• 2 days ago
The Jeremy Kyle Show (12 April 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10On today's show...
00:12The first guest today, Rhys, is here for a showdown with his ex-partner, Jess, a woman he says is a terrible mother, who lost all rights to their kid shortly after giving birth.
00:20Today, Rhys says he's here to tell her under those circumstances, are you going to see your daughter again?
00:24Sure not.
00:28I think you need to take a reality check on your life.
00:30You have stopped me seeing my daughter. I've been messaging you, asking you to see my daughter, and your response is, my daughter doesn't have a mother.
00:38What's it done to him, losing her?
00:42It's destroyed him.
00:44Why so much?
00:46Because he's accusing me of sleeping around.
00:48Have you cheated on him?
00:50I have not cheated on him, Jeremy.
00:52We asked Anne-Marie, since your last lie detector test, have you passionately kissed anyone other than John? You said no. Why do you say no, Anne-Marie?
01:00Seven weeks ago, Louis was born. Is he a good dad?
01:06What does he mean to you?
01:08The world.
01:10The DNA test results show him to be steep.
01:22Welcome to the show.
01:36My first guest today, Rhys, is here for a showdown with his ex-partner, Jess, a woman he says is a terrible mother, a lazy woman who lost all rights to their kid shortly after giving birth.
01:46In the custody battle, it was decided by the authorities that Rhys would be granted guardianship of his daughter after he says Jess failed to comply with social services and missed, check this, over 100 sessions of organised contact with their daughter.
02:00That's the mother. Today, Rhys says he's here to tell her, under no circumstances are you going to see your daughter again. You've been a useless mother, you've let her down, and you are better off leaving the kid alone.
02:08Rhys is on the Jeremy Carr show that way.
02:16Jesus, Pete, I didn't want you to launch yourself at me. How are you, son?
02:20Yeah, I'm good.
02:22Welcome to the show. Jess is your ex?
02:28Shut up!
02:30If you are what I think you are and you're a decent father, I'd show yourself to be decent today. My relationship with Jess was over before it began. What do you mean by that?
02:36Well, she was just to give her a bit of fun. I should have worn protection at the end of the day, but I'm young, so...
02:44So the baby wasn't planned?
02:46Definitely not.
02:48By your own admission, when she got pregnant, she told me there were at least five, a minimum of five possible dads.
02:54You did a private DNA. You didn't believe that the child was yours at first, but the private DNA said indeed that you were the father. What was that like?
03:00Oh, I was happy. I've always wanted a kid.
03:04Quickly, happiness turned...
03:06Welcome to the Jeremy Cowell Show.
03:08Quickly, misery turned... Well, happiness turned to misery because social services got involved. Tell me what happened.
03:14She told me a week after we had sex, she was pregnant. I was a bit like, why did you do a pregnancy test? Oh, I just wanted to see one. Those were her words.
03:24So it was a bit like, well, to me that didn't add up.
03:28All right, let's cut to the chase, because we have to be very specific. Social services, for reasons we can't go into, got involved. The child was taken into temporary care, is that right?
03:40This man fought for how long?
03:42Probably about...
03:46How long did it take you to fight social services?
03:48Six months.
03:50And were you granted full custody?
03:52Full custody, yeah.
03:54That's what I'm saying, which tells you something. Now, alongside that, without being unfair to her because of her issues in the past, social services and you worked together and said, we want to meet and talk and organise contact.
04:09She missed a hundred sessions?
04:11Pretty much, yeah.
04:12A hundred?
04:14And she never turned up for any court appearances.
04:16When was the last time she saw her daughter?
04:20She's bothered to come on the Jeremy Carr show, but she's not bothered to turn up to see her own kid. I won't let Jess see our daughter now, because she's a terrible mother.
04:29I think you're right, I've been asking for over a year to see your daughter.
04:33By the way, if you missed even one of those hundred, that doesn't look great, does it? Get off. Get off.
04:42This man gave up his job to become a single dad, bring up this kid, got the kid out of care.
04:52I'm not one who says that that's a good thing, but in this case it is the right thing. You say that she doesn't deserve it. What does your daughter deserve?
05:00Surely the answer today is to put in place an organised thing that would have controls and would give her the chance to do the thing, but if she lets the kid down, you can say to your daughter, I've done it.
05:10It just becomes a war otherwise, doesn't it?
05:13Yeah. At the end of the day, I'm looking after my daughter.
05:15Who found this show?
05:18I've had enough of her. I've had enough of her. She's always slagging me off, saying I'm a mad father, my daughter's going to resent me. I'm safeguarding my daughter for a reason.
05:26I'm thinking two things. If a woman, let's just say through a bad past, wasn't in a position mentally, physically, psychologically to be what she should have been, surely two things would matter.
05:39One, why was it you who phoned the Jeremy Carr show? And then I would think that if you were trying to give the impression that you gave a damn, you wouldn't be standing back there using disgusting languages and calling the man who's brought your kid up and saved your kid from social services care, be saying what you did to him.
05:54Get out of here, Jess.
05:56I think you need to take a reality check on your life. You have stopped me for over a year seeing my daughter. I've been messaging you over Facebook, over Snapchat, asking you to see my daughter, and your response is, oh no, you can f*** yourself, my daughter doesn't have a mother.
06:19Do you deserve it? 26 weeks it took you to go to your first scan.
06:24Because I didn't realise, I'm probably pregnant.
06:26You were on the show and you said 26 weeks.
06:28I thought I miscarried.
06:29Lies, lies, all over Facebook.
06:32Let me ask you a question before you come out here, go sit down. Don't even pretend that you've done enough.
06:37If it wasn't for that man who you slag off on a regular basis, your kid would be in the care system. You should be saying thank you and we might get somewhere instead of slagging him off.
