• last year


00:00I've been on Channel 9.
00:04Hi, today on Remote Control, it's kind of a special day. We've got some very special guests.
00:09It's a world-class athlete day here on Remote Control.
00:12First of all, if you'd help me in welcoming from the world champion Cincinnati Bengals,
00:17star quarterback Boomer Esiason.
00:22Boomer, world championship, huh, buddy?
00:27What's up, buddy?
00:30We're not really world champions.
00:32We made it to the world championship game and unfortunately we lost.
00:36If I was a real world champion, I wouldn't be here with you.
00:39There you go!
00:40When you lose, you come on this show.
00:42Thank God for Joe Montana in a small way, huh?
00:46I'll backhand you, man, in a heartbeat.
00:49I didn't use that one anyway.
00:51All right, let's welcome our next guest, if you will.
00:54From the world champion New York Mets, star pitcher David Cohn.
01:04Welcome, David. Thanks so much. How are you?
01:07Got that big championship thing up there in your mental piece, do you?
01:09Not exactly. We came within one game of making it to the World Series last year.
01:13Unfortunately, the Dodgers got us.
01:15I must have gotten a sandwich when that happened.
01:17I'm sorry about that, Dave, but you still can hum them, huh?
01:20I'm hanging in there.
01:22All right, let's welcome our next guy.
01:24From the New York Rangers, I should say the championship New York Rangers.
01:27Here they are.
01:28World champion Ron Gressner, right here.
01:34Yeah! Hang that flag, buddy.
01:37World champion?
01:38Yeah, you guys aren't the world champions?
01:39No, I wasn't, no.
01:4214 years after that I was born, 1940. It's been 50 years.
01:4650 years?
01:48You guys haven't won in 50 years?
01:50Let me ask you a question. How many Emmys do you have?
01:52Oh, Emmys.
01:54How many Emmys do you have?
01:55Well, I have an Ace Award, maybe a lot of nominators.
02:03Kenny wasn't like the other kids.
02:07TV mattered, nothing else did.
02:11The girl said yes, but he said no.
02:16Now he's got his own game show.
02:21And now it's his basement, his rules.
02:25You know the opening, the rape shot, the quick pass, the address, the zip code.
02:31Here he is, Ken Olber.
02:43Vertebrae, Pumer.
02:44What's the vertebrae?
02:47Vertebrae, Pumer.
02:49What's the vertebrae?
02:50Hey, how you doing, Carl and Alicia?
02:51Hi, how are you, Ken?
02:52Good, good.
02:53Carl, you were an athlete when you were in what?
02:55I'm still an athlete.
02:56Excuse me, that's what I meant, you're still an athlete.
02:58These guys don't look that tough, Ken, do they?
03:00Well, let me tell you, I have no feeling from my waist down, I'll just tell you that much.
03:04Yes, today's a very special day. It's a world-class athlete day, as if you don't already know.
03:08And let's meet these guys one more time.
03:10First of all, Ron Greshner, right over here.
03:13Today, Ron will be playing for the Exchange Club Child Abuse Prevention Center.
03:17Everyone's got to play for charity, which is a great deal.
03:19And in the middle, say hello to Boomer Esaias.
03:21And again, hey, Boomer.
03:22Boomer will be playing for the Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless.
03:26And on the end, from New York Mets, Dave Cohen.
03:29David Cohen.
03:30David will be playing for the Arthritis Foundation.
03:34You guys ready, huh?
03:35I've never heard of a Cohen.
03:36Yeah, Cohen, Cohen, Cohen.
03:38Did I say Cohen?
03:40Did I say Cohen?
03:41It's my upbringing.
03:42All right, here we go.
03:44Ron, Boomer, David, here we go.
03:47This is the side control of the game, and for five points to start off.
03:51Listen very carefully.
03:52On The Incredible Hulk, mega-talent Bill Bixby played a scientist.
03:55On The Courtship of Eddie's Father, he was a magazine editor.
03:58What did he play on The Magician?
04:01That's Boomer.
04:02The Magician.
04:07Whoa, man.
