Alumni Day, 1997

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00:05From Hollywood, it's Alumni Day on the Newlywed Game.
00:11And here are today's newlyweds.
00:13Couple number one walked down the aisle 21 months ago,
00:16Ray and Ty Potts.
00:19Couple number two did the I News 14 months ago,
00:22Brandi and Kevin Moore.
00:25Couple number three made it official 12 months ago,
00:27Cynthia and Dan Brainerd.
00:30And couple number four exchanged their vows four months ago,
00:33Katrina and Brian Costello.
00:37And now, here's the star of the newlywed game, Bob Eubanks.
00:44Thank you. Thank you very much.
00:46Whoo! Thank you and hello, everybody.
00:47Welcome to Alumni Day on the Newlywed Game.
00:50We've got four wonderful couples who have returned,
00:52and they're gonna play the game again.
00:54We had such a good time with them last time.
00:55You didn't win the prize last time,
00:57but we'll see what's gonna happen this time.
00:58And, oh, are you ready to play?
01:01Well, you know what we're gonna do right now?
01:02I'll start the show by asking the husbands some questions,
01:04but before I do that, we must send the ladies
01:06off to our soundproof room.
01:08Ladies, if you would, please.
01:10And while the ladies are leaving,
01:11I'd like to remind our husbands
01:12that I'll be asking you some five-point questions,
01:14and you'll be answering these questions.
01:16As you predict, your wife will answer the same question
01:18when she returns.
01:19Now, remember, if her answer matches your prediction,
01:21you then get five points.
01:23Also remember, it's the couple with the most points
01:25at the end of the show
01:26that wins a fabulous second honeymoon.
01:28So we're glad to have you back on Alumni Day.
01:30Here's your first question for five points.
01:32Gentlemen, will your wife say you think
01:34she could make more money as a gossip columnist,
01:37a drill sergeant, a clown, or a stripper?
01:42Brian, where could she make the most money?
01:44I might have to say gossip columnist.
01:46As a gossip columnist.
01:47Yeah, her and her friend are always just...
01:49Okay. Dan?
01:50Definitely a gossip columnist.
01:52You think so? For sure.
01:53A lot of chit-chatting going on the phone.
01:54I got you.
01:56Hey, Kevin, how you been?
01:57All right, good.
01:59I'm still alive.
02:00You are, huh?
02:01Yeah. Gossip columnist, I would say.
02:03A what, sir?
02:04A gossip columnist.
02:06She could make more money doing that, huh?
02:07Yes, for sure.
02:08She's always ratting with her mom on somebody.
02:10Is that right?
02:11Yeah, they're always on somebody.
02:12Talking about you, probably.
02:13Probably so.
02:15What do you think, Ty?
02:16She's always running off at the mouth.
02:18She's got to be the gossip columnist.
02:20Gossip columnist, okay.
02:21Next question, gentlemen.
02:23What will your wife say is the last funny thing
02:25that happened in the bedroom
02:27that made you wish you'd had a camera?
02:30That would have to be when the cat, Stanley,
02:33God love him, ran across my face
02:35and used my forehead as a catapult,
02:38and I was bleeding.
02:39So Stanley ran across your face?
02:41Yep. Cut me up pretty good.
02:42Cut you up pretty good.
02:43Kevin, what happened in the bedroom?
02:45I would have to say
02:47probably the dog jumping up on the bed.
02:48The dog jumped up on the bed?
02:50Yeah, she just likes to...
02:51What's your dog's name?
02:52She jumps up and chews her bone
02:54anywhere she pleases, so...
03:01Past gas.
03:03Yes, past gas.
03:04How in the world could you take a picture of that?
03:07Never mind, I don't want to know.
03:09The sound is the thing.
03:11Our daughter fell off the bed.
03:12That was kind of...
03:13Your daughter fell off the bed.
03:14Oh, that's funny, yeah.
03:15Next question, gentlemen.
03:16How would your wife say
03:17you would complete this sentence?
03:18This is you talking.
03:19If my wife's friend blank
03:21and my friend who ever got together,
03:24they'd make the Bundys look like they had style.
03:27Give me a first name only, please.
03:29Kevin, her friend?
