• 2 months ago
Bills head coach Sean McDermott, offensive coordinator Joe Brady, and defensive coordinator Bobby Babich address the media on Monday ahead of their week of preparation for the AFC Wild Card Round against the Denver Broncos. (Courtesy of the Buffalo Bills)
00:22:21evening coach how you doing today good how are you x i'm good thank you uh if you're ready we're
00:22:26going to go ahead and get started with questions pat free we'll have our first question
00:22:35good afternoon coach how are you today i'm doing well pat how are you today
00:22:40how did you come out of the game health-wise uh codrington uh came up a little bit laying with
00:22:47the hamstring um so we're we're getting more information on that uh so other than that i
00:22:53think we came out okay did you accomplish uh in a game like that i'm i'm sure you had your notepad
00:23:01going uh did you accomplish everything that you wanted on yesterday's game i know you still wanted
00:23:06to win the game yeah yeah let's start there i didn't you know it's that's the that was the
00:23:14number one goal and certainly keeping everyone healthy and and then you know being aware of
00:23:19someone with the guys that on the line too that's you know that's you always want to try and
00:23:23uh make sure you're connected as far as that goes as well so you know the number one thing
00:23:29uh was to get out of the game healthy as healthy as we could uh you know brandon in this case i'm
00:23:34still getting information on him but overall i felt like we did a pretty good job trying to
00:23:38balance everything would have loved to have won that game and uh but we moved forward at this
00:23:43point here is that a concern he's been your main uh return guy uh you know going into a
00:23:50playoff game uh do you feel that uh you and brandon might have to make uh any moves prior to the game
00:23:59uh we'll see you know like i said it's uh still kind of early in terms of the information coming
00:24:04from our medical team so we'll just take it one one day at a time here on it all right thank you
00:24:10coach thanks pat hey coach uh ian mills with news 10 mbc in rochester how you doing this afternoon
00:24:19i'm doing pretty good how are you being i'm not bad um so obviously the broncos uh this this week
00:24:24uh and sean payton a guy you have a lot of history with you know dating back to uh the panthers and
00:24:30saints days you know i'm curious how has he in your mind sort of evolved the way he is as a coach
00:24:37from you know when you were first coaching against him back in 2011 as a defensive coordinator
00:24:41to you know when you guys were coaching against each other last last year as head coaches i think
00:24:46he's one of the best coaches in our league i really do um you know he's he's one of the you
00:24:51know the highest levels and won a super bowl and um you know he's just i think he's one of the best
00:24:57offensive play callers and designer plays that there is uh out there so um it's to me no surprise
00:25:03that they've had the success that they've had we've been talking a little bit about their defense
00:25:08what in your mind has sort of helped that defensive line and that linebacker core sort of
00:25:14maybe unlock something to now become uh you know they had the most sacks in the league by a pri by
00:25:19a pretty wide margin say that again i'm sorry um i was asking about kind of the the broncos
00:25:25defensive line and linebacker unit sort of in your mind what has been unlocked with that unit
00:25:30this season uh to sort of give them that success well i think they're extremely talented you can
00:25:35start there um you watch the film and it jumps off the film just in terms of how fast they play and
00:25:41how explosive they are so um yeah i mean they've been very very successful very productive to your
00:25:47point uh thanks sean yeah hey sean john warrell ap hi john how you doing good good yourself doing
00:25:57well thanks joe brady um there's been reports can you confirm reports that um there's been
00:26:03requests from the jets and the saints uh to interview joe brady and what is your philosophy
00:26:08on on these interviews right now well i'll start there i mean yes uh with the philosophy is you
00:26:15know we're gonna keep the the buffalo bills and the business of the buffalo bills at the top of
00:26:20our priority list and then number two is um always wanting the best for joe and you know he's a guy
00:26:25that's done a really good job here as you guys know and um you know deserves the the attention
00:26:31that he's gotten so um with that comes some interview requests and we have received some
00:26:36of those and you know we'll see where it goes and in the days and weeks ahead here and speaking of
00:26:42joe what he always talked about the things that he learned in carolina during the last time the other
00:26:49time when he was an offensive coordinator what have you seen in his development maturity and
00:26:56maybe just confidence um that he's gained over the course of this you know since he got you know took
00:27:03over the reins uh a year and a half ago well there's a lot in there and that one question is
00:27:10felt like it was like uh five questions in one here um no it's it's a no he's done a lot it's
00:27:15a fair question it is um when you come out of a situation like he came out of i'm not going to
00:27:20pretend to know all that went on um well while joe was there but it offers a lot of time to reflect
00:27:26and offers if if positioned the right way a lot a lot of room for growth um and so i think joe's
00:27:34done a really good job uh of reflecting and then growing and and so um coming here being able to
00:27:41see things in a little bit of a different maybe way um in what in the way things are done here
00:27:47um and then joe continuing to grow and being able then you know just over a year ago year and a half
00:27:54ago whatever it was to you know get another shot at being a coordinator and um you know what i've
00:28:01seen is his leadership uh continue to grow and his impact on our on our offense in particular