04:08If that is any indication...
04:13Wait, gentlemen, please.
04:14Gentlemen, gentlemen.
04:15We've got a long...
04:19Well, if that's any indication of how this day is going to go,
04:22don't go anywhere, all right?
04:24I was trying to help.
04:27Is yours really broken?
04:35When it's late and your productivity is falling off,
04:38you can splash a little water on your face,
04:41or better yet, revive with Viburin.
04:43Government-appointed experts say it works.
04:45And all you need is one glass of water.
04:48So revive with Viburin.
04:52Which face pad has stronger medicine than Oxypads?
04:59Nobody has stronger medicine than Oxypads.
05:02Nobody has stronger medicine than Oxypads.
05:05There goes our ride home.
05:08Sun-ripened raisins.
05:10Nestle milk chocolate.
05:12Mmm, that's as good as it gets.
05:15Good and wholesome and more.
05:16She's always ready to pour.
05:18I'm always ready to catch some raising.
05:21I wanna catch some raising.
05:24Ooh, they're all mine.
05:25Catch some...
05:27Chocolate-covered sunshine.
05:29Catch some raising.
05:31Catch some raising.
05:33Catch some raising.
05:34Catch some raising.
05:35I can't move.
05:36Catch some raising.
05:37Catch some raising.
05:39My husband and I love coming to Long John Silver's.
05:42Tiny Buckeye.
05:44Sometimes he calls me that.
05:45I do, I do.
05:46Because at Long John Silver's you can always get a great deal.
05:49A treasure of a deal.
05:50Like this fish and chicken combo.
05:52A crunchy fish fillet.
05:54And two chicken planks.
05:55Plus all the fixings for just $2.99.
05:58Shiver me timbers.
05:59I love it when he talks that way.
06:01She does, she does.
06:02The fish and chicken combo at Long John Silver's.
06:05Ahoy, Mickey!
06:07Did you order salad?
06:10Hey Mike, what's next?
06:11Gotta make this show, guys.
06:13It's not always easy getting there first.
06:16He's not gonna make it.
06:18Yet every Sunday, Mike Tomczak's on first with all the weekend scores and highlights.
06:24He's not gonna make it!
06:27For the sports news first.
06:29Next door, Mike!
06:30Catch Dan Rose.
06:33Mike Tomczak.
06:34With Instant Replay.
06:369.40 Sunday on Channel 9.
06:43This is how we play the game, guys.
06:46Big Zenith has nine channels.
06:48They coincide with a whole bunch of questions about a variety of subject matter.
06:52Hopefully you guys have some answers.
06:53I trust that you do.
06:55You guys are world champs.
06:57All right?
06:58Boomer, you have the lead and you're in control.
07:00Pick a channel.
07:01All right, Ken.
07:05Ron wants me to take eight.
07:07Dave wants me to take four.
07:08So I'm gonna take number seven.
07:09All right, number seven.
07:11A familiar number.
07:15Flintstones, five points.
07:18What sport did Flabby Fred play for Princeton University?
07:22He played a sport.
07:24Five points.
07:29You see, you gotta...
07:30These guys have a lot of time on the road to just sit and watch TV.
07:33I just want to know if Ron's fingers are working over here.
07:38We'll get the trainer out to spray some ethyl chloride on them.
07:41David, go ahead.
07:42I love the Flintstones, but I'm gonna switch over to number nine.
07:45Channel nine.
07:48Political pinheads.
07:51Political pinheads.
07:52Here we go, five points.
07:53Who did Patti Davis, Nancy Reagan's daughter, vote for in 1984 election?
07:57Was it Ronald Reagan, Walter Mondale, or Pee Wee Herman?
08:02Pee Wee Herman.
08:03Yes, five points.
08:09That was my University of Maryland bringing up, you know.
08:12There we go.
08:13Magna Cum.
08:14Go ahead.
08:15Oh, well, let me see.
08:16Let's go to number one.
08:17Channel one.
08:18After these messages, these are questions all about commercials.
08:24Just commercials.
08:25Five points.
