Lisa-Mike/Patricia-Darren/Kelly-Mark/Shawna-John, 1997

  • yesterday


00:00$ale of the Century.
00:05$ale of the Century.
00:09From Hollywood, it's the Newlywed Game.
00:14And here are today's newlyweds.
00:17Couple number one exchanged their vows five months ago,
00:19Lisa and Mike McGough.
00:22Couple number two tied the knot two months ago,
00:24Patricia and Darren Eggers.
00:27Couple number three walked down the aisle two months ago,
00:30Kelly and Mark Hopkins.
00:33And couple number four also traded rings two months ago,
00:36Shona and Shawnee Minnix.
00:40And now, here's the star of the Newlywed Game, Bob Eubanks.
00:47Hello, everybody.
00:48Welcome to the Newlywed Game.
00:49Glad you could join us today.
00:51Couples, are you ready to play our game?
00:54Then I'll start the show off by asking the husbands
00:56some questions.
00:56That's what I need now, is for the ladies to go off
00:58to the soundproof area, if you would, please.
01:01And while the ladies are leaving,
01:02I'd like to remind our husbands I'll be asking you
01:03some five-point questions.
01:05You'll be answering these questions as you predict
01:07your wife will answer the same question when she returns.
01:09And remember, gentlemen, if her answer matches
01:12your prediction, you then get five points.
01:14The one couple with the most points at the end of the show
01:15wins an incredible second honeymoon.
01:18So if you're ready, here's your first question for five points.
01:20Tell me, gentlemen, which of the following cliches
01:24will your wife say you think best sums up
01:27your love life these days?
01:30Is it short and sweet, never a dull moment,
01:33or a long time no see?
01:36John, summing up your love life these days.
01:38Well, that's kind of easy, so never a dull moment.
01:42Never a dull moment.
01:44That's good.
01:44That's not easy.
01:45That's good.
01:46Oh, yeah.
01:47You're happy about that?
01:51I would have to go with never a dull moment.
01:53Never a dull moment.
01:54We try and keep it going all the time.
01:57Well, I'm glad we do.
01:59Oh, don't start that.
02:02Long time no see.
02:04Darn, Darren, I'm sorry about that.
02:07Not as sorry as you are, but I'm sorry.
02:08I bet.
02:10I'd have to say a long time no see, probably without a doubt.
02:12I travel a lot.
02:14I tell you what, that's been a point of contention
02:15before we got married, and it still is.
02:18Long time no see.
02:19Yeah, that's it.
02:19Next question, gentlemen.
02:21What will your wife say is your favorite thing
02:22to imitate her mother saying?
02:24And I want you to say it just like her mom does.
02:27Kelly, get out of bed.
02:29Kelly, get out of bed.
02:29OK, Darren?
02:32When her mother says one of her friends' name, uh, mommy!
02:38That's how she answers.
02:40Her friend will come over, mommy!
02:42Her friend Vicky.
02:44That was Vicky?
02:45Vicky says that to her mom.
02:47No, but this is something that her mom says.
02:49And her mom imitates that.
02:51Oh, and her mom imitates what your wife,
02:52what that friend says.
02:54Gotcha, OK, Mike?
02:56It has to be when her mom calls her dog Zeb.
02:58She'd say, uh, come here, Zeb, Zeb.
03:00Come here, Zeb.
03:01So she's calling her dog.
03:02All right, John?
03:03Well, it never fails.
03:04Before she says anything, it's, well.
03:07She says, well?
03:09All right, well, all right.
03:10Next question, gentlemen.
03:12How will your wife say you would complete this sentence?
03:13This is you talking.
03:14On the average, my wife can go about how many days
03:17without Whoopi, and about how many days
03:18before starting an argument?
03:21How many days, Darren, without Whoopi?
03:26Three days.
03:27Three, and about how many days
03:28without starting an argument?
03:31Three days.
03:31Three days, all right.
03:33What do you think, Mike?
03:34A week.
03:35A week without Whoopi, and how many days without an argument?
