• yesterday
ウチ、“断捨離”しました!2024年10月15日 「頼りすぎた年下妻 亡き夫とのウェディングロード」
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Now, let's choose a new life.
00:05Leave the useless things in the house,
00:09throw away the unnecessary things,
00:11and leave the attachment to things.
00:15Choose a new life and way of life with your own decisions.
00:20That is the Danshari.
00:26Hideko Yamashita is the founder of Danshari.
00:33She is a master of Danshari and life,
00:36who has guided countless people.
00:40It's the Danshari of the couple and marriage.
00:46Taking care of things means using things.
00:51Choose a new life and way of life with your own decisions.
00:56Now, the door of life opens.
01:01I remember everything,
01:05so I'd rather not have it.
01:09She may have relied too much on her husband,
01:13who is 9 years older than her.
01:17It's been 9 months since she passed away.
01:20Her room is still a mess.
01:25She is so sad that she can't clean up.
01:31That's not all.
01:34I think it's better for my daughter
01:39if her husband, who was strong, is alive.
01:45She even lost her confidence as a wife.
01:51What did Yamashita say to her suffering wife?
01:56My husband has forgotten.
01:59Cleaning up means giving up.
02:03The Danshari of giving up begins.
02:08Facing her husband's forgotten things,
02:11she regains her confidence.
02:15What did she find?
02:20Her husband's true form, which she had never noticed.
02:25I love it when I give up.
02:32Yamashita Hideko's
02:34Danshari of giving up.
02:37She relied too much on her husband,
02:40who is 9 years older than her.
02:46Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture
02:50Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture
02:58She has a public room as her workplace.
03:02Yoko's room
03:06She is 53 years old.
03:11Where should I put my baby?
03:15Good job putting it in the same spot.
03:20Her job is a teacher at a kindergarten.
03:26Kindergarten is a school where children learn how to think and make decisions through play.
03:37She used to work at a kindergarten, but decided to become an independent teacher a year and a half ago.
03:51I like to see the children's sparkling faces when they are done.
03:59I want to take this opportunity to help them enjoy raising their children.
04:09Ms. Yoko is a bright and cheerful person.
04:15But when she came home, she was living with her shoulders down.
04:27Ms. Yoko lives in an apartment.
04:32She lives with her daughter Noriko, a fourth-year student.
04:39Madori is a third-year student.
04:44This is the living room.
04:49Until her husband passed away, she lived in this living room with her husband and three children.
05:00It looks like there's a lot of stuff on the counter.
05:06There's stuff on the kitchen floor, too.
05:12There's a lot of stuff on the top, too.
05:18It looks like Ms. Yoko is the type to put a lot of stuff in her house.
05:26But she doesn't have a lot of other storage or dining tables.
05:36She says she has a few other problems.
05:42This is the Japanese-style room.
05:46Ms. Yoko was shown the Japanese-style room on the sixth floor.
05:51This is my room and my classroom.
05:58I see. There's even more stuff here.
06:05Ms. Yoko's clothes are left on the fireplace.
06:11On the tatami mat, there are books and materials from the regional classroom.
06:20There's a lot of books in the closet, too.
06:23I can't fit them all in here, so I put them here.
06:27It's a lot of work.
06:31As a result of putting a lot of books in the closet,
06:35there's a lot of stuff that doesn't fit in here.
06:44And there's another problem.
06:50This is my husband's room.
06:54He passed away last year.
06:57I'm going to clean this up.
07:01This is the room that her husband, Mr. Yoshihito, used to live in.
07:08It's been nine months since he passed away,
07:11but it looks like he still lives here.
07:17It was related to how he passed away.
07:23Mr. Yoshihito is nine years older than Ms. Yoko,
07:28and Mr. Yoshihito passed away when he was 63 years old.
07:34He passed away from a brain hemorrhage.
07:42Ms. Yoko couldn't accept the sudden death of her husband,
07:47so she couldn't come into the room.
07:51But now...
07:55How much do you want to take down?
08:00I want to leave a little bit of what's left,
08:04and then clean up the rest.
08:09She wants to leave a photo, and then take down everything.
08:16It's been nine months.
08:18It was a decision she made after a lot of suffering.
08:23No matter what I see, I remember it, and I feel sad.
08:29So I think it's better to have nothing.
08:33If I have something, I'll always remember that I wore this,
08:37or that I used this.
08:40I'll remember everything.
08:44So I think it's better to have nothing.
08:50Mr. Yoshihito was an IT engineer.
08:54He was reliable and reliable.
09:01In a word, he was a kind person.