08:26After winning the Super Bowl, or the World Series, or the Stanley Cup, etc., etc.,
08:30athletes always swear they're heading straight for...
08:33Disney World.
08:34Disney World, right.
08:35Five points.
08:39Now, is it true that they tape a segment with both the winning and the other?
08:44No, actually what they do, they come to you like two days before the Super Bowl.
08:47They tell you what they want you to say as you're running off the field,
08:50and it's actually done.
08:52Actually, this year, they were next to me as we were ahead with 34 seconds a go,
08:57and Joe Montana threw the winning touchdown pass,
09:00and I saw that whole crew go scurrying across the field.
09:03As soon as the mouse packs his bags, you know it's all over.
09:06All right, Boomer, you're in the lead, and you have control.
09:08Oh, I'm sorry.
09:09Let's try number three.
09:11It's kind of like hanging around the living room there.
09:14Dead Alive or Indian Food?
09:17Ron, Boomer, David, simply put,
09:19I will name something.
09:20You tell me if it's Dead Alive or Indian Food.
09:23Okay, five points.
09:24New Faola.
09:27Did I pronounce that right?
09:34Yes, Alive.
09:35He plays for the New York Jets.
09:37All right.
09:38Ron's on the board.
09:39Five points.
09:41Number eight.
09:42Channel eight.
09:43Quinn's Honeymooners.
09:45Time to take a walk down Chauncey Street
09:47with your pal Colin Quinn.
09:49And all you guys got to do is guess who he's talking about.
09:52All right.
09:53Ralph gets on the $99,000 answer,
09:55but is Alice any help?
09:59She wants him to settle for peanuts.
10:04Milk it.
10:06Ralph gets on the first question,
10:08but the answer, who's the composer of Swami River, Stumpsum?
10:11Who does he say wrote the song,
10:13Swami River.
10:15Swami River.
10:17Ed Norton.
10:19Ten points.
10:21Actually, it's Stephen Foster.
10:22But right.
10:23Very good, Ron.
10:24Tied you for the lead with Boomer Esiason.
10:25Go ahead, Ron.
10:26We'll try number eight.
10:28Staying with number eight.
10:29This is for 15 points.
10:30All right.
10:31Ralph turns over a new leaf.
10:32He's not going to get aggravated anymore.
10:34Anytime he gets mad, he's just going to say,
10:35pins and needles, needles and pins.
10:37A happy man is a man that grins.
10:39But landlord Johnson raises the rent five bucks a month.
10:42Ralph blows his top.
10:43He ain't going to pay.
10:44Where do the Cramdoms and their furniture end up?
10:46Tell me now.
10:48On the street.
10:49On the street.
10:5015 points.
10:51Ron Gretzner in the lead with 30.
10:53Boomer has 15.
10:54David Cohn, five.
10:55Go ahead, Ron.
10:56My favorite show.
10:58We'll try number two this time.
10:59Channel two.
11:00Poor sports.
11:02It's not whether you win or lose,
11:03it's who you step on to get where you are today.
11:06Here we go.
11:07Five points.
11:08Ring in and make your hair look like
11:09boxing promoter Don King for five points.
11:12Say again?
11:13Just buzz in.
11:14Be the first one to buzz in
11:15and make your hair look like Don King.
11:16You can do it.
11:18No way.
11:20Forget about it.
11:21We ain't doing that.
11:31Well, I guess the fact that you're 6'5 and way too 80,
11:35I guess you guys don't have to do that.
11:37You'll face me.
11:38I know, but call it.
11:39Yeah, but these guys...
11:40Do we have to do that?
11:41No, no, that was just a suggestion.
11:43I thought maybe it would be fun,
11:45but apparently I was wrong.
11:47Hey, what do you guys want to get a bite or something?
11:49Order a couple pies?
11:50Ron, why don't you pick another channel?
11:53Yes, Mom?
11:54It's halftime.
11:55Can you send those boys up and we'll hit the shower?
11:58Oh, yeah, I'm sure they wouldn't mind that at all, Ma.
12:01Well, folks, that means it is halftime.
