Redgrave-Gilliland, 12/83

  • 2 days ago


00:14Ladies and gentlemen, the name of the game is Go!
00:17And two teams are here to compete for a jackpot
00:19worth up to $20,000.
00:22This week, our celebrity captains are...
00:25Lynn Redgrave.
00:27And from Just Our Luck, Richard Gilliland.
00:32And now, here is your host, ready to go, Kevin O'Connell.
00:37Thank you. Thank you.
00:39Nice crowd. Thank you.
00:42And a very good day, and welcome to the Go! Show.
00:44Thank you, Johnny Gilbert.
00:45The object of our game, if you are brand-new to viewing Go!
00:47on your favorite station, is we're gonna take a few words
00:50and try to make a lot of money with a lot of very nice people.
00:53And we're gonna beat the clock at the same time.
00:55Johnny introduced a lady who is literally a shadow of herself.
00:58I'm sure you've seen her on commercials all over,
01:00whipping off the big size.
01:01And take a look at her now. Terrific.
01:03Lynn Redgrave, welcome to our show.
01:04Thank you, Kevin.
01:06You're the captain of the Red Squad today,
01:07so we're gonna give you the first choice.
01:08Would you like to play Go! first
01:09or pass it over to Richard and the Blue Squad?
01:11Well, my team and I have decided to let them
01:13make fools of themselves first.
01:14All right, Richard and the Blue Team, down front we go.
01:18By the way, the only thing that's going to be changing
01:20over the next five Go! shows will be the captain,
01:22because Richard, captaining the Blue Squad today,
01:24will be over to the Red Squad tomorrow.
01:26We call it head-to-head, where all of our players
01:28stay with us for an entire week's worth of shows.
01:30And all the monies they earn each day,
01:32they could win in excess of $20,000,
01:34meaning after their week with us,
01:36well over $100,000 could be theirs.
01:38Why don't we meet the members of the Red Squad?
01:40All right, let's do it.
01:41All right, let's do it.
01:42All right, let's do it.
01:43All right, let's do it.
01:44All right, let's do it.
01:45All right, let's do it.
01:46All right, let's do it.
01:47Let's do it.
01:48Why don't we meet the members of the Blue Squad today?
01:49I'm Peter Talbot, and I've just moved out here
01:50from Philadelphia three weeks ago.
01:51From the city of brotherly love to Los Angeles.
01:54Nice to have you here, Pete.
01:55Hi, I'm Debbie Smith, originally from New York,
01:57and I'm living out here now in Irvine.
01:59Well, it's nice to have you with us, Debbie.
02:01Hi, I'm Richard Gilland, and I've been in Los Angeles
02:04for 10 years and I still get lost.
02:05Ha, ha, ha, ha.
02:07Have to get him a new map.
02:09Nice to have you here, Richard.
02:10Hi, I'm Jan Kelly, and I'm a transplant at Texaholman.
02:13I was born in Texas, but I moved here from Oklahoma
02:15about six years ago.
02:17that one before. Nice to have you here, Jan. Hi, my name is Mike Elliott and I'm from Fullerton,
02:20California. If you're brand new to our game, here's how we play. We have our players down
02:24front. They have to formulate a question on the spot using only one word at a time. When you've
02:29given Debbie enough information, give her a ring on the bell, then we have to hear from you, Debbie,
02:33all right? Team to give me five correct answers in the shortest period of time wins the round.
02:37It's as simple as that. 1,500 points wins the game, and we give our teams a dollar for each
02:42point that they get. Richard, you're the captain, so do we start round one on the top or the bottom?
02:46Let's go with the top. All right, answers up top. Let me simply remind you, since this is
02:50your first day with us, that if you use too much of an answer that appears on your hidden TV screen
02:54or you slip at the mouth and use more than one word in formulating your question, our judges
02:59will give you this sound. That means we move on. Peter starts us off on this round of head-to-head.
03:04Here's your first answer. Go. What do you eat at noon? Lunch. Go. Who starred in MASH?
03:15Ellen Alda. Go. What is on December 25th? Christmas. Go. What do women put on their cheeks?
03:26Rouge. Go. What do you cut the lawn with? Lawnmower. Stop the clock.
03:32Personally, I think we have a couple of sandbaggers at this desk. A couple of weeks ago,
03:46we had a record time of 21 seconds, and believe me, your first round on go was not far off,
03:51a 25-second time. That is fantastic. However, before we give you the points in round number
03:59one, we are going to give lovely Lynn and the Red Squad a chance. So, Lynn, bring your team down.
