2024 Ferrari Purosangue Review Why It’s Worth $400,000

  • il y a 17 heures
00:00C'est notre premier press-car de Ferrari.
00:02Vous savez qu'ils ne nous donneront jamais un press-car, n'est-ce pas ?
00:06Vous ne le savez pas.
00:08Et les gars qui ont fait l'UI,
00:10ont fait la même chose.
00:14Parce que c'est un désastre.
00:17De haut en bas,
00:18c'est la plus mauvaise interface de connexion
00:21et l'intérieur que j'ai jamais vécu,
00:24probablement jamais fait dans le monde du car,
00:26dans l'histoire humaine.
00:27Où est mon téléphone ?
00:28J'ai une liste de rappels des endroits où je veux aller,
00:30et je vais devoir prendre Maranello.
00:33Oui, parce qu'on ne devrait jamais y aller.
00:35Non, on ne sera pas autorisés à y aller.
00:37Oui, c'est ce que je voulais dire,
00:38parce que je n'ai même pas fini.
00:47Donc, ils ont dit qu'on pouvait le conduire.
00:50J'ai le clé et tout.
00:53Est-ce que c'est une trappe ?
00:54On dirait une.
00:55Ce ne sont pas des portes de suicide.
00:57Ce ne sont pas des portes de suicide, non ?
01:26Vous regardez Throttle House.
01:27Je suis Thomas.
01:28Et je suis James.
01:30Et ça,
01:36c'est le son
01:37du nouveau Ferrari Puro Cycle.
01:56Le Puro Cycle
02:19Puro Sangue,
02:20qui signifie « pure sang »
02:22Probablement nommé par un Slytherin,
02:24C'est la nouvelle chambre V12 de Ferrari de secrets.
02:27Mais il n'y a pas de secrets.
02:29La presse technique est aussi longue que la guerre et la paix,
02:32et un très spécial invité de Hollywood nous aidera à déciprer plus tard.
02:35Mais pour l'instant, tout ce que vous devez savoir, c'est ceci.
02:38Aujourd'hui, nous découvrons ce qui se passe
02:41quand Ferrari met ses pieds dans le ring des super-SUVs.
02:45Et nous découvrons si c'est valable
02:48à deux fois le prix d'un SUV comme l'Urus dans le Cayenne Turbo GT.
02:54Parce que, à 400.000 dollars,
02:57vous vous demandez probablement « Pourquoi ? »
03:00Ce qui est italien pour « Pourquoi est-ce que c'est si cher ? »
03:05Aujourd'hui, vous le saurez.
03:06Mais avant ça, vous devriez probablement juste l'écouter.
03:19C'est parti.
03:21Oh, j'ai tombé.
03:33C'est 3,3 secondes à 60.
03:37Et je remercie Zeus, Carl Sagan, God,
03:43et je remercie Zeus, Carl Sagan, God,
03:48qui que vous soyez,
03:50parce que c'est un V12 grand, naturellement aspiré.
03:56715 hp et un numéro de déplacement de 6,5 litres.
04:03Il a une quantité absurde de torque en basse.
04:07Donc, il n'y a pas de perte de conduite quotidienne.
04:09Et il chante jusqu'à 8250 rpm,
04:16comme le GTC4 Lusso qui est venu avant.
04:29Et la transmission, manuelle.
04:40Ok, ok, vous savez quoi ? Ce n'était pas juste.
04:42Je suis désolé.
04:43C'était une blague d'un autre vidéo qu'on a filmé
04:45sur cette même voyage d'une voiture très cool.
04:47J'avais juste besoin d'une excuse pour montrer mes chaussures Pellotti.
04:50C'est grâce à Pellotti, qui a sponsorisé cette vidéo,
04:52que nous pouvons faire ça.
04:53C'est grâce à eux qu'on est en Europe.
04:56Et parce que ce sont les chaussures Shift,
04:58vous pouvez les utiliser en conjonction
05:00avec la Ferrari 8-vite colonne montée DCT
05:03dans le Puro Sangue.
05:05Et si vous pensez qu'il n'y a pas de problème
05:07avec ça, vous avez raison.
05:09Plus sur Pellotti à la fin.
05:12C'est tellement nouveau d'en vivre ça
05:15dans un SUV.
05:19Lambo devait l'avoir fait.
05:21Ils devaient l'avoir fait en LM002
05:23avec les Urus
05:24et lui donner un V12 naturellement aspiré.
