end of the game?
00:50You guys were backed up and you chose to throw three times there without
00:54trying to run some clock there.
00:56Yeah, being aggressive, coach is gonna trust us to go out there and do that.
00:59Obviously, we'd love to convert there, and hindsight's 20-20, but yeah.
01:04Josh, what makes you confident that you have enough playmakers on the outside
01:09to get the job done?
01:10Well, it starts with making better decisions on my part.
01:12And I know didn't complete the ball at a high rate tonight.
01:15Put the ball in harm's way, especially early in that first half.
01:19But I trust our guys.
01:22I know you guys are gonna be wild this week, but love my guys, and
01:27we're gonna keep working.
01:28And this isn't a defining moment in our season.
01:31It's a chance to learn and grow from this, and that's what we're gonna do.
01:34Josh, it seemed this week you didn't take what the defense was giving you.
01:37The running backs in the flat seemed to be open a lot.
01:40Was there a reason why you checked down to the guys in the flat?
01:47We'll take a look at that and use that going forward.
01:49Josh, where would you say if we were to go wild as you predict that we would,
01:53why shouldn't we?
01:54What do you see that would- Let's not base all this off of one game.
01:59I think our guys have been doing a great job early on in the season,
02:03finding ways to get open.
02:04Joe's been calling it well.
02:05It ultimately comes down to me executing at a high level and
02:08just didn't do that enough tonight.
02:09Do you think there was a reason that you were able to get open today?
02:11Did they stand out to you?
02:14Again, I think ball placement at times.
02:16I could give them better chances to go make plays.
02:20That's kind of what it comes down to.
02:21I gotta be better.
02:22So much has been made about the Stephon Diggs storyline this week.
02:26Did you feel the weight of that at all going into this game or out there?
02:30No, I mean, I think, I'm not on social media, I don't see any of that.
02:34Understand he's on their team, he's a great player.
02:37He made some good plays tonight for them and he was on the winning team and
02:40came down to a last second field goal and
02:42something that we're gonna have to learn from and grow from.
02:44Josh, at the end of the game, I know that you said you guys were being aggressive.
02:48But at the same time, should have been maybe more,
02:50I don't wanna say conservative, but higher percentage throws.
02:53You took three basically deep shots.
02:55Those are not as high a percentage as maybe just something underneath.
02:58Yeah, I mean, again, hindsight 20-20.
03:00We can go back and run it three times and
03:03who knows what the result is gonna be, but that's how it played out.
03:08You've had games in the past where you've had a couple games where things
03:11didn't go well, a couple losses in a row.
03:13Is there anything about this stretch here that feels familiar in the sense of
03:18adds to your belief or maybe any concern about figuring things out?
03:24No, I mean, we had to keep working hard.
03:26Good week of practice this week, learn from this one, wash it and move on.
03:29And that's what we're gonna do.
03:30Thanks, everybody.
03:43Okay, tough game.
03:46I thought our guys did a great job coming back.
03:48Coaches made good adjustments, just not enough in the end.
03:52And that's on me, the end of game situation on offense.
04:00We're in a tough situation, three timeouts.
04:04They're holding three timeouts, I got a good field goal kicker.
04:07We needed to run the clock and move the chains, and that's on me.
04:12We didn't do that there, and that's my fault.
04:14John, were you on board with the play call of three passes in that situation?
04:20I'm not gonna get into that.
04:21I don't think that's relevant right now.
04:22Sal, overall again, that's on me, and so we just gotta do a better job.
04:30I gotta do a better job in that situation.
04:32John, is that a situation where if you throw it once, you're gonna throw it
04:36three times, or if you run it once, you're gonna run it three times?
04:39Because even if you leave them with one timeout,
04:41that's all they needed in that spot.
04:42Yeah, I mean, when you talk about holding three timeouts, where we were,
04:46they've got a really strong leg field goal kicker, we knew that.
04:49There's a potential, if the situation goes three straight runs,
04:55you're running six seconds off potential each time, and
04:58you may be in a similar situation.
05:00So either way, we gotta do a better job, and that starts with me 100%.
05:07Is there something to the idea, though, that if it's gonna go one way or
05:10the other, and have it go one way or the other with 17 with the ball in his hands?
05:13I love Josh with the ball in his hands, I do.
05:15And again, efficient offense was the right approach there,
05:20and I didn't have us do that.
05:23And so again, we learned from that tough situation.
05:28They're holding three timeouts, like I said, they get a good field goal kicker,
05:31and you go back and forth.
05:34And hey, I probably should have run it on the first play and
05:38just said, hey, where are we now?
05:40Either way, we're probably gonna have to move the chains one time, right,
05:44to not give them a chance.
05:46But again, those are situations, and that's on me.
05:49We did, yeah, we did, and again, we talked about it after the game.
05:56And you don't know where that punt's gonna land.
06:00The punt goes in the end zone, we're at the 20, and we got a chance, right?
06:05Or do they, because of their kicker, do they hang on and run the clock down and
06:09try and do something on the last play?
