The Legend of Tarzan S01 Ep31 - Tarzan and the Eagle’s Feather

  • 2 days ago
Basuli must find an eagle's feather before sunset for his wedding to go ahead. That's very difficult, but is someone trying to make it harder still?


00:00Jane, I have a question. What's this word?
00:07This word here. K-I-S-S?
00:10Oh, you should know that one. K-I-S-S is kiss.
00:15And what does that mean again?
00:17Let me see if I can offer a definition. Or better yet, a demonstration.
00:24What's wrong?
00:26We're not alone.
00:58What are you doing here?
00:59You are invited to a wedding.
01:01A wedding?
01:02Basuli is to marry Nao in the Waziri village.
01:05I suppose one can't expect engraved invitations out here.
01:09Good for Basuli.
01:10When is the wedding?
01:12Oh, well, of course we'd be honored to attend. Oh, there's so much to do.
01:18Whatever does one wear to a Waziri wedding?
01:24Oh, what a wonderful opportunity this will be for us to experience more of Waziri culture.
01:29Oh, sure, sure. Assuming we get there instead of becoming some predator's feast.
01:35Save your crying for a ceremony, tough guy.
01:38Oh, I do hope they like our wedding gift.
01:40It's a nice gift. They'll like it.
01:42Yeah, but perhaps it's a bit much. Do you think...
01:44Well, what if it's not enough? Do the Waziri even give wedding presents?
01:48Jane, they'll like it.
01:50But it's not that simple, Tarzan. Every culture has its own customs and traditions.
01:54And if we don't honor Waziri traditions, we risk offending the entire tribe.
01:58We could ruin the wedding.
02:07This is one tradition. I could definitely do without.
02:10Oh, how absolutely lovely.
02:21Halt! This is a Waziri celebration. Outsiders are not welcome. Muviro!
02:27These are my friends. They were invited.
02:34Please excuse Muviro. He's very... cautious.
02:37Congratulations, Vasuli.
02:39It's good to see you.
02:41I hope we're not late.
02:42Late? Oh, no. I can't be late.
02:44You're not late, Vasuli. Just a little nervous.
02:47It's true. I have never felt this way before.
02:51Everyone gets anxious before their wedding. It's perfectly normal.
02:54Yes, yes. Quite right. The day I married Jane's mother, I was a blithering basket case.
03:00Couldn't stop talking. Nervous habit, you know.
03:03Just kept yammering on and on about whatever popped into my noggin.
03:06Uh, daddy?
03:07Scones. All I could think about that day was scones and jam.
03:10Wouldn't mind a spot of some right now, actually. That would be good, wouldn't you?
03:13Anyone for scones?
03:14Being married is nothing to be afraid of.
03:17Being married does not worry me. Getting married is the problem.
03:21Why? What is a Waziri ceremony like?
03:23You will see.
03:31Oh, boy. Here I go.
03:35Hasn't even started.
03:45Look, daddy. She's so beautiful.
03:49Vasuli's a lucky man.
03:57My friends, when they were just babies,
04:00my son Vasuli and Na'o were promised to each other for marriage.
04:05Now the time has come to bind them together.
04:09If, and only if, Vasuli proves that he is man enough to take a wife.
04:15In accordance with Waziri custom, Vasuli must face a challenge.
04:19Oh, my goodness!
04:22Excuse me. Please proceed.
04:26Vasuli, you are not just any young man.
04:29You will one day be chief. You must be challenged accordingly.
04:33Journey to Mount Tumbai.
04:35Take a feather from the eagle that nests there and return to the village before the setting of the sun.
04:41If you fail, it is a sign that you are not worthy to marry Na'o, your betrothed.
04:46You may choose one person to accompany you on your quest.
04:51I choose Tarzan.
04:53It should not be allowed. He is an outsider.
05:00It is acceptable.
05:02Tarzan, will you go?
05:04I will. Please, do not be offended.
05:12Don't worry. I'll be back soon.
05:15I'll worry anyhow. But I'm more concerned about Vasuli and Na'o.
05:19Doesn't this quest seem a bit unfair?
05:21But it's their custom. And didn't you say we must respect it?
05:24I did indeed. Thank you for reminding me. Good luck.
05:28I have every confidence that you will return by sunset with the feather.
05:33I will do my best.
05:58Mount Tumbai
06:00Mount Tumbai
06:26The current is strong.
06:28A place to cross. There!
07:20Watch out!
07:28Watch out!
07:39This tree didn't fall on its own.
08:11I do hope they get back in time.
08:13Yes, of course. It's fascinating custom though, isn't it?
08:17A race against the clock where the stakes couldn't be higher.
08:20You know, I wouldn't do well under that kind of pressure.
08:23No offense, pal, but you don't do well under any kind of pressure.
08:29Excuse me.
08:34Forgive me for intruding, Na'o, but how are you holding up?
08:38I have faith that this will all work out for the best.
08:41Yes, traditions are extremely important, even if they do seem a bit unfair.
08:46Were you and Tarzan promised to one another by your families?
08:50Oh, no, no, that's not our custom.
08:52I was a proper young lady from a good English family
08:55and our custom was for me to marry a proper young English man.
08:59The very idea of Jane Porter socializing with a wild man.
09:07But when I got on the boat to go back to England,
09:09I finally realized what I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Tarzan.
09:15So I jumped back into the ocean and I swam back to him
09:18and I didn't care a whit what anybody said.
