White-Francis (Cartoonists ep), 5/20/65

  • yesterday


00:00This is the popular television star and leading lady of the Ludden household, lovely Betty
00:15And this is my partner, the creator of one of your favorite cartoon series, Lil Abner
00:20Al Cap.
00:24This is the charming star of Broadway and Hollywood, one of your television favorites,
00:29Charlene Francis.
00:32And this is my partner, the creator of the popular comic strip, Kerry Drake Alfred Andreola.
00:40And if you'll put your funny papers down for just a minute, we're going to play Password.
00:43Yes, it's Password, brought to you this evening by Salem Builder Cigarettes, Salem for a taste
00:55of springtime fresh.
00:57And now, here's your host on Password, Alan Ludden.
01:02Well, thank you.
01:07Welcome to a special edition of Password.
01:13All our contestants tonight are going to be famous cartoonists.
01:16Well, how are you tonight, Arlene?
01:19I'm glowing, aren't you?
01:20I'm glowing and very happy.
01:22What's new for you for this summer?
01:24Well, I'm going to do a new play all summer that I hope we'll be able to bring into Broadway
01:28on the four called Mrs. Dally Has a Lover.
01:30I hear it's a beautiful play.
01:32It is.
01:33It's moving and touching and very funny, I think.
01:36Well, good luck with it.
01:38Alfred Andreola, nice to have you with us tonight.
01:39It's a pleasure to be here.
01:40You are a cartoonist.
01:41Alfred, I understand that you fellows are involved in a special art show.
01:43Now, what are you cartoonists involved in that you can talk about?
01:49The pop artists have used everything under the sun in their canvases from bathroom fixtures
01:53to comic strips.
01:54And we decided it was time for the cartoonists to take over.
01:58So we're going to give an exhibition of pop art paintings that 32 cartoonists have created
02:05using their comic strip characters.
02:07And the exhibit is going to be held at World House Gallery all this week and next week.
02:13And those of you who can come to the Hotel Carlyle and see us, come see us.
02:16World House Gallery at the Hotel Carlyle.
02:19Good luck, Alfred and cartoonists.
02:23Why, Betty White.
02:24Why, Alan Ludwig.
02:25Well, it's nice to see you again.
02:26Nice to see you.
02:27What are your plans for the summer, Ms. White?
02:28Oh, dear.
02:29I'm taking...
02:30No fool like an old fool, I'm taking singing and dancing lessons.
02:31I'm going to do South Pacific in Milwaukee at the Melody Top opening June 22nd.
02:32Well, good luck.
02:33And only you and my doctor know how hard it is to learn to dance at my age.
02:34Well, good luck with South Pacific.
02:35It's a pleasure to be here.
04:16Seven points, Arlene.
04:19Roughly a form, one chance, give me the precise word.
04:21That's it.
04:22Very good.
04:23Seven points over here, a 25 point game.
04:24The winner has $250, a chance to win that much more in the lightning round.
04:25Al, you're going to start this time.
04:26There's the word.
04:27See how you do with the game.
04:28Alfred, you'll give the clues.
04:29As they look at the word, we'd like you to see it, of course.
04:30The password is itch.
04:45The password is itch.
04:46Ten points.
04:47Al, see if you can get Betty to say that.
04:51By the way, Betty and Arlene know this.
04:52Alfred and Al, when you hear this sound, it means your clue has not been accepted by
04:53our authority, who is Dr. Reason A. Goodwin, an editor of the World Book Encyclopedia Dictionary.
04:54Betty, Arlene, you'll start, Arlene.
04:55As they look at it, we'd like you to see it.
04:56The password is carpet.
04:57All right, Arlene.
04:58You'll start.
05:12The password is carpet.
05:13All right, Arlene.
05:14Ten points.
05:15Give you 17.
05:18You did it.
05:19All right.
05:20Al, Alfred over here is going to be able to win on this one, so careful.
05:21They are within the 25-point marker.
05:22Al, you'll start, though.
05:23As they look at the word, we'd like you to see it.