06:54He's the one that, when me and my partner broke up at one point, he turned around to me and let me video call my daughter. And he turned around and he was like, oh yeah, at some point I might be able to give you my address.
07:08Is it true you've told your daughter she doesn't exist?
07:10No, I would never deny her that.
07:12You say he's neglecting her needs. How would you know? You've neglected her needs from the day she was born.
07:17No, I used to turn up to contact, but at the point I didn't. It was because I knew that she was going to him and it broke me because of previous children I've lost.
07:27Why do you have a baby? Serious question.
07:29Because when I felt her move I was like, I can't not keep her.
07:34Why wouldn't you have say sex with all the problems you've got? Why wouldn't you get yourself straight before you do that to another child?
07:39Because I was on contraception.
07:41Is there no part of you that thinks that you've failed miserably?
07:46There's other forms of contraception.
07:48Are you not? Is there no part of you that can look in the mirror and go, I'm afraid I haven't been any sort of mother?
07:54I've tried.
07:56But you haven't been, have you? Let's be honest.
07:58I've got messages proving that I've been asking for the past year to see her.
08:04I know, I've seen some of those messages.
08:06I just want to have a relationship with my daughter and I won't stop until I see her and continue seeing her.
08:10Yes, she is your daughter, but she's also mine. I don't like how you're playing God with her and using her as a weapon.
08:14Oh dear, you're an idiot. Too little, too late, Jess.
08:16Where was all this during contact and court? I'm not using her as a weapon.
08:20I'm telling you straight, you've missed your chance. You have to wait until she's old enough.
08:23Now, if you want anyone to blame, it's you.
08:25Let me turn this round to you, Rhys. Are you doing that out of anger and frustration?
08:28Are you doing what's right by your daughter?
08:30If this woman...
08:32And I'll cut her some slack a minute.
08:34She's not a danger to her daughter, mate.
08:36But you don't seem to understand.
08:38You've been given countless opportunities to prove, prove that you care.
08:43You never, ever take them up.
08:45And he is fed up.
08:47And as this kid gets older, she's going to be more and more disappointed.
08:50But you're not even grateful. I don't understand.
08:52On the video call, I was absolutely grateful.
08:55It got to me that much that I spent the whole of that night absolutely in tears
09:00because of the fact that I was so proud of how he's brought up my daughter.
09:05But at the same time, I'm sat there going,
09:07he's emotionally abusing her by not allowing her a relationship with the other side of the family.
09:11Take that point out with you, Rhys. That's what worries us.
09:13We were talking about this this morning.
09:15What worries us is not that you're not doing a great job,
09:18is that this kid will blame you ultimately for keeping their mother away.
09:21Why don't you... There's an obvious...
09:23It's her identity. There's an obvious solution here, isn't there?
09:26It's a contact centre where he's not involved, where you turn up.
09:29It's regulated and organised by us.
09:31Whether you like this or not, the first day you don't turn up, it's logged.
09:34The fifth day you don't turn up, you don't get another chance.
09:37Turn your head round.
09:41Thank you, Rhys, for doing such a fantastic job.
09:44Might be a good start, mate.
09:46She's amazing.
09:53That's nice.
10:03You have my respect.
10:08But you'll have it even more if you do what I tell you.
10:13You will be able to... Sorry, Jess, if you don't like this.
10:15I don't mean this badly. I hope you've proven me wrong.
10:17If Jess is what you think Jess is,
10:20then you work with us and sort a contact centre.
10:23It's regulated.
10:25It's weekly or whatever, for an agreed number of hours.
10:29The first time she doesn't turn up, the deal's broken.
10:33You will forever be able to tell your daughter.
10:35My fear is that by shouting, denying, doing whatever,
10:38whether it's meant well, you're on the back foot when she grows up.
10:42Yeah, definitely.
10:44And I would give Jess a little bit of credit, not much.
10:47She's had a hard time.
10:49Jess, take this the right way.
10:51Just stop having sex, mate.
10:53I'm being...
10:55If you can't find a way of not having any more children,
10:59if that is not a wake-up call, nothing in your life will be.
11:03Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
11:09Can she see her daughter?
11:13She's in the green room. She is.
11:15Can she see her now?
11:17Go on.
11:25The minute...
11:27The minute you walk through that door,
11:30unless you put aside your argument and rankle with this bloke,
11:33this will never work.
11:35If you argue in front of your kids... I would never argue in front of her.
11:38..will you sit in a room after this and work out an agreement
11:41that we organise, will you? Yeah.
11:43Do you understand that if you let her and him down,
11:46it will never happen for you again?
11:48I didn't think you were going to get this.
11:50Come with me, both of you. You are a top, top man.
11:52You should say thank you to this guy.
12:02Are you OK?
12:04Someone's got to come and see you.
12:08Daddy's here, all right.
12:10Come here.
12:12Come here, Daddy.
12:14Hello, chunky.
12:16Ow! Hi, baby.
12:18Where are you going? Who's this?
12:20Hi, baby. Go on.
12:23Look who's there.
12:25Hello. Hello, Mummy.
12:29Listen, I respect you and me,
12:31but I'm not saying it because it's easy, it's hard.
12:34Look at me, please.
12:36Don't mess this up. Work with us.
12:38Hey, work with us and we'll get it sorted, is that all right?
12:41Yeah. Is that OK? Good girl. Yeah.
12:43All right, give them a round of applause.
12:45I'll leave you with Graham. Thank you very much indeed.
12:51Jeremy Carr's right at this point. Don't go anywhere.
12:53Do you think if you pass this test it will make a difference to you?
12:56Yeah, cos everyone keeps telling him that I've cheated
12:58and I've literally had enough, Jeremy.
13:00I'm at my wits' end because of it.
13:04We asked Anne-Marie, since your last lie detector test,
13:06have you passionately kissed anyone other than John?
