McFarlane Toys Movie Maniacs Rocky IV Ivan Drago

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McFarlane Toys Movie Maniacs Rocky IV Ivan Drago


00:00Well, I hope he really doesn't want to break my figure. Here's your look at the McFarlane
00:03Toys Movie Maniacs, Rocky IV's Ivan Drago.
00:21Rocky Balboa holds the World Heavyweight Championship, but a new challenger has stepped forward, Drago.
00:27A 6-foot-4, 260-pound fighter who has the backing of the Soviet Union, this time Rocky's
00:32training regimen takes him to Siberia, where he prepares for the globally televised match
00:37in the heart of Moscow. But nothing can truly prepare him for what he's about to face, a
00:41fight to the finish in which he must defend not only himself, but also the honor of his
00:46I sure hope a movie training montage will be enough to get Rocky prepared for his big
00:49bout against Ivan Drago.
00:51Just before, of course, we get a closer look at the new Movie Maniacs, Rocky IV, Ivan Drago,
00:55I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarlane Toys that were kind enough to provide this
00:58sample. Drago is limited to release at a 6,750 piece quantity worldwide. The figure, though,
01:04is going to stand at about six and a half inches in height, or the big bad guy from
01:09Rocky IV is going to be 16 centimeters tall. At the time of this video, I don't have yet
01:13the Rocky IV Rocky, so we're going to bring in the original. You can have them displayed
01:17like this, or obviously the way that they're posed, you can also have them displayed like
01:23If you prefer, though, to have his opponent being Apollo Creed for what little there's
01:26left of him after his bouts, then if you can also do this, you can swap him out for the
01:31Apollo Creed that we've gotten before as well. You can go with the cleaner looking Apollo
01:35Creed, or obviously if he's going to be trading blows with Ivan Drago, the bruised and battered
01:39one would be a little bit more fitting. The only thing that's really missing here is James
01:42Brown playing in the background.
01:44You will lose very little in the way of accessories. In fact, even inside the box is technically
01:50an accessory, because like with the other Rockies we've already had a look at, there
01:52is a cardboard back displayer card that you can actually put Ivan Drago in front of it.
01:58Now, the way they've designed this is the same way they've also designed the other movie
02:01maniacs Rocky figures, that if you happen then to get Rocky IV's Rocky, the two rings
02:05will then connect, and it's not going to look as incomplete as it does right now. I think
02:10that's just a nice little touch. You don't have to necessarily use it, but if you have
02:12the space on your shelf, hey, why not?
02:15Let's just move this out of the way. The figure, as you've probably already noticed as well,
02:19does come included with a little foil bag. Now, we have gotten instances of this in the
02:22past. I'm just going to reach off to the side and grab the little stickers. This is where
02:25we've come from. This is what we have had so far. We've got a couple of little stickers.
02:30There's Mickey, a couple of those. We've got a couple of inspirational poster stickers.
02:35You can put those up also as well, and I also got this one. Actually, of the stickers we've
02:39gotten, this might be one of my favorites, just because it kind of looks like just an
02:42advertisement poster for when Rocky is going to be coming to town. It's nice little stickers.
02:47Let's see what's going to be added to that. There is a perforation here on the side. I'm
02:50just going to pull this across. You don't have to necessarily make the noise while you're
02:54doing that. Let's see what stickers come along with Drago.
02:59Fitful stickers, I feel. You obviously got yourself a versus poster. Drago would be on
03:03one side. If you had a sticker that would be similar to this, you'd have probably Rocky
03:07on the other side. Then we also got this one here, Ivan Drago. I really like that sticker
03:12quite a lot.
03:13This sticker is okay. I mean, it's interesting enough. It has Ivan Drago's name, so you know
03:17who it belongs to right away. I think that one, that's the money right there. I would
03:21love it even just if that was a larger poster I could put on my wall. I'm going to add those
03:25to the rest of my stickers. The other thing that also comes in clue with Drago is he gets
03:28himself a trading card. Rocky, and Apollo for that matter, also came in clue with trading
03:32cards. This is Rocky, obviously. This is Ivan Drago. There's nothing really listed on the
03:36back, so if you want to know a little bit more about the characters, you're going to
03:38have to read it up online yourself. What you get instead is Certificate of Authenticity.