05:24The password is gravel.
05:25Ten points, Al Capp.
05:26See if you can get Betty White to say that word.
05:45Oh, oh, oh.
05:46Nine points, Alfred.
05:47Drive way.
05:48Gravel Gertie.
05:49Gravel Gertie.
05:50No Betty.
05:51Back there.
05:52Back there.
05:53Gravel Gertie wasn't even in your cartoon.
05:54I was terribly nice about it.
05:55You were.
05:56All right, Al, it's your turn now.
06:03Well, you know what?
06:06I was nice about it.
06:07You were.
06:08But Gertie's garter is more Betty's era, you know.
06:14My father told me about that.
06:18All right.
06:19Gravel, Gertie, and Dick Tracy.
06:20Alfred, Gary Drake's going to play the lightning round now with Arlene Francis.
06:23You ready?
06:24Yes, sir.
06:25As ready as I'll ever be.
06:26She does this without Bennett.
06:27She does this without Bennett, sir, for anybody.
06:28Just the lightning round in one minute.
06:29You ready to go, Arlene?
06:30I am.
06:32One minute.
06:33Here's the first word.
06:43Say anything.
06:55All right.
06:56All right.
06:57All right.
06:58All right.
06:59All right.
07:00All right.
07:01All right.
07:02All right.
07:03All right.
07:04All right.
07:05Go, Arlene!
07:06Go, Arlen!
07:07Arlene goes,
07:08Well, let's say I do.
07:18You did it.
07:19Very good.
07:21Alfred, Gary Drake would be proud of you.
07:26And, behalf of the USO, we thank you.
07:29And now here's a refreshing message from Salem Filder Cigarettes.
07:36All right, let's move along this special game of Password and meet two brand new players,
07:40shall we?
07:41Betty White, meet your new partner, the creator of the delightful cartoon series Mary Worth,
07:47Alan Saunders.
07:52Arlene Francis, meet your new partner, the creator of the exciting comic strip, The Phantom,
08:01Lee Falk.
08:02The Phantom.
08:03Alan, I think Mary Worth is a delightful cartoon.
08:11I like her.
08:12She keeps me from having to work for a living, you know?
08:14I understand you're a creator of another cartoon.
08:16What is that?
08:17Steve Roper.
08:18You created Steve Roper?
08:20I write it.
08:22I don't draw it.
08:23Well, good.
08:24Nice to have you here, Alan and Steve and Mary and everybody.
08:26Lee Falk, you have another cartoon too besides The Phantom.
08:30What is that?
08:31It's called Mandrake the Magician.
08:34All right, let's see what you can do here with Password.
08:35Mandrake the Magician and The Phantom.
08:36I didn't know that, but now I see they're related.
08:41All right, Betty and Arlene have the word as we begin this second game.
08:44We'd like you to see it at home.
08:46The Password is Rush.
08:48Ten points, Arlene.
08:52Nine points, Betty.
09:01Rush hour.
09:02Rush hour she was going for, Alan.
09:03All right.
09:04Betty, you're playing with a man named Alan there.
09:06He even spells it right.
09:07I know.
09:08I swear I made my first mistake.
09:09All right.
09:10All right.
09:11All right.
09:12All right.
09:13All right.
09:14All right.
09:15All right.
09:16All right.
09:17All right.
09:18All right.
09:19I made my first mistake.
09:20Here you go.
09:21Alan, it's your word.
09:22You'll start.
09:24As they look at the word, we'd like you to see it at home, of course.
09:25The Password is Wedding.
09:26Ten points, Alan.
09:27See if you can get Betty to say it.
09:29Oh, that always throws me.
09:30Does all of us.
09:33Very good.
09:36All right.
09:37I'm glad you got that, Betty.
09:38Ten to eight.
09:49Password goes to Arlene and Betty, and as they look at it, I want you to see it.
09:54The Password is Cork.
09:58You know the word.
09:59Ten points, Arlene.
10:00I'll give you 18.
10:03Very good.
10:04All right.
10:0518 to 10.
10:06Alan, they can win on this.