04:10Got a feeling they're going for the juggler right off the top. Before we give them a shot at the
04:14clock, why don't we meet the members of the Red Team today? Hi, I'm Dave Barton. I'm a native
04:18Californian living in Long Beach. Nice to have you here, David. I'm Cindy Clark, and I'm from
04:23New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm Lynn McBride, and I come from Brooklyn. Nice to have you here, Lynn.
04:29I'm Bob Mossler. I'm a native Californian living in Los Angeles. Terrific, Bob. I'm Kate LaRue. I'm
04:34from Nebraska. Nebraska. We got the coast covered, and now the Great Plains as well. I'm Scottish.
04:41Wonderful. Well, it's nice to have you here, Kate. The object of the game, we've told you already,
04:44but here's the problem that we have. They've left you with a 25-second clock. Give me five
04:48correct answers before the clock hits zero. You win round number one. All right, Richard took the
04:53packet on the top. Round one valued at 250 points. You will play for the answers on the bottom, and
04:58Dave, you start. Take a look at your monitors, players. Here's your first answer. Go. Where is
05:04this state? California. Go. Who was the person who was the friend? Two words. Next word. Who lives
05:16next door? Neighbor. Go. What do men have above their lip? Mustache. Go. Hurry now. What is not...
05:29There you go.
05:34That is a very tough way to begin a match. When you only have 25 seconds, that doesn't even give
05:39you five seconds per word. The only one we had a little trouble with was olive oil. And I know
05:43Lynn was going for Popeye's girlfriend. Could get that out. 250 points. Move them over to the blue
05:48side of the board. Take a deep breath, folks, because it takes a lot more points to win our
05:52game. 1,500 to be exact. We're going for round number two. We'll let Lynn's team set the time
05:56that the blue squad has to beat right after these words. Oh, my God. For lovers of Giorgio, joy,
06:07Chalamar, and opium. He takes me everywhere. I shop the world. And when it comes to perfumes,
06:14I can pay $180 an ounce, but I don't. Why should I when I get exclusive versions of the world famous
06:23fragrances I love at a fraction of the price? The classic gift of a Maharaja's daughter,
06:29the sophisticated rage of Beverly Hills, the world's most costly perfume, and the seductive
06:36scent that drives men wild. My perfumers are so sure you'll be thrilled. They're giving you this
06:43$20 gift certificate for reorders of your favorites. Call within the next 30 minutes,
06:48and they'll send you this lovely crystal refillable atomizer. To order, send 1995 plus
06:54385 for shipping and handling to Park Avenue Perfumers, P.O. Box 6551, Virginia Beach,
06:58Virginia. Or use your Visa or MasterCard by calling 1-800-453-5550. No COD order is accepted.
07:06If you're concerned about sodium, what antacid do you take?
07:11Tums is sodium-free, and Tums absorbs more stomach acid than the other leading brands.
07:25All right, we begin this day in head-to-head. The Blue Squad strikes first, 250 points on Richard's
07:30side of the board. However, we have taken a little break, caught our breath, and you were
07:33going to set the time they have to beat. Lynn, Val, you know round number two is 500 points,
07:37so pick a packet of answers. Talk about it. The bottom. All righty, go to the bottom, and let's
07:42see how fast you can give me five correct answers. Dave starts again. You set the time that Richard
07:48Gilliland's time has to beat. Here's your first answer. Go! What country is above the United
07:56States? Canada. Go! What is this? Elbow. Go! What do policemen put on wrists to arrest someone?
08:08Handcuffs. Go! Who is putting the records on in the radio studio? Disc jockey. Go! What do men wear that
08:22comes in three pieces? Suit. Stop the clock.
08:34Very, very good. You wasted very little time. Of course, if you go to my laundry,
08:37sometimes my shirt comes back in three pieces. The sleeves and the middle part.
08:41You did very well, my dear. 34 seconds. Let's find out if it's good enough. Richard, come on down.
08:52Well, let's put it this way. If you repeat the performance of round number one, you'll have no
08:56trouble. However, 35 seconds is not... Can we do the same one? No, you can't. Something fresh. 34 seconds
09:02on the clock, Richard. You'll play for the answers up top. Five answers before the clock hits zero.