13:08You said no. Why don't you say no, Anne-Marie?
13:10I'll tell him, Jeremy.
13:27It's all kicking off. Security.
13:35This test says you're a liar, love.
13:38This isn't about you, this is about your children.
13:41Oh, here we go.
13:43OK, more happiness after...
13:47Oh, get off!
13:49No, no, no, no!
13:53Oh, my Lord.
13:55Lee Phillips, go for it.
13:57He has to put up with this.
14:02Do you think you're being lied to?
14:04Do you have evidence to prove it, like home videos, recordings or texts,
14:08that you want to confront someone with?
14:10If you're 18 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
14:13email talk.itv.com along with your number.
14:15Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
14:18Text costs 25p plus one standard rate message.
14:21Or you can call my team today. It's 09011.
14:23It's 123456.
14:25Calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
14:37Welcome back. My next guest today, Anne-Marie,
14:39is here because she is desperate to prove to her husband, John,
14:42that she hasn't been cheating on him.
14:44Now, she says that ever since John's mum died a few months ago,
14:47a wedge has been driven between the two of them.
14:49After rumours went around that she was cheating
14:51whilst his mum was dying, she says,
14:53I'm adamant I'll pass the lie detector test
14:55and I really hope that this will get the marriage back on track.
14:58She said, he's been to hell and back.
15:00I just want to prove that I'm telling the truth.
15:02Anne-Marie's on the Jeremy Carr Show That Way.
15:12I know that this has been a really difficult time.
15:15His mum was the linchpin of his life, a bit like mine was to me.
15:20Look at me.
15:21But this has had quite wide-ranging impacts on your relationship.
15:25What's been going on?
15:26It has.
15:27He's constantly having a go at me for no reason at all.
15:31How long have you been married? Nearly two years.
15:34He lied to me when his mum died.
15:36He told me he didn't want me at her funeral.
15:38No, he didn't.
15:41That was the happy wedding day.
15:43Did you not go to the funeral?
15:45I did, in the end.
15:48Do you understand...
15:51We've met his mum. His mum was a legend.
15:53Let's have a photo. She was an amazing woman.
15:55We loved her. Can we put that picture up, please?
15:57Do you remember her? The ledge.
16:01What's it done to him, losing her?
16:03I enjoyed him. Big time.
16:05Why so much?
16:07Because he's accusing me of sleeping around,
16:10specifically with one guy.
16:12You said you'd heard stories.
16:14You say, I'm coming here today because I'm going to prove that's rubbish.
16:17I am. I'm going to prove it, though I haven't.
16:20What do you want me to say? Have you cheated on him?
16:23I have not cheated on him, Jeremy.
16:25Because that would be pretty low.
16:27I love him to pieces. I've always been there for him.
16:30Do you think if you pass this test it will make a difference to him?
16:33Yeah. Really? So it is just that?
16:35Yep. Because everyone keeps telling him that I've cheated
16:38and I've literally had enough, Jeremy.
16:41I'm at my wits' end because of it.
16:43There's no intimacy anymore? There's nothing?
16:49Who's idea to come here?
16:51He is. Why is?
16:53Because I just turned round and told him
16:55and said I'm going to prove that I haven't done a thing.
16:58Because I've done it once before and I passed with flying colours.
17:03It's just everyone else just telling him.
17:06I think when something like that happens, and I'm not trying to lecture you,
17:10it sort of happened to be a year ago, I suppose.
17:13No, it did. I think you then look at everybody around you
17:16that matters to you and you think, I've just lost this...
17:19There will never be a more important person in my life than my mum, right?
17:22And then you suddenly look around and you think, oh, my God.
17:25I think we didn't get to a point, I think the grieving process,
17:28which Graham talks about, a lot of people just think grieving's easy,
17:31it's not, there's different facets to it, it's horrible.
17:34It is hard. But you have to go through it.
17:37Because there's two things we're sure of, you're born and you die.
17:40Sorry. That's the way it is.
17:42There is absolutely nothing else that is guaranteed in life
17:45bar birth and death, that's it.
17:47So you get on with it.
17:49I guess if you're as close to him as he was to his mum,
17:52she was the rock, she was the person he relied on,
17:54and then everybody else is not going to measure up.
17:56And you know why he says that, I can tell you.
17:58Why do you think he's accusing you of cheating?
18:01Look at me, why? I don't know, Jeremy.
18:03Because the only person that matters to him,
18:05the only other person that matters to him, has left him,
18:07so he's convinced you're going to leave him as well,
18:09so I'll tell you what, I'll just have a little nudge,
18:11I'll have a little kick, and she'll prove to be like everybody else,
18:13I'll be abandoned, I'm on my own, I'm feeling sorry for myself.
18:15But he's not alone. His mother died, nothing more happened.
18:17He's not alone, Jeremy, I'm here for him.
18:19But do you ever say that to him? I do say that to him.
18:21He is very nervous. Give him a round of applause.
18:30I know it's difficult, Kira,
18:32and I don't expect this to be something that you can do easily.
18:36Talk to him, Anne-Marie.
18:38I'm here for you, I'm going to prove to you that I am not cheating.
18:42I've literally had enough of being asked if I cheated.
18:48The rumours are lying.
18:51I've proved it once before. Would it be fair, John, to say that
18:55the person who meant the most to you in the world has left?
18:58You're devastated by losing your mum.
19:00I said it out there. I went through the same as you a year ago.
19:03And that you're convinced that anybody else that matters to you
19:06is going to disappear anyway, so you're pushing her away a little bit.
19:11But she loves you.
19:13I know. I'm just so scared.
19:16I know you're scared. And I don't... You know what?
19:18It's really easy, isn't it, when you do a show like this,
19:20and people think, God, that person's really loud and that person's really quiet
19:23and I don't want to put you through this anymore.