12:03It's time for a snack break.
12:05And while these guys are taking a little snack break,
12:08Yes, it's a perennial favorite.
12:12Hot dogs.
12:14Hot dogs and buns.
12:16Let's check the scoring.
12:19Let's check the scoring here.
12:2130, 15, and 5 respectively.
12:25And when we come back,
12:26the person left standing
12:29will have a shot to do this to their charity.
12:32They're not going to take anything,
12:34but we're going to donate 5,000 Slammy Jammies
12:37to charity in the name of today's big winner
12:39if they answer all 10 questions correctly.
12:42While remote control continues.
12:56No little cinnamon gum freshens breath longer than Big Red.
12:59So kiss a little longer
13:01Stay close a little longer
13:03Hold time a little longer
13:06Longer with Big Red
13:08That Big Red freshness lasts right through it
13:11Your fresh breath goes on and on
13:14Why don't you chew it, say goodbye a little longer
13:17Make it last a little longer
13:20Give your breath long-lasting freshness
13:23With Big Red
13:34All the friends you have are really good friends.
13:37It's Saturday night!
13:41Dubuque is a car thing, you know.
13:43Everybody does a car.
13:49You know you can trust your friends.
13:51Good night, 501s with MT5.
13:57After this pitch, we'll be back with more remote control.
14:04Don't rain, but it pours.
14:08Surprised myself this morning with an infection.
14:10How'd you do it?
14:13What knocks me out is she's got the stones to invite me to the ceremony.
14:18Hill Street Blues, weeknights at 10.30 on Channel 9.
14:24You know, hardly any of this stuff can really help me with my schoolwork.
14:27There is something you could have which would help you a lot.
14:30Do you know what that is?
14:31No, but I'm afraid you're gonna tell me.
14:32Uh, yes. It's the new Encyclopedia Britannica.
14:35Encyclopedia Britannica. Now you tell me.
14:38I've got a report due tomorrow.
14:39On what?
14:40On the exploration of space.
14:42Take a look at this.
14:43From the first beeps of Sputnik to the triumph of the Apollo moon landing.
14:46All right.
14:48Well, since this has turned out to be a Britannica commercial,
14:50I guess you're gonna tell me how somebody could get a set.
14:52Actually, I thought I might, yeah.
14:54And I suppose you're gonna throw one of those 800 numbers up on the screen.
14:57Am I right?
14:58Might as well.
14:59And there it is.
15:00To find out how you can own the Encyclopedia Britannica,
15:02just call this toll-free number and we'll send you this free booklet
15:05telling you everything you need to know about your key to the information age.
15:09And just for previewing Britannica in your home,
15:11your family will receive this three-volume desk reference set.
15:14So if you wouldn't be interested in owning the new Britannica...
15:17I'm thinking it over.
15:18Just call this number now.
15:20Encyclopedia Britannica.
15:24Have you ever wondered what 10,000 videos do when no one's watching?
15:27Wow! What a difference!
15:29Hey, Vinnie. Long time.
15:31Yeah. Been on a three-evening rental.
15:35Oh, you look like a new release.
15:37Yes, ma'am. And I've never seen so many great videos.
15:40More and more kids' videos.
15:43Blockbuster video.
15:44More movies.
15:45More nights.
15:47More fun.
15:48Blockbuster video.
15:50Wow! What a difference!
15:53Tsk, tsk, tsk.
15:56Hershey introduces Symphony.
15:58A new masterpiece of chocolate made with more milk than any leading bar.
16:04It's smooth, creamy with a whole different taste.
16:09Destined to be a classic in chocolate.
16:17New Symphony from Hershey.
16:20Also available with almonds and toffee chips.
16:25Welcome back to The Only Game Show.
16:27It's online in Vegas. Remote control.
16:30I'm telling you, man, he was throwing at me.
16:32He was throwing right at my head.
16:34I saw the look in his eyes.
16:35Remind me of Juan Marichal and Johnny Roseborough.
16:38Remember that?
16:39All right, we're back to play round two.
16:41Same deal as in round one.