00:28:06good thank you so much sure
00:28:12hi sean sal here good to talk to you good to see you too good uh two questions for you um i know
00:28:17you said no new injuries other than brandon um what do you what do you assess as far as
00:28:22torell's chances for this weekend uh bernard tb yes yes no i think i think you know from
00:28:29the information that i got towards the end of the week from our medical staff was that he's
00:28:33trending in the right direction and um no news at this point is is good news as far as i'm concerned
00:28:40all right and then the other one is is amari cooper back with the team after being uh excused
00:28:44for a personal family member or could you give us any light on that uh no he's not he has not
00:28:49returned at this point okay do you expect him to return this week and be available for the game
00:28:54i would hope so um you know i'm taking it one day at a time okay thanks coach sure
00:28:59hey sean how are you doing no well katherine how are you good thanks um i was wondering i know the
00:29:04game yesterday was also about evaluating guys who don't get to play quite as often and i was just
00:29:09wondering if there was anyone in particular who stood out to you when you either saw it live or
00:29:13watched it back of oh you know i'm learning more about what this guy does when he's on the field
00:29:19yeah i mean just i would say you know there's a number of guys out there katherine who either
00:29:26haven't played a lot or played um not at all and so they get moved into you know from from
00:29:32maybe practice squad they got it they had it up um and and or were special teams players and that
00:29:38was their role then they moved into a full-time um position and so for all those players i think
00:29:45you know just looking at the the increased workload was uh it was uh admirable to see those
00:29:52it was uh admirable to see those guys push through because you you know you got some
00:29:56defensive linemen out there or players on offense who go from almost playing zero reps to a full
00:30:02game um and so that's that's that's hard to do especially this time of year you know when you're
00:30:08coming out of training camp kind of got everyone's kind of about the same spot in terms of their
00:30:13endurance and then what happens unfortunately is during the year it kind of goes down if you're
00:30:18not playing as much and then all of a sudden you got to ramp it back up so
00:30:21um i think more than anything there wasn't any you know one player i think overall
00:30:26um uh you know you looked at just the the ability for those guys to carry that type of load was
00:30:33impressive and then when you watch back um i know the plan going into the game was for demar and
00:30:39taylor to get more time on tasks together just you know with more time watching the film what
00:30:44did you make of the day they had um i think they would tell you they want some of those plays back
00:30:50um you know it's it's uh it was good to have them back out on the field together and the
00:30:54communication that is so important for those two and um you know there was some certainly some
00:30:59really good plays and then a few that that kind of stood out i think that they would want back and
00:31:04but it was good hopefully they're you know they're knocking off the rust you know just being back
00:31:08together for the first time in a few weeks here when you do look at the plays that didn't go the
00:31:13way they wanted how much emphasis can you put on that when it is such a different defense to you
00:31:18know you talk all the time about russian coverage working together when they're out there with
00:31:22different guys are you evaluating that the same way or is it more kind of just a communication
00:31:27based game that you're trying to get out of them uh with those two in particular yes um a little
00:31:33bit of both i would say is knocking some of the rust off them individually and then them you know
00:31:38being out there together i would say in the communication and and then at the end of the day
00:31:42making sure that for every position every player that our fundamentals are where they need to be so
00:31:47i would say it was a blend of all those areas thanks
00:31:54coach mookie arkans well for sports and eddie welcome back good to see you mookie coach just
00:32:00tell me a little bit about uh what makes bo nicks dangerous oh man extremely uh aware of
00:32:10different coverages different looks at defense gives them extremely mobile um tough um he's he's
00:32:18the real deal absolutely coach and i know you wanted to assess uh you know some of the guys
00:32:23yesterday but care to talk about dewane carter's process you know coming in as a rookie and you
00:32:28know his process uh how he's developed so far you know i thought he did a good job he pushed
00:32:33through a little bit of an injury uh or two in training camp and and then he was able to kind of
00:32:38get on this type of upward trajectory and then he had that setback with the with the uh with the
00:32:43wrist hand injury and um i think he's working himself back i don't think he's back to where
00:32:48he was before but he is showing signs of improvement and working himself back to where he was
00:32:54coach this is a brand new season and man you have put together some streaks in the past couple of
00:32:59years last year when you when your back was up against the world to make the playoffs you put
00:33:03together a six seven game winning streak to cleanse the division and then this year alone
00:33:08you went on an eight to nine game so you know what's it going to take to put together a four
00:33:12game winning streak yeah winning the first winning the first day winning the first game let's just
00:33:18start there absolutely coach have a great practice good luck this week all right thanks hey sean aj
00:33:25fellman here in rochester thanks for taking the time sure um when you look at a rookie quarterback
00:33:29like bonix you know you have a strong record against rookies in your career um do you maybe