19:25I mean, I hope to God you haven't cheated.
19:27I have not cheated, Jeremy.
19:29But if she hasn't, it's not fair for her to be a victim of the misery
19:31that you've gone through, OK?
19:33Because she can be a support. Can you give me those results, please, Will?
19:40We asked Anne-Marie, since your last lie detector test,
19:42have you passionately kissed anyone other than John?
19:44You said no. Why did you say no, Anne-Marie?
19:46Because I'm telling the truth.
19:49How is that, when I haven't done nothing?
19:53Says you lied on every single question.
19:59You're going to start swearing at me now, are you?
20:01It's not really my fault, is it?
20:03You believed it last time.
20:05You're not crying now, love, are you?
20:10You stay... Do you want me to go and do this? You stay there.
20:18Where are you running away from, then, if you haven't done anything wrong?
20:21Last time, the test was right. This time, the test's wrong.
20:24Don't swear at me, love. Face me out and speak the truth,
20:27cos that's about the lowest you can do.
20:29Why don't you fail, then? Why don't you fail, then?
20:32Why don't you fail?
20:34Something happened, didn't it? Come on.
20:36Yes, it did. Something happened. You know the story.
20:39You kissed somebody. Something happened.
20:41It's come out in the test. Paints you out to be a liar.
20:44I want to know. Come on, let's have it now.
20:46I didn't cheat. Something happened, didn't it?
20:48No, it didn't. Come on, babe, come on.
20:50No, it did not. You know I'm lying.
20:52You know you're lying and I know... Are you going to run off?
20:55Where are you running to?
20:58Come on, babe, you're not going to...
21:01Can I just...?
21:03Cheers, love.
21:04The fact you run away says that you're guilty.
21:06Come and explain to me what happened.
21:09Come and explain to me.
21:11Swirl me through. Don't clap.
21:14Something did happen.
21:16No, it didn't.
21:18I never cheat on him.
21:22I can see you love him, but something happened. What happened?
21:28I don't know what you're saying.
21:32Something happened.
21:34I don't know what you're saying.
21:37Something happened.
21:39Hey, hey, I'm not having a go.
21:41He was vile and horrible. Come in here.
21:43So you're not in the corridor with everybody else.
21:45Let's do this now, OK?
21:49I just... Yeah, all right, come here.
21:51Come here, listen to him.
21:53I'll forgive you if you tell me who it was.
21:56I didn't do it.
21:58Did something happen? Did you kiss somebody? No.
22:00Just, babe, come on, I know I'm going to...
22:02You were horrible, weren't you, when you were going through what you were going through?
22:05I was horrible for you. You weren't very nice, though, were you?
22:08We're not making an excuse for this, cos I know you love him,
22:11and I also know by your reaction, and you don't have to admit it in front of the cameras,
22:14but I know as well as you do that something happened.
22:17No, it didn't.
22:19Just tell me the truth.
22:21Just tell me the truth.
22:23If he did do something, I'm not going to...
22:25We can work on it. We can sort it out. Come on.
22:28It's what we do.
22:30Our marriage is worth working it out.
22:33Nobody said it was over if I failed.
22:36I'm prepared.
22:38That's why you won't tell him the truth, isn't it?
22:40He's just told you that he will work on it, and I promise you, look at me,
22:43we'll help you. What happened?
22:48The guy come on to me, and I pushed him away.
22:51Nothing actually happened.
22:53In a bar?
22:55No, at the flat.
22:59Where was your man? Where was John?
23:03Let's not go into identities. Listen to me.
23:06This man has reacted as I believed he would react.
23:10I'll put you in a room, get the whole story, do it calmly.
23:14Look at me. Oi.
23:16I actually believe that you love him, but all he needs is the truth, all right?
23:20Yeah? I'll leave you to Steph. Take over. Give him a round of applause.
23:33We'll do what we always do. We're well with them.
23:35We'll let you know. Stay tuned after the break.
23:37Back with more from the Jeremy Carr show. You don't want to miss it.
23:40Is this a day you dread or is this a day you want to do?
23:43This is a day I want to do, just to clear it all.
23:45I need to just get it all resolved.
23:47Are you going to pass? Yeah.
23:49Sure? I'm positive.
23:51God, I hate this.
23:54Since January 2017, have you passionately kissed anyone other than Stephen?
23:58You said no. Why did you say no? Because of a time trip.
24:07Are DNA doubts ruining your relationship?
24:09Is an ex refusing to accept paternity?
24:12If you're 18 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
24:15email talk.itv.com along with your number.
24:17Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
24:20Text costs 25p plus one standard rate message.
24:23Or you can call my team today. It's 09011.
24:25It's 123456. Calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
24:38Thank you very much indeed. Welcome back.
24:40My next guest today you've met on a previous encounter.
24:42Take a look at this, my friends.
24:45You're pregnant. He's had some issues, you've had some issues.
24:49The two of you are deeply in love, but there's just this blockage.
24:52Not actually enjoying the best moment of both of your lives.
24:55He's pushed you away a bit. Yeah. Why?
24:58Because he thinks I'm sleeping with someone else.
25:00Why did you come here? Seriously.
25:02Because I just want to be happy again.
25:04Do you love this woman?
25:11What's the delay for, pal?
25:13I'm just not sure anymore.
25:16I don't... I don't know. It don't add up to me, like.
25:19Have you slept with this bloke? No. Never.
25:23There's just something about it that I just can't put my finger on.
25:26OK. In fairness, I'll get you back, I'll do the DNA,
25:29but I need you to promise me that in the next three months
25:31you stay as calm as you can so she can have this baby. I will.
25:36So, as you can see from the clip, Stephen and Zoe were at a really low point
25:39in their relationship when they were last on, and they both agree
25:41they wanted to come back to the show once she'd given birth to the baby
25:44so that they could do that DNA test.