03:43Both of them do show, in this case, it's P1 for Rocky. There's P15 for Apollo. Ivan Drago
03:49should be over here. P1 for Ivan Drago. P15 for Rocky Balboa. Both of these can be displayed
03:56along with the characters. Luckily, though, is that they include these versus stands.
03:59A little slot on the top. You're going to take yourself your card, and the card fits
04:04inside the groove like that, so you've got yourself a standee. If you don't have it quite
04:08leveled, sometimes the card kind of wobbles back and forth. I've got a nice little way
04:12of displaying this. Oh, I actually ended up taking Rocky's. Let's make sure we're not
04:15stealing anything from Rocky. There we go. Put it down right there. The last thing that
04:19comes in clue with Ivan Drago is, in fact, an alternate head portrait. Rocky came with
04:24this. Apollo Kree did also come in clue with that as well. Well, I guess not necessarily
04:29because like the Platinum editions and regular editions, two different versions of him, but
04:32yeah, they did have mix-and-match heads. Drago, though, I mean, it's really hard to see a
04:36character like this bruised like this because half the time he's just pummeling on his opponents.
04:41You can see he's got some swollen eyes, some blood trickling down the sides. I like that
04:45they at least include these extra heads, although for me, at least, Drago I consider to be an
04:50unstoppable beast. This monster, this machine, I don't think I'm ever going to really have
04:54displayed with the battered-looking face, but if you wanted to, it's just a case of
04:58popping the head off the peg and then just take it. It's kind of just weird to see it
05:03like this because it looks like it's the lower half of his chin, but that just plugs
05:06in place. When you basically want to put it in, don't... like I did that earlier. I kind
05:10of pulled it up. Really, though, you want to kind of pull it forward, and when you're
05:14putting the head back in place where it belongs, you want to make sure it's also going in this
05:17way, not down. If you're putting it down, it's never going to get on there. You want
05:20to put it in from the front and sort of guide its way to the back, and that's what it looks
05:25like. Love the head sculpt, although again, like looking at the two, I would have really
05:30preferred just to have the figure displayed with this, but you know what? There's a nudge
05:33in the direction that I need to probably get more than one of these so I can have Drago
05:37with his two different distinct looks, and it's not even either case, too, where they
05:40just added blood to the existing head. Obviously, he's got the crew top there at the top, and
05:46this one does have his hair a little bit more wet, and that's kind of combed forward. Go
05:51ahead and remove the head right now. I see I did it again. Taking the head and wiggling
05:54it forward. Let's go ahead and put the head back in place. There we go. Let's also just
06:01move the card out of the way, because I feel like it's drawing attention from the camera.
06:05As for the rest of the figure's face, I mean, we've kind of already looked at it a little
06:07bit, but I feel like that's a good likeness to Dolph Lundgren. Obviously, Lundgren would
06:13then go on to do Mass Universe. He's done Punisher. He's done a lot of movies as well,
06:17like the Evenly Expendables, which happen to bring, of course, back, uniting them again,
06:22Apparently, Sylvester Stallone and Ivan Drago sort of, well, Dolph Lundgren had a bit of
06:26a conflict behind the scenes. I think they've settled it since, but for a while, I think
06:31they weren't even talking to one another. The sculpting of the face is really quite
06:34good. The paint is good around the areas of the eyes, obviously. That would be a small
06:39thing to do with a paintbrush, and yet no real issues with the paint at all. I like
06:43the way they've sculpted and painted the eyebrows. He's got a little bit of teeth showing there
06:47in his mouth. Of course, as we move down, there's a lot of massive muscle here going
06:51on for Drago. I don't know if I would say I really like the pose that they've given
06:55him, because the way they sculpted it, it looks like he's kind of just leaning forward
06:58a little bit. I mean, I can kind of know where the pose is supposed to be going. It looks
07:02like he's swinging back for a punch, but the way that they've posed it, it sort of
07:07almost looks like even the statue is a little bit leaning off the display stand. Speaking
07:12of stands, by the way, it happens to be still using the same display stand as the Rocky
07:16and the Apollo Creed. The only thing that's different, though, is that you can see, like,
07:20I wouldn't even say really for Rocky. Rocky's placement of his feet are in exactly the same
07:24spots. Now, maybe, for example, when we get Clubber laying, maybe Lane's going to be making
07:29use of these little square peg places. These are covering over what I would imagine to
07:33be holes, and that's probably going to be where a future figure is going to be standing.
