Met Office Sunday Morning Weather Forecast 16/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
16 June - National weather forecast presented by Honor Criswick.
00:00Hello, good morning. Still plenty of showers around today and some longer spells of rain
00:05but there is some drier and warmer weather on its way too. For the second half of the
00:09weekend then, plenty of sunny spells and scattered showers across the country and we'll start
00:14to see those longer spells of rain creep their way into Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland
00:18later. Both the rain and the showers could be heavy at times but on the whole there should
00:22be plenty of those sunny spells in between those showers across central and southern
00:27parts of the UK. And where you do catch the sunshine, particularly in the south east,
00:31it should be feeling on the warm side. Highs of 21, perhaps even 22 Celsius but elsewhere
00:36temperatures more around average for the time of year. Heading into the evening then, on
00:43the whole for central and southern UK it's going to be a largely drier night compared
00:47to what we had last night but there are still plenty of showers and some longer spells of
00:51rain across the northern half of the UK. Once again these could be turning a little bit
00:55heavy at times but plenty of cloud around across the country which means it's going
01:00to be another mild night on offer. To start the new working week then, on the whole across
01:06central and southern UK it should be a largely drier day seeing much more sunshine particularly
01:10if you compare it to the weekend. Across northern areas though and parts of Wales those scattered
01:16showers still continuing once again could be heavy if not a little bit thundery at times
01:20too. Temperatures once again the best across the south east with highs of 22 Celsius and
01:26elsewhere remaining above around about average if not a touch above. And don't forget for
01:32your latest weather updates you can subscribe to our YouTube channel or you can even follow
01:36us on social media. Bye for now.
