CIENCIA (Realidad Virtual)

  • 21 hours ago
La realidad virtual (RV) es un entorno de escenas y objetos simulados de apariencia real. La acepción más común refiere a un entorno generado mediante tecnología informática, que crea en el usuario la sensación de estar inmerso en él. Dicho entorno es contemplado por el usuario a través de un dispositivo


00:00We are a connected society.
00:04Some would say that it depends on our digital devices.
00:13The digital frontier seems to be leaving behind the flat screen
00:18to enter a three-dimensional world.
00:21And many would like it to be indistinguishable from reality.
00:26A new way of living our lives almost totally submerged in a virtual world.
00:36Hi, I'm Giza.
00:39In my career as a singer, I have tried a number of things.
00:44For example, I have tried to sing.
00:48In my career as a singer, I have tried to bring people together with music.
00:53To share real experiences.
00:56But will this virtual reality serve to isolate us more?
01:00Or perhaps create new ways of perceiving our world?
01:03Live to the fullest!
01:05In the history of the world, many artists and engineers have combined images and ideas to show us the world in different ways.
01:27In the 1890s, the Lumière brothers created cinema.
01:32According to legend, one of their first films sowed panic.
01:39The audience jumped out of their seats when they saw on the screen the image of a train approaching at full speed.
01:45But it was a hoax.
01:48Spectators at the time were not used to that kind of images.
01:52Today, many believe that virtual reality will be the next big step in the entertainment industry.
01:57And if in the end everything was a hoax, will virtual reality be the next way of telling stories?
02:06My search for answers takes me to Los Angeles, the cradle of entertainment, where a team of researchers is innovating in the field of cinematic virtual reality.
02:19We want to create a virtual reality environment different from what you see through the cameras, where there is a square image in front of you.
02:27We will be able to see in all directions at the same time, because we create a bubble of images that will then be projected into the audience.
02:36So they can look left and right, up and down, and see the world in which that camera was in.
02:44It is strange to put on your glasses and enter a different world.
02:51You look to one side, to the other, and you are there.
02:55Although you are actually sitting at home, the immersion is total.
03:01We can also replace the actor with a camera, so that viewers feel that they have assumed the role of someone in the story.
03:11The audience will have my perspective while I act on stage, for example.
03:15Indeed. So your fans could even experience the adrenaline rush that you are supposed to go on stage and see the audience.
03:23Know what it feels like to be you.
03:26It's called Mobius VR 360, and it's a system made up of 17 4K cameras that allows you to see the world from the artist's point of view.
03:37The perspective that you get is not only through your eyes, but if you were looking in all the different directions, each of the different cameras were in the air.
03:48If you were wearing this, you'd be walking out on stage, and the audience could be able to experience everything from the same perspective that you have.
03:56And they'd obviously see the other artists that are by your side.
04:00I'll have to get used to this. One, two, one, two.
04:06Documentary filmmakers often show the point of view of their protagonists.
04:11Cinematic reality could be the next level.
04:15You put on your helmet and experience what it's like to be the protagonist in almost any context.
04:21But our ability to imagine won't be affected if we can live our fantasies made to measure.
04:32We're going to plug him in and make him feel the power.
04:34Can you fight with that on?
04:36I think so.
04:47Not bad.
04:49Post-production is where we'll actually go through the process of taking the fighting scene that you just shot there, and bring it to a point where you can put it into a head-mount display.
05:00This piece of software combines the photos of the 17 cameras into one image.
05:13And if you look down, you'll see the protagonist's hands.
05:16This is completely new.
05:19I like it.
05:26While artists and engineers perfect this new medium to tell stories,
05:31I imagine a future where the scene of a fight will be experienced as something like this.
05:35Cinematic reality replaces the screen and immerses the viewer in the action.
05:40But I'm still trapped, living the life of the character I play,
05:44or seeing the story that was created for me.
05:47How would it be to see, act and make decisions in a virtual world?
05:52Imagine a child's first day of school, or a psychologist testing his theory.
05:57Will an architect live inside his creations before starting to build?
06:01Will we learn to trust virtual reality for practical matters?
06:05Will it serve to give us more security?
06:07My research has brought me to a place where virtual reality is applied in a field that has nothing to do with entertainment.
06:14The goal is the integration of virtual reality into a physical world experience.
06:19At the University of Southern California, a team of engineers works on the creation of a virtual reality
06:25in which the user is immersed and can control their destiny.
06:29We've got lots of facilities in the lab,
06:32we've got all kinds of research on virtual reality and augmented reality.
06:36Let's start with a project we've been doing for the Navy.
06:40The Navy wanted us to visualize the future of communication and coordination.
06:44Sit down and let's see what you want me to do.
06:46Welcome to the virtual lab.
06:48We'll see how augmented reality and virtual reality can improve the Navy's work.
06:53I'm going to put this in your hands to give you some control.
06:55This goes in your left hand and this goes in your right hand.
06:59It's like an American fist.
07:01I'll help you.