09:07Take a look, Peter. You start. Here's your first answer. Go! What is not hello? Goodbye. Go! Who do
09:16you pay rent to? Landlord. Go! What do you wear on your hands? Gloves. Go! What color are the colors
09:28of the American flag? Red, white, and blue. Go! What do you do when you have a frog in your throat?
09:39Cough. Stop the clock!
09:49That was a very, very good job. Just like the first time, you had five seconds left.
09:54So that means you had round one in 25 seconds, round two in 29 seconds. People are banging on
09:59some record doors. 500 points. Move them over to the blue side of the board. And now you strike
10:03again. You have 750 points, and you've come to a very important part of our game. If you are brand
10:08new to Go, any team, if they're lucky enough to win the first three rounds on Go, wins a clean
10:14sweep. And what we simply mean by that, it's the shortest possible way to get 1,500 points,
10:18because the next round is worth 750. And we'll give you not one, but two jackpot rounds valued
10:23at $10,000 each. So you're knocking on the door of a possible bankroll of $20,000.
10:29Just all in a day's work, huh, Richard? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. All right. Round number three,
10:33of course, Linen Company can get right back in. If they win, you have to set the time they're
10:36going to beat. In the third round, are we going on the top or the bottom? Let's go with the top
10:40again. All right. You've got the top, a possible clean sweep, and 20 grand on the line, Peter.
10:45Start us off. Here's your first answer. Go! What is these? Ears. Go! Ring the bell. What do you put
10:55in the washing machine to clean clothes? Suds. Wrong. Next word. Where do you keep your money?
11:07Bank. Go! Why do you shake? Because you're nervous. Go! Who is a black comedian famous for
11:20what? Sunset. Strip. Bill Cosby. Wrong. Next word. What do bears do in the winter? Hibernate.
11:30Go! What ocean... Next word. What does Santa say? Ho, ho, ho. Stop, stop, stop. All right.
11:40What ocean is ocean? Sometimes when you just want to drive ahead of yourself ever so slightly,
11:48a couple of words jump out there, and the only thing we were missing that time was ocean.
11:52And suds in the laundry, but the soap. Maybe the question could have been just a little bit more
11:57specific. Another word for soap in the laundry would be detergent, Debbie. That's what we were
12:01looking for. You set a 49-second clock. Before we can give you the 750 points, there are five people
12:06that don't think that's enough time. Right, Lynn? Right. Okay, come on down.
12:17I hate to have to be the bearer of this news, but let me simply say that if you cannot give
12:22me five correct answers before the clock... Oh, shut up. Thank you. A possible loss. We
12:28want you to stay alive. All right. The lady said move on, and your wish is my command.
12:33We'll take the bottom one. It's yours. 49 seconds on the clock. Five answers, group. You stay alive.
12:38David starts. Here's your first answer. Go. What is not... Salt. Pepper. Go. What person is not
12:49fa-sing? Blind. Wrong. Next word. Who were the children of Adam and Eve? Cain and Abel. Go.
13:02What is a non-consonant? Vowel. Go. What do Jewish people eat with...
13:14Mox. Bagels. Go. Another round. Who was married to... Liz. Taylor. Richard Burton.
13:32Very good. I guess the key thing is you have to tick off the captain on this team in order
13:36for things to start to jive. Seven great times. Do you realize you had nine seconds left, so by far.
13:43One of your better efforts. 750 points over to the red side of the board.
13:47Everything is all even right now. Both teams at 750. Whoever wins round four on go coming up next
13:53is going for $10,000. The red, the blue, we're going to find out right after these words.
14:06Taking the day off was a great idea. Yeah. Now what do we do? Something new. Something
14:11different. Like what? While you're thinking, have my antiperspirant. No. No? Try my spray.
14:18It's strong. Do something different. I did. I switched to Secret Solid. It works better than
14:22your wet spray. Better, huh? Than maybe... Ah, Secret Solid's pH balanced for women.
14:26Now go and fix us some breakfast. Me? Do something new. Something different.
14:32Secret Solid. Strong enough for a man. But pH balanced for a woman.
14:36Attention, car owners. This is the amazing Vortex Rotobrush. Watch as it whisks away dirt,
14:42salt, tar, and grime with incredible speed and power. Look closely as water spins the bristles
14:47at hundreds of revolutions per minute. The design is so advanced that it is patent-protected.
14:53The super-soft bristles fan out to clean large areas in one gentle sweep. Rotobrush comes
14:58complete with detachable rotating brush, automatic soap dispensing feature, and has an adjustable
15:04water pressure valve. It all comes with a full money-back guarantee. Order now and we'll also
15:10send you the super-absorbent polishing cloth. It's yours absolutely free when you order today.