05:28Un moteur seul
05:30peut rendre une voiture spéciale.
05:33C'est tout ce qu'il fallait avoir
05:35pour être un moteur spécial.
05:42Oh, c'est rapide.
05:44C'est rapide.
05:45Ce n'est pas léger.
05:47Il pèse toujours environ 4800 pounds.
05:50Mais il brûle.
05:53Et il brûle sur le réveillement.
05:56Il y a aussi beaucoup d'autres choses.
05:58La suspension, par exemple.
06:02C'est compliqué.
06:05La suspension est compliquée.
06:07Oui, c'est très simple.
06:09La suspension Puro Sangue utilise
06:11des moteurs électriques brushless
06:13de densité de 3 phases
06:15et des moteurs de puissance maximale.
06:17C'est très simple.
06:19C'est très rapide.
06:21C'est très rapide.
06:23C'est très rapide.
06:25C'est très rapide.
06:27C'est très rapide.
06:29C'est très rapide.
06:31C'est très rapide.
06:33C'est très rapide.
06:35C'est très rapide.
06:37C'est très rapide.
06:39C'est très rapide.
06:41C'est très rapide.
06:43C'est très rapide.
06:45C'est très rapide.
06:47C'est très rapide.
06:49C'est très rapide.
06:51Pour tout simplifier,
06:53voyons Le Oprah Winfrey
06:55et Martinez en Italie
06:57dans une poole d'axis.
07:16C'est MER entouré.
07:18C'est un tout peu petit ettuce.
07:20En gros, Ferrari utilise une technologie de suspension de niveau suivant.
07:24Ce n'est pas les aérosprings ou les dampers adaptatifs que nous sommes habitués à utiliser.
07:27C'est une suspension active,
07:30un peu comme la suspension BOSE qu'on a vu il y a quelques années dans ce vidéo.
07:35Merci, Giles.
07:40Ferrari a combiné un moteur électrique puissant
07:43avec ce qu'on appelle un damper d'étanchéité et l'a combiné en une seule unité.
07:47Ensemble, cela génère suffisamment de force
07:50pour qu'ils puissent lever l'ensemble du corps de la voiture,
07:53et très rapidement.
07:56Cela résulte en quelques choses très changeantes.
07:59La plus importante?
08:00La puissante Sangway n'a pas besoin d'un damper d'étanchéité.
08:03Donc, elle n'en a même pas un.
08:06Cela, et cela peut garder la voiture parfaitement plantée dans les coins
08:10sans compromettre la course.
08:16Très bien. Maintenant, dégage.
08:18Ok, je suis désolé pour ça, tout le monde.
08:21Je ne sais pas comment j'ai laissé lui parler de ça.
08:24Il a toujours voulu porter un bikini, je suppose.
08:27La suspension est assez sophistiquée.
08:31Et elle est assez bonne.
08:34L'intéressant, c'est qu'elle n'a pas l'air
08:38comme si quelque chose de spécial se passait.
08:41On dirait que je conduis une voiture.
08:46La course n'est pas incroyablement supple.
08:49C'est bien, mais il n'y a pas de mouvements de côté à côté
08:52parce qu'il n'y a pas de barres d'étanchéité.
08:54Et quand vous l'avez en mode sport,
08:56c'est ridiculement plat dans les coins.
09:01Le retour de l'avant est si puissant.
09:05Et puisque c'est un transaxle,
09:09la distribution de poids est excellente.
09:12Il n'y a pas de sens de masse
09:14dans la façon dont la voiture tourne son poids.
09:19De côté à côté, avant et arrière,
09:22il n'y a peu de motion.
09:25Mais la course n'est pas mauvaise.
09:27C'est vraiment bien.
09:29La seule fois où vous sentez la masse,
09:31c'est sur le pédale de frein.
09:33Parce que ça ne fait pas du tout
09:35la vitesse de manière que vous le souhaiteriez.
09:38Et quand vous avez un peu de dégât,
09:41c'est quand vous commencez à ressentir
09:43que c'est plus de 4 000 pouces.
09:45Il n'y a rien de caché.
09:47Il n'y a rien que vous pouvez faire.
09:49Parce que la physique existe.
09:55Ce qui signifie que le Ferrari Pure Sengway
09:58a l'abilité, avec la suspension,
10:00de faire un...
10:02Je n'ai rien à dire.
10:04Ce qui s'est passé,
10:06c'est que le Ferrari était trop chaud.
