• 2 days ago


00:00As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:07As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:38I was a prophet when Adam was between the soul and the body.
00:46The last prophet was Prophet Muhammad.
00:54Before Adam, Prophet Muhammad was a great prophet.
01:03Then he said, if Moses had come in my time, he would have had no choice but to destroy me.
01:22Then he said, when Jesus will be sent down, he will follow my commandments and my Shariah.
01:38These are the Ahadith of Bukhari Muslim.
01:44Then there is a verse in the Holy Quran, Surah Al-Imran, verse number 81.
01:52In it, Allah made a covenant with all the prophets that when this prophet comes between you,
02:03then you should believe in him and help him.
02:07And this was a promise.
02:10And Allah said, this is a promise between you and me. You are a witness to this and so am I.
02:18If you had come in the life of a prophet, then that prophet would have had to follow your Shariah.
02:39Therefore, such arrangements were made that when the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:50led the prayer in Baitul Maqdis on the night of Ascension, all the prophets were behind him.
03:00And when the Muqtadi is a prophet and the Imam is Huzoor, then the prayer will be led according to the Shariah of Huzoor.
03:16You will have to believe in Huzoor.
03:20The way the Tasbihas that Huzoor used to read, they must have been reading.
03:25The At-Tahiyyat that the Prophet of Allah recited, they must be saying the same.
03:31And then all the things that were said in At-Tahiyyat.
03:36It was said in that verse that when he comes between you, then leave your Shariah, leave your things, then bring faith in it.
03:46So, when he came in the night of Ascension as the Imam of the Prophets, then all the Shariah was in place.
03:55And all the Prophets who came after the Messenger of Allah were standing.
04:01So, Huzoor is the Prophet of the beginning and the Prophet of the end.
04:07Such a comprehensive Prophethood.
04:11Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an,
04:19His throne is surrounded by the heavens and the earth.
04:24So, the Prophethood of the Messenger of Allah has surrounded all the Prophets.
04:29From the time of Adam to the time of his coming into this world.
04:36After that, the Prophet was told,
04:43And we have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.
04:49Not one world, not two.
04:54More than two, I don't know how many.
04:58You are a mercy to all.
05:01The purpose of saying this is that Allah Almighty says that I am the Lord of the worlds.
05:08I am the Lord of all the worlds.
05:14What you see does not come to you. I am the Lord of all.
05:21And the Prophet was told that you are a mercy to the worlds.
05:27So, the purpose of this is that Allah Almighty is giving this message
05:33That wherever my Lordship will go, your mercy will go there.
05:42This message is being given through this verse.
05:47So, the Prophet of the beginning and the end of the universe,
05:52Other than Allah, has come as a mercy for all the worlds, for everything.
06:00Everything is included, Jinn, Angels, everything.
06:05You have come as a mercy for everyone.
06:08So, if we study the biography of the Prophet,
06:15That is, the Qur'an, the Ahadith,
06:18Then it seems that this human being was also on his way.
06:26He was also on his way as a Prophet.
06:33And in Surah Aal-e-Imran, verse number 162,
06:39It was said, Allah Almighty says,
06:43That I have sent them among you and have done you a great favor.
06:51How many favours of Allah Almighty are upon us.
07:00Man made us.
07:04He did not make us animals.
07:06The first favour is that he created us in the homes of Muslims.
07:11The second favour is that he created us in the Ummah of the Prophet.
07:18In addition to this, countless favours in 24 hours.
07:24But Allah Almighty did not make any favour.
07:29He did not make a single favour.
07:33I give you bread, I raise you, I am your Lord.
07:37But this was such a thing,
07:40The Prophet came here to show Allah his favours.
07:47Allah also showed his favours.
07:50That it is my favour that I am sending you such a Prophet,
07:57Who will be addressed to you,
08:04Then still smile on his face.
08:07It is a blessing, isn't it?
08:11Even if he scolds you,
08:15In a very loving manner,
08:18Then such a Prophet,
08:21And that Prophet came,
08:27And then the system of his guidance,
08:31It started in such a way,
08:34That till today,
08:37In this universe, in this world,
08:41Wherever there is a mosque,
08:45And there is a mosque in every corner,
08:48There the message of guidance is being given,
08:51Come to prayer, come to success.
08:54It is still going on.
08:57So the Prophet is that light,
09:00He is that light,
09:01He is that light,
09:03He is the greatest light of Allah,
09:06Who gives guidance,
09:08Who is the light of guidance.
09:10You are the minaret of the light of guidance.
09:14And you gave us such light,
09:17By taking us out of the pits of darkness,
09:22You took our ancestors towards the light,
09:27Towards the light.
09:28Your every moment is the light,
09:32Every action of your life is the light,
09:36Your walking is the light,
09:38Your sitting is the light,
09:40Your standing is the light,
09:42Your resting is the light,
09:45Your awakening is the light,
09:48Your speaking is the light,
09:52But all is guidance.
09:55All is guidance.
09:56That is, the Prophet is that Prophet,
10:01Look, the standard of guidance,
10:07And the standard of mercy,
10:09Is that, it is mentioned in the Hadith,
10:12That the Prophet was standing,
10:17And a gun was standing with him,
10:19And when he was about to come,
10:22The gun was dropped somewhere,
10:26So he abused the gun,
10:29He did not know who was with him,
10:33So what did the Prophet say at that time?
10:36The Prophet said,
10:38Do not abuse the gun,
10:40The Prophet said,
10:42Mercy for the people,
10:45Mercy for the people,
10:49Do not abuse the gun,
10:51The Prophet said,
10:53All my things are scattered,
10:54I am doing my work,
10:56Such a Prophet,
11:00That is why we are fortunate,
11:03We should be so grateful to Allah,
11:08That such a Prophet,
11:11In which there is no flaw,
11:13Such a Prophet was sent,
11:15In which there is no flaw,
11:17Allah Almighty,
11:19By completing it completely,
11:21For a perfect religion,
11:22For a perfect Prophet,
11:24All the Prophets are perfect,
11:26But the most perfect Prophet,
11:28Was sent,
11:30And then,
11:34When the Prophet is mentioned,
11:37Then the time,
11:41Becomes more than less,
11:44We have not been able to talk about him,
11:47We do not have much knowledge,
11:50We have not been able to describe his glory,
11:52We do not have the courage,
11:54Because other than Allah,
11:56There is no place for him,
11:58But the Prophet of the universe,
12:00Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:04We should think,
12:07That when such an example,
12:10Allah Almighty,
12:14Beauty and beauty,
12:16He sent,
12:20After having so many attributes,
12:22And so many qualities,
12:24That person,
12:26If he prostrates,
12:28He is called Allah.
12:34May Allah Almighty,
12:36Accept this statement in His court,
12:44May Allah Almighty,
12:47All the desires,
12:49Of all the people,
12:51May Allah Almighty,
12:55All the desires,
12:57Of all the people,