03:37One day without starting an argument.
03:40About seven days.
03:41Seven days, and, uh, without an argument?
03:45I'd say about three.
03:46Three days without an argument.
03:47What do you think about this one, Mark?
03:48I'd say five days without a Whoopi,
03:51and then probably two.
03:54Two without an argument.
03:55Gentlemen, thank you.
03:56We'll be right back to reunite these newlyweds.
03:57We're going to see how well our husbands have predicted
03:59what their wives will say, right after these messages.
04:07Not to play Password.
04:11The subtle art of Password.
04:12Weekday mornings at 9.30 a.m. Eastern only
04:14on Game Show Network.
04:18Who's the supreme?
04:19Who neutralizes more acid?
04:20Maalox Maxx.
04:21Relieves pressure and bloating?
04:22Maalox Maxx.
04:23Comes in three great new flavors.
04:25Maalox Maxx.
04:26Three ways the right choice is new.
04:28Maalox Maxx.
04:29Agree or it's free.
04:31Our tale begins the first day of school.
04:33Jenny brought tissues, as was the rule.
04:36But hers were playful, puffs creations.
04:38Cheshire cats, crazy crayons, fish, and crustaceans.
04:42Other noses got jealous.
04:44They had to join Jenny.
04:45Suddenly, she had six noses too many.
04:47No, you silly noses.
04:49Run back to your chairs.
04:50These pillow-soft puffs are for all to share.
04:53Add them to your list to help you remember.
04:56For back-to-school puffs will be gone come September.
05:05Imagine a way to transform dull, ordinary hair.
05:22Discover soft, silky, beautiful hair
05:25with the heat-activated moisturizers
05:27in new Thermasilk.
05:29We're both artists with very different canvases.
05:32But our color's the same.
05:34Light Ash Blonde No. 102 from Nice and Easy.
05:36Nice and Easy works.
05:38Nice and Easy works with your own tones and highlights.
05:40So you get the most natural color for you.
05:42Nice and Easy by Girl.
05:44So this is what big kids do.
05:46Have their friends over and eat Easy Mac?
05:52Did Mr. Easy Mac impress you
05:54with his ability to microwave noodles
05:56and water and mix in cheese?
05:58Speaking of friends,
06:00don't you have an imaginary one you can play with?
06:02Not if you're sitting on her.
06:04Mmm, it's so tasty.
06:06I think I'll have another bowl.
06:10Make one for me, too, please.
06:12Craft Easy Mac for the cheesiest anytime.
06:18Welcome back, everybody.
06:20Gentlemen, we've recorded your predictions on cards
06:22and now have them flat on your laps.
06:24Each time that your prediction matches your wife's answer,
06:26you get five points.
06:28The one couple with the most points at the end of the show
06:30is gonna win a great second honeymoon.
06:32So, ladies, we're glad you're back.
06:34Here's your first question.
06:36Tell me, ladies, which of the following clichés
06:38does your husband think best sums up
06:40your love life these days?
06:42Long time no see,
06:44never a dull moment,
06:46or short and sweet?
06:48Lisa, we're summing up your love life these days.
06:50I'd have to say,
06:52lately, it's probably been short and sweet.
06:54Short and sweet.
06:56Oh, no, he said it's long time no see.
06:58Long time no see.
07:00That's because I've been traveling and everything
07:02and we haven't seen each other.
07:06Short and sweet.
07:08Short and sweet.
07:10Oh, he said for sure a long time no see.
07:12Work schedules.
07:14Oh, that's right.
07:16Oh, I'm sorry.
07:18Kelly, we're summing up your love life.
07:20Never a dull moment.
07:22Never a... Really?
07:26I'll be darned.
07:28Mark predicted you would say never a dull moment.
07:30What do you think, Shawna?
07:32Definitely long time no see
07:34because we're restricted
07:36because I'm pregnant, so we can't.
07:38Oh, definitely long time no see.
07:40He said definitely, oh, never a dull moment.
07:42He said.
07:44I guess I got a big head.