10:08J'ai dû tirer.
10:10J'ai éteint l'électricité.
10:12C'est complètement hors de sa zone de confort.
10:15Ici, au-dessus de Marinello,
10:17où c'est fait en été.
10:21All right. Back on the road.
10:24Temperature is looking good.
10:30Downshifting to 1st for the hairpin.
10:33Up the hills.
10:36Here's the problem.
10:38I hate Ferrari.
10:40Most of the time.
10:42OK, let me explain.
10:44Ferrari the company,
10:46as many of you know,
10:48what's the word?
10:50It's like a weird cult, almost.
10:52Did you know that when you go
10:54to the Ferrari factory,
10:56you have to wear pants,
10:58you can't wear shorts,
11:00for a multitude of reasons
11:02Why is this brand?
11:04What's it about?
11:06Why do they think that their
11:08sh** don't stink so much?
11:10And sometimes it's to their detriment.
11:12They can never admit when they're wrong.
11:14Look at Formula 1.
11:16But when you get in one of these stupid cars,
11:18and you drive it up the hills,
11:20above Marinello,
11:22even this SUV,
11:24you start to understand.
11:26The cars are
11:29so good.
11:31They're chassis masters.
11:33Even though the steering in this,
11:35in my opinion,
11:37is a little bit too light.
11:39It's still so sharp.
11:41And the car feels
11:43alive all the time.
11:45The combination of the engine,
11:47and the transmission,
11:49and the weight distribution.
11:53It's just so good.
11:58And the engine is overheated again.
12:00And the air conditioning is turned off.
12:02So, I'm going to go back and talk to James.
12:09This is my car.
12:11I'm a sucker for a blue car.
12:13On pain of death, I've been told to call this a car,
12:15not an SUV.
12:17Yes, well,
12:19it is still an SUV.
12:21It's still 4x4, it has a bunch of utility.
12:23It's only 3cm shorter in the roofline
12:25than an Urus.
12:27Yes, and it's significantly taller than a GCC4Lusso.
12:29I think that does make it the lowest super SUV.
12:31So, there you go.
12:33It's an L SUV.
12:35Yes, exactly.
12:37But the car itself is not an L.
12:39It's a bit of a dub.
12:41Is that lost in a wind? Is that what you're doing there?
12:43I explained it for you.
12:45I understood it.
12:47There's this new thing called Instagram,
12:49and I've had a look at the comments,
12:51and I'm like,
12:53I don't know.
12:55Okay, anyway.
12:57Everyone has said that this looks like a Mazda MX-30.
12:59From the profile.
13:01And you know what? It does.
13:03It's not the best comparison from Mazda to Ferrari.
13:07I think it looks like the Toyota Crown SUV,
13:09especially the front with the lights.
13:11It looks so similar
13:13that someone copied someone's homework.
13:15Yes, it looks exactly like the Crown
13:17if you took a photo of the Crown
13:19and matched the colors.
13:21I haven't seen them matched, but that's what it looks like.
13:23It's good looking.
13:25It is good looking. I don't have a problem with it.
13:27But normally, when we're standing on the side of a mountain
13:29and we've just driven a Ferrari,
13:31we stand back and go,
13:33the 296, we were like,
13:35there's a bit of Ford GT there.
13:37Is that what I was driving?
13:39This is just pretty.
13:41It might be because it's an SUV.
13:43It's a very pretty SUV.
13:45This is basically the same color spec
13:47except it can do that.
13:49It has a clamshell.
13:51Underneath that clamshell
13:53is a front mid-mounted naturally aspirated V12
13:55with the red anodized valve covers.
13:57It's a Ferrari.
13:59Yes, it is.
14:01And this is one that's adorned in blue Corsa
14:03with brake calipers the size of my leg.
14:09No, it looks great. It looks really good.
14:11It is quite low.
14:13I feel like I've said this sentence before.
14:15It's a lot lower spec than it does an SUV.
14:17So there's that.
14:19But it isn't a car.
14:21This is like boat versus yacht.
14:23Except this yacht...
14:25Hang on.
14:27You did a short press.
14:29A long press will open them all the way.
14:31Give me another chance.
14:33Long press and it should stop.
14:35Yeah, it stops at me.
14:37Which is nice.
14:39This is a very intuitive thing.
14:41People have complained about these.
14:43That's always the case.
14:45But what if I want to go more open?
14:47No, you can't do that now.
