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00:00A'uzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
00:05Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
00:08Nahmaduhu wa na salli ala Rasoolihil Kareem.
00:13Indahai qabla-e-itaram saameen wa hazireen.
00:18Mujhse achche logo.
00:20Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:34Huzoor, there are countless favours upon us
00:41from the Prophet of the Universe, peace be upon him.
00:47For your Ummah, you have done every single deed of the Qur'an yourself.
00:55But your prayers, especially those are a great treasure of mercy for the Muslims.
01:07Some of those prayers should be remembered and read.
01:13Because prayer is the essence of servitude.
01:20And servitude is the highest rank of a person, especially a Muslim.
01:41In the Holy Qur'an, the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
01:49was given this word four times.
01:53And four times, the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
02:00was bestowed the highest rewards.
02:05He was bestowed the Qur'an, the Book, and the Furqan.
02:10And after that, he was bestowed another reward,
02:14subhanallah zi asra bi abdi.
02:16There too, the word abdi was used.
02:19So servitude is a great rank.
02:24And Huzoor is also the Imam of this rank of servitude.
02:31So the essence of servitude is prayer.
02:37And prayer is a weapon.
02:42It is a request that is made in the presence of Allah.
02:49For his difficulties, for his worries, for other matters,
02:55Allah has kept a path.
02:59Because a true Muslim, a true believer,
03:05has to ask for everything from Allah.
03:08He has to even ask for a pair of shoes from Allah.
03:11Therefore, the prayers that are asked from Allah,
03:17the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
03:21has been explained in a very clear manner.
03:24And in that, this thing has been kept in particular,
03:27which I have been able to understand,
03:30that prayer is not just a name of words.
03:34The words should also be good.
03:37First, Allah should be praised.
03:39Then, Allah should send blessings upon him.
03:41Then, Allah should keep his demands.
03:44But the words themselves are not prayer.
03:48Rather, prayer is the name of the agony of the soul and the heart.
03:54When this is included in that request, in that prayer,
04:03then the chances of that prayer being accepted are very high.
04:10When a person asks for a prayer,
04:14then its outer and inner should be immersed in abidiyyat.
04:20There should be compulsion.
04:24And there should be something in the mind,
04:27that O Allah, I am in need and you are free.
04:32I am helpless in every matter,
04:35and you are powerful in every matter.
04:39These things should be in the mind.
04:42Because there is a pure hadith,
04:45in which it is said that when a person asks for a prayer,
04:53then the door of mercy opens for him.
05:00And when the door of mercy opens,
05:03then his matters move forward.
05:07And Allah's favorite prayer,
05:10which Allah wants a person to say in front of me,
05:14is that O Allah, grant me health.
05:18This is Allah's favorite prayer,
05:22that this person should ask from me.
05:25That every moment the person should realize,
05:28that my status is nothing, O Allah, except You.
05:33I am nothing.
05:35You have to give health to my every worry.
05:39You have to give health to my every illness.
05:43My physical, other matters,
05:46worldly matters,
05:50other worries,
05:52You have to give health to all of them.
05:56And in every matter,
05:58I want health from You.
06:01This is the passion that is behind it.
06:04And this is what Allah likes.
06:06That you should ask for health from me.
06:09Now after that,
06:11it is requested that in prayer,
06:14there should be a feeling of who we are asking from.
06:22So in that,
06:24we should see the prayers of the companions,
06:27and the prayers of the Prophet.
06:29There was a lot of defeat,
06:32and a lot of
06:36which reached its peak,
06:38when we used to ask for prayers.
06:42to think of yourself as helpless and ask from Allah,
06:46to think of yourself as helpless and ask from Allah,
06:49In the world,
06:51there is an experience,
06:53that we have,
06:55that when we,
06:57used to write a request for a leave in school,
07:01in a college,
07:03the first words used to be,
07:08to the principal or someone else,
07:10and after that,
07:11I beg to say,
07:13that I have an urgent piece of work.
