• 2 days ago
He (Yahya Sinwar) died with his boots on - George Galloway


00:00And I'm back, back in Russia.
00:03I haven't been able to come here during the entire two years or more of the special military
00:10operation known by everybody else as the war, the NATO-Russia war fought over the dead bodies
00:18of poor Ukrainians, hundreds of thousands of them.
00:22They have been led like lambs to the slaughter to fight for Joe Biden.
00:29The great war leader, Joe Biden.
00:32You wouldn't send them across the road to buy a loaf and expect them to come back, never
00:36mind come back with the right thing.
00:39But that's what they've all been doing.
00:42European leaders have committed economic suicide, creating social fissures inside their own
00:49societies that they may never recover from, permanently disabling their own industries
00:56and their own economic future, all for Joseph Biden.
01:00I keep reminding you of that because I want you to have that picture of this senile, dribbling,
01:06dribbling Alzheimer's patient in your mind when you calibrate what your government has
01:13done to you at his demand.
01:17I'm back in Russia.
01:18I have been coming to Russia for the best part of 50 years.
01:23In former times and in the worst of times and now in the best of times, Russia is booming.
01:32Its economy is booming.
01:33I'm in Kazan.
01:35I'm not in Moscow.
01:36I'm not in St. Petersburg.
01:38I'm in Kazan, Tatarstan, and it's absolutely booming.
01:45between the 49% Muslim population and the 49% Christian population, mixed couples, police
01:55officers walking in duos, some of them Tatars, some of them white Russians.
02:03There's absolutely nothing here that would tell you that there was a war going on, that
02:10you had spent hundreds of billions of dollars of your tax money to break this country up.
02:17There is nothing going on in the shopping malls that would tell you that your sanctions
02:24have worked.
02:25As a matter of fact, as I predicted in the very first weeks of this conflict, our sanctions
02:33on Russia have turned into be the largest, most deadly boomerang ever thrown.
02:39It is our economies that are sinking.
02:42It is Russia's economy that is booming.
02:46And an amazing thing happened.
02:48I walked around a very, very big and busy shopping mall, as busy as any you'll find
02:55anywhere in the world, and I didn't see a single Western thing on sale.
03:02Everybody has substituted their own goods.
03:05The local capitalists have gotten off their backside and entered the market, and where
03:11once the toxic McDonald's stood, Russian restaurants now take their place.
03:18In fact, the only Western thing that I encountered in my entire day here in Kazan was some Western
03:27music on a loop.
03:29I'll tell you later, because I'm proud of it.
03:32He's Scottish, and he was never off the turntable in the shopping mall.
03:37It's an amazing thing.
03:40You know, sanctions breed a new spirit amongst those sanctioned.
03:45The United States is now sanctioning 30% of the entire world's population, and threatening
03:53to sanction the next 20% of the world's population.
04:00But the empire strikes back, and the sanctioned, and the damned, and the marginalised, and
04:07the pilloried, and the blackguarded are all gathering here together in Kazan for the BRICS
04:15I think it's going to be the most important BRICS summit ever.
04:20I think that the BRICS is the future of the world.
04:23I think the BRICS is the new United Nations.
04:27I think the BRICS is the new G7, new G20.
04:31The BRICS is where it's at.
04:34It started out Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, as the acronym suggests.
04:41But we've now got the United Arab Emirates here.
04:45Their plane just touched down at the airport in Moscow.
04:50They'll be here tomorrow, the head of state of the United Arab Emirates.
04:56The crown prince of Saudi Arabia will soon be here.
05:00Countries that you would never have imagined would now be in the Russia-China orbit are
05:07queuing up to join the BRICS.
05:10The sun is rising in the east.
05:13It's sinking in the west.
05:15I think you already knew that.
05:17But if you had taken a walk with me this afternoon in the streets of Kazan, you'd realise just
05:24how real and concrete it is.
05:26Chinese cars, Russian cars, no Western cars.
05:31No Italian tailoring.
05:33No fine English hats.
05:35No anything that came from Western suppliers.
05:40No brand names that you would recognise.
05:43No retail outlets whose names you've ever seen before.
05:48And the tills were going like bilio.
05:51The population were queuing to enter shops and to buy.
05:56In the run-up to our Christmas, a few more weeks until theirs, everything is going swimmingly
06:03here in Kazan.
06:05Vladimir Putin has picked Russia up off the floor where it was lying drunk, having its
06:11pocket picked.
06:12And he has made the Russians feel tall again.
06:17The Russians feel good about themselves again.
06:21And this is a key point for me.
06:24Because I'm not actually interested in retail outlets or fashion.