07:46When we do, you know.
07:48No, I don't know.
07:52Next question, ladies.
07:54What is your husband's favorite thing to imitate your mother saying?
07:56I want you to say it just like your mom says it.
07:58What's his favorite thing
08:00to imitate your mother saying, Patricia?
08:04Patricia, all right.
08:06He said your favorite thing.
08:08Top card for me, please, Darren.
08:10Is that, how do you say that?
08:12Oh, mommy.
08:14You should hear Darren do it.
08:16Mommy, he probably does.
08:18Let me hear you do it, Darren.
08:22Okay, Kelly.
08:24You never have any time to talk to me.
08:26Get out of bed.
08:28How does she say it?
08:30When we go down and stay at your mom's house.
08:32He's right.
08:34Something about football, go Cowboys.
08:36Go Cowboys.
08:38All right, John predicted you would say,
08:40no, every time she always says, well.
08:46Every time, never fails.
08:48Well, good luck at dinner at her house next time.
08:50She's going to go, well.
08:52What do you think, Lisa?
08:54I'd have to say she calls a lot
08:56and gets answering machines.
08:58So, hi, Mike and Lisa, call you back.
09:00Hi, Mike and Lisa, call you back.
09:02All right, he predicted you would say is,
09:04what was it you said?
09:06With your dog, Zeb.
09:08Come here, Zeb.
09:10Next question, ladies.
09:12How did your husband complete this sentence?
09:14This is him talking now.
09:16On the average, my wife can go about
09:18how many days without whoopee
09:20and about how many days before starting an argument?
09:22Like a day.
09:24One day.
09:26He predicted it would be five days without whoopee,
09:28two days without an argument.
09:30Well, that's better than I thought.
09:34Shanna, what do you think?
09:36How many days without whoopee?
09:38Two days.
09:40Two days.
09:42How about an argument?
09:48He predicted it would be seven days
09:53A week, seven.
09:55And how many days without starting an argument?
09:57I hate to say it, but probably zero.
09:59Zero, all right.
10:01He predicted you would say it would be seven and one.
10:03Oh, close, close.
10:05He knows you pretty well, though.
10:07Trisha, how many days?
10:09I'd say about four.
10:11Four without whoopee.
10:13How many days without starting an argument?
10:17Two, all right.
10:19We'll be right back to see how well
10:21the wives can predict what their husbands will say
10:23right after these messages.
10:49At my age?
10:51It was embarrassing.
10:53If you have redness on your face that doesn't go away,
10:55you could be one of the 12 million Americans
10:57with a skin condition called rosacea.
10:59Rosacea can get worse
11:01if it's not treated,
11:03so call this toll-free number
11:05and get the facts about effective rosacea treatments
11:07that are available.
11:09Now I feel relieved.
11:11I know what it is,
11:13I know how to treat it,
11:15and I'm myself again.
11:17There's a free booklet that tells you what rosacea is
11:19and describes things you can do
11:21to help keep your rosacea under control.
11:23You'll also receive a free list
11:25of dermatologists in your area
11:27who can diagnose and treat your rosacea.
11:29Now people look at me, not the redness.
11:31Isn't it time you faced up to rosacea?
11:33Make the call today.
11:35This face is looking good these days.
11:37Hi, the name is Marty Hall.
11:39Sorry, not on the list.
11:41Let's make a deal.
11:43I'll give you all the money in my pocket
11:45behind that door.
11:47Party all week with the Let's Make a Deal-A-Thon
11:49starting Monday, August 27th at 8 Eastern.
11:51Here you go.
11:53Ah, what the?
11:55Drill Sergeant Dudwick is mad.
11:57Is mad, sir?
11:59He used one of those bargain trash bags.
12:01Bargain? You call this a bargain?
12:03Sarge? Uh, sir?
12:05You should have used Glad Quick-Tie bags.
12:07Glad Quick-Tie are the only bags with three-ply string.
12:09They won't break like the leading bargain bags.
12:11So those Glad bags are pretty tough.