09:07He never said no to me.
09:10When I said I wanted to do this, he said,
09:13even if I had to put up with a lot of things,
09:16he would say, oh, why not?
09:19He was such a kind person.
09:23Mr. Yoshihito was a reliable husband
09:27who always took good care of his wife and daughter.
09:35When she saw her husband, she was so sad.
09:40But she hesitated to dispose of him.
09:47Nine months had passed.
09:52Noriko, her daughter, was worried about her suffering mother.
09:59At night, when I was sleeping,
10:02or when I woke up in the bathroom,
10:05she would say, oh, is she crying?
10:09I thought I should go home as soon as possible.
10:12I tried to get in touch with her often.
10:15I was worried about her.
10:21Even though she lost her reliable husband,
10:26Ms. Yoshihito was determined to move forward.
10:32She was determined to take a step forward.
10:38My husband was able to do anything.
10:41He asked me to do anything.
10:43But I had to do everything myself.
10:46I was determined to do everything as a wife.
10:51I wanted to take care of everything.
10:57Mr. Yamashita
11:00Please help Ms. Yoshihito.
11:10Nice to meet you.
11:12Nice to meet you, too. I'm Yamashita.
11:14First, she went to the living room.
11:18Ms. Yamashita suddenly said she was curious about something.
11:23What is it?
11:25What are you curious about?
11:27This carpet.
11:29It's hot.
11:30It's hot, isn't it?
11:32It's midsummer.
11:35It's summer, but there's a soft carpet on the floor of the living room.
11:42If you can't change it depending on the season,
11:46there's no place to put it.
11:48But it's clogged up.
11:52I see.
11:53She's very sharp.
11:56This is clogged up.
11:58It's in a terrible state.
12:01Just by looking at the carpet,
12:03she noticed that it was clogged up.
12:10She decided to think of a solution as soon as possible.
12:16Next, she went to that room.
12:21My husband died.
12:23I'm using this as a material.
12:28Time has stopped since the day my husband died.
12:34What do you want to do?
12:38I feel sad when I look at it, so I'm going to clean it up.
12:43You're going to clean it up?
12:45Please sit here.
12:49It's hard to look at her husband's things,
12:52but it's also hard to dispose of them.
12:56Ms. Yamashita, who understood her husband's suffering,
13:00said this.
13:04This is what my husband forgot.
13:11When he left for another world,
13:15he didn't take it with him.
13:18He didn't have time to dispose of it.
13:21He had no time to dispose of it and leave.
13:29Ms. Yamashita prioritized her family over herself.
13:35If she had time before he died,
13:38she would have disposed of his things
13:41without causing any trouble to her family.
13:47She wanted her husband,
13:49who suddenly had to leave for another world,
13:53to take it with him.
13:58Everyone has a story
14:01I feel sad when I look at it.
14:07I feel like my body is being exposed.
14:13I feel like I have to do something about it.
14:17I feel like I have to do something about it.
14:24Instead of disposing of things,
14:27she put her heart and soul into it.
14:32Ms. Yamashita said that if she changed her way of thinking,
14:36she wouldn't hesitate anymore.
14:41What do you start with?
14:51First, she started with the clothes she had in her closet.
14:58Then Ms. Yamashita had a flashback.
15:03If I had all of these,
15:05I could put them in here instead of my work.
15:09Your work?
15:10Yes, Yoko's work.
15:13Yoko's work is in the Japanese-style classroom.
15:18She suggested that
15:21she moved it into Ms. Yamashita's room
15:24and made it her work place.
15:32If I could work here,
15:36I would be alone, but I would be attracted to it.
15:42I think I would be very happy.
15:46Ms. Yamashita's work place.
15:49In other words, as a classroom where children are taught,
15:53she wanted to revive this room.
15:56That became her goal.
16:03She started to sort out her work.
16:08Let's start here.
16:13First, the clothes in the closet.
16:18In her work place,
16:20there is a different way of doing it.
16:26I like this.
16:28I feel warm when I wear this.
16:31That's what I thought.
16:33I think you should keep it.
16:35You can take it off if you want.
16:40It doesn't matter.
16:41I got it.
16:44At first, she doesn't rush to sort it out.
16:47She leaves what she wants to leave.
16:52It's important to sort out your feelings little by little.
16:59This one, too.
17:02Is this okay?
17:04The clothes she decided to sort out
17:06also have their own way of saying goodbye.
17:11Ms. Yamashita folds them and puts them in a bag.
17:20It's a part of my body.
17:23So I want to use it carefully.
17:29The clothes contain the memories of the person who wore them.