00:33:35throw a little kind of less at him when he has so much experience in college maybe making him
00:33:40less of a rookie less prone to you know maybe typical rookie mistakes when he has that experience
00:33:46in his back pocket coming into the nfl uh i think it's just more game plan the game plan
00:33:52every every player is different um every game's different uh takes on a complexion of its own and
00:33:59so we'll just you know we gotta we gotta have a really good week of preparation and
00:34:03this is a really good football team coming in here and uh they're playing well in all three phases and
00:34:10uh you know it's it's been very impressive what they've been able to do that by coach
00:34:13payton of course and uh you know we're gonna have to have a great week of preparation and
00:34:18we're gonna have to earn it that's for sure and then when you talk about damar hamlin you know
00:34:22shaking off the rust coming back from that injury does that his performance give you enough confidence
00:34:27to put him back in the starting lineup or is that still something to be determined later in the week
00:34:32no demar's the starter um and that's how we're going to the game and um you know he'll still
00:34:36use this week to continue to get his his legs back underneath him a bit all right great thanks
00:34:41for your time sean sure hey sean um with keon coleman last couple of weeks um you know 17
00:34:50targets five catches what have you seen from him and we always talk here every year about like
00:34:56maybe like a rookie wall have you seen anything with that and just your evaluation of his play the
00:35:01last couple weeks yeah man i think you know the the the honest uh truth about it is every rookie
00:35:10who says that they know that they don't hit the wall they've hit the wall right uh it's just a
00:35:15matter of how much because it's just so different the length of the season from from the college
00:35:21the college uh season so um i think all rookies hit the wall just generally speaking and then
00:35:27some more than others as it relates to keon i think it's it's really just continuing with him
00:35:32because you think about he missed a few weeks right with the with the injury so that may may
00:35:36have helped him a little bit from a freshness standpoint and then it's him it's really about him
00:35:42um continuing to grow and and improve and play his best football down the stretch for us here
00:35:47we're going to need it and then a quick follow-up about amari i know it's a personal matter i know
00:35:53you probably don't want to get into the details of it uh but is it more of a you know fans have
00:35:58some concern is it more of you'll know more on wednesday or like how is the process for whether
00:36:04or not he's going to be able to get back um how's that going to go this week no it's it's it's
00:36:10family related and and i'll just leave it at that out of respect for for amari all right thank you
00:36:14sean sure that's all we have for you today coach all right thank you guys
00:43:23hey coach hope you're doing well today if you are ready we'll go ahead
00:43:28we'll go ahead and get started with questions katherine fitzgerald would have our first question
00:43:36hey joe how are you doing good how you doing good um we know there's reports out about
00:43:41requests to interview you and sean did confirm that those are happening so we're just wondering
00:43:46what is your approach to those and how you're balancing them this time of year
00:43:50um and what are your hopes to come out of those yeah um you know there really doesn't need to be
00:43:56much of a balance because you know the uh you know my focus is strictly on trying to win a super
00:44:02bowl here and uh you know us trying to find a way to win this game this this week and you know the
00:44:07reality of it is some of the interviews if interviews happen would be next week so really
00:44:12nothing for me to even think about right now and just kind of focus on denver and you know yeah do
00:44:17i aspire to be a head coach yeah i would love to at you know given the right opportunity and you
00:44:22know i'm honored to even you know the name be thrown out there but uh right now just my focus
00:44:27is find a way to win football game this week where do you think is the biggest way you've grown as a
00:44:31coach um you know whether it's in the last year here or over your career just like what do you
00:44:37what was kind of a maybe turning point for you as a coach where you're like okay this is really
00:44:40working for me um i think you're you know you uh just uh acknowledging that you got to continue
00:44:46to grow year to year and um you know i think when i first entered the profession i thought that it
00:44:51was it was so much about the scheme and um the more that i've you know just been around especially
00:44:57at this level is you know just how important the relationships and in your connection with
00:45:01your players and being able to understand where they're at and be able to communicate with them
00:45:05and um you know it's it's a player's game and um when you remove yourself and try to take it make
00:45:11it about the scheme um that usually doesn't go too well and so um you know i think that's a level
00:45:17that i got to continue to grow on but um something that i'm you know trying to you know continue to
00:45:22work on and then to jump topics just you were working with some different guys yesterday uh
00:45:27based off you know either who was available or who the team wanted to see more reps out of um
00:45:33ashton something similar but just curious if there was anyone in particular that you learned
00:45:37about yesterday that you know with added time on the field you saw something different out of them
00:45:42yeah you know without without signaling anybody i think you know we got to play football yesterday
00:45:48and we're fortunate that we were able to arrest some guys and we were able to arrest some of the
00:45:53guys because of you know the guys that were willing to go out there and play 65 you know