15:15To order your complete Rotobrush kit, send just $12.95 plus $3 for postage and handling
15:20to Rotobrush, Box 1155, Norfolk, Virginia, 23501. That's Rotobrush, Box 1155, Norfolk,
15:27Virginia. Charge card customers call toll-free 1-800-453-7000. Sorry, no CODs.
15:40Welcome back to Go! Richard Gilliland, the lovely Lynn Redgrave, our celebrities this week. Started
15:44off the day with Richard's blue squad grabbing rounds one and two, lickety-split. However,
15:48Lynn had the last word last time and evened it all up, 750 apiece. The strategy now will really
15:54pay off when you passed at the beginning of the day. If we get to the fourth round, the team that
15:59does pass gets to set the time for the cash. And that's the position you're in right now. You set
16:04the time Richard's team is going to have to beat. Whoever wins this round goes for $10,000. It's
16:08that simple. Lynn, top or the bottom? The bottom. The bottom we go. A nice fast time could get some
16:14big bucks in your wallet, gang. Dave starts. Here's your first answer. Go! Who is not your father?
16:21Mother. Go. What do you open to get into a room? Door. Go. Where does Tarzan live? Jungle. Go.
16:33What do you say when I compliment you? Thank you. Go. What covers a hole in your clothes?
16:45Patch. That's a clock.
16:54I wasn't thinking of clothes for some reason. I was thinking of a cabbage patch when he started.
17:03That's what I was going for, Kate. I thought a patch on your eye. And that would have got us
17:07nowhere. Well, thank goodness the clothes have a hole in it because you have a chance at some
17:11big money. A 27-second clock. Your best time of the day may be the biggest time. Come on down,
17:17Richard. All right. It's called backs up against the wall. 27 seconds. We have one packet of
17:30answers left on our go board and this could mean $10,000. Five answers before the clock hits zero.
17:37We'll see in the jackpot round. Peter starts. Here's your first answer. Go. What is this? Go.
17:45What is opposite South Pole? North Pole. Cannot accept it. Next word.
17:51What is a model dummy in a store? Mannequin. Go. Hurry. What do you walk a dog with? Leash. Go.
18:03Hurry now. What is not a velvet?
18:19It's what you call snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Down a couple of rounds. The
18:24British are always best when their backs are against the wall. Boy, I'll tell you. Couldn't
18:28you liven up a little? Oh, shut up. Oh, thank you. The lady loves me. We're going to be back.
18:33Give them a shot at $10,000. Thank you.
18:59Sessions presents Cruisin'. An amazing five record collection featuring 55 hard-driving classics
19:05performed by the original artists. Just listen.
19:27Cruisin' contains 55 great car radio favorites that are sure to bring back many fond memories.
19:34All songs in this giant five record set are 100% certified original hits by the original artists.
19:54Then I saw her face. Now I'm a believer.
20:01Test drive Cruisin' today. Your choice of five stereo records or three 8-track or cassette tapes
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20:24Here's how to get your Cruisin' album now. COD and credit card customers call toll-free
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20:44or three tapes. Plus $2 for postage and handling to Cruisin'. P.O. Box 5000-CBN, Chicago, Illinois.
20:54Welcome back to Go! An absolutely remarkable comeback for the Red Squad. Lynn Redgrave,
21:00of course, the captain on this day, and really snaps those last two rounds, the most important
21:05ones, if you will. So you not only come up with, let's see, we had 1,250 points and 750,
21:10so there's 2,000 points or a dollar per point. So you're up $2,000. Yeah. We're just going to
21:16keep building. We're going to give you a chance in a second at 10,000. How about that? Listen,
21:20before we start, I was reading an article in the paper the other day where you are on a book tour
21:24for a book that you did not write. That's right. My father, Michael Redgrave, actor,
21:30has written his autobiography. It's called In My Mind's Eye, and it's just out. Would you give him
21:35our very best? I will indeed. And our prayers as well. Thank you. All right, so the jackpot round
21:38we go. You have to give us seven correct answers, players, in one minute. That should be a piece of
21:44cake for you because we were just here and watching you do some magic just a couple of
21:47moments ago. The only difference now, Cindy, you can't turn around. So I guess a good strategy
21:52would be to speak loudly and very clearly so that Cindy can hear every syllable, okay? Timer,
21:57could I have 60 seconds? Seven correct answers before we count down to zero. You pick up $10,000.