25:46Delighted to tell you seven weeks ago Zoe gave birth to a baby boy,
25:49and today Stephen has brought her back here
25:51for all-important lie detector and DNA results.
25:53He says, and so does she, this is it.
25:56On a plate, we can only go on when we get the answer.
25:58Stephen's back on The Jeremy Carr Show that way.
26:07Nice to see you. You all right?
26:09I think anybody watching that last part will know
26:12what you guys were going through, how you were feeling.
26:15What have things been like since that last show?
26:17It's been all right, but the trust issue's still there.
26:20I just don't know. She don't trust me and I don't trust her.
26:23You say I've not been able to move on.
26:25I don't know if she's cheated, I don't know if I'm being paranoid,
26:28I don't know if she's following me head.
26:30I've tried really calmly to be there for her with the baby.
26:33Which I have, yeah.
26:35But you don't even know the baby's yours?
26:37Well, I hope so.
26:39How's the last seven weeks been since Louis was born?
26:43But it must be difficult to look down at a baby,
26:45to pick up a baby, to try and feed a baby, thinking...
26:47Well, he does resemble me, he's got my features and everything.
26:50Something like you, yeah?
26:51Something like that, yeah.
26:53He's actually got more hair than you, hasn't he?
26:56He's cute, look at him.
26:58Oh, seven weeks old.
27:01What does he mean to you?
27:02The world.
27:05But, of course, not wanting to bring anybody down,
27:08and I genuinely don't know, what if she has cheated?
27:11Actually, let's do this.
27:13What if she's cheated but the kid's yours?
27:17I don't know.
27:18We'll have to sort something out, won't we?
27:20What if the kid's not yours?
27:22We'll separate, go our separate ways.
27:25Just explain to the audience again, just to refresh,
27:27why do you doubt this woman?
27:29Well, it's the bruises and the explanations that she gives me
27:32and I just can't put my finger on it.
27:34Tell me about the bruises.
27:35Well, she had bruises on the left side of her leg.
27:37Maybe she fell over.
27:38No, not fingerprints,
27:39not, like, three finger marks on the side of her leg.
27:42They're definitely fingerprints.
27:43Maybe you're just paranoid, maybe you're looking for things.
27:45Have you cheated on her?
27:47Have you ever been cheated on in the past?
27:49Oh, there's a surprise.
27:51I mean, it's difficult watching that back.
27:55I remember distinctly thinking,
27:57this guy can't even bring himself to say that he loves her, why?
28:00Well, I wasn't too sure on whether she cheated on me or not,
28:03so it's like...
28:05Is this a day you dread or is this a day you want to do?
28:08This is a day I want to do, just to clear it all.
28:10I need to just get it all resolved.
28:12All right, really appreciate you being back.
28:15Give her a round of applause.
28:23How good do you look?
28:24You look great. How's motherhood?
28:26All right, yeah.
28:27You're supposed to look completely shattered and be like,
28:29oh, God, got no sleep.
28:31Going well?
28:33He looks cute, Louis.
28:34He is.
28:35And you look a lot happier.
28:36Last time you looked devastated, the relationship was struggling.
28:38Now he's gone all serious, now you've come out.
28:40What's the last few weeks been?
28:41All right.
28:42I was really emotional last time, because, like,
28:44obviously I was pregnant and hormones were all over the place.
28:46You did say that nothing's changed.
28:48You said you're paranoid, it does your head in.
28:50Do you think this stems from his past?
28:52I just asked him that and he alluded to the fact
28:54that he has been cheated on before.
28:56Do you think that you're suffering?
28:58Do you think you're a victim because of his past?
29:00Well, I get accused of all sorts because of his past, yeah.
29:03I do think that.
29:05Cos I don't go anywhere or do anything to give him a reason.
29:08I mean, he's the one that used to go fishing.
29:10Do you still go fishing? No.
29:11So you go fishing and think you've had a bloke round there?
29:14The question is this, though.
29:15If she passes this, if the kid's yours, if it's a happy ending,
29:18please God, cos I hate it and I don't know what to say,
29:20is this going to go or is this more about you as an individual?
29:23Is it more about what's going on in your head?
29:25Is it more about your past?
29:26Oh, no, the insecurities will go.
29:28It's just, from when we got together,
29:30there was things that I just couldn't put my finger on.
29:33It was like she had a friend that used to pot round,
29:36which I accused her of, and I have not seen him
29:38since we've been on the show last time.
29:40So, your friend Lisa's in the audience.
29:42Lisa. Hiya.
29:43How are you? All right, thank you.
29:45What's your view of this?
29:46It's quite heartbreaking, cos they're two really nice people.
29:50Do you think it can be mended?
29:52I do believe it can be mended,
29:54but the frustration comes from the fact
29:59that when I'm sitting here listening to Stephen
30:01saying that my friend has done these things,
30:06why does she have to tag his word
30:08that he hasn't done anything either?
30:11She's willing to tag his word that he's done nothing.
30:15So, why is it all one side?
30:17She makes quite an interesting point.
30:18Unfortunately, we can't do a lie detector cos he's on medication.
30:21We'll make that point now.
30:22But it is quite interesting that, actually, over the years,
30:25a lot of people who are making accusations,
30:28some will say it's because I'm paranoid,
30:30because, you know, I was cheated on in the past,
30:32it turns out that, in many instances,
30:34it's because that person's deflecting their own guilt.
30:36Have you cheated on her?
30:38I don't believe he has, do you?
30:40No. I don't believe he has cheated.
30:42I believe it is in his head. I don't.
30:44Do you think, though, you're a mate of both...
30:46I say this a lot, you can do a lie detector, you can do a DNA,
30:49we'll do our best helping them afterwards,
30:51but do you think he'll ever stop being that?
