• last year
Denny and Shaz do some after hours sneaking around. Yvonne's nemesis arrives at Larkhall. Brooding Julie takes drastic measures to try and conceive.


00:30Morning, ladies.
00:32Another great day in Larkhall, eh, Mr McAllister?
00:36Something like that, Denny.
00:38Settle down, have you?
00:40Eh, star? Settling down, easy I do.
00:42Oh, good.
00:44Well, I hope Denny will show you the ropes.
00:46Yeah, no problem.
00:48But crystal down the block, it's just the two of us.
00:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:52Well, I hope you'll show me the ropes.
00:54Yeah, no problem.
00:56But crystal down the block, it's just the two of us.
00:58But crystal down the block, it's just the two of us.
01:00Luxury, innit?
01:02Well, like I said, Denny will show you what's what,
01:04but if you have any problems or anything you want to know about,
01:06you just give me a shout, all right?
01:08Yeah, thanks.
01:13He seems all right.
01:15Yeah, for a screw.
01:17You've got to watch the lot of them.
01:19Can't trust them.
01:21Can't you?
01:23Won't think twice about doing the over when they feel like it.
01:29But, hey, stick with me, you'll be fine.
01:35Anyway, you can take care of yourself, can't you?
01:38Being banged up for triple murder.
01:56Morning, Julies.
01:58Morning, Miss McAllister.
02:02I bet his tackle's all in working order.
02:07What? You mean...?
02:10Why not?
02:12Any kid of his would be right, Dazzler.
02:14Let's face it, you wouldn't kick him out of bed now, would you?
02:17Well, certainly cos I'd never get him into bed in the first place.
02:20And in case you've forgotten, he's a bleeding screw.
02:22Yeah, come on, Julies, let's not be negative.
02:24So there's a couple of obstacles.
02:27You've just got to get over them.
02:29Or in this case, underneath them.
02:34Well, if you ask me, with one arm in a sling,
02:36Dockley should be half as much trouble.
02:38So as far as you're concerned, Sylvia,
02:40we should just wait for her arm to heal and forget how it happened.
02:43Well, she said she fell.
02:45And you believe that?
02:49Well, there must be a dozen women here who've got a score to settle with Dockley.
02:52Maybe now she'll think twice about throwing her weight around again
02:56And that's what you'll tell the inquiry when someone gets murdered?
03:00I don't care if Dockley had it coming or not.
03:02I want to know who attacked her.
03:28It's all right. I don't want no trouble.
03:30I've seen what you can do.
03:32Oh, for God's sake, Yvonne, stop it.
03:35I'm only having a laugh, Babs.
03:37It's not funny. I can't believe what I did.
03:39No, neither can the rest of us.
03:41But the fact is, you did it, and Dockley deserved it.
03:43I acted like an animal.
03:45Well, that's nothing specially near, love.
03:47Welcome to the zoo.
03:52So how'd it happen, then?
03:56What, she asked. Killing three people.
03:58No big deal.
04:00No big deal, offing three people?
04:02I worked on a supermarket fish counter.
04:04A fish counter?
04:06My boss is this fat bitch.
04:08Always on at me.
04:10Do this. Get that.
04:12Why haven't you done such and such?
04:14Well, one day when we shut up shop,
04:16I forgot to stick these oysters in the fridge.
04:18Next morning, she finds them.
04:20And of course they've gone off.
04:23She goes up like a moon rocket
04:25and calls me a worthless shitwit.
04:27Really has a go.
04:29You know.
04:33Won't stop till she made me cry.
04:38She sent me to chuck the oysters away.
04:40So I decided I was going to get some payback.
04:43No way, right?
04:45It's true.
04:47I poured the bad juice over another tray of fresh ones.
04:49I thought I'd show her it was a shitwit.
04:53I reckon the oysters would give a few people the squits
04:55and word they'd get back to environmental health.
04:57Nice one.