07:03This is a Rift eyepiece or virtual reality helmet that you put on to experience virtual reality.
07:08Good luck.
07:11It looks like I'm in the Enterprise.
07:16So this is a fully virtual world.
07:18If you put your hands up, you see hands in the virtual world.
07:22So you still have control as you do in the real world.
07:26So I can control a ship from a distance from here?
07:29That's a good question.
07:31A lot of the thinking behind this project is that maybe in the future,
07:34ships will be piloted by remote control.
07:37The objective of the Blue Shark simulator is to be so realistic
07:41that the officers of the Navy can face the most hostile circumstances imaginable
07:46without leaving the ground firm.
07:48We are receiving a call from a commercial freighter.
07:51The system has ordered the plotter to show our location
07:55and certain objects that appear on the radar.
07:57Are we some pirates here?
08:00Unlike the passive virtual reality I've seen so far,
08:04here you have to interact.
08:06We have a new telemetry.
08:09The experience is very intense, especially for a pacifist like me.
08:14Emergency mode change.
08:15Now you have the vision of an unmanned drone.
08:18And if you look down at the screen,
08:21you'll see a blue icon with a circle around it.
08:25If you touch that and drag it to those little boats,
08:28you'll mark the way to get to them.
08:30Small boats are approaching the freighter.
08:35They look hostile. What do we do?
08:37It says they look hostile.
08:39If you look down, you have the option to send a warning or attack.
08:42What is a warning?
08:43A very powerful sound.
08:45It's to see if they respond, if you can't attack.
08:48Oh, okay.
08:50Confirming data.
08:52The system is going to launch a powerful warning sound.
08:56I don't want to hurt anyone.
08:58It looks like the pirates are moving away from the freighter.
09:01We have to notify the location and trajectory of the boats.
09:05Turn around. You scared them.
09:08So this technology also serves to protect sailors and anyone, right?
09:11Yeah, that's right.
09:13Virtual reality can take you anywhere,
09:15even to those who would be too dangerous in the real world.
09:22If all the dangerous jobs could be done without risks,
09:26would we still make the same decisions?
09:28Would we be more daring?
09:31Or would it give us the opportunity to think more clearly,
09:34free from the tension of the moment?
09:36Perhaps the real benefit is the ability to record our behavior,
09:40good or bad, and study it carefully.
09:47But in the real world we use mind and body.
09:53How do you use mind and body in a virtual way?
09:56We develop scenarios to be able to move physically through space,
10:01because the body is an important component in learning.
10:04You want to feel the presence of your body and your mind
10:08in scenarios like this.
10:10And this is where the robots come in to follow our movements.
10:16Yeah, when we generate the world around you,
10:18it knows where you are in that synthetic world.
10:21If you're able to physically walk around a virtual space,
10:24not in a virtual space,
10:26we might want to follow your steps
10:28and we might also want to record your movements.
10:30So what we'll do is put you in a special suit.
10:33Oh, with a backpack and everything?
10:35What's inside?
10:37A computer.
10:39The computer that will follow my steps?
10:43As you can see on the screen, this is your head,
10:45so I'm going to turn it so it looks at you.
10:47Right now, it looks like you don't have a head on the screen,
10:50but if you raise your right hand, you'll see it.
10:52Ah, okay.
10:54And if you raise your left arm, you'll also see it.
10:56Go ahead.
10:59And if you move your foot, you'll see it.
11:01If you move your foot, you'll see it.
11:03Motion capture has been used for years
11:06to create realistic animations for movies and video games.
11:09But in this new version,
11:11while I'm moving in the real world,
11:13my movements are transferred to the virtual world.
11:18Yeah, you can take normal steps and it'll follow you,
11:21so it doesn't matter if you try to get close,
11:23it'll always stay in front of you.
11:25Oh, okay.
11:29What applications does this have in the real world?
11:32The army is really interested in this
11:35because you get squads of teams training together
11:37and they need to coordinate movements together.
11:40Athletes are interested in it
11:42because they can find ways to improve their performance
11:45by recording and analyzing their technique.
11:47Why would an athlete want to study a game they just played?
11:50One of the strengths of virtual reality
11:52is that we can change the scenario.
11:55Well, what if you were training in these conditions
11:56or what if you were fighting in these other conditions?
11:59Or what if you were throwing a hook instead of a direct hit?
12:02Of course, in the real world, you only have one opportunity.
12:05In the virtual world, we can make small modifications
12:07and keep training in each new context.
12:26Could I use virtual reality to collaborate with an artist
12:29while I'm performing in Los Angeles?
12:38Could two people dance together,
12:40miles apart?
12:46In the future,
12:48maybe the virtual world will keep us better connected
12:50to our loved ones.
12:52If all this were possible,
12:54would we want to go out into the real world?
12:57I can imagine the virtual world of the future
13:00based on the image I have of myself.
13:06This is a scanner cage.
13:08How does it work?
13:10So it uses photogrammetry.
13:12It takes many images from different perspectives.