06:28I'm not interested in the brand names that are on the hangers, on the shelves, in these
06:36I'm interested in the health, the strength of the community.
06:41I know that my own community is ailing.
06:44I know that the British people are depressed.
06:47I know that the British people are disunited.
06:49I know that the British people hate their government.
06:52I know that the British people are going into a long, cold winter, the old age pensioners
06:58getting ready to shiver their way, if they're lucky, through that winter.
07:03I know that the British government has just picked the pockets of the pensioners in Britain
07:08to pay Zelensky another $3.4 billion every year, forever.
07:14I'm not making that last bit up.
07:17We've promised to pay it, forever.
07:20For a third of that, you could have kept your cold weather allowance, Mr and Mrs old age
07:28For half of that, you could have given child benefit to the third and fourth children in
07:34every family in our country, whose birth rate is falling, whose life expectancy is falling,
07:41whose tax base is shrinking.
07:43And when we really, really, really need new and more children.
07:48I know that my own society is sinking into not just a malaise, but an increasing depravity,
07:56an increasing degeneracy.
07:58I know the march of drugs.
08:01I know the march of vice.
08:03I can hear the tramp, tramp, tramp of the boots of avarice amongst the rich and the
08:10howls of anguish amongst the poor.
08:13I don't hear that here in Russia.
08:16I don't feel that here in Russia.
08:19I feel that we've got a united people that doesn't hate their government.
08:23Indeed, in the middle of a war, has swung increasingly, powerfully behind their government.
08:31And I don't want to be a Russia.
08:33I don't want to live in Russia.
08:35I want to be British and live in a better Britain.
08:39And I'm always on the lookout for the secrets of success in other people's societies and
08:45measure it against the reality of failure in my own.
08:50And that's what I'll be doing at the BRICS this weekend.
08:53I'll be looking to see what it is that they are doing.
08:58Well, the first thing they're doing is getting out from under the sanctions trap.
09:04This is a gathering of people who are overwhelmingly under sanction or other forms of economic
09:12punishment by the United States, using the dollar as its whip, using the dollar as its
09:20Well, the people gathering here intend to get out from under the dollar.
09:25They intend to bring about the end of dollar hegemony.
09:30The dollar is just about the only kind of hegemony that the United States and its vassal
09:36states as supine and serf-like as any of the satellites of the former Soviet Union.
09:45In fact, more so.
09:48We are amongst those who have been persuaded that what's good for the United States is
09:56good for the rest of us.
09:58But number one, it isn't.
09:59And what is being done by Joe Biden isn't even good for the United States.
10:04Of course, it could all come crashing to a close.
10:08And indeed, this week, it might be that Netanyahu intends to rain on President Putin's parade.
10:17It is leaked in the United States that Israel is about to launch a blizzard of strategic
10:26ballistic missiles at either Iran's vital oil installations, causing a spike in oil
10:34prices and a closing of the Straits of Hormuz that will make it impossible for you to buy
10:41petrol at $100 a gallon, never mind five.
10:47It is possible that Netanyahu's ballistic missile shower will even fall on Iran's nuclear
10:55installation, in which case Iran has promised that Israel's nuclear installation at Dimona
11:04in the Negev will be blown to smithereens and a nuclear winter will ensue throughout
11:12the Levant.
11:14It might be that Israel intends to attack Iran's political and religious leadership.
11:21Or it might be that Netanyahu intends to attack all three.
11:24Or any permutation of those three.
11:28In any permutation of those three, Iran's response will be tenfold, maybe 100-fold,
11:35maybe 1,000-fold.
11:38Iran has hundreds of thousands of ballistic missiles, most of them capable of penetrating
11:45any iron dome, most of them capable of defeating the new American-fired anti-ballistic missile
11:53system that has been, with accompanying American boots on the ground, hurriedly drafted to Israel.
12:01I saw some pictures today of an American military convoy on the streets of Tel Aviv.
12:09So the United States has joined whatever is going to happen next.
12:15It may be that Netanyahu will wait until the BRICS is properly here on Tuesday and open
12:23before he launches his missile barrage.
12:27It may be that Iran will wait until the BRICS has finished on Thursday before it responds.
12:35But the fact that I'm even asking these questions when the answer to them might very
12:40well be the beginning of World War III shows how perilous the situation we are in.
12:48And anyone who's seen recent pictures of Joe Biden knows very well that he's not
12:53calling the shots, knows very well that he's not controlling his own government, never
12:58mind the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.
13:02Someone, somewhere, has given the green light in Washington to whatever Netanyahu does next.
13:09And that could be curtains for all of us.