14:49There we go.
14:51Beautiful rear passenger compartment in a Ferrari.
14:55Anyway, I will say that this is a good looking vehicle.
14:57I don't have really any issues with the way it looks.
15:01We've tended to have issues in the past
15:03with Ferrari's interiors.
15:05But it's improved.
15:07I'm going to show you how.
15:09I'm being relegated.
15:11Inside a Ferrari.
15:15I've complained about this stuff.
15:17Ad nauseum.
15:19I don't know if it's even the right term.
15:21Because it's been worthy of complaint.
15:23Yes, because it's been horrible.
15:25But they've come a short way.
15:27They've come a short way, yes.
15:29They've improved some things.
15:31The steering wheel was always where we fought this car.
15:33Sorry, the new Ferrari stuff.
15:35And this has changed.
15:37This is now a directional pad.
15:39It's indented.
15:41There's no haptic feedback though.
15:43No, there isn't.
15:45You don't have to look.
15:47There's years of playing video games.
15:49It teaches me that.
15:51And the good news is,
15:53in the terrestrial app stuff,
15:55is that the right word?
15:57The native app.
15:59The native Ferrari app.
16:01It's quicker.
16:03That's quicker.
16:05But in Apple CarPlay, it's still a little bit laggy.
16:07It's still perfect.
16:09And because there's no haptic feedback,
16:11the lag means you still wonder when it moves.
16:13So it moved.
16:15It's definitely better than it was.
16:17I will say it's better than it was,
16:19but it's still not...
16:21I just want Apple CarPlay to be a touchscreen.
16:23This isn't just Ferrari. Mazda does the same crap too.
16:25But the biggest issue that I have
16:27that hasn't been changed
16:29is that you either get Apple CarPlay
16:31or your tachometer.
16:33And since I have an 8,250 rpm redline,
16:35I can see it and feel it and breathe it
16:37and watch it happen, but you can't.
16:39Because you're constantly using Apple CarPlay
16:41when you go places.
16:43Yes, because maps are not just map programs anymore.
16:45They're traffic apps.
16:47Yeah, they tell me when there's a speed camera.
16:49So even if you know the route,
16:51you still want to know where you're going.
16:53Speed cameras, cops, so that you can wave at them.
16:55So I basically never get to see my tach.
16:57It's just a weird...
16:59I still can't over the torch.
17:01But I do have this screen now.
17:03I can see it. From the driver's perspective,
17:05you can't see it at all.
17:07I can just see a bunch of fingerprints.
17:09Yeah, there's that for sure.
17:11But I can get information on it, right?
17:13I can get my air quality.
17:15I don't really know why I have that.
17:17You can control the Burmester sound system.
17:19I can. And I can get my own tach.
17:21Well, see, I've got one. Why would you need one?
17:23You're just going to keep telling me
17:25when I'm about to hit redline?
17:27Yeah, you're like, and shift!
17:29This just becomes a rally crew.
17:31But this isn't exactly new for Ferrari.
17:33They've been doing this before.
17:35The GTC4Lusso had a similar thing to this, right?
17:37Yes, yes. But this level of cockpit feel,
17:39it looks identical. I just have a steering wheel
17:41compared to you.
17:43Do you think the Burmester sound system
17:45is better than that of the premium Bang & Olufsen
17:47in the Urus?
17:49They're on par.
17:51You'd have to get out of one immediately
17:53into the other with the same song to know.
17:55Because you cried when you were listening to Elton John.
17:57No, James, you cried.
17:59You teared up.
18:01That's how good the Bang & Olufsen was.
18:03Look, I'm in touch with my emotions.
18:05You're allowed to be now.
18:07Final thing is this little do-hickam-a-her right here.
18:09Why does that work?
18:11I don't know what to call it,
18:13because it's not logical.
18:15You push this little thing.
18:17This is more for you than it is for me.
18:19I can control all my stuff on here.
18:21It is slightly slow.
18:23Let's say I want to change the fan speed right now.
18:25I click the fan.
18:27I click that out,
18:29and then I get the full-scale
18:31movability of the wheel.
18:33I can change the temperature.
18:35I can change the fan speed.
18:37However, that is quite slow to go in and out.
18:39I found out that you just press that,
18:41and you can still change it.
18:43It's pointless that it moves in and out.
18:45Yes, and then this sync button
18:47allows you to choose which seats you're controlling.
18:49When you press it,
18:51it's very subtle in there.