30:53I say it all the time, but some people will tell you
30:55that you only ever get over severe paranoia
30:57when you lose something that matters and you just wise up.
30:59There's nothing that can be given or said to you,
31:01you just have to find it yourself for a bit.
31:03Yeah. Yeah.
31:04Do you get a pass?
31:07I'm positive.
31:08Oh, God, I hate this.
31:12Let's do the DNA first, yeah?
31:14Seven weeks ago, Louis was born. Is he a good dad?
31:24He's cute, isn't he?
31:25Oh, yeah.
31:26Got more air than his potential dad.
31:28The DNA test results show that Stephen...
31:31..start getting up in the night cos he is your father.
31:45Oh, he's gorgeous.
31:47I thought that you'd be saying sorry.
31:50He's waiting for that one.
31:53Since January 2017, you're happy, that, yeah?
31:55Yeah. Why was that?
31:57That when you got together? Yeah.
31:59Makes sense then, wouldn't it?
32:01Have you passionately kissed anyone other than Stephen?
32:03You said no. Why did you say no? Cos I was talented.
32:05Test says you're a liar, love.
32:08I swear...
32:10I didn't.
32:14I did not lie.
32:16Where's she gone?
32:18I haven't lied.
32:19Failed every single question.
32:21I have not lied.
32:23Oi, where are... Just come with me. I didn't even see that coming.
32:26I hate this job. No, I swear I have not lied.
32:28Well, listen, darling, I'm simply paid to read it out
32:30and then people have a go at me.
32:32I knew it was not a man. All right, I'm just telling you...
32:34I have not lied. No, I knew it was not a man.
32:36I haven't lied. I knew it was not a man.
32:39Was it at the beginning of the relationship?
32:41I have not lied. I thought she'd even slept with somebody...
32:43There was a crossover, wasn't there? Yeah, there was.
32:45So when was the crossover?
32:47But... I swear I have not cheated.
32:50Well, then why have you failed it? I don't know.
32:52I do not know. Tell me about the crossover, quickly.
32:55What do you mean? Were you with somebody when you met him?
32:58Yes. So when did you meet him?
33:00In December. Right.
33:02And when did you get official with him?
33:04Well... Shush! In January.
33:06January when?
33:08Two... I swear I haven't.
33:10Seriously? I would have told you and you know I would have.
33:13I have not done it. When was the last time?
33:16When did you get with him officially in January?
33:18Come on, think quickly, seriously. I can help you here.
33:20Well, in the beginning of January. When? 10th, 9th, 8th, when?
33:23First, I don't...
33:25It didn't become serious until we were in January.
33:28Something happened and I suspect it was the crossover.
33:31All I can do is change the question to the other...
33:35I told you. No, I swear, I have not.
33:38No, no, it's all in your head. I have not done it.
33:40You didn't convince my friends that it's all in my head.
33:43It's there in black and white now. I have not done it.
33:46Can you not walk off again, mate? I haven't done it.
33:48The only thing I can think of is because of the other situation.
33:52The crossover? Without, like...
33:54If I put the name in there or whatever,
33:57but I have not cheated on him. I haven't cheated on him.
34:01There's been a crossover. You got with him, you slept with the other guy.
34:04Something happened. I didn't sleep with the other guy cos I couldn't.
34:08Because you couldn't what? Sleep with the other guy.
34:11He's not around. The other person is not around.
34:14So why have you failed this test and don't have a go at me?
34:17I really swear down, I don't know why...
34:19You told my team you knew this. You knew this in your gut.
34:22Lisa, I haven't. I really haven't.
34:24If I didn't have my suspicions... I would not lie to you.
34:27I would not be on this show.
34:28I even think she slept with somebody after she's been on the show.
34:31But I've kept up to myself till now.
34:33I would not have kept it from you.
34:35Whilst she was pregnant?
34:36You think she's had sex with somebody whilst she was pregnant?
34:39The last time I went fishing, 17th October.
34:41You need to stop fishing.
34:43I have not. I swear I haven't cheated.
34:45Darling, it's not for you to convince me.
34:47A lot of people get these results and they start on me and they start on the show.
34:50We did the test in the best faith. We stand by that, we stand by the DNA.
34:53Something happened. I would suspect it was during the crossover.
34:56I don't know how, I don't know why, I don't know when.
34:58But you know your whole demeanour has changed.
35:01I haven't...
35:02Your whole demeanour has changed.
35:04And I will tell you what I do know after 14 years, right?
35:06You know that something happened because it's written all over your face.
35:09I'm not going to shout at you.
35:10The only thing I can think of is because of the situation.
35:13You know it as well, don't you?
35:16That's all you say, the situation. What does that mean?
35:19Because of how we got together.
35:22Well, that's...
35:24I have not... I haven't cheated on you.
35:27I really haven't cheated on you.
35:29I've had my suspicions for a while.
35:31I haven't cheated on you.
35:33I have not cheated on you.
35:35Why did you fail the test then?
35:36I haven't got a clue. I really have not got a clue.
35:38So your test is wrong, is it?
35:40I have not got a clue why I have failed.
35:43Lis, I would have told you.
35:45And you know I would have told you.
35:47I tell you everything.
35:48I know you do. I know you do.
35:50I haven't done... I haven't.
35:52Has something happened on the crossover maybe since? I don't know.
35:55But you know what? At some point, somebody will come and say to me,
35:57this has happened, she's telling you this.
35:59I have no desire to shout and scream.
36:01You've had a baby seven weeks. I really haven't.
36:03It's very easy, isn't it, for people to label people like him as insecure and paranoid.
36:07Where do we go from here?
36:09I should have put the name in there.
36:11Let's put you... It's not to do with the name, love.
36:13Let's put you and Karen from the aftercare department together
36:17and see what we can do, all right? I'm sorry.
36:19I only paid to read that. Thank you very much.