16:42Points are double.
16:43Watch out for off the air,
16:44because when the person whose point total dips real low...
16:49All right, Ron's got 30.
16:51Boomer, 15.
16:52David, 5.
16:53Ron, you're in control.
16:54Pick a number.
16:55I will try number...
16:58Channel 5.
16:59Just Say No.
17:01A channel full of stars who said yes
17:03when they should have just said no.
17:05Say again?
17:06Should have just said no.
17:07It's about, you know, bad stuff.
17:10Remember the Reagan program of just saying no?
17:14That doesn't sound too convincing, Boomer.
17:15Here we go, 10 points.
17:16His sister Jane got rich on exercise videos
17:19while he got fired up on acid.
17:21Name the burnt-out, washed-up star of Easy Rider.
17:26Peter Fonda.
17:27Yes, 10 points.
17:33Boomer, Dave, this guy's not even from our country, okay?
17:36Go ahead, Ron.
17:37Neither are you.
17:38You're not from this planet.
17:46You know, one of our PAs is from Syracuse.
17:48A lineman, Boomer.
17:49Don't want me to scare you.
17:51Klaus, come on.
17:52You're not going to help me?
17:54All right.
17:57You're helping me film a conkeepers here.
17:58Anyway, go ahead, Ron.
17:59I will try number 9 this time.
18:01Okay, channel 9.
18:02Star Trek.
18:0510 points.
18:08For 10 points, perform the Vulcan mind meld on yourself
18:11and tell me what you're thinking about.
18:16I guess you guys aren't going to do this one either, huh?
18:19Am I right?
18:20Vulcan mind... What?
18:21All right, I...
18:22I know he goes like this, you know, and like this, you know.
18:25Well, you know what?
18:26Let me ask you another question.
18:27No, I'll tell you what.
18:28I'll answer that.
18:29All right.
18:30I'm thinking about Alyssa.
18:34There you go, 10 points.
18:36That's all he wanted you to do.
18:39I said Alic...
18:40Well, you called him Cohen.
18:41I know.
18:44Okay, thank you.
18:45I'm thinking about you, too.
18:46Oh, thanks.
18:47Hey, hey, hey.
18:48Hey, get a locker room, you two, huh?
18:51Okay, Boomer, you're in second place.
18:53You get 25.
18:54What do you want to do?
18:55I really want to get the hell out of here.
18:59Let's go on.
19:00Channel 1.
19:01Tone Deaf.
19:04Sign a visit with the deafest, fliest homie in the house,
19:07Tone Deaf.
19:09Just listen up and listen to the clues if you can
19:12and find out what he's talking about.
19:14Oh, thanks.
19:15Go cool it in a boar, lean it back against a wall.
19:19In walks this real fly Amazon and she must be six feet tall.
19:23She's got white hair and eyes of blue and a big moronic bow.
19:27His name is tattooed on her butt.
19:29Who dates Mark Gasson now?
19:31What's her name?
19:35Yes, 20 points.
19:37Look at this.
19:38I'm on the board.
19:39I'm on the board.
19:40Here we go.
19:42David is tied with Boomer for second place with 25.
19:44Ron's still comfortably in the lead with 40.
19:46Sitting back.
19:47Go ahead, David.
19:48Probably thinking about his investments.
19:49Go ahead, David.
19:50I'm going to go back to the Flintstones.
19:51Are they still there?
19:54That's the only thing I know.
19:55Sorry, David.
19:56No more Fred.
19:57No, sorry.
19:58Let's try number 2.
19:59Channel 2.
20:00Saturday Night Live.
20:03For 10 points, tell me what sport has been very, very good to Chico Escuela?
20:1210 points.
20:13Chico, of course, played by Britton Garrett-Morse.
20:14Moves you up very close to the lead.
20:16Boomer, go ahead.
20:17Number 7.
20:19Channel 7.
20:2310 points.
20:24Which character from Mork and Mindy got a job as a cheerleader for the Denver Broncos?
20:28Which character from Mork and Mindy worked as a cheerleader on an episode for the Denver Broncos?