22:03Good way to start this day, I would say. Lynn Redgrave starts us off with your first answer.
22:09Go. Who teaches in a college? Professor. That's one. What did Romans wear? Togos. That's two.
22:20What is on... Pass it. Next word. What does a cut leave on your face? Scar. That's three.
22:34What is the object used to be called a wireless? Telephone. Wrong. Next word. What red stuff do you
22:42put on your mouthpiece? Lipstick. That's four. What are the... Mother. Father. Daughter. Family. Go.
22:55What is breakfast or lunch? Food. Wrong. Next word. What do musicians play? Dance.
23:08Loud. Instrument. Wrong. Oh, good try, good try.
23:19I have a funny feeling that when we start talking about the wireless,
23:22it all depends maybe where you come from that you remember. Oh, how old you are.
23:28I didn't want to say anything. You're welcome. Oh, shut up, Lynn.
23:40Please come back. We were looking for a radio. I'm looking for a hole to crawl into. We give you
23:46five correct answers at $200 apiece. That's an additional $1,000 for your bank account.
23:51Not a bad morning's work. How much we got? We're going to total the whole thing up. We're going to
23:55total it up on our computer, and when we come back, we'll find out. All right? Don't continue. It's
23:59right after this. Here are the most popular gospel music recordings ever made. Tennessee
24:16Ernie Ford has sold over 20 million gospel music albums, and now here are the most popular of all
24:22his gospel songs for you to enjoy. You get the joyful gospel music recordings so universally
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24:54The richly produced gospel recordings that have never been equal.
24:58Every song's a favorite.
25:15I'm sure these songs will give you strength and hope.
25:22The most uplifting music you've ever owned.
25:24One day at a time. You get Tennessee Ernie's world's most inspiring songs of faith
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25:38not in stores, and you must order now. Use your MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club, or American Express.
25:44Call toll-free 1-800-235-5500. You get two beautiful, inspiring record albums, two cassettes,
25:50or two eight-track tapes. To save handling of COD charges, send only $14.98 to Songs of Faith.
25:56Box 3550, Grand Central Station, New York, New York, 10163. Call now 1-800-235-5500.
26:08If you would like to be a contestant on Go, call us at area code 213-463-2196.
26:16And now, let's go back to Kevin O'Connell. Thank you so much, Johnny Gilbert. Well, on this first day of our head-to-head match
26:22with Richard Gilliland, it's almost an omen. You're on a show called Just Our Luck. Yes, sir. But
26:26unfortunately, the luck belonged to the Red Team today. Bad luck today, yes. Listen, there's over
26:29$80,000 still to be won. We have four more days, so we will see you on the other side tomorrow,
26:34all right? And we'll see all you four as well. Lynn Redgrave asked the poignant question,
26:38how much have we won? How much have we won? Well, we have totaled it all up so far, my dear,
26:42and right today alone, the Red Team earned $3,000, which is a nice way to start our day.
26:49And I'd like to remind all of you once again that they're going to be all back tomorrow
26:52because our head-to-head matches last for an entire week, so you could potentially take the
26:56three and parlay it into, who knows, $40,000, $50,000, $60,000. It's all possible. We're going
27:01to put it all together, and we hope to see you tomorrow. Are we friends? Well, shut up,
27:06Kevin. We'll see you tomorrow on Go. Lynn Redgrave, Richard Gilliland, and we hope you'll be here too,
27:11all right? Bye, everybody. See you tomorrow.
27:17Some members of our studio audience will receive a 3D set of Harvard cutlery from True Value
27:21Hardware Stores. A new line of Harvard cutlery with high-carbon steel blades and solid walnut
27:25handles now sold exclusively at True Value Hardware Stores. Clothing by Dobie. Share
27:30your special feelings with Care Bear's Kidswear. All the love of the Care Bears in soft, lovable
27:34styles. Care Bear Kidswear by Dobie. And use Reese's Peanut Butter flavored chips for great
27:39peanut butter taste in all kinds of cookies and brownies. Delicious Reese's Peanut Butter
27:43made with real peanuts. Tonight at 8 Eastern, a visit with Cleveland Amory,
27:51Honduras Day's best friends. Then at 9, a provocative view of the forces changing our
27:57world on the 700 Club. Now stay with us for the $100,000. Name that tune. Next on CBN.
