School Bag Essentials boxes of foxes - YouTube

  • 2 days ago


00:00Hi, so this is a new channel called Boxes of Foxes
00:03and it is primarily aimed at females aged 13 to 17 who are going through school and
00:09Puberty and basically like the hardest years of their life
00:12And I just wanted to make a channel where I can help people through those tough times
00:17Through life advice videos and how to survive school and also reviews of like high street
00:23Products and just I just wanted to have like a really girly channel where young girls can feel safe
00:29And I can give advice on how to get through certain stuff, and hopefully it's gonna be really really fun
00:35It's gonna be like product reviews and maybe some cooking tutorials
00:39Not that I'm very good at cooking this channel is hopefully gonna have everything from school essentials to how to deal with period pains to
00:47Friendship advice. I just wanted to make something where
00:50People could feel safe and
00:52Happy and just have a nice little corner on the internet where I can just try and help as many people as I can
00:59Hopefully I do that. This is gonna be a really really weird sentence
01:02But if you don't think the content that I've described will help you in any way
01:08Please don't subscribe to this channel. I just want this to be a place where
01:12Everyone that is subscribed can get something from it. I just want this to be completely different from my comedy channel
01:17So if you think this is gonna help you that's really awesome. I hope you enjoy the content if you don't think this is your thing
01:27So to start off this channel
01:28I just wanted to make a quick video on school bag essential stuff that is
01:33Practical and stuff that you should just have at the bottom of your bag for emergencies obviously you're gonna have your textbooks and your planners
01:40and your pencil cases and your
01:42Spoons I don't know about you, but I certainly couldn't get through my day without a set of assorted dessert spoons
01:49So first off I wanted to actually recommend a school bag to you. This is not sponsored
01:54I found this in paper chase, and I loved it
01:56So I was like I'm gonna pick it up even though I don't go to school
01:59And I actually use this like every day. It is a backpack that is like when it's full
02:04It's it's a completely square backpack
02:06It's got a handle on it so you can carry it like that or it's got straps on the back
02:09And it's just really really adorable, and I know that if I went to school now. This is what I would use every day
02:16It's big enough for like big a4 folders
02:20It's just it's just really really practical, so I will put a link in the description
02:25Down below if they still stock this otherwise seriously look at paper chase backpacks
02:30I didn't know they did them, and it's just it's really practical backpack advice with Emma yay
02:35So the first thing that is on my list of school bag essentials is a bottle of water
02:40Why I hear you ask well
02:43Simply just to keep hydrated it is a well-known fact that if you're in any way dehydrated
02:48You will not be able to concentrate on anything as well as you would if you were hydrated so basically if you're thirsty you'll find
02:53It a lot harder to concentrate on what your teacher is saying and all of the lessons kind of won't sink in as well
02:58So it's just good to you know just have fluids on you. You're supposed to drink like eight bottles a day or something
03:05It's not eight bottles as it's eight glasses big difference
03:08This is not a nutrition channel now the second thing on my list might seem a little bit out there a little bit wacky
03:14You should carry around literally just a pack of like ten virus
03:18Just keep this in the bottom of your bag
03:20Because how many times you go to a lesson and you've lost your pen and then you're that kid asking around in class
03:26Does anyone got a pen I can borrow and you always end up with this tiny little pencil
03:30It's just frustrating also if you carry around a pack of ten pens
03:33You've got some when other people forget theirs so spread the love
03:38You would never hear me say spread the love my main channel
03:40Would you and basically when you do get down to at your last two or three pens?
03:43Get another pack and just carry that in your bag. It's just
03:47never-ending pen story I
03:49Don't know what that means
03:51What's the never-ending pen story we all lose pens we all drop pens we all lend pens and never get them back
03:56So make sure you always have some with you
03:59Simple as that now the third thing on my school bag essentials list and this is why I say the channel is primarily aimed at females
04:07Carry around some sanitary towels. You just you don't know. Okay, some people might be giggling right now
04:13Oh, she said sanitary towel, but seriously
04:16For real facts you may come on unexpectedly
04:19You may come on early someone in your class may come on early and they really need your help
04:23You can get these which are tiny little boxes little tin cases that come with certain packs of sanitary towels
04:29So you can literally just keep two in there at a time
04:32Simple as that. I mean I put them in the wrong way because I'm rushing but it is as simple as that
04:37Just close it up
04:39Simple like it's discreet. No one really knows what's in it apart from facts as always
04:44But I mean who's looking back closely to put it quite simply
04:46You're protected if you come on unexpectedly and you can help out people
04:50Because that's the worst thing it did happen to me at school
04:53It will probably happen to you at some point. So prevent it and have these with you
04:58I can't believe the first video on this channel is already talking about periods. I am on a roll
05:01I don't know before on the list. It's pretty simple
05:03It's just a pack of tissues because you never know
05:06Honestly, you never know if someone's gonna have a cold and they need to borrow a tissue
05:09Well borrow don't let them give it back. Seriously
05:12If just five people in your class have a cold and they need to borrow a tissue
05:16Well borrow don't let them give it back seriously
05:18If just five people in every class saw this video and started carrying the stuff around them
05:24Like how many more people could we help?
05:26These are just such simple things to think about and they can help like all of your friends around you item number five
05:31It's just some antibacterial hand gel
05:33This was 75p from ASDA like you cannot go wrong
05:37You literally just tie a little bit in your hand, rub it, your hands are dry and now they're clean
05:42Schools are a great way of spreading illnesses and bacteria because we're all in close contact
05:47we're touching tables that infected people have touched and
05:50you can help prevent like things like colds and just viruses really really really easily if you just
05:57Use this on your hands every now and then because God forbid you'd ever want to be sick and not be able to go to
06:03School, right?
06:06Yeah, and the last time on the list
06:07Which I'm not too sure I should be telling you to bring to school is some fresh mints
06:11I would say tic-tacs just because I prefer tic-tacs personally
06:15Not sponsored. Number one. Don't bring gum to school
06:18If people find out you have gum they will use you and they will take all of your gum and then you will be gumless
06:24No one wants to be gumless
06:28Well, I mean you'd be gumless if you had these but
06:32You get my point
06:33These are also a lot more discreet than gum your teachers won't have a go at you because your mouth is going
06:39You know, you can freshen your breath whenever
06:41Especially if like you've had a bad lunch, you know people won't go
06:44Oh your breath stinks mate like they do at school
06:48At least that's what they did to me because my dad used to make me garlic sausage sandwiches. Don't ever have them
06:54You will be hated by your friends school tips. So those are just six things. I wish I brought to school every day
06:59They probably would have prevented some seriously awkward situations from happening
07:03And they're just really really simple to keep at the bottom of your bag and just forget about them until you need them
07:07So hopefully this was helpful to you. I'm gonna really try and upload frequently on this channel. I really want to
07:13I'm not gonna have a schedule because I am the worst at keeping to schedules
07:17If you know anything about me make sure to subscribe if you want to see more content like this
07:21And hopefully I will see you on this channel very soon
07:24Bye guys
07:26Don't know why I do this it's creepy stop doing this