03:31Her friend would be Carol.
03:32Carol, and your friend?
03:33Uh, Jay.
03:34Jay, all right.
03:35Ty, if her friend?
03:37Uh, Cory.
03:38Cory, and your friend?
03:40Uh, word.
03:46Don't ask.
03:47I won't.
03:48It's a long story.
03:49Big word or little word?
03:50Little word.
03:53Brian, her friend?
03:54Her friend, Tammy.
03:55And my friend, Mike.
03:59Her friend, Rosanna.
04:00And my friend, Mike.
04:01All right.
04:02That Mike gets around, doesn't he?
04:03Thank you, gentlemen.
04:04We'll be right back to reunite
04:05these newlyweds.
04:06We'll see how well our husbands
04:07have predicted,
04:08what their wives will say.
04:09We'll be right after these messages.
04:10A big deal is coming, August 27th.
04:25At least you can eat like a man.
04:30Ballpark Franks.
04:32They plump when you cook them.
04:34What does a woman like to eat?
04:36What does a man like to eat?
04:38What does a week in paradise smell like?
04:41Like seagreen polos with the scent of the tropics.
04:44Like floral flowing skirts.
04:46And a sweater for those cool nights
04:48with the guy who still makes you feel warm inside.
04:51Like the freshness of tropical bloom downy.
04:53With the lush scent of exotic flowers
04:55that brings a little paradise home.
04:57Let the freshness of tropical bloom take you there.
05:00A quick toss of the downy ball
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07:01and order today.
07:14Welcome back to Alumni Day in the Newlywed Game.
07:16And gentlemen, we've recorded your predictions on cards
07:18and I'll have them flat on your laps.
07:20Each time that your prediction matches your wife's answer,
07:22you get five points.
07:23One couple with the most points at the end of the show
07:25wins that great second honeymoon.
07:27So ladies, we're so glad you're back with us.
07:29Here's your first question.
07:30Tell me, ladies, does your husband think
07:33as a drill sergeant, as a clown,
07:36as a gossip columnist, or as a stripper?
07:39What do you think, Rae?
07:42Definitely as a gossip columnist.
07:46He always talks about, well, he always says
07:48I talk about people in a bad way.
07:51You didn't talk about me after you left the show, did you?
07:53Oh, no, I love you.
07:54Thank you, I like you, too.
07:55All right.
07:56Ty predicted you'd say you could make more money
07:58as a gossip columnist.
08:03What do you think, Brandi?
08:04Would you make more money as a drill sergeant, a clown,
08:06a gossip columnist, or a stripper?
08:08A gossip columnist.
08:09Gossip columnist.
08:11I'm always calling people, giving the inside scoop.
08:13Yeah, okay.
08:14He said you could make a lot of money as a gossip columnist.
08:18Cynthia, what do you think?
08:20My answer is drill sergeant.
08:21You can make more money as a drill sergeant.
08:23Yes, I tell everyone what to do constantly.
08:24Do you?
08:26You tell him what to do?
08:27Yes, I do.
08:28Does he do what you tell him?
08:29And he calls me drill sergeant.
08:30Well, good.
08:33You were chit-chatting for 45 minutes
08:34when he got home from work.
08:35I was not.
08:36He's lying.
08:39I could make a fortune as a gossip columnist.
08:44Okay, he said you could make a fortune as a gossip columnist.
08:49Next question, ladies.
08:51Tell me, what is the last funny thing that happened
08:53in the bedroom that made your husband wish
08:55he had had a camera?
08:56What happened, Brandi?
08:58The dog jumped on the bed.
09:01I predicted you would say that Molly the dog
09:03jumped on the bed.
09:09Stanley the cat did the Indy 500 across his face.
09:13Oh, really?
09:14And ripped his face open.
09:15He was bleeding and everything.
09:16Well, Stanley found out he was a liar.
09:18That's why.
09:19That's right.
09:20Dan predicted that it was...
09:22It's when the cat ran across his face.
09:23You got it right.
09:27Katrina, what happened?
09:29Probably, I don't know, our daughter walking in.
09:31Daughter walked in.
09:32No, he said that your daughter fell off the bed.
09:35That's funny.