12:13None tougher.
12:15Hand them over, soldier.
12:17Don't get mad.
12:19Get glad.
12:21Glad Kitchen and Outdoor Bags.
12:23Big buck your power, babies.
12:25Call me now!
12:27There's no way he's gonna come back.
12:29Um, honey, you don't need him back.
12:31Oh, but I want him back.
12:33I love him. Is there any chance?
12:35I love you to death, but I am not going to lie to you.
12:37He is not coming back this time.
12:39I just want him back
12:41because I love you.
12:43No, that is not it.
12:45You know what it is? You don't want to be by yourself.
12:49You deserve better. You don't need him back.
12:51Okay, sweetness?
12:53How does it feel to you, uh, Miss Cleo,
12:55when someone wants something to happen so badly,
12:57but you just don't see it?
12:59It's heartbreaking. Sure.
13:01That same question she asked me,
13:03because she hoped, and at one point,
13:05Miss Cleo going to change her mind.
13:07She's got to change her heart.
13:09Because you don't tell people things that you know
13:11are gonna make them feel better.
13:13You give them the real deal and, hey,
13:15she's giving you the real deal, folks.
13:17You got to be able to handle it.
13:19Get honest answers. Call me now for your free reading.
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13:31Took less than five minutes to order.
13:33You don't have to make an appointment.
13:35You don't have to miss work.
13:37You get my pet's heartworm medication
13:39delivered right to my door.
13:41The exact same flea and tick medications
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13:45Only they're cheaper.
13:49We deliver savings and convenience
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13:53and all other pet medications.
13:55Call to order now or order online.
13:57Ever wonder why those guys on Match Game
13:59acted the way they did?
14:01I'll have a vodka martini on the rocks.
14:03We can't quite put our finger on it.
14:05Match Game weeknights beginning at 9 p.m. Eastern.
14:13Welcome back to the Noodlehead Game.
14:15All right, ladies, now your husbands are all secluded offstage.
14:17It's your turn to predict what they will say.
14:19Remember, these are the big ones.
14:21These are the 10-point questions.
14:23So here's our first one.
14:25Ladies, if you think of your bed as a compass, okay,
14:27and your husband as the needle,
14:29will he say that
14:31at the conclusion of your very last
14:33romantic interlude,
14:35the top of the needle was pointing
14:37east, west, north, or south?
14:39Kelly, your bed's a compass.
14:41He's the needle.
14:43At the end of your last romantic interlude,
14:45was the top of the needle pointing east, west, north,
14:47or south?
14:53Got to get my direct... North.
14:55North. Which way's north?
14:57I don't know. I just...
14:59I'm thinking about the bed. I can't...
15:02I don't know. Uh, west.
15:04It's pointing west. The top of the needle's pointing west.
15:06Okay, Lisa? Definitely, it was pointing north.
15:08It was going north. Definitely.
15:10Same as his down there. Definitely.
15:12Your turn. Shawna?
15:14I'm gonna say north, up.
15:16It's a bed. I don't know directions.
15:18That's a little more
15:20I wanted to know, but that's okay.
15:22Next question, ladies.
15:24Which one of your husband's
15:26beauty secrets
15:28will he say he'd be most embarrassed
15:30to reveal? But you will
15:32just because you want to win that great second honeymoon.
15:36What would it be? A beauty secret of his.
15:38He shaves his nose hair.
15:40He shaves his nose hair.
15:42What does he shave it with? The shaver.
15:44You know how you take it and go...
15:46Yeah, okay. Ooh, we're not gonna tell the soul
15:48about that, though. Lisa?
15:50Oh, it's probably a good secret, but he's
15:52a very religious flosser.
15:54Very good at flossing. He's a flosser? Flossing his teeth, yes.
15:56Oh, a religious flosser. Yes.
15:58Thank you, God.
16:00Yes. Chana?
16:02He likes to put on my face masks
16:04because he thinks it clears up his skin.
16:06He puts on your face... What color are they?
16:08They're green. Green face masks.