07:17That is why I need a leave.
07:20That is, first of all,
07:21by praising him,
07:23and in a very polite manner,
07:26and later,
07:31that request,
07:33is being given to an ordinary creature.
07:36That is,
07:38that teacher is also a creature,
07:40that professor is also a creature,
07:42the student is also a creature.
07:44So, by giving that request to a creature,
07:49he is using very polite words.
07:53So, he is the creator of the universe.
07:56That is,
07:58a very God-like thing.
08:01That is why, in front of him,
08:04if we do not beg,
08:06if we do not ask for forgiveness in front of him,
08:08if we do not repent,
08:11then what will be the effect of that request or prayer?
08:15By asking for forgiveness,
08:17by asking for forgiveness,
08:18we should turn to Allah.
08:20And we should pray.
08:21And then that prayer,
08:23the chances of his acceptance increase.
08:27there is a hadith of the Holy Prophet,
08:29in Musnad-e-Ahmad,
08:30number 102,
08:32he says,
08:34that no believer,
08:37or a Muslim person,
08:40who prays,
08:43where there is no mention of sin,
08:45where there is no mention of mercy,
08:47then there is no such person,
08:50whose prayer is not accepted.
08:54It is accepted.
08:56And there are three levels of it.
08:58The first is,
09:00the demand that he has,
09:02the desire that he has,
09:04if Allah considers it appropriate,
09:09if there is an intention in it,
09:11then He grants it.
09:13And if not,
09:15then on the second level,
09:17then he is protected from any illness,
09:19or any accident.
09:23That is, if the demand is not being given,
09:26then we do not know what will happen.
09:29Allah knows, He knows.
09:31And the third,
09:33is that,
09:35if there is no accident,
09:37if there is no demand,
09:39then that prayer of his,
09:42is included in his treasure of the hereafter.
09:46Because prayer is the eye of worship.
09:48This was said by the Holy Prophet,
09:50and it is also said in the Quran about it.
09:52So, it is the reward of worship.
09:55When we pray,
09:57whether it is fulfilled or not,
09:59that is for later.
10:00So, the reward of worship starts at the same time,
10:03when we pray to Allah.
10:05There is a reward.
10:07That is why, when some people say about prayer,
10:12that it is not accepted,
10:14then there are many things,
10:16for example,
10:18how will the prayer of a person who eats Haram be accepted?
10:20There are many other things like this.
10:22But the person who is a believer,
10:24his prayer is accepted,
10:26but he has three conditions.
10:28And the Holy Prophet said one thing,
10:31when you pray,
10:33do not think that
10:35the result of your prayer has just come out.
10:37You should get it immediately.
10:39You do not like to be late.
10:42After praying,
10:44then leave it to Allah.
10:46Whether it is early or late,
10:48whenever it is,
10:50the Holy Prophet did not like to be late.
10:53If a person says,
10:55I will ask for prayer in the afternoon,
10:57so that I can finish my work in the evening,
10:59that is also possible.
11:01But the Holy Prophet said,
11:03do not be late in your prayer.
11:05Leave it to Allah.
11:07So, that is why,
11:09prayer is a very important thing.
11:12And the Holy Prophet,
11:14did so many favors on us.
11:17There are so many good prayers.
11:19If you study them,
11:21and pray for them,
11:23then it is a very good prayer.
11:26After ablution,
11:28all the sins are washed away.
11:31The small sins,
11:33in the Hadith.
11:35So, after that,
11:37the prayer that the Holy Prophet used to ask,
11:39May Allah forgive my sins,
11:41and grant me a place to live,
11:43and bless my sustenance.
11:45May Allah forgive my sins,
11:47and grant me a place to live,
11:49and bless my sustenance.
11:53After ablution.
11:55So, after ablution,
11:57the sins are forgiven,
11:59and the world is saved.
12:01So, pray to Allah,
12:03that may Allah grant me and you,
12:05the ability to do what I have said.
12:07May we be able to act upon it.