20:3710 points.
20:38Boomer has taken the lead.
20:39Well, it's so easy.
20:40Why didn't you answer it?
20:41Go ahead, Boomer.
20:46David, this is going to severely affect your ERA, my friend.
20:55Hold on.
20:56That's going to put you...
21:02Look at this game.
21:03Boomer has 45.
21:04Ron Gretzner, 40.
21:07And I...
21:08I hope David's all right.
21:10That's all we need is a bill from the Mets.
21:13Time to play Think Real Fast.
21:14And that would be a big bill.
21:15I know.
21:16Tell me about it.
21:17I doubt we can handle it.
21:18Well, with my salary.
21:19Here we go.
21:2030 seconds.
21:2110 points each.
21:22This will decide the game.
21:23Since NBA action is fantastic, I took some popular TV shows and slipped in some basketball lingo.
21:28All you have to do is give me the word that I've replaced.
21:30For example, if I said illegal zone, you would say twilight zone.
21:35Just be sure to push your buzzer and let me call on you before you answer.
21:39All right.
21:40Here we go.
21:41Let's have a clock.
21:42Samford and Magic Johnson.
21:44Samford and Son.
21:46Akeem of Jeannie.
21:48I Dream of Jeannie.
21:50Dilligan Skyhook.
21:52Dilligan's Island.
21:54Kevin McHale's Navy.
21:56McHale's Navy.
21:58Jump Ball in the Family.
22:00All in the Family.
22:02Charles Barkley in charge.
22:04Charles in charge.
22:06Laverne and Spud Webb.
22:08Laverne and Shirley.
22:10My Sister Slam.
22:12My Sister Sam.
22:15Boomer Esiason.
22:17You did it.
22:19Ron, great game, buddy.
22:20But you're gone.
22:21Boomer, you have earned the right to lie in the Wheel of Jeopardy.
22:22And if you do it, do it.
22:23And if you do it, do it.
22:24And if you do it, do it.
22:25And if you do it, do it.
22:26And if you do it, do it.
22:27And if you do it, do it.
22:28And if you do it, do it.
22:29And if you do it, do it.
22:30And if you do it, do it.
22:32And if you do it, do it.
22:33And if you do it, do it.
22:34And if you do it, do it.
22:35And if you do it, do it.
22:36And if you do it, do it.
22:37And if you do it, do it.
22:38And if you do it, do it.
22:39And if you do it, do it.
22:40And if you do it, do it.
22:41And if you do it, do it.
22:42And if you do it, do it.
22:43And if you do it, do it.
22:44And if you do it, do it.
22:45And if you do it, do it.
22:46And if you do it, do it.
22:47And if you do it, do it.
22:48And if you do it, do it.
22:49And if you do it, do it.
22:50And if you do it, do it.
22:51And if you do it, do it.
22:52And if you do it, do it.
22:53And if you do it, do it.
22:54And if you do it, do it.
22:55And if you do it, do it.
22:56And if you do it, do it.
22:57And if you do it, do it.
22:58And if you do it, do it.
22:59And if you do it, do it.
23:00And if you do it, do it.
23:01And if you do it, do it.
23:02And if you do it, do it.
23:03And if you do it, do it.
23:04And if you do it, do it.
23:05And if you do it, do it.
23:06And if you do it, do it.
23:07And if you do it, do it.
23:08And if you do it, do it.
23:09And if you do it, do it.
23:10And if you do it, do it.
23:11And if you do it, do it.
23:16Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick, Rick.
23:19Rickie, do it, Rickie.
23:24Now you know why rainbows aren't just for Dorothy and Toto.
23:31Help me, help me, no.
23:33We both know he's alive.
23:35But you know where he is.
23:40Halloween 5.
23:42This time, they're ready.
23:45This time, he's unmasked.
23:48And this time, he's back with a vengeance.
23:53Halloween 5, The Revenge of Michael Myers.
23:56Rated R.
23:57Starts Friday at theaters everywhere.
24:03Lay's Crunch Tater's mighty mesquite barbecue.