16:10Boy, I bet he looks like something, doesn't he?
16:14He does the whole gel
16:16thing in the hair dryer
16:18and makes sure that... So he puts gel on...
16:20Yeah, so that the top hair's standing up
16:22straight. Both of them, huh? Yeah.
16:24Okay. Next question.
16:26I know the feeling, by the way.
16:28Last of our 10-point questions.
16:30Ladies, how will your husband say you would complete the sentence?
16:32This is you talking.
16:34Some old girlfriend of my husband's
16:36must have told him that doing what turned her on.
16:38But when he does it to me,
16:40it just turns me off.
16:44Public displays of affection.
16:46Wanting to get intimate outside.
16:48Oh, okay. And it doesn't for me.
16:50Doesn't do anything for you. No, no.
16:52Outside, out in the parking lot, you mean?
16:54Parking lot. Beach, maybe.
16:56Good. Shauna?
16:58He likes to lick my ears,
17:00and I hate it.
17:02Boy, that turns you off.
17:04It does.
17:06Probably turned somebody on, though, didn't it?
17:10I gotta go with the whole licking ear thing.
17:12Yeah, licking the ear thing, yeah.
17:14It's uncalled for.
17:16Never a dull moment, is there?
17:20Standing on the bed, naked and dancing.
17:24Boy, I bet the compass
17:26is just going crazy in there.
17:2825-point bonus question.
17:30Ladies, if a waiter came out right now
17:32to take your husband's dinner order,
17:34would he choose something
17:36that once walked, crawled,
17:38swam, flew,
17:40or none of the above?
17:44Walked, crawled, swam, flew, or none of the above?
17:46Flew. Flew.
17:50Walked. Walked.
17:52Walked. Walked.
17:54Patricia? Crawled. Crawled.
17:56Lisa? Flew. Flew.
17:58Ladies, thank you very much.
18:00We'll be back with the husbands to compare answers
18:02on the Newlywed Game right after these messages.
18:22Hey, let me have a look at what's behind that door.
18:24Open the money.
18:26Watch Game Show Network's Let's Make a Deal-a-Thon
18:28five nights of classic episodes starting
18:30Monday, August 27th at 8 Eastern.
18:32Here you go.
18:34Hey, what's with the hat?
18:36What, are you gonna game today?
18:38No, I'm just used to it.
18:40People have all kinds of ways of dealing with flakes.
18:42Here's how I deal with it.
18:44I tell them, use this whole new head and shoulders.
18:46It goes directly to the scalp
18:48to help stop flakes before they even start.
18:50So you end up looking like you were born
18:52with a great head of hair.
18:54And I'm going to cover that up.
18:56Hey, your hat.
18:58Keep it.
19:00New head and shoulder shampoo.
19:02Unbeatable daily dandruff protection.
19:04Unbelievably beautiful hair.
19:06Have a ball tonight on Game Show Network
19:08with three one-hour blocks of your favorite game shows.
19:10Get on the ball at 8 Eastern
19:12with back-to-back episodes of Family Feud.
19:14Then at 9, we round up
19:16an entire blanking hour of match games.
19:18Hello, hello.
19:20And at 10, we roll out one full hour of the newlywed game.
19:24So remember, one hour of Family Feud at 8,
19:26one hour of match game at 9,
19:28one hour of newlywed game at 10.
19:32Have a ball tonight starting at 8 on Game Show Network.
20:00Game Show Network.
20:02Game Show Network.
20:14It's inevitable.
20:16There are paper towels that drip
20:18and there are bounty paper towels
20:20that won't.
20:22Bounty picks up faster, absorbs more,
20:24and traps these spills in better.
20:26They get the job done the first time,
20:28which is a plus
20:31considering bounty
20:33the only call to quicker picker ever.
21:01Game Show Network.
21:05Hollywood Showdown? Well, it's a fun quiz show
21:07about Hollywood.
21:09There is a Hollywood Florida,
21:11but we don't really care about that.
21:13Originally, the questions were gonna be
21:15about nuclear physics.