10:07All right.
10:08All right.
10:09All right.
10:10All right.
10:11All right.
10:12All right.
10:13All right.
10:14All right.
10:15All right.
10:16All right.
10:17All right.
10:18All right.
10:19Now Alan, they can win on this, so careful.
10:20There you go.
10:21Lee, good luck.
10:23As they look at it, the password is Idea.
10:26Ten points, Alan.
10:27See if you can get Betty to say it.
10:30You may say it again.
10:31I'm sorry.
10:34You did it.
10:37All right.
10:38Now what do we have here?
10:3920 to 18.
10:40I'm in real predicament here.
10:42I got two of my favorite ladies right here playing Password and I'm not rooting for either
10:46a bunch you got it all right here we go Betty and Arlene and friends but last
10:51word is tattoo you'll get the game if you do it in the first one Arlene but
10:56Betty can do it in the second
11:03tonight I've got to give it to her drawing drawing
11:17five seconds painting painting nine points Betty would give you the game
11:27water no nine points Arlene needle thread ready you're still in the running see
11:41what you can do you can win on this look at her Alan forearm wrist Adam up six
11:55points I give you 24 gold water see you read the papers Oh gold water I didn't
12:05know that five seconds Arizona Arizona Betty you have 20 points this one's
12:15worth five Lee Allen listen to her now here you go you might win the game skin
12:24five seconds
12:32here goes your time Alan this no two points Arlene four points have a good
12:39part I'll do that painting painting painting five seconds Lee art art three
12:50points Betty it don't talk don't talk five seconds
13:06parlor parlor parlor parlor five seconds
13:15no room two points Arlene five seconds
13:26there goes your time I'm gonna move along watch your hands
13:33skin okay one point Betty five seconds we're gonna move along
13:40rose bud rose bud no gentlemen it's tattoo tattoo tattoo Potter you got it
13:51when she said rose rose tattoo well it got bud so it didn't help much all right
13:5620 to 18 either team can win we'll start over the new word as they look at it we
14:00like you to see it at home of course the password is necklace Arlene ten
14:05points give you the game pearls strand strand nine points Betty give you the
14:13game beans necklace yes
14:23the trick in the lightning round is to do all five passwords in one minute you
14:27ready ready Betty let's go first word court pint yes sugar salt the girls
14:38sweet pepper seasoning Eastern Oh curry sugaring spice
14:57rabbit yeah vegetable radish crying onion yeah goodbye hello
15:13all right sugar in is a grand clue sugar in is one word honey I'll defend you to
15:19the death sugar and sugar in is one word and Alan Saunders for you so you have
15:24won $500 Lee it was a great game thank you both and good luck to both of you
15:34we'll return in just a moment to play more password but right now this message
15:39for people who take something for a headache Arlene that was brilliant thank
15:45you for selling us buffering oh it was nothing it was very nice to you let's
15:48move along and meet two more password players shall we Betty White meet your
15:52new partner the creator of the hilarious fellow from the funny papers
15:55Beatle Bailey Mort Walker
16:05Arlene Francis meet your new partner the creator of the captivating cartoon
16:10series on stage Leonard star
16:17what I know that Beatle Bailey is a private in the army were you in the
16:21service yes I was in the service I'm still trying to get even I see were you
16:25an officer I was both but primarily an officer primarily an officer but you're
16:30right about private so well well I have a great deal of sympathy for private
16:34that's how I'm a private my own home I see well I am too I'm in your club
16:38Leonard you know on stage is so beautifully drawn those people look so
16:42lifelike are those done drawn from real-life models very often as a matter
16:46of fact the director of password was in the strip Mike Argillo Mike Gargillo is
16:51a pattern for one of your directors but very good and it looks just like him
16:55it's a good director too all right let's play password you know how we do it no
16:59problem you've got good partners gentlemen Betty White Arlene Francis by
17:02name friends the password is burlesque no gestures honey
17:07ten points Minsky's burlesque
17:13okay ten points over here Arlene watch out okay Leonard you'll start there you
17:22go more as they look at the word we'd like you to say the password is conga