04:59This old couple and the pregnant woman, though.
05:02Didn't just get the squits, did they?
05:05It wasn't just environmental health that came calling.
05:09They brought the coppers with them.
05:11The oysters did that?
05:16Anyway, all this talk about food's got me famished.
05:19What's the brekkie like round here?
05:22Not bad, is it?
05:25What? Didn't they feed you on remand?
05:27Yeah. You get more on the bird table.
05:29Well, I suppose it ain't that bad in here.
05:31Watch out for the oysters, though.
05:34You all right, you?
05:39I reckon we're going to have a laugh in here, you and me.
05:41Yeah? I reckon we will.
05:46If you're interested, me and some of the other girls
05:48have got this scam going on.
05:52That sort.
05:56You'll never guess.
05:58It's telephone sex lines.
06:00You're pulling me chain.
06:02No, honest. It's titular mobile phones.
06:04And they don't ring, they vibrate.
06:06The screw's no sod all about them.
06:08All you've got to do is talk dirty.
06:20Hey, Charlotte, what happened to your arm?
06:22It wasn't much where I was going, was I?
06:24Slipped and fell.
06:26Oh, right.
06:28If anybody touched you, you know I'll come and fix it for you, don't you?
06:30Yeah. Thanks.
06:33Can I have everyone's attention, please?
06:40I know some of you think you're hard enough
06:42to sort out any problems you might have
06:44with a bit of aggro.
06:46On the outside, it's a bit of a mess,
06:48but on the inside, it's a bit of a party.
06:50It's a bit of a party.
06:52It's a bit of a party.
06:55It's a bit of a party.
06:57It's a bit of a party.
06:59It's a bit of a party.
07:01Aggro? On the outside, that's your business.
07:05But there is no room for violence in Larkhall.
07:08I'm not having it from any of you.
07:11Not on G-Wing.
07:17someone's had a go at Shel Dockley.
07:19And I want to know who.
07:27Take it easy, Babs. No-one's going to grass on you.
07:32Well, keeping quiet's not going to do anybody any good.
07:38If anyone has information, they can pass it on to their personal officer.
07:45That won't be necessary, miss.
07:49I hit her. I did it.
07:55I know it's hard to believe. I can hardly believe it myself.
07:59The old cow's bar me.
08:01I just fell over and no-one's laid a finger on me.
08:04You fell over?
08:06Honest, miss, I'm telling you. No-one's had a go at me.
08:09I'd tell you if they had, wouldn't I?
08:13Oh, come on, miss.
08:15I wouldn't lie to you. You know that.
08:17And how's an old mare like that going to take me?
08:28Hey, listen, Yvonne, this is my mate, Shaz.
08:32She, er, she wants to get in on the phone lines.
08:34Why? Do you want to work a switchboard?
08:36She can talk dirty.
08:39I'm sure that's very nice of you after the lock-up,
08:41but I'm not into that sort of thing, Denny.
08:43Now, listen, Yvonne...
08:45Look, I don't know what you're on about, all right, Denny?
08:51I'm taking me pants off now.
08:56Yeah, can you hear them?
09:01I'm completely naked now.
09:04Ooh, I wish you could see me.
09:06I'm not going to.
09:08I'm not going to.
09:10I'm not going to.
09:12I'm not going to.
09:14I'm not going to.
09:16I wish you could see me.
09:20Will you just do your own thing?
09:25Tempia minute and counting.
09:27You all right?
09:29No, I bloody well ain't.
09:31What's that?
09:33You two been moughing off to anyone?
09:35What about our nice little owner here?
09:38You don't need to worry about us. We know when we're onto a good thing.
09:40We wouldn't tell nobody.
09:42Well, Denny bleeding is.
09:44Oh, what, again?
09:46Her new little girlfriend.
09:48Bloody hell.
09:50If she's going to go and tell every girl she fancies...
09:52The old wing's going to know.