21:17The alpha particle has a mass of
21:196.7 times 10.
21:21But that didn't really work out.
21:23I think you'll like the new season.
21:27Actually, my job depends on it.
21:29Go Hollywood with Hollywood Showdown
21:31weeknights at 11.30 p.m. Eastern.
21:33Stick around.
21:35Be astonished by the outrageous answers
21:37on all-new Three's A Crowd.
21:39Then see if you have what it takes
21:41to be a player on Hollywood Showdown.
21:49Welcome back to the Newlywed Game.
21:51All right.
21:53Only one couple has scored any points so far.
21:55Let's see if we can't solve that problem.
21:57Gentlemen, let's see how well your wives
21:59have predicted what you will say.
22:01Remember, these questions will not be worth ten points.
22:03Gentlemen, if you think of your bed
22:05as a compass
22:07and you as the needle,
22:09at the conclusion of your very last
22:11romantic interlude
22:13was the top of the needle
22:15pointing north,
22:17south, east,
22:19or west?
22:21So, Darren, your bed's a compass,
22:23and you're the needle.
22:25What was the conclusion of your interlude
22:27as the top of the needle pointing north, south, east, or west?
22:31Really? Straight up.
22:33She said it was pointing west.
22:39Which way's north, Darren?
22:41Straight up.
22:43Oh, that's north, up there.
22:45I see. Where's south, then?
22:47Straight back.
22:49Oh, good. Straight down.
22:51Oh, okay.
22:55What was your answer? I forgot.
22:57North. North. Thank you.
23:01I would have to say north. North.
23:03She said it was pointing north. You got it.
23:09John, you're the needle.
23:11Wow, the needle, huh?
23:13Yeah. I'd have to say north. North.
23:15Your wife predicted pointing north.
23:17You got it. Good.
23:19What do you think about this, Mike?
23:21I'd have to say north. North. All right.
23:23Your wife said north. Yeah.
23:25All right.
23:29Everybody got that one right, except Darren.
23:31Darren missed that one.
23:33Next question, gentlemen.
23:35Which one of your beauty secrets
23:37would you be most embarrassed
23:39to have your wife reveal?
23:41But she probably did
23:43just because she wants to win
23:45that second honeymoon. Mark?
23:47What are your beauty secrets?
23:49I put gel in my hair.
23:51You put gel in your hair. All right.
23:53She said that you use that old gel
23:55in the hair dryer. Yeah, that's it.
23:57He has no beauty secrets.
23:59It's a good day if he just gets that done.
24:01Pardon me?
24:03He has no beauty secrets. I'm grateful
24:05if he'll do that to his hair.
24:07He'll go out and ragged, dirty things
24:09and not take a shower.
24:11Is this another way of saying he's a slob?
24:13Yeah. Yeah. That's what I thought.
24:15John, beauty secret that you have.
24:17Oh, let's see.
24:19One thing she complains about is I take so long
24:21doing my hair, too. Yeah, well, we got
24:23a big surprise for you, John.
24:27Boy, wait till the guys at work know about this one.
24:29You wear her little green face mask.
24:33Green face mask? Yeah.
24:37I only did it one time.
24:39Yeah, she said you wear this green face mask.
24:41Boy, that's gonna be funny.
24:45Gonna be fun at work, boy.
24:47Mike? I'd have to say I trim
24:49my underarm hair pretty slightly.
24:51I beg your pardon, sir? Trim my underarm hair
24:53just a little bit. Why?
24:55Because it's just really long.
24:57First time he admits it.
24:59It's as straight as my hair and as long as the hair
25:01on my head. It's terrible.
25:03You mean it hangs way down to your belt?
25:05Oh, knees. Knees?
25:07Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
25:09It's an exaggeration. Yeah. Not much, though.
25:11Lisa said that
25:13no, you floss your teeth.
25:15You could use it to floss.
25:17Probably with your underarm hair.
25:25Oh, Darren, what are you laughing about?
25:27You don't have any points.
25:37Yes, Darren?