17:36If you treat the clothes carefully,
17:39you can feel their sadness and resistance.
17:47In addition to the clothes,
17:49there are also the clothes of Ms. Yoshihito.
17:53It's a photo.
17:54I think it's a princess.
17:59It's a photo of her before she met Mr. Yoko
18:02and when she was in her prime.
18:07This is...
18:09I think it's when she was in her 20s.
18:16Her hobby when she was young was yachting.
18:19She used to run around the seas of Shonan, her hometown.
18:28What did she find in the books she was given?
18:33I like the paintings my husband taught me.
18:40She was also interested in art.
18:46She was a perfect person with a strong sense of humor.
18:52But there was something unexpected.
18:57What do you think this is?
18:59I think it's the ramen she likes.
19:06She used to like idols.
19:11Why are you hiding it?
19:17She was embarrassed to be seen.
19:20There's something cute about her.
19:24People who have passed away
19:26meet people they don't know
19:29as they pass through things.
19:32That's also the charm of the Kuyo Danshari.
19:38In fact, there were a lot of things
19:41that Ms. Yoko didn't know in this room.
19:46The cord is the most difficult part.
19:49I don't know what cord it is.
19:53I think she used this at work.
19:56I don't know what it is, either.
20:01These are the tools she used at work.
20:04She doesn't know what to use them for.
20:09Even though she calls herself an IT engineer,
20:12what kind of work did she do?
20:16I was in charge of the maintenance
20:19of the satellite antenna
20:22on the ground.
20:28She was in charge of the equipment
20:31to receive various data
20:34from the satellite.
20:40Ms. Yoshihito graduated from
20:43the University of Tokyo, Japan,
20:46and became a major electrician.
20:51While working as an engineer,
20:54she has also achieved great results
20:57as a researcher.
21:01She developed a banking transaction system
21:04using cell phones.
21:07She also published an international paper.
21:14After quitting her job and becoming independent,
21:17she participated in the Hayamusa project.
21:23We can use our cell phones
21:26because of people like her.
21:30I think she supported Japanese society.
21:37She was able to work and was kind.
21:40We can see that she was very dependent on her husband.
21:51As her work progressed,
21:54she began to change.
22:04She put her husband's clothes
22:07in a bag by herself.
22:13This was the first time she did this.
22:21Until then, she gave the clothes to Mr. Yamashita
22:24and asked him to put them in a bag.
22:30She was able to put them in a bag
22:33by herself.
22:38Something in her heart
22:41is starting to move.
22:46There's a cat on the desk.
22:53It's been three hours since she started this.
22:57On the desk, where everything was spread out
23:00as if she was working,
23:03the room became
23:06completely empty.
23:13Closets with clothes and books
23:19were almost empty.
23:25Clothes that were packed
23:29were all gone.
23:36However, she still had homework to do.
23:40She had to decide whether to leave it or not.
23:43She had to decide whether to leave it or not.
23:49Mr. Yamashita came to see me,
23:52so I was able to throw everything away.
23:56It's completely different from the style of the organization,
23:59but it's a farewell ceremony.
24:02I think I was able to do it
24:05with a really good feeling.
24:12Finally, she was able to escape
24:15the long tunnel.
24:23it was a difficult time for her.
24:26The fact that she lost her husband's cow
24:29was a big deal.
24:35To be continued
24:38To be continued
24:41To be continued
24:44To be continued
24:47To be continued
24:51Day 2
24:54Day 2
24:59Ms. Yoko is working on her homework by herself.
25:05Today, I'm going to clean the bed.
25:11She says she's going to dispose of most of the things here.
25:14She says she's going to dispose of most of the things here.
25:18However, there are still some things
25:21that she has yet to decide on.
25:25This is a book I can't read.
25:28This is a book I can't read.
25:33She decided to dispose of all the stationery and books.
25:36She decided to dispose of all the stationery and books.
25:40She doesn't hesitate anymore.
25:43She doesn't hesitate anymore.
25:46Why was she able to change her mind?
25:49Why was she able to change her mind?
25:52When my husband saw me from heaven,
25:55he told me what he thought
25:58when he saw me from heaven.
26:01I hadn't thought about that before.
26:04I hadn't thought about that before.
26:07I've changed my mind.
26:12She can't clean up the mess by herself.
26:15She can't clean up the mess by herself.
26:18She must be feeling regretful.
26:21She must be feeling regretful.
26:24Hearing Ms. Yamashita's words,
26:27she was able to organize her feelings.
26:30This is Ms. Yoshihito's work tool.
26:33This is Ms. Yoshihito's work tool.