09:54All we need is for the screws to find out about one thing
09:56and we'll all be stuffed.
09:58Oh, join you finished?
10:00Oh, well, call me again, yeah?
10:02I'll be here.
10:04Another satisfied customer.
10:06Can't get enough. How many times he called you this week?
10:08He likes me. Can't help it.
10:10We've got quite a few regulars between us now.
10:12Good. Well, some of them quite nice.
10:15Well, for wankers.
10:23Nice one, eh?
10:26Where'd you get that?
10:28Nightclub. Some bitch dummy with a carpet knife.
10:30What'd you done to her?
10:32Spilt her drink.
10:34What, she did that cos you spilt her drink?
10:36What? I did spill it over her head.
10:40Don't forget her night out with you in a hurry, Albert.
10:42No way, man.
10:44You fancy one tonight?
10:46Night out?
10:48Yeah. Yeah, all right.
10:50What do you fancy, pictures or a night in the pub?
10:52I mean it.
10:54Look, when I was in remand,
10:57someone showed me this trick.
10:59I could get out of here, like that.
11:03Only one way to prove it.
11:05Come on.
11:07Don't say that to me.
11:09No, I can't do that.
11:13Everything all right, is it, Julies?
11:15What? Yeah, course it is.
11:17Truth is, sir, we was just wondering.
11:20Oh, yeah? What about?
11:22Well, it's funny, innit?
11:24I mean, just how much we see of you.
11:26Every day you're here, unlocking us in the morning,
11:28locking us up at night,
11:30but, well, we've never really got to know you, have we?
11:34Oh, we know you're a nice bloke and that.
11:36Oh, we know that.
11:38But we was just wondering about...
11:42Like, whether you had a... A girlfriend?
11:44A girlfriend.
11:46Oh, Sammy. No.
11:48Oh. Oh.
11:50Was there anything else?
11:52It'll be the hours, I expect.
11:54I mean, not much chance to socialise
11:56when you work in a place like this.
11:58You ought to take time out to relax, sir.
12:00There's a lot of stress in your job, isn't there?
12:02I'm sure you've noticed, Jew,
12:04I'm one of the biggest killers of modern times.
12:06Is this going somewhere, Julie's?
12:08Cos if it isn't, I am.
12:10That reminds me. Jew, I'll catch you later.
12:12Mr McAllister?
12:17I'm off, too.
12:19Oh, see, that's just what I mean.
12:21All this rushing around, Mr McAllister.
12:23It's not good for your arm.
12:33What are you doing here?
12:35To tell you the truth, I don't really know.
12:37Piss off, then.
12:40I want to know why you did it.
12:43Why you did that today.
12:45Just be grateful I did.
12:47Anyway, I didn't do it for you.
12:49Well, thank you, anyway.
12:54So I quit, yeah?
13:02Now you keep out of my way, and I'll keep out of yours.
13:14Sorry, Julie, I've got to go.
13:16What about kids, Mr McAllister?
13:18You must want children.
13:20Yeah, one day, perhaps.
13:23Well, you know what they say,
13:25modern-day stress is having a terrible effect on the, you know,
13:27what's-it count.
13:29I'll bear it in mind.
13:31The only stress I've got to worry about, Julie, is you.
13:33Oh, I don't want to cause you no stress, Mr McAllister.
13:36Just the opposite.
13:38But, I mean, watching your little boy or your little girl growing up,
13:41think how therapeutic that'd be.
13:43Especially if you could see them while you were at work.
13:45Julie, are you feeling all right?
13:47Oh, more than all right, Mr McAllister.
13:49How about you?
13:51I'm not sure.
13:53Well, why don't you come with me?
13:55And we'll see what we can do.
14:00I hope for once you are messing me around.
14:02Otherwise you're in big trouble.
14:07Proposition in a prison, officer.
14:10See what I mean?
14:12Why are you taking it so seriously, Mr McAllister?