00:45:57special teams 80 snaps and so um to me you know i don't think it's it's more so just hey how did
00:46:04they play but more so like seeing the amount of reps that you know quentin morris and reggie gillian
00:46:08and you know and seeing mike white go and take some reps for wide receiver just uh just to help
00:46:13us and matt collins not coming off the field and you know um you know i've spoke all year about the
00:46:18character of our guys and you know their willingness to be like hey you know what look i get an
00:46:22opportunity to play football um but um whatever i can do to help this football team and you might
00:46:27you might play 15 plays one play and then hey we need you for 80 snaps and you know those guys
00:46:31ready and making the most of it and so um you know obviously not the result that we wanted
00:46:37um but um you know i was uh i was pleased with the way that the guys kind of approached the week
00:46:41and how they performed and one more sorry i know there's other questions but just with mike white
00:46:47getting those snaps at receiver what was the conversation like there for him hey man you know
00:46:53you know we knew it was going to take all hands on deck yesterday and um and uh you know it's
00:46:58tough to go into a game when you got you know three wide receivers and so mike was part of
00:47:04you know playing quarterback position you got to know where everybody is and just even if it's just
00:47:08to take you know a couple you know a couple steps off of a wide out um you know um but he didn't
00:47:14blink um you know and uh i didn't get him any passes which which could have which could have
00:47:18helped him a little bit but um no it's he was all about the team and whatever he needed to do
00:47:25thanks joe hey joe john waro ap and you and john good um to kind of follow up on
00:47:33one of your answers to katherine um on how you became more open to
00:47:40being being more open to building relationships with players um is that just i mean how did you
00:47:48go about what what led you to tightening that that that grip that hold on just x's and o's
00:47:54and you know is it something just part of just growing you know being 34 35 kind of thing
00:48:01yeah i think i think um you know i hope you know i i think there's a thing like with coaching right
00:48:07you can coach for 10 years but if you're coaching the same techniques and the same everything for
00:48:1210 years you know in 10 years from now are you have you grown as a coach or if you're you know
00:48:17for those 10 years you're trying to find ways and and i have so many so many ways i have to
00:48:21continue to get better and you know i think back to the first time i was an offensive coordinator i
00:48:25was it was covid and you know i got the job and then two you know less than a month later boom
00:48:30um i didn't get that chance that were you know i'm meeting guys for the first time at training camp
00:48:34and um you know you go through that experience and when you you know you you take a step back
00:48:39and there's a lot of things i needed to do better you know from a game planning and from a calling
00:48:43standpoint but um to me i i told myself if i get an opportunity again i'm gonna make about the guys
00:48:48and making sure that the relationships are there and so that you can have the tough conversations
00:48:51so that you can understand where they're going through so then you can um you just know them
00:48:55as men and so um i know you know it was after this week after this team last year but um so it didn't
00:49:02really kind of start you know exactly when i thought it would but um you know i told myself
00:49:06if it happened so i was gonna make it about them and fortunately we have such a great group of guys
00:49:10that makes my life a lot easier and you enjoy getting to know these guys completely forgot about
00:49:16the coven thing because that's yeah that's that's one thing that we always seem to forget last thing
00:49:20is um well you get to see uh one of your old mentor mentors um in sean payton what's that
00:49:26going to be like yeah fortunately um i don't have to defend him right um you know but uh you know i
00:49:33wouldn't be talking to you right now without my time spent you know learning from him and growing
00:49:38from him and just seeing kind of why he is who he is and you know when you get to when you get a
00:49:44new coaching assistant working for you know hall of fame coach you know it doesn't get much better
00:49:48than that and uh but you know none of that really matters come come sunday right we'll both try to
00:49:52find a way to get get the one good stuff thanks joe thank you john hey joe uh speaking about the
00:50:01broncos defense they're one of the best in the league and have sacked quarterbacks at a higher
00:50:06rate than any other team in the league you know i don't have to remind you of this right now but
00:50:10when you're preparing to go up against a defense like this what is the messaging to your offense
00:50:15and the offensive line when they're facing a front that has four players with at least seven sacks
00:50:21yeah you know i think sometimes you can just show a piece of paper and you might not have to say much
00:50:26um but it's playoff football right it doesn't get much better than this um i don't think you really
00:50:30have to say anything in meetings you don't have to show them any paper uh you know that you're
00:50:34gonna be getting the best of the best when you show up show up on you know on game days and um
00:50:38you know this you know we get to go against the best defense in the nfl and it's a great opportunity
00:50:43for us and for our guys and and uh you know we've worked our whole this whole season for these
00:50:47opportunities and um we're excited for the challenge as you watch the tape on this broncos
00:50:53defense what stands out to you why are they so good at what they do i mean they're they very
00:50:59elite at getting to the quarterback um you know they have the defensive player of the year you