25:40Probably she would say
25:42that I spray
25:44a lot of cologne because I
25:46when I'm getting dressed, I
25:48Not what she said at all.
25:50No, you can quit right now.
25:52What did she say?
25:54We want to talk about, card please,
25:56we want to talk about you shave your nose hair.
26:00Yeah, they grow out.
26:02Kind of like Mike's underarm, they're just
26:04to the ground, right?
26:06Let's try another question
26:08because we're having so much fun here.
26:10Gentlemen, how did your wife
26:12complete this sentence?
26:14This is her talking now.
26:16She said, some old girlfriend of my husband's
26:18must have told him that doing what?
26:20Turned her on.
26:22But when he does it to me, it just turns me off.
26:24John? Nibble her ear.
26:26Nibble her ear, all right. She predicted you would say
26:28it's when you do the old licking of the ear. You got it, sure.
26:30Okay, all right.
26:36I'm probably a little too
26:38touchy-feely with her chest.
26:40You know?
26:44as nice as I could say it.
26:46Okay, thank you. I appreciate you cleaning it up
26:48for us, yes. Lisa said that what
26:50she can't stand with you is getting intimate outside.
26:54I guess so. Yeah.
26:56Hey, Darren, this is your chance now
26:58to zoom into a tie for last place.
27:00Thanks, Bob. Thanks.
27:02You're welcome.
27:06touchy-feely with the chest. Oh, really?
27:08Oh, Darren, you missed again.
27:10She predicted you would say
27:12no, it's standing on the bed naked and dancing,
27:18Good answer. Good answer.
27:22We didn't match. Yeah.
27:24I'm just glad he doesn't stand on the bed naked
27:26trimming his nose hair, aren't you?
27:30I would have to say when I kiss her ear.
27:32She predicted you would say licking her ear.
27:34Yeah, all right.
27:36Before we get to our 25-point bonus question,
27:38let's see where our winning couple will be going
27:40on their second honeymoon. Take a look.
27:42It's a hula holiday in Hawaii.
27:44Stop dreaming
27:46and start packing
27:48because Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays,
27:50America's number one choice to Hawaii,
27:52is whisking you away to the outrigger
27:54Waikiki Hotel,
27:56the location on the beach where you can enjoy
27:58fabulous views of Diamond Head.
28:00It's only steps away from Waikiki's glittering
28:02nightlife. Aloha
28:04and enjoy your second honeymoon.
28:06Back to you, Bob. Thank you, Kramer.
28:08Here it is, our big 25-point bonus question.
28:10Gentlemen, think carefully now.
28:12If a waiter came out right now
28:14to take your dinner order,
28:16would you choose something that once
28:20walked, flew,
28:22swam, or none of the above?
28:24Couple number two, Darren and Patricia,
28:26was zero. 25
28:28will zoom you into second place, Darren.
28:30What's your answer, please?
28:32Swam. Swam. All right.
28:34She said crawl.
28:38Couple number one,
28:40Mike and Lisa with 10, 25, we give you 35.
28:42Tied for the lead if you get it right.
28:44I'd have to say swam. Swam. She predicted you would say
28:46it flew.
28:48Couple number four, John and
28:50Shana with 20, 25 gives you 45.
28:52If you get it right, you'll be in first place.
28:54Crawled, walked, flew, swam, or none of the above?
28:58None of the above. None of the above.
29:00She predicted that you would choose something that once
29:02flew. Couple number three, Mark and Kelly
29:04with 35, 25, we give you a grand total of 60.
29:06What do you think, Mark? I would say walked.
29:08Walked. She said it would be walked. You're right.
29:10And Mark and Kelly Hawkins,
29:12you're our Newlywed Game Grand Prize winners.
29:14Thanks to our couples
29:16and thanks to you.
29:18I'm Bob Eubanks. We'll see you next time.
29:20Bye-bye, everybody.
29:22And if she would look to her right, she'd see
29:24he put the U in ugly.
29:26All new Three's A Crowd
29:28next on Game Show Network.
