• 2 days ago
The Best Way to Learn Arabic & Quran (Study Motivation) - Q&A 3 with Nouman Ali Khan


00:00But I don't want any one of you to study Arabic until your thirst for it becomes uncomfortable
00:06But you can't take it anymore
00:09Because if you don't have that kind of fire in you, you will quit in a week
00:27Okay, last one I'm hungry
00:32first of all, I'm really impressed always by your lectures if you talk about the Arabic language and
00:42Insightful the Arabic language is yeah, and how?
00:47Comprehensive and like I'm always fascinated how he explained it
00:50And my question is how could I get a deeper understanding of the Arabic language?
00:57How could I study it where could I study it what methods are the best and
01:02to get a deeper insight inside of the Quran because if I read just a translation in
01:08in German when I've run in Pashto or something like that, I
01:13Don't really get it. And if I hear your lectures, I I try to I get a deeper understanding and
01:21My goal is to go deeper into it by myself. And how could I achieve this goal? Good job
01:27This is what I want to hear
01:35Want to make you guys
01:41Why don't I have this access myself? I
01:46want to make you feel uncomfortable and I want to turn that discomfort into a
01:55Because when you say I want to learn Arabic, it's so cool. Then you're gonna get lazy when you feel the pain of not knowing it
02:03Then you will keep going until you know it you understand me
02:08part of the reason I'm giving these little and
02:10Showing you things on the screen and things like that is because I want you to feel the pain. I
02:16Really want you to be hey, I want to know that. I don't know. How can you how do you know?
02:20Now the thing is I'm just telling you for myself. I studied
02:24Arabic I've talked about this a bajillion times with this for you guys. I
02:29Couldn't I was in New York. My parents left. I was living by myself. I couldn't afford the rent by myself
02:35so I had to get a shared apartment with a roommate and his family lived upstairs and I shared the basement and
02:43I couldn't afford to go and study Arabic in some fancy place
02:47I couldn't even afford a train ticket much a plane much less a plane ticket
02:51So I'm sitting in the are working full-time going to college full-time and I have the dream of learning Arabic and I found somebody
02:56Teaching an Arabic course. I'm like, okay, I'm gonna do it
02:59I would go to college in the morning work in the evening and late at night
03:02I'm going to this Arabic class after two two trains and a bus and then a long walk to get to the the class
03:08I'm taking this Arabic class, which means I at least I got a start and I you know
03:13How long that class was three weeks long? That's it. This is three weeks and then the teacher left
03:17They're like, what do I do now? Then I found some used books outside the bookstore that I could afford it was $4
03:23I bought that and the book already had all these markings in it. I was like, I don't care
03:28I'm gonna learn from this and I didn't understand 90% of the book
03:31So I kept taking a train from Queens to Brooklyn to ask the imam followed up and some Arab imam was like
03:37Mahada Mahada Mahada. That's the only thing Mahada. What's this? What's this? What's this?