36:21Venture Break. Back next at 9.
36:25What's gone wrong with you two?
36:27I just feel like after the wedding, we just kind of drifted apart.
36:34Why did you come here?
36:36I just want to just fix...
36:42I'm the one who married you. I'm in love with you.
36:44It hurts.
37:02It's all kicking off. Security.
37:05I told you not to tell me.
37:10This test says you're a liar, love.
37:13This isn't about you. This is about your children.
37:16Oh, here we go. The couple in peace.
37:18OK, more happiness after.
37:22Oh, get off.
37:24No, no, no, no, no.
37:28Oh, my Lord.
37:31Leave Felix, go for it.
37:32Who wants to put up with this?
37:38Is a family secret ruining your life?
37:40Maybe you suspect your partner of having an affair.
37:43If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
37:46email talk at ITV.com along with your number.
37:48Text TALK, plus your name, to 63334.
37:51Text costs 25p plus one standard rate message.
37:53Or you can call my team today. It's 09011.
37:56It's 123456. Calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
38:10Welcome back. My next guest today, Jahed,
38:12hit headlines when he married his partner, Sean,
38:14in a wedding that was labelled Britain's first gay Muslim wedding.
38:17However, six months on from the happiest day of their lives,
38:20Jahed says his marriage is collapsing
38:22and he's pushing his husband, Sean, away due to his own trust issues.
38:25I'd just like to say this guy faced so much backlash for his bravery
38:28to be so public about his sexuality and religion,
38:31and today, for him, is massively, massively important,
38:34deserves huge credit for being here.
38:36Jahed's on The Jeremy Carr Show. That way.
38:44Thanks so much for coming on.
38:47I really want to ask you so many things and then you would understand,
38:50and I hope people who watch this know I actually do try
38:54to be as honest as I can.
38:57You talked, or rather I talked in that link,
39:00about the grief that you got when you decided to marry Sean.
39:05Was that from religious grounds? Was it from the family?
39:08What was it that caused such consternation for you?
39:11I mean, it was labelled the first gay Muslim wedding.
39:15Yeah, cos there's many Muslims out there who are gay also
39:20and it's quite difficult when it comes between religion and who you are.
39:26And would your religion, and I'm asking you to educate me,
39:30would your... I mean, those are the headlines.
39:32First gay Muslim wedding takes place in the UK
39:34and grooms couldn't look happier.
39:36Gay Muslim wedding, groom receives acid attack threats. Appalling.
39:40For me, I've said on many occasions,
39:42it shouldn't matter your colour, your creed, your...
39:44It doesn't matter who you are, it matters that you live your life correctly
39:47and with the confines of the law, and that's it, right?
39:50But I'm interested in... You have to educate me.
39:54Were people in your religion? Was it your family?
39:58What was it that gave you the grief?
40:01Like, growing up, I always knew I was gay,
40:04like, when I was about six or seven years old, that age.
40:08And also growing up, going to mosque,
40:10reading about what's wrong and what's right,
40:13and knowing for a fact that being gay is wrong in Islam.
40:17So me having to battle that in my head,
40:21am I gay, am I Muslim, what do I do?
40:25It's like... It's been like a torture my whole life.
40:28When you decided to go ahead, and quite bravely,
40:31and openly and honestly admit who you were
40:33and declare your love for Sean,
40:35what was the reaction from family and friends?
40:37When I met Sean?
40:39Yeah, when you got married.
40:42You talked about how, when you got married, you finally felt freedom.
40:45Was that from the confines of what you thought you should be?
40:49Yeah, as soon as I got married,
40:51that was the moment where I actually finally lived my life.
40:55Have your family accepted you and Sean?
40:57It's off and on. They're still in shock.
41:00But interestingly, and this is where I really feel for you,
41:03and we were talking about it in the meeting this morning,
41:06you really put yourself out there.
41:08There was a headline there about you were threatened with acid attacks.
41:12That made you angry, you're with the man you love,
41:15and it's gone wrong, which we'll talk about in a minute.
41:19And now you've got all the people who criticise you for what you're doing,
41:23presumably walking around saying, I told you so.
41:25So that weighs heavily on you as well.
41:27What's gone wrong with you two?
41:30I just feel like, after the wedding,
41:33we just kind of drifted apart.
41:36You don't trust him, do you?
41:41In some occasions, I did.
41:44You told me to him, I think he was too young,
41:46I think he's a different person.
41:48But essentially, if we're being honest and we're going to try and help,
41:51you don't trust him, do you?
41:53It's not more about trust, it's about...
41:55I think it's more about my insecurities,
41:57because I have catched him a couple of times
42:00when he was texting other people on his phone.
42:03What did he say?
42:05He admitted that it was flirtatious texts.
42:08He told me he was somewhere from work and it's flirtatious texts.
42:12You look heartbroken on a serious note.
42:16Why did you come here?
42:18I just want to...
42:20just fix...
42:22You love him, don't you?
42:24I love him so much.
42:26You said, he needs to show me more attention, I gave up everything,
42:29but I need to understand to communicate better and not take out on him.
42:33How I feel.
42:35Shall we get him out?
42:37I really respect you for being here.
42:39I really mean that.
42:41And I will repeat...
42:44And I will repeat, cos I'm able to, and maybe be cut out,
42:47but I mean this from my heart, I repeat,
42:49it shouldn't matter your colour, your creed, your religion, your sexuality,
42:52we're all supposed to live together.
42:54As long as you don't break the law, it's good.
42:57People should accept that.
42:59Sean's on the Jeremy Dalrymple.
43:20Welcome to the show.
43:21Patently, you love him.
43:23I love him.
43:24And patently, you both know they're a problem.
43:28I would like to suggest something, cos you're very quiet.
43:32It's not about your sexuality, it is.