09:37Well, that's funny, isn't it?
09:39I mean, she was okay.
09:41Yeah, cracked me up.
09:43Hey, Ray, what happened?
09:45I would have to say we were just about to make love.
09:49He was right in the middle of foreplay
09:52when he had to stop and fart.
09:56No kidding.
09:59Ty said that...
10:03That's right, he passed gas.
10:06You didn't have to show the whole world.
10:09What a shame.
10:12Next question.
10:13Ladies, how did your husband complete this sentence?
10:15This is him talking.
10:16If my wife's friend blank and my friend who ever got together,
10:21they'd make the Bundys look like they had style.
10:24First names only, please.
10:25Cynthia, if your friend who and his friend what got together,
10:28they'd make the Bundys look like they had style.
10:30My friend Rosanna.
10:31Rosanna and his friend...
10:32And Mike.
10:34All right, he predicted you would say it's Rosanna and Mike.
10:36Very good.
10:40My friend Janie and his friend Mike.
10:42Janie and Mike.
10:43He predicted you would say it is Tammy and Mike.
10:46He's stupid.
10:47Oh, gone.
10:52I would have to say my friend Angela and...
10:55His friend.
10:59He predicted, though, it is your friend...
11:00Card for me, please.
11:01Your friend Cory and his friend Word.
11:03Word, you know how silly he is.
11:04We haven't seen him in ages, but, you know,
11:06he's the clown of all clowns.
11:08Who is?
11:09I don't think he's funny.
11:10Word, listen to his name alone.
11:11He's funny, isn't he?
11:13Don't you think?
11:14You forgot about him?
11:16I would say Carol and Jay.
11:18Carol and Jay.
11:19Your husband predicted you would say it's Carol and Jay.
11:23We'll be back in just a moment.
11:25We'll be back to see how well the wives can predict
11:27what their husbands will say.
11:28Right after these messages.
11:45There is a rhythm to life.
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13:20It costs less than buying from my veterinarian.
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13:27Now I call PetMeds and get my pet's heartworm medication
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13:42Call to order now or order online.
13:44Hey, Arbor Mist. Great idea.
13:47Not so fast, guys.
13:48Yeah, what have you done for us lately?
13:56An Arbor Mist for that?
13:58New from Arbor Mist.
13:59Melon Whites and Pindell.
14:01Great tasting wine, a splash of fruit.
14:05Oh, my.
14:07Now that deserves an Arbor Mist.
14:11Can't resist the mist.
14:17We're on different ends of the music spectrum.
14:19But actually, we're the same color.
14:22Dark Arbor, number 112.
14:24From Nice and Easy.
14:25Long-lasting color that rocks for me.
14:27In perfect harmony with me.
14:29Works with my own tones and highlights.
14:31It gives me amazing color.
14:33With one enticingly subtle difference.
14:36It's natural color.
14:37All my own.
14:38Which is the best color there is.
14:40Nice and Easy by Clairol.
14:41A beauty all your own.
14:47Welcome back to the Newlywed Game.
14:49Ladies, your husbands are now secluded offstage.
14:51And it's your turn to predict what they will say.
14:53Remember, these questions are now worth ten points.
14:55And here's our first one.
14:56Ladies, who will your husband say has the best sense of humor
14:58when it comes to your sex life?
15:00You or him?
15:01Who has the best sense of humor?
15:03I do.
15:04You do?
15:05Because I just start laughing all the time.
15:07You laugh at him?
15:10I just start giggling and laughing.
15:12And he doesn't.
15:13He thinks it's a very serious thing.
15:14Yeah, I got you.
15:15You know, we mustn't laugh.
15:16No, no.
15:17And you're the drill sergeant.
15:18But I laugh all the time.
15:20I say he is.
15:21He has the best sense of humor?
15:22Yes, he does.
15:23Because he's a hillbilly from West Virginia.
15:25Oh, no kidding.
15:26So he's always clowning around.
15:27Yeah, all right.
15:29He does, definitely.
15:30He has the best sense of humor when it comes to your sex life?
15:32Yeah, because, I mean, he stops to fart.
15:33Oh, yeah.
15:34Yeah, I remember.
