• 2 days ago
This lecture is about important messages in Azan.
Kashif Mag.


00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:07We praise Him and send blessings upon His noble Messenger.
00:11He is extremely respectable, listening and attending.
00:15People are better than me.
00:17Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:23Recite the Durood.
00:33Before Salat, the Azan is recited.
00:40This Azan contains some very important messages,
00:45about which, God willing, I will speak shortly.
00:49May Allah enable me to narrate it correctly.
00:55In the Azan, first of all is Tawheed.
01:00It is the pride of Allah.
01:03It is said, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, four times.
01:10After that,
01:13I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
01:17It is the testimony that there is no god but Allah.
01:25After saying Allahu Akbar,
01:30I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
01:36It is the testimony of the Prophet.
01:40After saying all of this,
01:43it is said, Hayya al-As-Salah.
01:47Now come to Salat, come to Salat.
01:54After that, Hayya al-Al-Falah.
01:59That Salat will grant you success.
02:04After that, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, again the same thing.
02:09And then, there is no god but Allah.
02:14Now see, when Allah will accept you as Wahda-ul-Lashariq,
02:25after saying it four times,
02:28and after bearing witness,
02:31after that, you are being called for Salat.
02:37Until you are on Tauheed,
02:42then the announcement of Salat is not for those people.
02:47It is for those who understand Allahu Akbar,
02:52and act upon it.
02:54And then bear witness, I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
02:59After that, you are being called for Salat.
03:05For Salat, this much was enough, Hayya al-As-Salah.
03:09It was enough.
03:11Come to Salat.
03:13But a whole background was made,
03:17that first of all, understand who you are going to offer Salat to.
03:23Who is he?
03:27And after that, bear witness of the Prophethood.
03:33And then, it is a command, it is obligatory,
03:37that when there is Adhan,
03:39leaving aside all other work,
03:41the answer of that Adhan should be given.
03:45That is, if there are ten Adhans, or five,
03:49then if one Adhan is chosen,
03:52then it is obligatory to answer it.
03:54If he is listening.
03:57Now, this message that he is giving,
04:00he is reciting the Adhan.
04:02Along with that, you are also being told to recite the Adhan.
04:06That is, when you are saying it with him,
04:09and repeating it,
04:11then you should also recite the Adhan with him.
04:15This Adhan,
04:17the whole life of a Muslim is confined to it.
04:23This is the Adhan.
04:25The Tauheed, and the Prophethood,
04:28and then, after the Salat,
04:31the Salah,
04:33you will get the Salah from here.
04:35And you should not stop this Salah,
04:37you should distribute it further.
04:41That you should offer Salat and also give Zakat.
04:45That is, after the Salah,
04:47you should also distribute the Salah.
04:49Because Salah is Salah.
04:52It is bringing you towards Salah.
04:56Now, when a person understands the Adhan,
04:59he repeats it,
05:01and he should understand it.
05:04Then he feels that
05:06in front of whom should I stand?
05:10This Adhan is not just an announcement.
05:14It is the introduction of Allah,
05:16and the introduction of the Prophethood
05:18is also present in it,
05:20and a witness is taken from you,
05:22that you should come with a witness.
05:26And then,
05:28after that,
05:30when you come for the Salah,
05:34first of all, by performing ablution,
05:36it is mentioned in the Hadith
05:38that all small sins are forgiven.
05:43And after that, the supplications that the Prophet used to make,
05:46Allahumma Akhfirli Zambi Wa Wasali Fi Dari
05:49Wa Barik Li Fi Rizqi
05:52The same message is present there,
05:55that you should ask for forgiveness for your sins,
05:58and you should pray for your success.
06:02You should pray for the blessings in your sustenance.
06:06So here, the meaning of Hayya Alal Fala is the same.
06:11when Islam started with Adam,
06:15and the Prophet came to Islam
06:18while completing the stages of evolution,
06:22in the Torah, the Gospels, etc.,
06:25and in these things,
06:27the instructions that Allah has given,
06:29those are mentioned in the Quran.