14:16You need to get yourself a sense of humour.
14:25Come on, you nearly got bloody done, then.
14:28Oh, blimey, you don't know what he's missing.
14:30Oh, maybe we should forget the whole idea.
14:32Oh, you don't mean that, Joe.
14:34Not after the way you were looking at poor little Robbie at Zandra's memorial service.
14:37Yeah, but he's hopeless, isn't he?
14:39Of course not.
14:42You've just got to put your trust in God.
14:58What's the matter?
15:06I'll go and get the doctor.
15:14Had you going then, didn't I?
15:16That's a caution.
15:18What for? Having a laugh?
15:22Possessing an unauthorised article.
15:24And you can wash it and all before it goes back.
15:30You're a total nutter, man.
15:32Oh, that was nothing.
15:47Oh, sorry. Something to startle you?
15:49No, it's all right.
15:51I just thought I'd have a drink.
15:53I just didn't hear you come in.
15:56Oh, you was in conversation.
16:03It's Gillian, isn't it?
16:05Julie. Oh, I'm sorry.
16:07You're not a regular, are you?
16:09Me? Regular is clockwork.
16:11My mum used to set her alarm by me bells.
16:15Is there something wrong, Julie?
16:19As the chapel isn't the normal haunt of yours,
16:21I can only imagine you have a special reason for coming.
16:24Yeah, I have, but...
16:26It... It's a bit difficult.
16:30Don't worry.
16:32Whatever your problem, I'm your man.
16:48Now go, then.
16:52That's the trouble with a bleeding church.
16:54If you ain't a virgin, they ain't interested.
16:57He ain't interested, cos he's a vicar.
17:00He's a man.
17:02And the trouble is, Ju, we are running out of them in here pretty quick.
17:10There's always, er... Mr Fenner.
17:15Mr Fenner?
17:17No, you're right.
17:20Even he probably won't be interested.
17:22Not after that business with Shell.
17:24So that's that knocked on the head, then?
17:31Whiplash Wanda, what can I do for you today?
17:35Oh, hello, John.
17:59Come on, you. You'll have time to stand around and go up later.
18:02Use your eyes, bitch!
18:04Now, come on! Come on!
18:06Let's have you!
18:08Move it! Hurry up, Thomas!
18:10I've got loads to go to!
18:29Well, what'd be really nice is a picture of you, John.
18:35Oh, you would?
18:37Oh, that'd be lovely.
18:39And, er, what if I were to send you a visiting order
18:44so you could come and visit me?
18:46Yeah, face to face.
18:48Would you like that?
18:50Oh, great!
18:52Well, hang on, I'll get you a dress.
18:54Yeah, pass that. Come on.
18:56Yeah, hold on, hold on, it's just coming.
18:58Yeah, go on then.
19:05Got it.
19:07I can't wait.
19:09I'll see you soon, lover.
19:11Bye. Bye.
19:14Bloody hell, Jew, are you sure you know what you're doing?
19:17He's a man, isn't he?
19:19He'd be more up for it than either of your bright ideas.
19:21Well, course he will.
19:23He's a bleeding, sad old pervert.
19:25That's unfair. John's always been really nice on the phone.
19:28It don't matter what he sounds like. He is a dirty old perv.
19:31Not necessarily.
19:33And anyway, I asked him to send me a picky
19:35so I can see what he looks like.
19:38He'd want to go ballistic if she finds out.
19:40Well, how's she gonna know?
19:43Rainey Williams.
19:45Sentenced to 18 months.
19:47Congratulations, you've won a car.
19:50Comedian, are we?
19:52This place fills me full of laughs.
19:56Any medical problems?
19:58Why don't you examine me to find out, darling?
20:01Any medical problems?
20:09Right, let's see what we've got now.
20:13You better make it quick.
20:15You better make sure no-one gets their friggin' thieving fingers on that stuff.