26:38She has a lot of computers and cords.
26:41She has a lot of computers and cords.
26:45What is this?
26:47Is this USB?
26:51Yes, this is USB memory.
26:54Yes, this is USB memory.
26:57What is this?
27:00I don't know.
27:03This is a projector that displays images on a screen.
27:06This is a projector that displays images on a screen.
27:09I don't know.
27:12I'll throw it away.
27:15I think this is a computer battery.
27:18I think this is a computer battery.
27:21Let's recycle the computer battery.
27:25I wonder what this is.
27:28Ms. Yoko is very interested in computers and machines.
27:31Ms. Yoko is very interested in computers and machines.
27:34She doesn't know what to use them for.
27:37She doesn't know what to use them for.
27:40I'm not good at it.
27:43I asked my husband to take care of the machines.
27:46I asked my husband to take care of the machines.
27:49I asked my husband to take care of the machines.
27:54But she has to do her best on her own.
27:57But she has to do her best on her own.
28:02They met at a wedding.
28:07Ms. Yoko was 29 years old.
28:10Mr. Yoshihito was 38 years old.
28:13Mr. Yoshihito was 38 years old.
28:16I thought he was like an older brother.
28:19I thought he was like an older brother.
28:22He was very knowledgeable.
28:25He was the exact opposite of me.
28:30After graduating high school,
28:33Ms. Yoko was very interested in apparel salesmen and gym work.
28:36After graduating high school,
28:39Ms. Yoko was very interested in apparel salesmen and gym work.
28:42Mr. Yoshihito was a perfect man for her.
28:45Mr. Yoshihito was a perfect man for her.
28:49I learned about arts
28:52from Ms. Kai Higashimiya,
28:55from Ms. Kai Higashimiya,
28:58Koin Mari,
29:01and Shopstand Genyamon.
29:04I was more interested in TV dramas
29:07and idol singers.
29:10Ms. Yoshihito was Hero's fans,
29:13Ms. Yoshihito was Hero's fans,
29:16He got married six months after he met her.
29:22They lived happily ever after for 23 years.
29:34Yoko's expression was clouded when she was sorting through the documents.
29:46Most of the documents were about work.
29:50But there was something that came out of them.
29:55This is math.
29:57He made the problems for his daughter's studies and taught her.
30:06Mr. Yosehito is good at math.
30:10He made math problems for his daughter and taught her until she could understand them.
30:21He was a reliable father to his daughter.
30:28Then, Yoko suddenly did this.
30:33I thought it would be better for my daughter to have a reliable husband.
30:46I thought I could learn a lot from my daughter.
30:57Why did he do that?
31:06When I was talking to my daughter, we had a little fight.
31:13It wasn't really a fight, but I was nagging her to come home late.
31:27When my husband was alive, we didn't have a fight, but we had a little conflict.
31:38I thought it would be better for my daughter to have a reliable husband than a unreliable husband.
31:49Yoko lost confidence.
31:58But she continued to work hard.
32:05She finished her homework on the bed.
32:14All she had to do was to dispose of the bed.
32:27I don't know where to start.
32:33There were a lot of things under the bed.
32:41And there was a surprising face of Mr. Yosehito hidden here.
32:48Two weeks after the crash.
32:53Two weeks after the crash.
32:58Yoko was calling her assistant that day.
33:04I'm going to have my daughter clean up with me today.
33:12This is Noriko, the daughter of a college student.
33:17Let's get rid of the things on the top.
33:22A large number of things under the bed were also disposed of with her daughter.
33:33Mr. Yosehito, what were you hiding under the bed?
33:41This is also heavy.
33:47What came out were documents and stationery related to work.
33:55And hobbies.
34:01Further back...
34:05There was a handyman.
34:09And an award certificate from elementary school.
34:18In the file case was a test from junior high school.
34:23Oh, it's art.
34:26Art is not allowed.
34:30Oh, I see.
34:33You were not good at art when you were a child.
34:38After that, there were a lot of prints and test proposals from the student days.
34:48In fact, Mr. Yosehito was a person who had a habit of accumulating without losing to Yoko.
34:57I'm going to clean up.
35:00I'll do it myself.
35:03Don't do it all at once.
35:05This is what it looks like.
35:09What else did she remember?
35:14What is this?
35:17It's physics.
35:20The prints from when she was teaching her daughter.
35:28Then Noriko said this.
35:33My father taught me to the end.
35:38This is the formula to be used this time, but this formula can be used for this.
35:44The explanation was very long.
35:47I was like, that's enough.