15:36We heard that one already.
15:38He does, definitely.
15:39He has the best sense of humor?
15:40Yeah, he's just always, you know, laughing, joking.
15:43Okay, next question, ladies.
15:44What will your husband say you think
15:46was the last thing he really grumbled about?
15:48And grumble for us just like he did.
15:50What did he grumble about, Brandi?
15:52Um, the things he wants.
15:55How'd he do it?
15:56I really need this, honey.
15:58It's for the computer.
16:00You know I need this.
16:01Okay, so he grumbled about the things he wanted.
16:04All right, Ray?
16:05Grumble for me.
16:08What'd he grumble about?
16:09He grumbles because he says I always spend too much money and...
16:13You're spending too much money?
16:14Yeah, every time I take extra money
16:16from the budget, he says I have to put a line item
16:19in the budget and he just grumbles.
16:21He's real a stickler about it.
16:22Oh, I can imagine.
16:25The last thing he grumbled about was last night
16:27when he should've called me to tell me
16:29that he was being late for dinner.
16:32Because he had dinner somewhere else and I cook dinner.
16:34So, when we got home, I got mad at him.
16:35And so, that's what he grumbled about.
16:36What'd he grumble?
16:37How'd he sound when he grumbled?
16:42Actually, the last time he grumbled was
16:44when we were in Vegas last week
16:46because I wouldn't give him...
16:47I won money and he wouldn't let me...
16:50I mean, I wouldn't let him have any of that money.
16:52You wouldn't let him have the money you won?
16:53So, he was whining and...
16:54Yeah, I said, nope, sorry, it's my money.
16:56Your money.
16:57And he wanted to spend it all on Keno, you know,
16:59and it just...
17:00I wouldn't let him.
17:01Right out the window.
17:02You were playing blackjack, weren't you?
17:03No, I was doing dollar slots.
17:05Oh, dollar slots, okay.
17:06Next question, ladies.
17:07How will your husband say you would complete this sentence?
17:09This is you talking.
17:10I once found a blank on my husband's what
17:12and I'm still not sure how it got there.
17:16You once found a blank on your husband's what
17:18and you're still not sure how it got there.
17:22I once found a hole...
17:23Hole. my husband's underwear.
17:25In his underwear.
17:26And I'm not sure how it got there.
17:27You're not sure how it got there.
17:28Okay, Katrina?
17:30I once found a hair on my husband's mole
17:33and I don't know how it got there.
17:35A hair on his mole?
17:38Lipstick on his hat.
17:39You found lipstick on his hat?
17:41And you're not sure how it got there?
17:42I don't know.
17:43You're not sure how it got there?
17:44No, it was not mine.
17:46I don't wear lipstick usually.
17:48And it's right there on the side.
17:49Which hat is this?
17:51It's a golf hat, I believe.
17:52It's a hat, okay.
17:54I once found a mole on his back.
17:57Mole on his back?
17:59All right.
18:00Ladies, 25-point bonus question.
18:01Will your husband say that most of his pants
18:03hanging up in the closet right now
18:05are zipped up or unzipped?
18:14Zipped up.
18:15Zipped up.
18:19Ladies, thank you.
18:20We'll be back with the husband to compare answers
18:21on the really wet game.
18:22Right after these messages.
18:25Joan Collins and her husband, Mr. Ron Camp.
18:29Chuck Woolery and Joanne Fluge.
18:32Nothing breaks up a marriage like a tattletale.
18:35Tattletales, 11.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.
18:38Eastern weekdays on Game Show Network.
18:41Out here, I'm in command.
18:43So am I supposed to say,
18:45slow down, guys, I'm constipated?
18:47I don't think so.
18:49You've had to eat, right?
18:51Sometimes you can't.
18:52Harsh chemical latitudes,
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18:57So I rely on doctor-recommended Metamucil.
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19:02Works with my body gently,
19:04which is important to a sensitive guy like myself.
19:07Metamucil, the doctor's natural choice for regularity.
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21:52♪ ♪
21:57Welcome back to the Newlywed Game.
21:59Now, gentlemen, let's see how well your wives
22:01have predicted what you will say.
22:03And remember, these questions will now be worth ten points.