20:18Don't worry. We keep all the thieves under lock and key.
20:21That's why you're here, in case you forgot.
20:23Who's the comedian now?
20:29You'll spend the weekend in the reception dorm.
20:31Then you'll be taken onto your wing on Monday.
20:34Dorm? I'm not sleeping in any dorm.
20:37Yes, you are.
20:39She's all yours.
20:42Get your hands off me, you bloody...
20:44Hey! You got a problem?
20:46Cos you are really starting to piss me off.
21:11Are you sure this is gonna work?
21:13I'm telling you, they did it in remand.
21:15You've just got to make sure there's enough paper in there
21:18and it's wadded up really tight.
21:20It's got to be worth a go, anyway.
21:22I'm telling you. You watch.
21:28It's been a long one today, Dominic.
21:30Another day, another dollar, Sylvia.
21:33Anyway, I suppose it was worthwhile coming in today
21:36to see Madam make a fool of herself.
21:39She's got as much chance of finding out who clobbered Cheryl Dockley
21:42as finding Lord Lucan.
21:45All about her!
21:47Love you!
21:49As if anyone cares who clocked her on.
21:51Might be a long night.
21:53Let them fight it out amongst themselves, that's what I say.
21:55Shut up!
22:13It's off!
22:16Pack it in or I'll shut you up for good, all right?
22:43They'll kill us if they find out.
22:46Who's going to see us to tell them?
22:50What are you going to do with those?
23:13That's it. That's the last of them.
23:16This place is going to go up like a frigging bomb in the morning.
23:19Is this the biz or what?
23:42Close call.
23:45Maybe we ought to get back.
23:47I've just got a bit of unfinished business to take care of.
23:53What are you doing?
23:55Something else I learnt in Romand.
23:57What did you learn?
23:59I learnt how to be a good wife.
24:01I learnt how to be a good mother.
24:03I learnt how to be a good mother.
24:05I learnt how to be a good mother.
24:07I learnt how to be a good mother.
24:09I learnt how to be a good mother.
24:24Yeah. Yeah, the visiting order's in the post.
24:27You should get it tomorrow.
24:30No, I can't wait either.
24:32I'll see you soon.
24:36So it's all systems go then, is it?
24:39I'm sure John's the one you know.
24:42How come?
24:43Well, it's obvious, isn't it?
24:46There I am, no go with the chaplain or Mr McAllister,
24:49and then John phones up out of the blue.
24:51He's a punter, Ju.
24:53All the same, sounds nice.
24:56And what room have we got to go judging blokes
24:58that ring us up for a cheap thrill?
25:00Acres of it. We know what they're like.
25:03No, we don't.
25:05Maybe he's too shy to find himself a girlfriend.
25:08Well, you don't know.
25:10The only thing I don't know
25:12is how he's going to get you up the stick
25:14in the middle of the blatant visiting room.
25:33She's going to go nubbing nuclear.
25:35That's the idea.
25:37I'd better clear this out so we don't get sussed in the morning.
25:41Wicked night, Ches.
25:43We're going to have a top-notch time, you and me, Denny.
26:21What the hell's going on?
26:32Oh, my God!
26:37Come and have a look, Ju!
26:45What the...?
26:47Oh, my Lord!
26:54Mrs Oliver, you ought to come and see.
26:56Whatever now?
27:12So, does anybody want to explain?
27:18I don't think we can, Mum.
27:20Well, let's suppose we're not dealing with poltergeists or gremlins.
27:24Let's suppose someone hasn't been doing their job properly.
27:27Then surely that's down to the night staff.
27:30Well, I'll be speaking to the night staff.
27:32Locking up prisoners is your responsibility.
27:34And clearly last night somebody wasn't locked up.
27:38I don't see how that's possible.
27:40Oh, so we're back to the phantom of Larkhall.
27:44You were the senior officer on lock-up last night, Sylvia.
27:47Did you make sure every cell was secure?