17:28ten points Leonard dance waltz dance waltz that's my period yes nine points
17:36Mort line say it again line stag stag line follows but it's wrong
17:51snake conga conga one two three kick all right ten to eight before her time
18:04there you go you'll start there you go Arlene friends the password is teeter
18:11ten points Betty see if you do the right one
18:17totter teeter
18:21all right gentlemen you're playing the game all right that's the way your
18:26minds working 20 to 8 they can win over here Leonard watch out Mort as they look
18:33at it the password is excitement Leonard ten points you can keep it from
18:46five seconds
18:50happy lucky happy lucky nine points Mort would give you the game a bullion
19:01enthusiastic enthusiastic no eight points Leonard
19:09enthusiastic joyful joyful seven points Mort agitate
19:23five seconds Betty excite roughly a form of the word we're seeking one chance
19:28give me the precise word excitement yes
19:37all right you almost didn't but you did you won the game March you have two
19:41hundred and fifty dollars for the USO and a chance to win that much more the
19:43lightning round Betty you ready yes sir one minute first word go buzz beep yes
19:51ape monkey huge gorilla joint it's enough Francis say anything more hello
20:09leg me yes
20:16Walker trotter
20:27we'll give it to you Betty did it all right
20:31hi yes all right okay Mort you won $500 there we've got some time we're going
20:42into a fourth game because you play so well we're playing now for the USO the
20:46fourth games coming up the little man's a little slow because I'm surprising him
20:49here little man word word word you ready Arlene I'm gonna start say something
20:53brilliant cartoonist uh-huh all right Arlene you'll start there you go Betty
21:00fourth game as they look at it we'd like you to see the password is
21:03pronunciation Wow ten points Arlene see if you get Leonard to say that diction
21:09speech speech nine points Betty enunciation pronounce roughly a form one
21:15chance give me the precise what pronouncement pronouncement no I must
21:19throw the word out as pronunciation was the word that's not neat in there in
21:25there all right gotta live with her all right once you look at the password is
21:34scrawl yes I do ten points Arlene give you ten
21:41draw scribble scribble nine points Betty signature sign sign eight points
21:59untidy sketch sketch no seven points Betty scribble scrawl yes
22:17Leonard you're gonna start this time they've got seven points here's the word
22:23there you go good luck Mort the password is nightgown all right ten
22:32points Leonard negligee negligee come on come on what a revelation nine points
22:48pajamas nightgown yes Arlene you wear a kimono in this new play well no but I
23:01don't wear a negligee either I see oh I see it's that kind of play all right
23:06Arlene and Betty and friends at home the password is dear ten points Arlene
23:14dough bread dough that's a lovely thought Arlene nine points Betty would
23:26give you the game fresh stag
23:34five seconds more oh dear
23:47play the lightning round again are you ready ready Betty Betty Betty yeah one
23:52minute here's the first word go bad good
23:57horse cow female mare yeah chalk stick wall
24:11blackboard yes stretch pull rubber snap stretchable expand plastic say anything
24:33anything anything stretchable elastic yeah all right duck whack yeah that was
24:57$500 more we'll be back in a minute to tell about our next guest stars on
25:01Password right now let's take time out for a brief film next week our guest
25:06stars will be the delightful comedian and motion picture and television star
25:10Audrey Meadows and the versatile dramatic actor Hollywood star Tony Randall
25:16Betty Arlene all the cartoonists you've been delightful tonight thank you very much we'll see you all next Thursday night or tomorrow on the daytime
25:21password until then this is Alan Ludden saying the password tonight is drives
25:25have a good time on your summer weekend drives but remember your seatbelts are
25:29no good if you don't use them so long see you tomorrow I hope
25:34brought to you this evening by Camel cigarettes the cigarette that gives you
25:37easygoing taste honest enjoyment choice quality tobacco the best tobaccos make
25:41the best smoke this has been a Mark Goodson Bill Todman production
25:49the contestants on this recorded program were selected and interviewed in advance