00:51:03know on the outsides um and you can see just uh you know vance's you know personality with the way
00:51:11that they play and uh um they're a lot of fun to watch and uh sometimes i have to remind myself
00:51:16that i'm going against him this week and uh you know they gave us a lot of a lot of issues last
00:51:20year and so it's going to be a great opportunity for us thanks joe thank you hey there aj fellman
00:51:28in rochester thanks for the time um you mentioned him kind of offhandedly pat sirtan uh you know
00:51:35one of the favorites for defensive player of the year in general just kind of what is your
00:51:38philosophy when game planning against uh such a locked down cornerback on one side of the field
00:51:44um you gotta be careful about how much you say there but um yeah i mean look there's there's
00:51:50only so much you can do when you when you're going against a great a great corner and uh
00:51:54you know but uh you know we do we have great wide receivers and um um without getting into
00:51:59all the specifics of it you know it's going to be a great opportunity for our guys you know there's
00:52:03going to be there's going to be opportunities there's going to be chances and um you know
00:52:06he's been playing at such a high level dating back to you know i went against him when he was in
00:52:10college you know he's always been an elite football player um you know when the opportunities come you
00:52:14know our guys are gonna have to make the most of it you talked about their pass rush how much
00:52:19confidence does it give you when you make a game plan to know you know how strong your offensive
00:52:24line has been this year where you maybe don't have to um kind of avoid certain parts of your
00:52:30playbook based on how strong their pass rush is yeah um you know fortunately we're at the point
00:52:35of the year where um you know our uh you know you're going to be going against every every
00:52:41team in the nfl the reason they're in the playoffs is is especially on defense is the way the
00:52:45defensive lines play and um we know we're going to get the best and you know fortunately i feel i
00:52:50have so much confidence in our offensive line and um you know what they can do and how they play
00:52:54together and um they know you know they know the challenge is going to be you know at stake and
00:52:59they know you know uh that they're going to be i have to be at their best and um you know i'm
00:53:03excited to watch them play all right thanks for your time joe hey joe it's uh jay with the
00:53:11buffalo news you just talked about the o-line there and i think was only 14 sacks that you
00:53:15guys allowed this year obviously they take a lot of pride in that but i think a big part of that
00:53:19is josh's ability to make the first rusher miss whether that's a blitzer or just somebody who
00:53:26maybe beats a block and gets in there um what is it about him that makes him so darn good
00:53:32at making that first rusher miss and buying himself a little bit of extra time
00:53:36um i wish i could give you an answer on that and and i think there's so much that goes into
00:53:43you know like i don't believe sacks are strictly an offensive lines that i believe
00:53:47now they should get all the credits you know they should get a lot of credit of it but
00:53:50um you know receivers are just as important for sacks and making sure that they're running the
00:53:54right depths and the timing the quarterback planning progression understanding the depth
00:53:57of the pocket you know there's so much else that comes with it and fortunately we have a guy that
00:54:02you know when things do break down or when there is you know when the pocket isn't as
00:54:06dirty as he finds a way to um be josh allen you know um and i wish i can give you a better answer
00:54:13but um a lot of times out on the football field there's a lot of gray um you know it's not very
00:54:17black and white and you know the the best football players play in the gray and fortunately we have
00:54:22one that um when the when the first play is over you know he's able to keep it keep it alive and
00:54:27make a play on the second one you kind of answered it there but the the follow-up to that is
00:54:32is there any way that that is taught that ability to make that that first guy miss or is it just in
00:54:38you know kind of innate in him and just part of what makes him special yeah i mean it's you can
00:54:43you can work you can work the drills you can work you know pocket movements and stuff but um there
00:54:48there there is a lot of i mean there's a lot of things that josh does that's that's not coached
00:54:53you know and um and uh that's part of what makes him elite and um don't get me wrong he takes he
00:55:00takes the coaching but when there's a guy you know a free rusher or a defender right in your
00:55:03face um and you're able to make him miss there's not a lot of drills you can do for that and um
00:55:08you know and that's part of just what makes him elite um but uh you know um i'll take him in the
00:55:15pocket i'll take our offense line um all day every day you know good things usually happen
00:55:20yeah and just the last thing on that have you seen another guy another quarterback who's got
00:55:25maybe not the ability to that part or you know to that level but anybody that's even similar to josh
00:55:31in just that ability to make that first guy miss like that yeah i mean that's you know just um
00:55:38off the top of my head no but i think so much so much that comes with sacks is is the offense
00:55:45together you know with it and um and so the offensive line i'm understanding a lot of things
00:55:49but i think josh has done such a great job this year when you know it's it's uh you know i don't
00:55:55believe we've had at least the amount of sacks strictly because josh is just making a bunch of
00:55:59guys miss um he's doing such a great job of playing rhythm um and his feet and in the pocket
00:56:04and understanding of the scheme and mastering it and you know and just orchestrating the protections