03:41and he'd be like and then he just keep answering my questions and
03:45Then like that I was like, okay, I need to save up a little bit get the next book then get the next book
03:50I bought whatever used books I could find in Arabic because this is in 1835. We didn't have Google
03:55We didn't have PDF downloads, you know
03:58this is before those days I come from the ancient times of cassette tapes and
04:04Somebody had a Sony Walkman they were cool, you know, so
04:08I buy another used book the Cambridge Elementary modern standard Arabic book, which was written for
04:13In the 70s at Cambridge University in England. I found I found a used copy of it and
04:17It was meant for people that want to work in the oil industry
04:22back in the 70s
04:23If you want to get a job in Dubai or Saudi or whatever go through this curriculum and you'll learn how to make
04:29You know oil deals in the in the in the Arab world and I went through that entire curriculum for my spy myself
04:35I did that book in one month
04:37Just plowed through it studies and while I'm working in but I'm going to school
04:40I'm going to college what I'm trying to tell you is I
04:42Didn't I didn't wait for someone to say how do I begin? I was like, I don't care. I can't wait
04:47I'm gonna do whatever I can
04:48And I just kept going and going and going and then I found one teacher another teacher another teacher another book
04:53Then I was like, I don't know anything my god
04:56By the time I got to like advanced grammar. I was like
04:59Bro, I've been studying for two years. I didn't know any of this and
05:03Then I started studying that and when I finished that and I'm like, but aha, I don't know anything
05:08dude, what is this and
05:10Then I start studying that so I just and then eventually I turned all of that into a curriculum
05:15Like if I had to go here here here here here here to find my path
05:18I want to take the next generation of students to give them this
05:22Here's here's the path laid out for you. But and I didn't have I honestly I didn't have a teacher
05:27I could study with full-time. First of all, I couldn't afford it and I couldn't afford the time
05:32So all I had was either cassette tapes or old books or you know, just pounding my head against the wall
05:39That's that's how I studied Arabic
05:41But my focus was all these all the guys around me. They were like, oh I'm going to this Islamic lecture
05:46I'm going to this conference. I'm going to this I was like, that's cool
05:49I'm gonna study some Arabic memorize some quran because I just wanted quran. I just really wanted to taste the quran and
05:56Focus just focus
05:58Two years three years just stay with it. And what I've done now, Alhamdulillah, I put the curriculum together
06:04I'll be talking to you guys about that on the last day of class
06:06About my Arabic curriculum and what you might be able to do
06:09But I don't want any one of you to study Arabic until your thirst for it becomes uncomfortable
06:16Like you can't take it anymore
06:18Because if you don't have that kind of fire in you, you will quit in a week
06:23If not in a week, you'll quit in two weeks
06:25But if the right fire is built inside you the thirst for just direct access to God's speech that thirst gets built inside you
06:34You will work
06:36You'll work hard and then you will stop this generation. I don't give you guys enough credit
06:42There's enough hard workers among you
06:44But one of the things that scares me about this generation is this is a generation of convenience
06:48And we're slowly coming out of that you say but if the class is not in person and it's not in an air-conditioned room, I
06:57Don't know. I'd rather I'd rather study under this these these conditions like the learning has to happen on your turn
07:05Because it's like you're ordering food at a restaurant
07:09It has to you have to pick which toppings you want
07:12If you're really thirsty for this knowledge, then you will get it any way possible and are there honestly
07:18Are there more ways of accessing knowledge now than ever before in human history?
07:22Yeah, and we're lazier now than ever before in human history
07:27It's ironic people used to travel across deserts man to learn two words
07:33And now you could just google it
07:35You guys open up. Oh, I know this YouTube video, but it's it's too long. It's like it's like two hours. I
07:41Have two hour. Can I is there a faster way to learn? Is there a is there a McDonald's version of Arabic?
07:46Can you give me that?
07:48Look if you want fast food, you can get fast food, but you know what happens to your stomach after fast food
07:54You can get quick fix Arabic, but if you want a long run, I'm telling you those of you that are serious
07:59I'll give you a plan of action within a year
08:02You can start to have direct access to them and within two years you can become a very advanced
08:08With it and I'm talking about part-time I'm asking nobody to leave their job or school or family for you know, goodbye
08:13I'm learning Arabic, but you don't have to do that
08:16You could just you could do this part-time. You could do this on your at home. You could you can do it
08:22I'm telling you you can I know it's time for us to go but
08:25I'll take one last one to make it really quick
08:30Hey everyone
08:31The clip you just saw was me teaching something about the Arabic language and the intricacies
08:34That are involved in appreciating the depth of the Quran. I want you to have that skill for yourself
08:39I want to be able to teach you this stuff so that you can appreciate firsthand what's going on in the language of the Quran
08:44I know that might be intimidating but the first steps you can take are actually available from me on YouTube
08:50Just take a look at this series that's showing up on the screen get started on this playlist
08:54It's called the dream intensive one start with day one. It's just a 10-day commitment
08:59Let's see how far you get and I'll give you further instructions