06:31Except for those things,
06:33which those people had distorted,
06:35or had distorted,
06:37the Quran corrected them,
06:39that what is said in the Gospels,
06:41is the truth.
06:45What has been distorted in the Torah,
06:48is what is stated in the Quran,
06:51that this is the truth.
06:54For example, it is said in the Bible,
06:57that Allah Almighty,
07:00created the earth and the heavens in six days,
07:04and on the seventh day,
07:06Allah rested.
07:08So the Quran corrected this,
07:11that in six days,
07:13the earth and the heavens were created,
07:16and on the seventh day,
07:18Allah established His Kingdom on His throne.
07:23The correction of this was that
07:26Allah does not get tired.
07:28wa la yudau hifsu wa.
07:30How can he get tired?
07:33So while correcting all those things,
07:37the Quran came.
07:39And then the Prophet came,
07:41who was told that
07:43he will complete his religion.
07:45Al yawma aqmaltukum lakum deenukum
07:50wa atmamtu alaikum neemati
07:54He gave this message.
07:58So the religion that started from there,
08:01came to the Prophets,
08:03and was completed.
08:05So in this,
08:07this aspect was told,
08:09that those who believe in the Torah and the Gospels,
08:14they do not understand the meaning of worship.
08:18They do worship,
08:22but after that,
08:24they are cut off from the world,
08:26and adopt Rehbaniyat.
08:28Rehbaniyat does not mean
08:32to go into the jungle.
08:35Rehbaniyat also means
08:38to live in a big city,
08:40in a very old neighborhood,
08:43and to have no connection with others.
08:49The Rehbs of the brothels,
08:52this is also about them.
08:56The reason for congregational prayer is
09:00that everyone comes together,
09:02there is no Rehbaniyat in Islam,
09:04there is worship in Islam,
09:06and Islam has cracked everything,
09:09and there is food and drink in Islam.
09:12There is everything.
09:14Alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen.
09:20So when the Adhan started,
09:22and then the Salah,
09:24all these things come to the forefront.
09:26These things come to the forefront,
09:28that Allah Almighty
09:30is making a Muslim,
09:32a Muslim,
09:34and a good person.
09:38So in this Adhan,
09:40there is a complete schedule
09:42of Islam.
09:46On one condition that
09:48we listen to the Adhan quietly,
09:50understand it,
09:52and respond to it.
09:54When we respond,
09:56we should know what is being said.
09:58It is important to understand
10:00what is being said by the Muazzin.
10:04the Salah
10:06in which there are
10:08so many big messages in the Adhan,
10:10how many messages will be there
10:12in that Salah?
10:16For that,
10:18it takes a lot of time
10:20to explain it.
10:22That Salah,
10:24how many messages are there in it.
10:26And all the messages
10:28are on humanity.
10:30All the messages
10:32are on humanity.
10:34All the messages are of Deen.
10:36Because the real purpose of Deen
10:38is that
10:40you must worship Allah.
10:42This is a must.
10:46along with that,
10:48you must always
10:50have a good relationship
10:52with His creation.
10:54You should not disturb His creation.
10:56You should not be unjust.
10:58You should not be cruel.
11:02And if
11:04the son of the Caliph
11:06makes a mistake,
11:10the Caliph of that time
11:12should also
11:14get his son
11:16whipped in front of him.
11:20What message
11:22of humanity
11:24is there
11:26that even if the son of the Caliph
11:28is being cruel,
11:30it is the same.
11:32Therefore, Islam
11:34is the Deen of humanity.
11:38is a very open
11:42There is no narrow-mindedness in Islam.
11:44Nor is there a narrow-mindedness
11:46in the Islam of people.
11:48Pray to Allah.
11:50May Allah enable me
11:52and you to follow
11:54what I have said.
11:56May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon
11:58the creation of Muhammad and his companions.