18:53That's me, you,
18:55back left, back right, back left.
18:57I can't even see from here. It's just a glare.
18:59Yes, it's quite fingerprinty.
19:01When closed, I don't think that looks
19:05No, it doesn't. Neither does this area down here.
19:07No, and if you compare this to something
19:09like the Bentayga,
19:11when it comes to performance and sportiness,
19:13this definitely beats that,
19:15but when it comes to,
19:17I made it, here's my epic SUV,
19:19something like the Bentayga is going to have
19:21a more rewarding center console.
19:23Yes, but it is very cool in here,
19:25and there is a center console back there
19:27with its own controls and dial, right?
19:29Yes, and its own sports seats.
19:31Yes, well, the seats back there
19:33are quite comfortable. And?
19:35Magic Sky. No, it's not Magic Sky.
19:37That's Magic Sky TM.
19:39Mercedes, right.
19:41This is just the electrochromatic.
19:43It becomes brighter or darker.
19:45It's not that much of a difference, I will say.
19:47I like it. But it is pretty cool.
19:49I feel like Boeing 777s
19:51have those now.
19:53They do, yes. It's so cool.
19:55It is pretty neat. And then one asshole
19:57in the cabin says,
19:59I want to see what the mountains look like at night
20:01or in the day.
20:03But fortunately, in this car,
20:05you can only upset a maximum of three other people.
20:07I'm trying to watch Love Actually.
20:09Leave me alone.
20:11I think being trimmed in the black leather
20:13does the car a disservice, actually.
20:15I think it makes it look a bit more...
20:17The leathers are really nice,
20:19like a Ferrari.
20:21It's full Ferrari in here.
20:23The pedals are just like
20:25absolute Ferrari level.
20:27I've seen this with the tan interior
20:29and the different colors,
20:31and it makes all the carbon fiber
20:33and all the other stuff just pop.
20:35Overall, though,
20:37this is a very cool thing.
20:39Let's for a second say
20:41who cares if it's an SUV,
20:43who cares if it's a car, whatever.
20:45This is a front-engine V12
20:47four-seat, four-door Ferrari.
20:49Front mid.
20:51Front mid-engine V12,
20:53four-seat, four-door Ferrari.
20:55It's cool.
20:57It is. It's automatically cool.
20:59The engine was all it needed to have.
21:01Pretty much.
21:03It comes in with that amazing suspension
21:05that's good enough for Margot Robbie,
21:07it's good enough for us.
21:09Let's just check.
21:11What's the Ferrari SUV like?
21:13It's a Ferrari SUV.
21:15So, is the Pura Sangue
21:17worth $400,000?
21:21Annoyingly, yes.
21:23Ferrari could have half-arsed it.
21:25They could have just leaned into their image
21:27and distracted us with pretty things.
21:29But that trick would only have lasted
21:31so long.
21:33The car audience are not fools.
21:35The great news, then,
21:37is that Ferrari actually did it properly.
21:39Relative to the other super SUVs,
21:41the Pura Sangue
21:43has that Ferrari-ness
21:45that they don't have.
21:47Which does mean that at least
21:49our tester was hot in one more way
21:51than you'd want.
21:53But it's way more emotional
21:55than a Cayenne Turbo GT.
21:57More purposeful than an Audi
21:59Borghini Urus.
22:01More delicate than a BMW
22:03X6M Competition.
22:05Between the suspension,
22:07the engine, the short steering ratio,
22:09the looks and the badge,
22:11Ferrari have managed
22:13to recreate their unique formula
22:15and their flair
22:17in an entirely different class of car.
22:19One that by its very nature
22:21puts practicality
22:23and utility first.
22:25Not Ferrari's usual M.O.
22:27And in setting out
22:29to make a not-SUV,
22:31Ferrari have accidentally made
22:33the best super SUV
22:37And once again, thank you to Palotti
22:39for making this Eurotrip
22:41possible. We are rocking the shift
22:43shoe in this video and to be honest,
22:45we haven't stopped wearing them
22:47literally every day
22:49for many months now.
22:51Like the whole team.
22:53They are comfortable, they make driving and working
22:55the pedals very easy and they come
22:57in 10 colours. All of which
22:59are handmade in Portugal using
23:01Italian suede or leather.
23:03And with the code THROTTLE15
23:05you can get yourself 15%
23:07off of your order.
23:09Free shipping and free returns.
23:11Thanks for watching.