00:56:09and i think that all kind of goes together with it and then those you know those instances where
00:56:13it breaks down just seeing him you know continue to create and um you know uh there's not many
00:56:19guys like josh allen right so it's it's hard to compare i'm not one to like to compare quarterbacks
00:56:23really in any um in any uh way shape or form but uh um that's it's a question uh so i wish
00:56:31it'd give you a better answer there yeah fair enough i appreciate it thanks joe thank you
00:56:37hey joe i was talking to sean about keon a little while ago and you look at the the box score the
00:56:43last two weeks and the 17 targets and only five catches and it's kind of eye-popping because it
00:56:47just hasn't been like that for him all season when you went back and looked at the tape from
00:56:52past weekend and then obviously last week's game what do you see what are you seeing in terms of
00:56:57something not clicking there with keon late in the season here yeah i you know i don't think
00:57:01i don't think there's a rookie wall or anything like that you know i think um you know uh there's
00:57:07there's some uh details and techniques that we can continue working on and um you know i think
00:57:11there's sometimes there's even just the chemistry with you know you go into a game with you know
00:57:16with mitch and mike and you know just uh the feel and um you know uh you know it all it all
00:57:23sounds like excuses at the end of the day when you know when you get 10 targets you want to have
00:57:26more than two catches and um but we have we have so much confidence in keon and there's reason he
00:57:31was brought here and he's gonna make a lot of plays in this playoff so i'm excited to see him
00:57:34continue to grow and um get to experience some playoff football this week and to bring it back
00:57:40to the you know head coaching interviews and stuff like that as you kind of thought about this the
00:57:45last couple of years and i don't know how much you have but how much have have you appreciated
00:57:52having a front row seat to somebody like sean um here in buffalo and the success that he's had in
00:57:57the program that he's built and how much have you learned from him yeah i mean it's it's um look one
00:58:04of the i didn't come to buffalo to hope to be a head coach you know i came to buffalo because um
00:58:11you know it was uh it was a an organization that everybody talked about and you wanted to
00:58:16wanted to see kind of how they did things and you know i was spoiled being in new orleans and seeing
00:58:21you know seeing an organization that had already won a super bowl and um kind of seeing that you
00:58:25know kind of on the brink but seeing how they kind of kind of did things and then being able to come
00:58:30here um and seeing seeing the growth seeing the alignment between sean and mr pagula and brandon
00:58:36um you know it's obviously not like this everywhere and it's really it's really special
00:58:41and there's there's a reason you're able you know i've only been here for a few years but they've
00:58:45been able to win for so long and the consistency and that's hard to do in this in this league
00:58:50and you kind of take for granted sometimes but just be able to be a part of it and see it
00:58:53see how coach runs an organization how he communicates with his players um you know his
00:58:58attention to detail um huge for my career you know from a qb coaster to an offense coordinator to
00:59:05you know one day you know hopeful to be a head football coach you know being able to work with
00:59:09him has been it's been huge for me thanks joe appreciate it thank you joe mookie arkans well
00:59:17for sports and eddie how you doing how you doing coach i mean you came right out and said that
00:59:22everybody eats that mentality man how how does it feel and how proud are you man to have like
00:59:29eight receivers to have over you know 20 catches a better how proud are you are to make sure that
00:59:34everybody's eating um yeah i to me it wasn't about necessarily just everybody eating but more
00:59:41so the mindset of where i'm good with you know each guy being okay with other people having success
00:59:47um you know and understanding that hey we're going to celebrate each other's success and
00:59:52um to me it was never about trying to score a lot of points or trying to get so many people
00:59:56involved it was about the guys just buying into one another and that's the thing that i'm most
01:00:01proud of seeing when we score touchdowns how they celebrate with each other there's no guys
01:00:04walking off the field and mad that someone else is scoring or whatnot and to me that's that's what
01:00:10the everybody eats kind of mindset is and so that's what um you know that's what i'm i'm most
01:00:14fortunate for absolutely coach 30 points a game uh second in the league and in uh denver here uh
01:00:22third in the league with points allowed uh is it any pressure uh as a two seed to go up against
01:00:27a seven seed with so much of a solid defense that the broncos have no i don't know when you
01:00:34get to the playoffs you know the seeds have no bearing right you can throw it you can throw
01:00:38records out you can throw everything out um you know it's it's zero zero ball games zero zero
01:00:42records and you don't care how you how it gets done you're just trying to find a way to score
01:00:46one more point than them right no one whether it's 50 to 49 or three to nothing as long as
01:00:51we're playing next week that's all i'm concerned about and so um we know it's going to be a great
01:00:55challenge but it's a great opportunity for us absolutely coach have a great week and good
01:00:59luck sunday thank you that's all we have for you today coach
01:02:48hello coach how you doing today good how are you good thank you if you're ready we'll go
01:02:52ahead and get started with questions george ran and we'll have our first question
01:03:00good afternoon good afternoon coach george redney george redney challenging community news how are