22:05Who has a better sense of humor
22:06when it comes to your sex life?
22:08Would that be you or your wife?
22:10Who has a better sense of humor, Kevin,
22:12when it comes to your sex life, you or your wife?
22:14Um, probably her.
22:15She does.
22:17Yeah, all right.
22:18She said definitely.
22:19No, you do, Kev.
22:20I can't believe you said that.
22:22You know how you're always joking around and...
22:24Why not? But you...
22:25No, whatever.
22:26But you're the one that's gonna make fun...
22:28You always let me down easy and stuff like that and stuff.
22:32I'm gonna have to say she does.
22:34She does humor, yeah.
22:35All right.
22:36She predicted you would say, yeah, she does.
22:38All right.
22:39What do you think, Brian?
22:42I would say me.
22:43You have a better sense of humor.
22:45She said, yeah, you do, Brian.
22:48Hey, Ty, who has a better sense of humor
22:51when it comes to your sex life?
22:52It's got to be me, Bob.
22:53I'm just always crazy.
22:54Are you always crazy?
22:55Oh, yes.
22:56Are you a funny guy?
22:57You know I am.
22:58No, I didn't know that.
22:59Well, you're gonna find out.
23:00I've already found out something, yeah.
23:02Ray predicted that, yeah, he does.
23:06All right, next question.
23:08Gentlemen, what did your wife say
23:10is the last thing you grumbled about?
23:12And grumble for us just like you did for your wife.
23:15What'd you grumble about, Dan?
23:17It'd have to be about getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning.
23:19Boy, you grumbled about 4 o'clock.
23:21Get up at 4 o'clock.
23:22I hate that.
23:23I don't like it.
23:25All right.
23:264 o'clock in the morning, definitely.
23:27I wouldn't get up at 4 o'clock in the morning for anything.
23:28All right.
23:29She said the last thing you grumbled about was
23:31that she won money in Vegas
23:34and wouldn't share it with you.
23:35Oh, God, that's right.
23:38And when she did.
23:40You haven't gotten up at 4 a.m.
23:42in, like, over eight months, okay?
23:44I haven't heard...
23:45Yeah, but I still grumbled.
23:48Probably at the...
23:49Why don't you put away the curling iron?
23:50I trip over it every time in the morning.
23:52Put away the curling iron,
23:53then you trip over it every time, okay?
23:55She said you grumbled about her getting mad
23:57about him not coming home for dinner last night.
24:00Well, I didn't grumble.
24:03You grumbled?
24:04Yes, you did.
24:05I didn't grumble.
24:06You yelled.
24:07I didn't yell.
24:08I ain't mad.
24:09Hey, Ty, what's the last thing you grumbled about?
24:11I want you to grumble for me when you tell me now.
24:14Well, actually, see, I am a stickler
24:17about what goes on with our budget, okay?
24:20Because, you know, we have tight financial situations,
24:22so I always tell her that she has to properly allocate
24:25the line items,
24:26because I need to know where the money is going.
24:29All right, she said that you grumbled about
24:31You got it, okay.
24:36What do you think here, Kev?
24:37Kev, I just can't imagine you grumbling, that's all.
24:39Oh, I get upset at the fact that she buys too many shoes.
24:44She said that you grumbled last about the things
24:47that you want.
24:48You want things.
24:50Yes, you, the computer.
24:51I always need this software.
24:53That's taken care of.
24:54You're the one that's...
24:55You said that you went to school,
24:56and this girl had this...
24:57Oh, I want what she's got.
24:58You should see what she's got.
24:59No, this isn't about me, though.
25:00No, no, no, no, no.
25:01That's what I mean.
25:02You say I have things I want.
25:03Peter, your wants, your wants.
25:04Does he act like a big baby, then, when he...
25:08You do.
25:09He does.
25:10I've got a six-foot-five big kid.
25:13I do.
25:15I do.
25:17We're going to have a talk.
25:18You're going to be talking.
25:20Oh, man.
25:21You may be talking,
25:22but that's all you're going to be doing, right?
25:25Next question, gentlemen.
25:26How did your wife complete this sentence?
25:28This is her talking.