35:53She was so passionate about teaching that she often made her daughter lazy.
36:00When it was time to take the A-level exam, I was asked if I had studied for the A-level exam.
36:08It's been going on for days.
36:11That's why I said I did it.
36:16My husband is a reliable person who can work.
36:21Compared to that, I've been blaming myself like that since I died.
36:32When I think about it, I haven't been listening to what people are saying.
36:39There were few things that bothered me.
36:45There were some things that bothered you, right?
36:47Yes, there were.
36:50He's kind, but he's basically a kind person.
36:56There's no such thing as a perfect person.
37:00I wonder if it's okay to do everything I can as a parent.
37:15As a result of her daughter's work,
37:21everything under the bed was to be disposed of.
37:30However, there was still something that Mr. Yoshihito had forgotten.
37:38Most of his fishing gear.
37:45He had a lot of fishing gear on the veranda.
37:53He still has a lot of unnecessary things.
37:58But he doesn't hesitate to do what he has to do.
38:06When I'm gone, all I can think of is good things.
38:10As time went by,
38:14I started to realize that he was a kind person.
38:19As I started to realize that,
38:24I started to feel healed.
38:32At that time, Yoko had already made up her mind.
38:40A few days later
38:44Kuyo's fishing gear was about to run out.
38:51Oh, you're going to take that out, right?
38:56The teaching materials for the local education were packed in the Japanese-style classroom.
39:02They were all taken to Mr. Yoshihito's room.
39:11Oh, you put on a colorful cushion mat.
39:19It's starting to look like a classroom.
39:25It's better to make it heavier.
39:30In fact, Mr. Yoshihito had a dream before he died.
39:36He said he wanted to teach math and science to his wife.
39:43He said he wanted to teach math and science to his wife.
39:49He said it would be great if they could teach each other.
39:57In the future, they want to teach each other.
40:03That dream didn't come true.
40:09Yoko is going to continue to pursue her dream of creating a future for children while being watched by her husband in heaven in this room.
40:22Nine months after his death,
40:27the room that was left unattended
40:32was reborn as a place for Yoko to take a new step.
40:42The closet with Mr. Yoshihito's clothes
40:47and the Japanese-style room where Yoko's textbooks were placed
40:55and the Japanese-style room where Yoko's clothes were placed
41:02were now able to be stored in the closet and were tidied up.
41:10There was something Yoko found in the middle of her carousel.
41:18She decided to watch the DVD in the closet.
41:31It feels so old.
41:33It feels so old.
41:36This is a video of Yoko and Mr. Yoshihito's wedding.
41:42Is this your first time watching it?
41:44Yes, I've never seen it before.
41:46I see.
41:49Yoko and Mr. Yoshihito's Wedding
41:55Mr. Yoshihito, who was so reliable, escorted her,
41:59and Yoko said that she enjoyed the wedding from the bottom of her heart.
42:06However, if you look closely at Mr. Yoshihito's expression...
42:13I'm so nervous.
42:16I'm so nervous that I can't open my eyes.
42:21Mr. Yoshihito, you were actually very nervous.
42:30There was a different image of you than the perfect image.
42:38Yoko and Mr. Yoshihito's Wedding
42:43I'm so embarrassed.
42:47Yoko never showed her tears again.
42:55It's proof that she walked on her own without clinging to anything.
43:07Yoko and Mr. Yoshihito's Wedding
43:10I felt again that the relationship between the deceased and the deceased is very different.
43:18I felt again that the relationship between the deceased and the deceased is very different.
43:26When I looked at the things that my husband couldn't touch at all,
43:32I was able to see that there was a relationship like this, that I could rely on him like this,
43:38and that there was a side like this.
43:42I felt that each of these actions was a good thing,
43:48but it also cheered Yoko up.
43:54I felt that I could do this part myself without relying on him.
44:02We've been working together for a while now,
44:07and I think that period of time has become a real funeral for Yoko.
44:18I think that the relationship between the deceased and the deceased
44:24will continue to be created in a different way from now on.
44:28I think that Yoko will be able to do her best
44:34because there are still important people in her life.
44:42Goodbye is also the beginning.
44:50There was a cheerful voice echoing in that room.
44:55Please look for the same picture.
45:00The first class with the students.
45:11It's the beginning of the dream classroom that the couple had imagined.
45:18And Yoko's dream was expanding even more.
45:27I hope that it will be a place where everyone can exchange information,
45:33share their worries, and feel at ease.
45:43Find your own way of life and take one step towards your goal.
45:51I'm sure that Yoshihito-san is also thinking about that in heaven.