06:11So again, situational football, so just again, that's on me.
06:18And I thought we had opportunities in the game, I really did.
06:22I thought the defense with the guys that were playing out there really
06:27battled out there.
06:28And just overall, not enough production on first down as an offense,
06:33not enough third down, really manageable third downs to convert and
06:37move the chains and keep the pressure on their defense.
06:40And so we gotta do a better job there.
06:43John, what do you feel like the passing game was in play today?
06:46I don't know, I feel, I'll have to look at the film.
06:48Joe, I just feel like overall, maybe we're too much down the field.
06:52I thought some of the, getting the ball out,
06:55I think it was some in the second quarter, maybe some in the third as well.
06:58I thought that was effective for us, and
07:00it just seemed like maybe we were looking down the field.
07:03I don't know, I gotta look at the film and just feel.
07:05We talked about it at halftime, and we knew first down wasn't good for us.
07:08And then when you talk about third down, three of 14,
07:11with the average yards to go, eight yards plus, that's not healthy.
07:15John, to Joe's point, you had 18 targets to your wide receivers,
07:19just four catches.
07:20Everybody knew with Khalil out that it was gonna be an opportunity for
07:23somebody to step up.
07:25How troubling is it that you didn't see any of that production kind of made up?
07:29Yeah, I would have hoped for more, honestly.
07:31I'm sure those guys feel the same way.
07:33The last scrimmage play before the field goal,
07:36it looked like the defense was confused.
07:38There was nobody on the field fences.
07:40Do you know what happened there?
07:41Yeah, what we had was we were trying to go nickel defense,
07:44and Dorian was on the side.
07:46We didn't have the communication we needed right there.
07:48And so because of that, he was late onto the field and
07:51getting the call in that situation.
07:54Sean, was there a common thread when they were able to convert a lot of
07:57third and six plus today?
07:59On their side?
08:01We had a mental on one of the third downs, I think it was third and five,
08:06and the first quarter that led to their first score.
08:09And then they did some good things just with making some good throws,
08:14and I thought we made some plays defensively when we needed to make them,
08:19and the guys battled.
08:21We've got to look at those third downs overall,
08:23and when you get a team in a third down, you've got to win those situations.
08:28Sean, back-to-back weeks offensively, first half struggles,
08:31get things going in the third quarter.
08:34Have those slow starts been more about what you guys have not been doing
08:37or more of maybe what your opponents had?
08:40I'll know more again when I have a better look at the film, John.
08:44I think overall, I feel like, to your point, we've been a little bit
08:48off our game from what we did, from what we executed in the first three games,
08:53and so that's when I get a chance to turn the film on,
08:56that's what I'm going to be looking for.
08:57John, when you look at how the game finished,
08:59it seemed pretty clear that after the turnover at the 15,
09:03not catch the touchdown.
09:04That would have probably changed the outcome of the game.
09:07Again, I think we had two takeaways.
09:11I know we got the ball, I think in the first quarter,
09:15we had a three and out, got the ball to maybe the plus 49 for us,
09:19almost 50 yards.
09:20Just opportunities overall.
09:21I thought there were some opportunities.
09:23That being said, I thought our offense came back in the second half
09:26and battled.
09:28Again, just not enough overall as a team.
09:30The punt return before half was three points.
09:36Their punt return.
09:37All of it adds up when you're in that tight of a game.
09:41Especially the first half, there was that catch by Dalton.
09:44Did you think it went rolling complete?
09:46Did you think about challenging that?
09:47I did, yeah.
09:48The information I got, I can't.
09:49On that side, I didn't get a replay,
09:51and the information I got was that the ball had hit the ground.
09:54So that's what we went with.
09:56Two tough ones on the road, another one coming up.
09:59Where are your guys now?
10:00Where do you think everybody is now after two tough ones like this?
10:04They're down.
10:05There's no moral victories.
10:07I did like how they battled.
10:09It's a battle back after getting down like we did.
10:13We've got a lot of young guys out there,
10:15in particular on the defensive side,
10:17playing and battling, giving us great effort on all three phases, really.
10:23The margins in the NFR are slim.
10:26We've got to continue to work to improve ourselves,
10:29get some guys healthy at some point here.
10:31I think that would help, and yet that's not an excuse.
10:34We've got to find ways to pull these out.
10:36Josh was 9-30 tonight.
10:38You talked about missed opportunities.
10:40You had Mack a couple of times early, Dalton maybe once over the middle.
10:44Do you feel like he's trusting what he's seeing right now,
10:46and just how would you assess his overall performance tonight?
10:49You're talking about Mack or Josh?
10:52I'm sure he wants that throwback that you referenced, Jay.
10:55Josh is a great player.
10:58I'll take the ball in Josh's hand anytime.
11:02The 4th and 5th that we went for was a great throw, great catch,
11:06great run after catch by Keon.
11:09Josh is a warrior, man.
11:11He took a pretty good hit out there and came back for his team and his teammates.
11:15Thanks, guys.
