• yesterday


00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:02I praise Him, and I bless His noble Messenger.
00:06He is extremely respectable to the listeners and the audience.
00:10He is a better person than me.
00:12Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:16We are going to recite the Taraweeh.
00:18Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:20Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:22Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:26Today's medical science is saying that all diseases,
00:38blood pressure, heart attack, even cancer,
00:44follies, are caused by stress.
00:51So when they are saying this,
00:58the purpose is to be safe from stress.
01:02From tension, from worries.
01:05But worries are a part of life.
01:11Every person has worries, whether good or bad.
01:15In fact, good people have more worries.
01:21Fatima says, my father had so many worries,
01:28that if the sun would rise, it would be dark.
01:32So worries will come.
01:38It is a part of life.
01:40Because the Quran says,
01:47after every worry comes ease.
01:52After every worry comes ease.
01:55Wa inna maa al usri yusran
01:59wa inna maa al usri yusra
02:03It is said twice.
02:07After tension comes ease.
02:09And after tension comes ease.
02:11So Allah has said that don't worry.
02:17Worries will come, but after that comes ease.
02:22Now the thing is,
02:27you have kept fasts in summers.
02:32So when it is hot,
02:36near Maghrib, there is a lot of thirst.
02:40So a person wants to drink water.
02:44It is not a desire, but a worry.
02:47There is restlessness.
02:49The same water,
02:51which we don't pay attention to in normal circumstances.
02:55But at that time, because of fasting,
02:58that restlessness,
03:01and when we break the fast,
03:03first of all, we drink water.
03:06And at that time, there is a lot of pleasure in that water.
03:10Which was not there before.
03:13Therefore, worries, diseases, all these things,
03:17come because later on,
03:19the happiness that Allah is going to give you,
03:22the ease that Allah is going to give you,
03:26the value of that will be born in your mind.
03:32When a person passes through a problem,
03:36and enters a pleasant environment,
03:40then his pleasure increases.
03:43And if he doesn't pass through that,
03:47then he will have worries.
03:50In this, it is difficult to say that
03:54a person will not be worried all his life.
03:58He will be.
04:00So the question is,
04:03what is the cure for this?
04:10To reduce stress,
04:14to get rid of depression,
04:18what is the cure for all these things?
04:21So the cure for this is with the One
04:25who sends worries.
04:28And that is Allah.
04:31Other than Him, no one else has a cure.
04:35Therefore, whenever the Prophet was worried,
04:39he would immediately recite two rak'ahs.
04:43The Prophet peace be upon him.
04:47We are Muslims.
04:51For us, the straight path is the path
04:55of the Prophet peace be upon him.
04:58His character is pure,
05:00his deeds are pure,
05:02his Sunnah is pure.
05:05So if we recite two rak'ahs in distress,
05:09if we are not in a difficult situation,
05:13and we pray to Allah,
05:16O Allah,
05:18You have sent this bill of Rs. 25,000,
05:22so you have to pay for it.
05:25Then we see,
05:28things are revealed from the unseen.
05:32There is a part of Surah At-Talaq, verse 2.
05:44When a person adopts Taqwa,
05:50when he has faith in Allah,
05:53then we open a path for him.
05:56The Prophet said,
05:58this is a part of the verse
06:00that religion is sufficient for the world,
06:04if we recite it.
06:07Now, the thing is,
06:10it is very important to turn to Allah.
06:13It should be done all the time,
06:15but when you are in distress,
06:17then turn to Allah.
06:19To avoid stress, tension,
06:23it is important that
06:25the expectations,
06:29should be kept from the One
06:31who can fulfill them.
06:34There is no benefit in keeping it from someone else.
06:37Maybe he can't fulfill it.
06:39Maybe he is not strong enough.
06:41Maybe he doesn't want to do it.
06:43But he is such a master,
06:46that he gets upset with those who don't pray.
06:52Allah gets upset with those who don't ask for it.
06:58When a person asks for something,
07:02he gets a little upset.
07:04He asks for things again and again.
07:06Allah gets upset with those
07:08who don't ask for it.
07:10They don't ask for it again and again.
07:13So, turn to Allah.
07:17It is said in Hadith,
07:19that the best supplication
07:21that Allah likes,
07:23that Allah likes,
07:25is to ask Allah for wellness.
07:27O Allah, grant me wellness.
07:30You can ask for it in Urdu or Punjabi.
07:34And Allah likes it.
07:37Because He is the one who will give wellness.
07:40If you want to keep all these things under control,
07:45the hormones get disturbed.
07:49Negative thinking.
07:52When the hormones get imbalanced,
07:55then diseases develop in a person
07:59that he can't even think about.
08:03So, it is important to balance them.
08:07Positive thinking.
08:10To get rid of jealousy.
08:13To get rid of hatred.
08:16To get rid of ignorance.
08:19To get rid of lies.
08:22To make friends with Allah.
08:28He is ready.
08:30He says, you come one step,
08:33I will come three steps,
08:35I will come four steps,
08:37you come walking,
08:38I will come running,
08:39I will hug you.
08:42When he is ready,
08:44then we become Muslims towards him.
08:48I am not talking about anyone else.
08:50We are all Muslims.
08:52Why don't we turn to Allah when we are Muslims?
08:57There are two important things in the life of a Muslim.
09:02When you are worried,
09:03then recite Qaza-e-Ajad.
09:05When you are happy,
09:07then recite Shukran-e-Nafal.
09:10The life of a Muslim should be full of prostrations.
09:16And we should recite Durood for the Prophet.
09:20And when you are worried,
09:24then there is a quality of Allah.
09:27Many commentators have written about it.
09:33When you are worried,
09:35then recite Ya Salam.
09:39When you are worried,
09:41then recite Ya Salam.
09:44So, turning to Allah is very important.
09:47We are Muslims.
09:48We should turn to Allah with a pure intention.
09:52That is why Allah has said that
09:56after every difficulty, there is ease.
09:58So, this is a good news.
10:01If you are worried,
10:03then after this,
10:07Allah says that He will take care of it.
10:12After this, I will give you ease.
10:15It is only a matter of trust.
10:19If it is completed on the will of Allah,
10:23or if it is completed to a certain extent,
10:2770% or 60%,
10:29then you will see that your situation will improve.
10:33And this,
10:36I repeatedly request that
10:41on the last day of the month,
10:45once a month,
10:49or once a week,
10:51on the last day of the month,
10:54stand up for the morning prayer.
11:00Talk to Allah.
11:03No one is watching.
11:04Everyone is sleeping.
11:05You are awake.
11:08And everyone is listening.
11:10That is why,
11:12it makes a difference on a person's hormones,
11:15on a person's health,
11:17on his physical strength.
11:19It makes a difference on everything.
11:21And the more negativity we leave,
11:24the more positive we will become.
11:26That is, we will leave sin and turn to goodness.
11:30That much a person will become light.
11:33That much he will become light.
11:35And the soul,
11:36if it flies,
11:38it will become light.
11:40So, sin makes a person heavy,
11:44goodness makes him light.
11:46That is why,
11:47pray to Allah,
11:49that may Allah enable me and all of you,
11:52that whatever I have said,
11:53may we be able to act upon it.
11:55May Allah's peace and blessings be upon the best of creation,
11:58and upon his family and companions.
12:00May Allah's mercy be upon you.