25:29She said, I once found a blank on my husband's what,
25:32and I'm still not sure how it got there.
25:35She once found a blank on your what, Brian,
25:37and she's not sure how it got there.
25:40She once found a scratch on my side.
25:44Scratch on your thigh?
25:45I don't know.
25:46And she's not sure how it got there.
25:47Now, how about a hair on your mole?
25:53Yeah, on your arm.
25:55I like your answer better.
25:56I think that's funny.
25:58Ty, she once found a blank on your what,
26:00and she's not sure how it got there.
26:04This pimple.
26:05It was on my back.
26:06I rolled over, and it was like this growth on here,
26:09and I'm like, I don't know what it was.
26:11So I know she had no clue where this pimple came from,
26:14and it hurt.
26:15It was painful.
26:20All right.
26:21She said she once found a hole in your underwear,
26:23and she's not sure how it got there.
26:25Come on, now.
26:27You can't tell all of America about my drawers.
26:32You need to throw them away.
26:34Look, you know, they don't get comfortable
26:37until you've had them for a couple years, right?
26:39There's no reason, Bob, for a person
26:41to wear underwear that has holes and all kinds of just...
26:44No, you're not supposed to wear them.
26:46He's so such a particular about his money,
26:47why isn't he careful about his underwear?
26:48You know what he says?
26:50You know what he says?
26:52That's right.
26:53Air-conditioned for free.
26:54That's what I'm talking about.
26:56And they're comfortable.
26:57I can roam around in them.
26:59You can...
27:00You can roam around in them?
27:05All right, Kevin.
27:07She once found a what on your blank,
27:09and she's not sure how it got there.
27:11I would probably try and say...
27:13Maybe a...
27:14My underwear.
27:19I'm glad you only tried to say it and really didn't.
27:22Brandi says she once found a mole on your back.
27:25And she's not sure how it got there.
27:27All right, Dan.
27:28Okay, I'm gonna give you my answer and you...
27:32Oh, man.
27:33You better not make me embarrass myself.
27:34Oh, I hope not.
27:35I've got these little girth mole things going
27:37throughout my bod.
27:39And I don't know what they are,
27:40and she doesn't know what they are.
27:42I just told her it's for the special purpose.
27:44Oh, okay.
27:45She says that she almost got this right.
27:47She once found lipstick on your hat.
27:49She's not sure how it got there.
27:51That was from Margaret.
27:53You know where that came from.
27:55All right, after our 25-point bonus question,
27:57let's see where our winning couple will be going
27:59on their second honeymoon.
28:01Yes, you're going to Maui.
28:05You'll stay at the Maui Islander
28:07in the heart of old Lahaina.
28:09Nestled inside 10 acres
28:10amidst a lush, green, tropical setting.
28:12Within walking distance of shops,
28:14restaurants, nightlife, and the harbor,
28:16the romantic Maui Islander,
28:18away from it all, close to everything.
28:20Back to you, Bob.
28:21Thank you, Kramer.
28:22Here it is, 25-point bonus question.
28:25Are most of your pants hanging up in the closet right now,
28:29unzipped or zipped?
28:31Couple number two, Kevin and Brandi with 15, 25,
28:33we'll give you 40.
28:37She said most of them are zipped up.
28:38Couple number four, Brian and Katrina with 15, 25,
28:40gives you 40.
28:41Brian, what's your answer?
28:45She said they are unzipped.
28:46Yes, right.
28:48Couple number three, Dan and Cynthia with 20, 25,
28:49we'll give you 45.
28:50Dan, take over the lead with the correct answer.
28:52Definitely unzipped.
28:55Couple number one, Ty and Ray Potts with 30, 25,
28:57we'll give you 55.
28:58Get it right, and you're going to Hawaii.
29:00Definitely has to be unzipped.
29:03You're going to Hawaii!
29:06Ty and Ray Potts, you're our Newlywed Game Grand Prize winners.
29:11Thanks to our couples, and thanks to you at home.
29:13I'm Bob Eubanks.
29:14See you next time.
29:15So long, everybody.
29:16And if she would look to her right,
29:18she'd see he put the U in ugly.
29:21All new Three's A Crowd, next on Game Show Network.