13:13If we reach November 5 and we reach the American presidential election, then Donald Trump
13:20is now set to win a landslide victory.
13:24I know that you think that's what I want.
13:27Well, I certainly want it more than I want Kamala Harris.
13:31I hope that my candidate, Dr Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, a friend of mine, breaks
13:39the 5% mark.
13:41I hope that she defeats Kamala Harris in the state of Michigan, an impossible idea just
13:48a few weeks ago, but now an idea that looks like its time has come.
13:55But whether Jill Stein breaks the 5% barrier, Donald Trump has definitely now won the election.
14:04He's won it because in the swing states, every single one of them is currently shaded
14:11Kamala Harris' campaign is running out of gas, even laughing gas.
14:17The joy has gone.
14:19Instead, the lines on her face are etched with the word failure written all over them.
14:26As a matter of fact, Obama had a conversation at Ethel Kennedy, the late Ethel Kennedy's
14:32funeral, just the other day, in which the two of them were overheard, in which Joe says
14:37I was stronger than her, you know, and Barack Obama, who did more than anybody else to edge
14:43Joe Biden over the cliff and out of the race, is heard to say, yes, you are.
14:50That's how bad Kamala Harris is.
14:53She's a worse candidate than Joe Biden, age 99 and a quarter.
14:58So the truth is, you better get ready for a Donald Trump presidency.
15:04Now, I, for one, prefer a Donald Trump presidency to a Kamala Harris one any day of the week.
15:12But only for this reason, I believe that Donald Trump will close down the possibility that
15:18World War Three will break out in Ukraine.
15:21Unfortunately, he may not rule out World War Three breaking out in the Persian Gulf.
15:28He may not rule out World War Three breaking out in the South China Sea, in the Straits of Taiwan.
15:34But one out of three will do me for now, because at this moment in time, any one of these three
15:43theatres of operation could be the beginning of World War Three.
15:49The world has never seen anything like this before.
15:53You could wake up tomorrow morning and discover that events have set in motion World War Three,
16:01a nuclear winter and the end of humanity for all time.
16:07We could look like Mars.
16:09You'd still hear the wind, but nothing would still be alive.
16:13No plant, no animal and no person.
16:17But if Donald Trump does win, he's undoubtedly going to make significant changes in the way
16:25the United States is governed, because he's got two people at his right hand.
16:31I'm not going to talk about J.D. Vance.
16:33I'm going to talk about R.F.K. Jr. and I'm going to talk about Tulsi Gabbard.
16:39If he gives Gabbard and Kennedy the ability freely to do so, then the three letter agencies
16:48in the United States would be as well to pack their bags now.
16:53I think R.F.K. will want to know who killed his uncle.
16:56I think R.F.K. will want to know who killed his father.
16:59I don't think R.F.K. is going to allow any redacted files on the Kennedys for very long
17:07if Donald Trump becomes the president.
17:10I think American foreign policy might just change very significantly indeed.
17:15I hope it does, because it's American policy that has put us in the state we are in.
17:23I'll be talking to two fine Americans on this show tonight and testing their opinions as
17:30to what it is that they want to do.
17:33I've also got a poll running.
17:35Has Israel destroyed Hamas in the wake of the killing of the second chairman of the
17:43political bureau of the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, in just a couple of months,
17:49Ismail Haniyeh, now joined by Yahya Sinwar?
17:54Both of them have been murdered by Israel, but has it made Israel any stronger?
18:00Well, they thought that Hezbollah was defeated when they killed Sa'ed Hassan Nasrallah.
18:07But in fact, Hezbollah is giving Israel a bloody good hiding on the border between occupied
18:14Palestine and Lebanon right this minute.
18:18And I don't think the situation will be any different with the Palestinians.
18:23I don't know Sinwar.
18:25I don't know very much about him.
18:27I know he died the death of a warrior, and I know that the decision to release the footage
18:34of his killing was as stupid as a decision as the United States' release of the photographs
18:42of the martyrdom of my leader, Commandante Che Guevara.
18:47Che Guevara lives on everywhere, in every part of the world, half a century later.
18:54I suspect Sinwar will also grow 10 foot tall as a result of the footage of his killing.
19:02He died fighting at the front.
19:05When was the last Western leader you knew that went to fight at the front?
19:11He died with his boots on, with his kafia around his neck, and with his AK-47 by his side.
19:19And by his side was the other half of his arm, which had been blown off in the previous hour.
19:26I think that's pretty powerful juju, don't you?
19:29You think that will weaken the Palestinian resistance?
19:33If you do, you are a fool.
19:36But if you're not a fool, you've come to the right place.
19:39It's the mother of all talk shows.
19:42Stay tuned.
