• 2 days ago


00:00Hello, hello, hello. I'm not sure what color this jumper will look in editing or for you right now
00:04But it's currently a mustard yellow golden color and for me, that's very autumn
00:08So I feel like I've entered the land of autumn-ness today
00:12I've recorded a couple of videos today and I've been talking far too much at the starts. I'm in a very babbly vloggy mode today
00:19I'm so sorry. I've been apologizing too much as well. Anyway, as you can see by the title today
00:24I'm doing a vlog about some youtubers that I think are fantastic that I want to recommend and tell the world about
00:31There are about 20 channels on YouTube that I love
00:34There's also lots of channels that I really love that have stopped making content such as Mimi Molly and the Hill88
00:42So I'm just gonna focus on content creators that are currently creating content, active channels
00:47And they're not necessarily small or large youtubers. I don't like putting people in categories like that
00:53But yeah, anyway, let's get on with this. The first person on my list is Laura Lejeune
00:58Hope I've said that right and I've actually met her. She was at the Mind Awards last year
01:02She was one of the nominees, but she was awesome
01:05And she's very inspiring. Like many youtubers, Laura produces videos on lots of different subject matters
01:11But the subject matters that I find inspiring and fascinating are things on mental health and self-harm
01:17She does this thing called Misconception Mondays where she tackles stigma and misconceptions
01:23And I just find her very helpful. Some of the stuff that I have been struggling to
01:29Express for a very long time now. She manages to do very well
01:35So when someone is able to do that, I love them. Right, who is next on my list?
01:40Sarah Snetch. Now, I found Sarah Snetch a couple of months ago, and I fell in love
01:46She is a Disney fanatic. She used to be a cast member in one of the Disney's in America
01:51So she does videos on her experience and everything about being a cast member and behind the scenes of parks. Every month
01:58She does this thing called Down to Disney-ness where she just goes through trivia and facts about every Disney film
02:03She doesn't just talk about Disney films. There's a whole load of subject matter on her channel from things like cosplay and
02:10Terms that I still don't even know yet. She has a very bubbly, happy personality
02:16She's one of those vloggers that I just love watching. She makes me happy
02:19But yeah, if you love Disney go and watch Sarah Snetch. The next wonderful woman on my list is Lucy Moon
02:25Now, I've known Lucy about four years or so. She has a wonderful voice
02:29She's very clever, covers subject matters again that I've struggled to cover myself, and she's also very informative
02:36She's somebody that I wish I had her videos before I'd gone to university
02:41Because I would have found them really helpful. So they may help you. She's just a very down-to-earth
02:46Vlogger. Lucy also does a series or project called 168 hours
02:51Which is sort of like a spin-off of daily vlogging, but I really like it. I find that lots of daily vloggers
02:58Edit an awful lot and everything's very happy all the time. Whereas her projects, it's it's quite different
03:05At least I think it is. The next person on my list is called Steph Senjanti
03:09I'm so sorry if I've pronounced that wrong. I'm very sorry. I think I found her channel last summer
03:15Through a video where she talked about a disorder or condition she had called that. I can't pronounce it. That video in itself
03:24Taught me an awful lot, but then when I discovered the rest of her channel, I was blown away
03:28I do apologize if I use the wrong terminology because I'm I'm very very nervous about this. I want to get it, right
03:34But I think she has gone from transitioning from a male to a female
03:40so it's fascinating watching that process and
03:43Learning how it all works and also seeing her become herself has been amazing to see
03:49She talks about stuff that I know nothing about and I've just found very helpful. Again, I'm so nervous about terminology
03:56If you yourself are in the process of transitioning
03:59She may be helpful to you. She doesn't just make videos on that subject matter
04:03She does things like makeup tutorials and her makeup is stunning
04:08So yeah, there's a lot for you to go and have a look at. The next person on my list
04:12I am extremely excited about and that's Sarah XX Lu
04:17I'm not gonna do her theme tune. I'll embarrass her
04:20But yeah
04:20If you didn't know Sarah XX Lu and I used to make videos on this channel and on Sarah's channel years and years ago
04:26Way back in our childhoods
04:29Sarah did stop making videos for a while
04:31But earlier on this year she came back and she came back with a vengeance
04:34I love her videos not just because she's someone I've grown up with. I feel very welcomed when I sit and watch her stuff
04:40It is like sitting down and having a very random conversation with a friend. Back in the noughties when we made videos
04:46The YouTube style was very different. The videos were longer and far more random
04:51And her videos that she's posting now echo that period and that's another reason why I love them
04:57They are so random
04:58And as I said, I'm so happy she's back and I want more people to go and watch her
05:01So go and check her out. And the very last person on my list is Ashley Mardell
05:06Now, I don't remember when I found Ashley
05:08But I am so happy that she is in my life. As somebody that was brought up not knowing anything about spectrums and
05:14Sexualities and genders etc. She has been one of my primary sources for education
05:20Especially her videos on the ABCs of LGBT
05:23They've taught me so much and even though I'm still struggling to process how much there is to learn and know
05:29I feel like she's just helping me get there bit by bit. There's something about her that is so fantastic
05:35She has so much confidence
05:37One of the great things I love about her is when she gets stuff wrong. She also addresses it
05:42She goes back and she critiques herself. Not many youtubers do that. That's a really big plus
05:47I don't really think I can put into words how much I love her content and her personality
05:52But know that she is somebody that is very awesome
05:55There are plenty of other youtubers that I love but I think that's enough for today
06:00You've got a lot of people to go and watch and subscribe to. Tell them I said hi
06:04By the way, what I will do is put everyone's URLs in the video description downstairs
06:08So you can go and click them and go straight to their channels
06:11If you guys have any youtubers that you'd like to recommend regardless of their subscriber counts because numbers do not matter
06:18Let me know in the comments downstairs because I'm still looking for new youtubers to go and watch
06:23YouTube is ginormous and so many content creators don't get the exposure that they deserve
06:28I think it's important to share when we find people that we love so more people can love them, too
06:33Okay, I'm now gonna go and I will see you soon