24:08Tastes that wild western flavor that, ooh, comes bustin' through.
24:13Partner heed my warning about that crunch.
24:16There's a real taste explosion between the flavor and the crunch.
24:21Lay's Crunch Tater's extra crunchy potato chips.
24:26Got a real taste explosion between the flavor and the crunch.
24:32Sparkle Glass Cleaner.
24:36The aristocrat of glass cleaners.
24:39Your windows, mirrors, and glass tops will shine as you've never seen them before.
24:45Bright as diamonds, clear as crystal.
24:48Sparkle Glass Cleaner.
24:50The royal touch.
24:52The aristocrat of glass cleaners.
24:55Your windows, mirrors, and glass tops will shine as you've never seen them before.
25:00Bright as diamonds, clear as crystal.
25:03Sparkle Glass Cleaner.
25:05The royal touch.
25:22The free sun food drinks.
25:36Okay, we want to thank Ryan Gressner and David Cohn, of course.
25:39And here he is, Boomer Esiason.
25:41You've earned the right to lie on the Wheel of Jeopardy.
25:43This is the way we do it here, Boomer.
25:45You've got ten TVs.
25:46I'm going to be asking ten questions.
25:47For each question you answer correctly,
25:50you're going to win hard cash for your charity.
25:52The more you get right, the more money you'll win.
25:55It's amazing, isn't it?
25:56They'll appreciate it.
25:57Trust me, especially when they see the tape.
26:00And when you win, if you win, I'll stop the wheel.
26:03And the amount of TVs that are lit up with the grand prize logo,
26:07if you hit one of them, you automatically win $5,000 for the Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless.
26:12Okay? Good luck.
26:13Let's have a hand for Boomer for even ending up on the darn thing.
26:17Okay, here we go, Boomer.
26:18I've got my hand on the lever today.
26:19This is what we do.
26:21You know, talented actors don't bother to get their training in the theater or acting schools anymore.
26:24In fact, you know, our brightest stars got their training on the athletic field.
26:28So I'm going to name a famous actor, and you tell me what sport they play.
26:31For example, if I said Mary Lou Retton, who now has a wonderful theatrical career,
26:36you would say gymnastics.
26:38Okay? Here we go.
26:40Good luck.
26:41I've got my hand on the lever.
26:42You're going for a little ride.
26:43You're on your back.
26:44I know you're probably unfamiliar with this position.
26:46Number one, Dick Butkus.
26:49Two, Bob Uecker.
26:52Three, Hulk Hogan.
26:55Four, Bruce Jenner.
26:56Track and field.
26:58Five, Alex Karras.
27:01Six, Arnold Palmer.
27:03Seven, O.J. Simpson.
27:06Eight, Greg Louganis.
27:09Nine, Sonia Henney.
27:12Very good.
27:13Number ten, your last one, Bubba Smith.
27:16You did it, Bubba.
27:17All right.
27:18Excellent job.
27:19Congratulations, buddy.
27:20Take that off me.
27:21I would love to take it off you.
27:23Take that one off.
27:24There we go.
27:25Bubba signed us $5,000 for the Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless.
27:26Thank you very much.
27:27Thank you, buddy.
27:29Thank you very much.
27:30Again, we'd like to thank David Cohn.
27:31It's C-O-N-E, right?
27:33That's right.
27:34David Cohn.
27:35And Ron Greshner of the New York Rangers.
27:36David and Ron will both be receiving $1,000 each for their respective awards.
27:43David and Ron will both be receiving $1,000 each for their respective charities as well,
27:44so nobody's a loser.
27:45Thank you, David.
27:46It's been a pleasure.
27:47We really appreciate it.
27:49That's Remote Control for all of us to all of you.
27:50Thanks a lot for watching.
27:52Here we go.
27:53Here we go, baby.
27:54Let's go, man.
27:55Let's go.
27:56All contestants receive British Knights.
27:57This fall, get off on the right foot.
27:58Get off in BKs.
27:59British Knights athletic shoes are on the move.
28:00Wherever you go, whatever you do, British Knights are the right move for you.
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