• 2 days ago


00:00I like her. She's a girl.
00:03Do you ever find that your face looks like this when it's resting?
00:07Do you often find that your friends and family ask if you're okay?
00:10No really, are you okay?
00:12Because you look kind of down.
00:13Do you often find yourself completing everyday activities and have this happen?
00:17You look like a...
00:18You look like a bitch.
00:25Oh, there isn't a door there.
00:27You may be suffering from the condition known as resting bitch face.
00:30Resting bitch face is a common condition, and not many sufferers know they have it.
00:33That is, until someone walks past you in the street and says this.
00:38Gee, ma'am, love, it may never happen.
00:43Resting bitch face is just as common with men, but it's not called resting bitch face.
00:47If a man walks down the street and is not smiling, he's simply having a bad day.
00:50But the sufferers of this condition who are women are all just bitches.
00:54But seriously guys, resting bitch face, or whatever they wanna frickin' call it, sucks.
00:57But even when I'm in like the best of moods, my relaxed resting face is this.
01:04And everyone thinks I'm always mad!
01:06People that I don't even know do come up to me and say,
01:08Are you okay?
01:10And as someone that's quite introverted and I don't like talking to people that I really don't know,
01:13it really sucks.
01:15I do appreciate that these people are trying to be nice and see if I really am upset.
01:19But when you get it like 20 times a day on a really bad day,
01:23it's the worst thing.
01:25But the thing is, of course, the cure is so simple.
01:27Just smile!
01:29A smile will never hurt anybody.
01:31I'm just resting my face!
01:33If you see me at a party, on my own, on my phone, looking like this,
01:39I am actually completely fine.
01:41Do you know like the worst problem with suffering from resting bitch face
01:45is the fact that like when you're actually mad,
01:48you have to go to like extreme lengths to show it?
01:50How do I show that I'm unamused?
01:52Because I just look unamused normally.
01:54If I am actually mad, I have to sort of go
01:56And that just looks like I'm pulling a face for a joke.
01:59See, when I'm in videos, I'm either talking or I'm making a joke.
02:02So I'm smiling, so you don't usually see it.
02:04But when I'm at gatherings, like I have to put like this massive smile on my face for like 4 or 5 hours.
02:09I feel like my cheeks have been held up by hooks by the end of it, you know?
02:12I'm like
02:14For the whole thing, just because I'm so scared that people are going to think,
02:17Wow, she is a grumpy bitch.
02:19Anyway, I get that this was a weird video, but I had to get this out of my system.
02:22Do any of you, male or female, suffer from resting bitch face?
02:26Do people just come up to you like,
02:27What's wrong? When there's nothing wrong?
02:29Please let me know in the comments below so I don't feel like I am actually just a total bitch.
02:33Anyway, so now you know.
02:34If you see me in the street and I've got that face on,
02:36that doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you.
02:37It just means that I'm resting.
02:40And I'm fine.
02:41If you came up to me, I'd be like,
02:42Hey, how's it going?
02:44I'm fine. I'm fine.
02:46I am genuinely sorry that this video is short and I didn't upload last week, but
02:50the reason is because whoever owns this block of flats that I live in
02:54has contracted people to work on the roof.
02:57Above my head.
02:59Without letting me know.
03:01All day, every day.
03:03It starts at half 8 in the morning and has interrupted this video like 20 times.
03:07Love living here.
03:09It's great.
03:10Also, just wanted to let you guys know, I have started up another new channel.
03:13Yes, I know, I've had loads.
03:14But this is a channel I'm actually going to use.
03:18I've said that before, haven't I?
03:19It's a channel for 13 to 18 year old females who are going through puberty in school
03:23and it's like an advice channel on periods and things like that.
03:27And I already know there's going to be some guys watching this
03:29and I'm going to watch it because it's just funny.
03:32It's not a funny channel.
03:33So if that sort of thing sounds good to you, then please go and check it out.
03:38If not, it's totally fine that you just don't subscribe to it.
03:41Absolutely fine by me.
03:44I'm trying to have the comments section on my new channel be a completely safe place for young girls
03:47to share tips and share advice and things like that.
03:49So I'm policing it all.
03:51So if you're going to be weird, then just don't bother.
03:55I'm not really selling this channel very well, am I?
03:57It's called Boxes of Foxes and I'll leave the channel in the description below
04:01or you can click here to do the thing.
04:03I'm uploading on that channel about two or three times a week.
04:05So I'll see you over there or I will see you on this main funny channel.
04:08It's not a funny channel, is it? It's a bit of shit.
04:11I'll see you next week on here.