01:03:05you doing this afternoon good how are you doing all right i'm just wondering now in the playoffs
01:03:10look like everybody has a strong running game and i'm wondering uh with the uh defensive now
01:03:16it looks like stopping the run is definitely going to be a major issue a major thing that
01:03:20needs to be done during this uh uh upcoming playoff starting with the denver broncos
01:03:24and i'm wondering with giovante williams and the assortment of backs that they have as well
01:03:29how what kind of concepts do you feel is how important is that to stop that run and make
01:03:34them a one-dimensional team with bo nicks it's always important it's always important regardless
01:03:38of the game um regardless of the time of the year that's defensive football if you can make
01:03:43them one-dimensional um obviously that makes things a little easier for the defense and uh
01:03:48clearly in the playoffs in buffalo that's going to be an absolute must that we have to do and with
01:03:56duane smooth and duane carter both playing uh yesterday and they're both coming off of
01:04:01wrist surgery how do you feel how do you uh how do you feel they uh played in yesterday's game
01:04:06how did you grade them yeah i think i think they both did some good things and there's some things
01:04:10we need to uh correct as in every game and uh you know we need to be playing our best football
01:04:15individually and collectively obviously this is most important time of the year
01:04:20all right thank you for your time good luck this coming sunday you got it george thank you
01:04:25all right bobby uh mark
01:04:30mark you're muted mark you're unmuted there we go i think i got it okay mark on from the
01:04:36buffalo news thanks for joining us uh you're gonna be able to have one uh
01:04:40some screen set to the north dakota state game today
01:04:45yes uh we'll see we'll see we'll see i don't want to get too distracted with what i got to do but
01:04:51yes go bison and uh you know we're gonna beat the bobcats it's a rivalry they're they're bobcats are
01:04:59it's a it's a holy war for them this game anyway um third down defense you're 29th
01:05:06and uh you know when you look at a third and 10 or more is you know pretty good what you would
01:05:11expect but third six seven eight nine has been a lot higher rate of conversions than you would
01:05:18expect uh just kind of what do you think about this uh obviously there's eight thousand reasons
01:05:24against every opponent but what do you think about this and how much uh you know have you
01:05:29guys been working on it yeah i mean obviously we're that's not a number you you want you don't
01:05:36want to be right there you want to you know everything you want to do you want to be a top
01:05:40five team in the nfl and certainly third down is very important we've emphasized that um tried to
01:05:46identify the areas not only that we need to improve but where we think we can be better and
01:05:52and uh you know and i'm saying that is what do we do well and where can we kind of focus our energy
01:06:01if that makes sense and and uh you know so obviously we're working on it constantly guys
01:06:08are aware and they understand the importance of of getting off the field on third down okay that's
01:06:13it thank you you got it hey bobby um asked sean something similar but i was wondering kind of
01:06:20two parts just how you evaluated damar and taylor sorry damar and taylor yesterday um but then also
01:06:28just like what it was like evaluating that when they're playing with such different people on the
01:06:31defense and you know that does kind of impact communication and everything yeah i mean you know
01:06:38we certainly there was a couple things in there where yesterday we wanted to be better and um you
01:06:43know damar's missed some time so it's good for him to get back out there and um there's some areas in
01:06:48his game from uh yesterday where you know we need to see some improvement there as is every game
01:06:55every week's a different week there's things that everybody's got to work on um you know and certainly
01:07:00it's also with taylor thanks you get it
01:07:05hey bobby um i was wondering coming off that like having the two of them back there together and
01:07:10getting those reps and like getting that communication back after damar missed three
01:07:14games alone like i guess how does that help like when you're going into this stretch yeah it helps
01:07:21tremendously it helps tremendously and communication especially in our stadium is of the utmost
01:07:26importance and we've all got to be on the same page and even if we're all wrong but we're all
01:07:30wrong together we're all right and uh you know so that level of communication has been valued here
01:07:35for a long time and i was curious just in that game there are obviously a lot of young guys
01:07:40got some reps specifically joe andreason and edifuan how did you feel like those young linebackers
01:07:45performed in that game i thought they did a pretty damn good job i thought they did a pretty damn
01:07:49good job you know they haven't had a lot of reps and you know and on defense at all in the regular
01:07:55season um you know so i thought they did a good job obviously there's some things they want to get
01:08:01back but but uh you know they played fast they played physical and joe did a really nice job
01:08:06running the operation i was curious when you're watching i know it's still just monday but watching
01:08:11tape of bo nix and like him as a rookie quarterback like are there things specifically like his ability
01:08:16to run is something that's come up a lot but like what specifically like does he show as a rookie
01:08:21quarterback that like you have to watch out for yeah i mean he he's he's the real deal though he's
01:08:26the real deal um not only can he hurt you with his arm he can hurt you with his legs i think he's a
01:08:31smart player um i think he's he's a poised player i think you see command um you know and it's not
01:08:38too big for him you know so um i think you see all those things and and uh you know he's definitely