09:21So you defied the traditions of your tribe?
09:24Yes, I suppose I did. But Tarzan is worth it.
09:29So is Basuli. Why should I give him up?
09:32Wait! Oh, no sense in running off half-cocked.
09:36Oh, please come back.
09:40This could not be going any worse.
09:42Then it can only get better.
09:45That doesn't sound better.
09:54Not better at all!
10:25As fate would have it, this is not my day.
10:28Maybe it's not up to fate.
10:30I want to see where that stampede began.
10:36Those rhinos were not the only ones on this mountain.
10:39There is no time to consider such riddles.
10:41We must find that eagle.
10:47I am going to tell Kewazi just what is wrong with this tradition.
10:51Kewazi, we need to talk.
10:53Not necessary. You're a busy man. I'm sure it can wait till later.
10:56What is the subject of this talk?
10:58Basuli's quest. I am going to marry Basuli,
11:01whether he returns with an eagle's feather or a badger's tail or nothing at all.
11:05Ooh, a family blowout.
11:07I'm sure it will be a great day.
11:09I'm sure it will be a great day.
11:11I'm sure it will be a great day.
11:13I'm sure it will be a great day.
11:15I'm sure it will be a great day.
11:17I'm sure it will be a great day.
11:19Ooh, a family blowout.
11:21You reject the traditions of our tribe?
11:25If the traditions keep me from the man I want to spend my life with, yes.
11:29I'm sure she means that in only the most respectful way.
11:32I cannot stake my future upon some silly feather. Jane taught me that.
11:37Oh dear. This just keeps getting better.
11:41If you will not adhere to a Siri tradition, then there will be no marriage at all.
11:47You can't do that.
11:49I think there's been a slight misunderstanding.
11:52I actually do have the utmost respect for the Waziri traditions, as does Nao, right?
11:58Now, Kivasi, you're both upset. Understandably so.
12:02You know, at times like this, I like to stop and count to a hundred.
12:05Here we go. One, two.
12:09Take down these decorations. There will be no wedding.
12:27What is this place?
12:28I'm not sure.
12:38An elephant's graveyard.
12:39Oh no! Entering an elephant's graveyard brings the worst luck!
12:43Then we'll make our own luck.
12:44You may not share the beliefs of my people, but I do.
12:46I'm sorry. I meant no offense.
12:57The eagle!
12:58You speak to animals. Ask it to come down here.
13:01My eagle is a bit rusty. We'll have to go after it.
13:04There must be a way around this place.
13:06We never get back by sunset.
13:11I do not have a good feeling about this.
13:17Let's go.
13:26I knew this was bad luck!
14:02Stay still.
14:04I don't think it's broken.
14:05It may as well be.
14:06See if you can stand.
14:07Why bother? It is obvious my marriage is doomed.
14:14Wait here.
14:26Stop! You'll kill Vasuli!
15:00Tarzan, wait!
15:04Explain yourself.
15:05For my whole life, I have lived in your shadow.
15:09You trained to become chief.
15:11You were betrothed to the most beautiful girl.
15:13But that stops now!
15:15When you fail to get the feather, I will claim your place.
15:18You started the rock slide.
15:20And chopped down that tree.
15:21And started the rhino stampede.
15:24How could you?
15:25I could and I did!
15:26Now your challenge is to get past me.
15:37Stop it! He's hurt!
15:39I must face him alone.
15:41Whatever the outcome, that is the Waziri way.
15:58Please, Kawasi.
15:59Sir, I want to apologize.
16:01You see, I'm afraid that I did encourage Nato,
16:04unintentionally, mind you, to defy your customs.
16:06All a silly mix-up, really.
16:11But the fault is mine and mine entirely.
16:13I offer you my most sincere, heartfelt and humble apologies.
16:18That is no apology.
16:20But I really mean it.
16:22Is there by chance a traditional Waziri manner in which to make a formal apology?
16:36You must not help!
16:44Give up, Asumi!
16:46I will bow to no man!
17:13It wasn't wrong to save him, was it?
17:15No. Even Muviro does not deserve to die that way.
17:18But what you have done is unforgivable!
17:20You are hereby banished from the tribe.
17:31It's almost sunset.
17:32Then we must hurry!
18:11Maybe you're right, Basilio.
18:13Maybe fate is against us.
18:22Oh, thank goodness you're back safely!
18:24Where's Jane?
18:25I believe she's still apologizing.
18:30How is that? You all right?
18:35Apology accepted.
18:46Oh, I was so worried!
18:48Did you really think I would be late for our wedding?
18:50Oh, it does not matter.
18:52Your father has canceled it.
18:54I told him that I want to marry you whether or not you got the feather in time.
18:58We all got a bit excited.
19:00I am willing to allow the wedding to proceed.
19:04If you have the feather.
19:06Nao is right. Marriage is not about feathers.
19:09It is about the commitment between two people.
19:12I will marry Nao.
19:13And no feather, no father, nothing can stop me.
19:16So, you didn't get it?
19:24I just wanted to make a point.
19:32You are now husband and wife.
19:42Isn't love wonderful?
19:46Get a grip.
19:47You're embarrassing me.
19:57For the happy couple.
20:03It's a waffle iron.
20:04Of course. Thank you.
20:06Oh, yes, Jim. Thank you very much.
20:10What's a waffle?
20:12No idea. Must be a part of their tradition.