43:34It's basically...
43:35Hello, speaking.
43:36Do you know what your problem is?
43:38Talk, dear.
43:39Let everybody else in the whole damn world
43:41ride roughshod over the feelings that you have for each other.
43:44Tell him how you feel, tell him how you feel.
43:46Talk, go on, talk.
43:47It's just, like, I'm really sick of it,
43:49cos, like, you're constantly saying, every time I walk out in the streets,
43:52you're constantly saying,
43:53oh, look, Kareem, babes, why don't you go for someone like him?
43:56I'm the one who married you, I'm in love with you.
43:58It hurts.
44:00When we do go out and everything,
44:02and when I do see you looking at other people,
44:05and not walking next to me when we walk in the streets or anything,
44:09and you pay more attention to them than you pay more attention to me.
44:14It's just, like, you're my first ever love.
44:17And I'm still getting used to it, how everything works.
44:21I know.
44:22Do you feel you were too young to get married?
44:26Cos I loved him and he proposed to me and I just...
44:28Do you still love him?
44:29I'll die for him.
44:33For me, and I'm not trying to simplify this at all,
44:37you talk about checking each other's phones,
44:39you've talked, very honestly, about how you feel suffocated by Jihad.
44:42You are an insecure person.
44:44I am.
44:45I think that Jihad, I think, for me, it's really simple,
44:47because he feels, probably,
44:50and tells you too often how much he's given up for you.
44:54He had to face the wrath, the anger, the confusion, the frustration,
44:57whatever, of people around him, family and friends.
44:59Let's not get into that.
45:01You're young and it was supposed to be wonderful.
45:05But here's another thing, right?
45:07This is not a comment on anything specific.
45:09This is just a general comment about relationships.
45:13They take working at me.
45:15Old Mum used to say,
45:16the problem with today's generation is that the first sign of trouble,
45:19they do one.
45:20Whereas in her year, what happened was,
45:22if it was difficult, you got your nut down and worked harder,
45:25you talked more, you made more time for each other.
45:29That's why it's nice you're here.
45:31You are, though, if you're honest with us, it's quite volatile.
45:35Has there been any violence?
45:38But bad arguments?
45:40Just arguments, stupid arguments over stupid things.
45:45Tell him how you feel, Sean.
45:48Some days I feel like my heart,
45:51it feels like somebody's dragging it across the floor.
45:54Because I'm in so much pain, it hurts.
45:56Every time you accuse me of cheating.
45:58Have you cheated?
46:00See, I believe that absolutely, don't you?
46:03He can't do any more than come out on national television
46:05and say I'm not cheating, can he?
46:07It's like when I come back home from work,
46:10I expect, after a hard day's work,
46:12I expect at least a little hug or something to say,
46:15like, yeah, I'm home.
46:17But you don't give me that attention.
46:19No, because you make so many accusations
46:21and accuse him of cheating,
46:22he doesn't want to go down more near you, does he?
46:24Think about that.
46:25I don't think...
46:26But he thinks you think that he's cheating,
46:28so why would he give you a hug?
46:29Well, I think that you should think that I think...
46:33..that I know for a fact that you haven't cheated.
46:36You think that he should think that you think that I think?
46:39You confuse me, then!
46:40I'm completely confused.
46:42Can I tell you something for somebody who does this for a living?
46:45There is a severe danger of one or two stories sometimes on this show
46:48and there's one point coming up right now
46:50where we can just go round in circles.
46:53Here's the thing.
46:54You love him, you love him.
46:56There's a little bit of a blockage.
46:58You need to communicate more.
47:00We'll do what we do.
47:01We'll teach you some different techniques.
47:03Sod the world, get on with your lives, accept what you've got.
47:05Thank you very much indeed.
47:06That's sort of it, if I'm honest.
47:09Because you can see it and you can go,
47:12well, what we need to do, we need to deeply psychoanalyse...
47:16You don't need to. You love him, don't you?
47:18Yeah, to be honest.
47:19He's given up a lot and he's a little bit insecure
47:21cos he thinks, God, if he's done that after everything I've done,
47:24everybody's going to say I told you so.
47:26He's young, 17, completely in love, right,
47:28and doesn't understand it and holds back a little bit.
47:30You're 17.
47:31You're 17? 20. Brilliant, brilliant.
47:34I feel young.
47:35Oh, and he smiles eventually.
47:37See, I did that to make you laugh.
47:41Do you want to get married?
47:43Look at you, he went, ooh, 17.
47:46He's going to watch this back and have a breakdown.
47:48Listen to me.
47:49Guys, the other thing about it is it's supposed to be fun,
47:52it's supposed to be nice.
47:54So many of us get into relationships and it doesn't work out.
47:57There's ways of putting things right, OK?
47:59Communicate will help you, yes?
48:02You want to be together? Yes.
48:04Are you happy? Yes.
48:05Can we make you happier? Yes.
48:07Go and speak to Uncle Graham, he'll sort you out.
48:09Go that way, go that way.
48:19Good luck to them.
48:20I'll let you know where I am for this morning out of time.
48:22Don't forget, if you want to be here, you need my help.
48:24Visit my website.
48:25The details are on the screen.
48:26To my guests, to this audience and to you at home,
48:28all four of you, thanks for watching.
48:29See you soon. Take care, everybody.
48:36This programme contains some strong language.
48:38Some people may not be able to understand.
48:40Some people may not be able to understand.
48:42Some people may not be able to understand.
48:44Some people may not be able to understand.
48:46Some people may not be able to understand.
48:48Some people may not be able to understand.
48:50Some people may not be able to understand.
48:52Some people may not be able to understand.
48:54Some people may not be able to understand.
48:56Some people may not be able to understand.
48:58Some people may not be able to understand.
49:00Some people may not be able to understand.
49:02Some people may not be able to understand.