01:08:46a handful that's for sure and and you know i think what you've seen as the season's gone on
01:08:52is you've seen a maturation process um like yannick brookie would have and and uh to where
01:08:58the game's slowing down for him and he's in more control and and like i said earlier more command
01:09:03of the offense thank you you got it coach babbage mookie harkins worthless personality how you doing
01:09:13what's up movie i'm good coach i'm good coach it is smart fast and physical time once again
01:09:19playoffs uh just got to talk about christian benford and the way he's played all season
01:09:24yeah i mean cb's done a great job um he's made a lot of big plays for us uh he's been a part not
01:09:30only of of taking the ball away but but being you know there was there's other things in there where
01:09:37maybe we didn't recover a fumble or or little things here and there but he's constantly thinking
01:09:41about the ball um doing a really nice job and and you know like all our players we need to be
01:09:46playing our best ball here uh and he's starting this week no doubt coach we all know that court
01:09:52on southern is the main guy uh in that receiving core but the axe factor marvin mims he's been on
01:09:58fire as of late you know i can't get dive into okay what's the plan for that guy but what do
01:10:04you see out of marvin mims on tape yeah i mean he's an explosive player um there's a reason
01:10:10that um i believe he's the afc returner for the pro bowl so obviously that tells you how
01:10:17explosive he is and with the ball in his hands what he can do and and um you know not only is
01:10:23he good in space but he you know obviously his speed he can take the top off so um definitely
01:10:29got to be aware of him and what he brings absolutely as a former db out there in north
01:10:34dakota and you know michael hyatt is back just care to talk about how much of his knowledge
01:10:40on the sideline and practice has been instrumental to this young group did you say me being a db in
01:10:45north dakota north dakota state north dakota state right yeah sorry being disrespectful there
01:10:52no no that's right that's right no no uh it's great it's great i mean i mean the experience
01:10:57that that mike has had playing in this league and and the things that he's seen over the course of
01:11:02his time in this league um and just the way he sees the game is is absolutely about value
01:11:09invaluable to uh you know all our guys in that room is and especially the young guys
01:11:16appreciate your time coach good luck this week thank you bye bye zon
01:11:23bye zon mookie's struggling today what's up guys um speaking of micah i mean you've seen him for a
01:11:31few weeks in practice now does uh does he still got it looks good looks good all right looks good
01:11:39just ask him he'll tell you okay um you look at your defense this season obviously you've played
01:11:45some really really good offenses right a couple of the playoff teams over 400 yards four times
01:11:51this season uh you guys have allowed in the previous three seasons that's it's four combined
01:11:57i think what do you think has led to that kind of production and why do you think when things have
01:12:05gone that way it's been so challenging to kind of get things under control in those games yeah
01:12:11that's a great question man um you know i think every game every game is in its own if that makes
01:12:19sense and and uh you know clearly we are not in the business of wanting to give up 400 yards and
01:12:28and by no means is that within our standard but you know i think every game's a little bit
01:12:34different in the way you look at it and and um you know whether it's individually whether it's
01:12:39schematically whether it's um you know there's a multitude of different reasons and the thing you
01:12:44got to do is you got to pinpoint those um you've got to eliminate what's allowing those things to
01:12:50happen uh not only players but myself right and um you know it for me to say it's that right there
01:12:59or it's this exact thing you know i don't think but you talk about third down right you talk about
01:13:05third down i had the question earlier you got to get off the field on third down get people in third
01:13:09down try to get get off the field you got to get red zone stops um you know and and uh all of that
01:13:16kind of encompasses those type of things thanks bob i appreciate it you got it
01:13:23hey bobby aj fellman here in rochester thanks for the time um just first off going to your
01:13:27first playoffs as a defensive coordinator and play caller just what's kind of your mindset
01:13:31kind of your excitement as you you know reach the playoffs here yeah just process is the same
01:13:36process is the same every opponent's different and you know there's a certain way that you know
01:13:41we need to play each opponent and going through the same process in the past um you know anytime
01:13:48a season doesn't end in the super bowl there's going to be a you know magnifying glass is there
01:13:53anything you've kind of taken away from some of the past playoff performances um to learn from
01:13:58going into this year or is there's you know anything of that nature no i mean you know when
01:14:04i look back you know obviously you know we've been involved a lot in the playoffs and i think
01:14:09the biggest thing is you know staying within who you are knowing what your strengths are knowing
01:14:13what your weaknesses are trying to build on those strengths and and trying to strengthen those
01:14:17weaknesses and and um you know i i think we're here for a reason and uh clearly there's things
01:14:24that we can still improve on as soon as you you know stop thinking you can grow in any areas that's
01:14:30where you really start to die so um that's kind of my mentality and that's how we'll go about it
01:14:39all right great thanks for your time go bison there you go i like it
01:14:43that's all we have for you today coach thank you for your time thank you