27:50I know how to do my job, Mum.
27:52I didn't ask that.
27:54I asked if you did it.
27:56Yes, I did.
27:58Well, someone here's responsible for this mess.
28:08So, you up for it again tonight?
28:10What, going out? Screws are going to be hard as shit, Mum.
28:13I know, you're right.
28:14What, besides?
28:15It's always the same old broken record, isn't it?
28:18Sylvia's fault, Sylvia's fault, Sylvia's fault.
28:21You were with me at lock-up last night.
28:23If I did something wrong, you'd tell me what it was.
28:25You didn't do anything wrong, Sylvia.
28:27No, I didn't.
28:29And you two, you can put a stop to that.
28:31To what?
28:32Handling each other.
28:33It's disgusting.
28:34Just jealous.
28:35That's enough of your lip.
28:37Not Mrs Touchy-Feely banged up on my block, will you?
28:43You don't want to bother what she says.
28:45Dried-up old bag.
28:47Hiya, Shell.
28:48You're right, Shaz.
28:49Trouble with Olinby is she ain't getting any.
28:52So, you coming up to see me after lunchtime lock-up, then?
28:54I've got some ciggies.
28:56I'd love to, Shell, but me and Shaz have got art.
29:00Yeah, we're doing art classes.
29:03Fair enough. No big deal.
29:05Another time, yeah?
29:07If you like.
29:14Get your gear together. You're moving on to G-Wing.
29:16Well, I hope it's better than this dosshole.
29:18It's alive with bloody bugs.
29:19I'm surprised they ain't chewed me down to the bone while I've been in here.
29:22Well, you want to get a move on, then, won't you?
29:24A shower.
29:26That's what I want.
29:27Smells like a jungle in here.
29:30You make one more remark like that and I'll have you on report.
29:39Oh, come on, then. You've got to rope me.
29:42I'm surprised he's dead ugly.
29:44What if there's something wrong with him?
29:46When we was working, you had ugly men.
29:48Yeah, but I don't want ugly kids, do I?
29:50Well, there's only one way to find out.
29:59Let's see.
30:13He's a bit of all right, isn't he?
30:18Looking forward to seeing you in the flesh.
30:23Yeah, I'll bet he is.
30:25Still, my way, you both get what you're after and it won't get too messy.
30:31As long as you're quick.
30:34I know, but you still need to see him.
30:53Well, well. Small bloody world, ain't it?
30:56I wondered where they'd shoved you.
30:58So now you know.
30:59Yeah, I do, don't I?
31:02Then you'll be dead close.
31:15You'll be sharing with two other girls.
31:17There's a third who's unrestricted now, but she'll be back in a couple of weeks.
31:20Screw this, I want somewhere on my own.
31:22Tough, you're in here.
31:31Come on.
31:57What have they got you in for then?
31:59Tart in on street corners.
32:01Love, darling.
32:03I'm doing this for my fella, aren't I?
32:05Sort of like you, I suppose.
32:07Still breathing, then?
32:09Oh, yeah.
32:10He'll live forever.
32:12He's got a charmed life, he has.
32:15What about you?
32:17Yeah, you.
32:19You've got a charmed life.
32:21Guess you're going to need one now I'm here.
32:30What's in that?
32:32It's lasagne.
32:34I know what it is.
32:35I asked what was in it.
32:37Do I look like Delia fricking Smith?
32:42How'd you like to have your tits dipped in the chip pan, darling?
32:48Do you know her?
32:49That new woman?
32:51Well, you might say that her bloke and my Charlie were business partners.
32:55Look, don't worry. You'll be all right.
32:57Just stay out of her way.
32:59Anyway, she's got her sights set on someone else.
33:04It was our old man fixing it to try and bump my Charlie off.
33:08That's how I landed in here.
33:10It was really Williams' husband I took a contract out on to kill.
33:15Hi, Dad.
33:23Hi, Dad.