13:14We have 100 cameras.
13:16It can take images of you in two dimensions
13:18from 100 different angles
13:20and then combine them to create an image in three dimensions.
13:27What's going on?
13:29Scan completed.
13:31So it takes these scanners
13:33and studies them in virtual environments
13:35so that you can interact with them.
13:37Put this on and take a look.
13:39You're in a room, right?
13:41Yeah, with books.
13:43Look around you.
13:45I see a picture on the wall.
13:47Oh, yeah, that's great.
13:49This is a nice room,
13:51but it needs some furniture.
13:53So, what's up?
13:54This is great.
13:56What's going on?
13:58Take a good look.
14:00Yeah, he looks familiar.
14:02So this is how you do it.
14:04You've cloned me.
14:06How does this technology
14:08change the way we interact?
14:10In the future, people will be able to stay
14:12and interact without having to use
14:14the character from a video game
14:16but only seeing the digital version of the other.
14:18So how is this going to help people
14:20improve their lives?
14:22I only know what living in the physical world is like
14:24from my point of view,
14:26but what if you could put it into the body,
14:28into the mind of someone completely different?
14:30Maybe that would help me
14:32see the world in a different way.
14:34In the real world, it's very complicated.
14:36In the virtual world, not quite.
14:44Living one day in the life of another
14:47would it help to appreciate
14:49the point of view of others?
14:51Would it make us more empathetic?
14:54Would it be a useful tool
14:56to teach compassion?
15:01You could really think about
15:03coming anywhere with anyone
15:05and doing anything that you can imagine
15:07in the virtual world.
15:09So, now I can do that with my mind.
15:11So, right.
15:13And now you know you can do it with your body
15:15because you feel the physical presence
15:17in a virtual world.
15:19Yeah, and you can interact with people.
15:21We can have people from all over the world
15:22in a common place
15:24and interact with each other.
15:26I think that's good for humanity.
15:53On the other side of the city
15:55at the Department of Neuroscience
15:57at UCLan University, it's already happening.
15:59So, this is where we're taking the brain
16:01from another perspective.
16:03So, how does this technology
16:05affect how you prepare to operate?
16:07If I have a difficult tumor
16:09that's at the base of the skull
16:11and it's wrapped in important blood vessels
16:13that supply blood to the brain,
16:15we've got to know exactly where everything is
16:17in advance because there's nothing worse
16:19than planning what you're going to do
16:20and finding out that you can't see
16:22some crucial element of the anatomy.
16:25So, I've got to get the whole thing
16:27in the brain and the best way
16:29to do that is to immerse myself
16:31in virtual reality.
16:33We can fly inside the skull
16:35and look at the tumor from all angles
16:37immediately before the operation
16:39or even after the operation.
16:41It's called Surgical Theater
16:43and it was invented
16:45by two ex-military pilots.
16:47It combines the technology
16:48of the medical scanner
16:50in three dimensions
16:52with a flight simulator
16:54to recreate the brain of a patient.
16:56So, let's take a look at it.
16:58I can't wait to try it.
17:01So, right now we're taking
17:03a reconstruction of the skull
17:05and an opening that allows us
17:07to see inside of it.
17:09So, you can see how realistic it is.
17:11It's not just looking at the brain.
17:13It's like you're there.
17:15So, the yellow thing in the middle
17:16of the skull.
17:18It's weird to go into a virtual world
17:20that reflects a physical world
17:22especially when it's something
17:24that's inside of a person.
17:26You can really see how it's
17:28wrapped around the veins.
17:30If you turn 180 degrees
17:32you'll see that we're on the
17:34opposite side of the skull
17:36and there's the yellow tumor.
17:38To the other side.
17:40What you're seeing from the other side.
17:42This way we can look at
17:44every blood vessel
17:46inside of the skull.
17:50While I fly over this virtual brain
17:52I imagine the surgeon extracting
17:54the tumor with the precision
17:56of an expert swordsman
17:58taking advantage of the knowledge
18:00he has acquired in the virtual world
18:02that he would never have acquired
18:04in any other way.
18:06It's like having a superpower.
18:08The ability to see
18:10what's hidden.
18:12Our perception alerts us
18:14how we see and act in the world.
18:16We can be real or made up.
18:23Everything I've done in life
18:25has been establishing connections.
18:29Can virtual reality
18:31create a world of digital addicts?
18:34A planet full of people
18:36hooked to another reality.
18:38In reality,
18:40everything has to do with
18:42the decisions we make.
18:44The virtual world has the potential
18:46to make everything impossible.
18:48It's the beginning
18:50of a new and powerful way
18:52to examine the world.
18:54Artists and engineers
18:56are inventing new ways
18:58to perceive things
19:00not only to entertain us
19:02but also to help us see
19:04the world we live in
19:06in a different way
19:08and improve our lives.
19:10The question is not
19:12if virtual reality
19:14will improve our lives
19:16but if it will help us
19:18see the world we live in
19:20in a different way.