07:37Probably right here and right here, or they're probably going to be putting the foot back
07:39here and maybe one of the feet here instead. So they're going to be using the most out
07:43of this mold, and that's not a bad thing at all. You've got Ivan Drago still printed
07:46on the front. I would say maybe, like, maybe bring Ivan Drago a little bit more so it's
07:50in the center, because it does seem like it's a little bit moving off to the top of it.
07:54Other than that, though, it's nicely painted. You've got the gold there on the front. Of
07:56course, you've got the alternating colors of the blue, the white, and the red. Very
08:00nice look display stand. I don't mind at all that they're using them again. Now, being
08:03that these are the new movie maniacs, they're not going to have any really opposability
08:07at all. Nothing really in the head. Obviously, nothing at all in the arms. Where they maybe
08:12give up a little bit, surrender, if you will, the idea of having any bit of opposability,
08:16I think where they more than make up for it is the sculpting and the way they've painted
08:19them. From a likeness standpoint, I feel, again, it looks a lot like Lundgren. I think
08:24all of, really, the Rocky figures, for that matter, have been quite good. The coloring
08:27of his trunks, very nicely painted and clean. Even, again, like you've got the hammer
08:32in the sickle, that's nicely done here in yellow, and some yellow stripes on the side.
08:36The only other thing I would say is, like, the yellow stripes don't quite seem as bright
08:39as the stripe that he has in the band of his trunks. Other than that, though, like,
08:42the red looks good. You've got the little markings there on the sides of his glove,
08:45as well, and some really bright boots there, too, with a little striping of the yellow
08:49there, as well. Like, it's a well-painted figure, even though some would maybe argue
08:52the point that it's not really necessarily a figure. It's more of a statue. Of course,
08:57bringing back in the other Rocky figures, still got to get my hands on that Rocky from
09:00Rocky 4, because it just seems a little out of place to be bringing in, like, a Rocky
09:03from the original movie. And, of course, Apollo Creed. Apollo Creed might be, just right now,
09:07the stand-in opponent until I eventually get my hands on Rocky 4. So, maybe, right
09:11now, Rocky might be leaving the scene in favor of, maybe, Apollo Creed being displayed along
09:16with Ivan Drago. Well, we all sort of know, maybe, this is the better one. Is this the
09:20better one? We'll put in that one, because, again, like, his face is a little bit more
09:23banged up. For right now, that's going to be the way I'm going to display these guys
09:26on the shelf until, eventually, I get my hands on Rocky 4. Then, he'll be the stand-in, obviously,
09:31once the towel's been thrown in. Oh, I guess the towel isn't thrown in, and that sort of
09:35then leaves Apollo Creed a little bit buried, literally, in the ring, and figuratively.
09:39Easily, for me, Rocky 4 is my favorite of the film franchise. So, to now, finally, have
09:44the final boss from that film is a perfect addition to the existing Rocky figures we've
09:47gotten so far from the Movie Maniac line. Now, I know some have said that the problems
09:52with the Movie Maniacs now is that the fact that they don't have any posability. I think,
09:56by now, I've kind of convinced myself that they're not necessarily replicating what they
10:00were doing in the past with Movie Maniacs, where you had limited levels of articulation,
10:04but the articulation was still there. Movie Maniacs now moved into the foray of being
10:09statues, and I think where they lack a bit in posability, they more than make up for
10:12it in the sculpting and the paint. From a likeness standpoint, as mentioned, I think
10:17it looks a lot like Lungren. Now, the way they've posed it, though, I feel it works
10:22better if you have it angled sideways, as if he's trying to trade blows, then, with
10:26an opponent. If you're looking at it straightforward, one thing I feel that the pose kind of lets
10:31down a bit is it makes the statue look like it's leaning to the side. Again, if you have
10:36it displayed from the side, with either Rocky or Apollo on the opposite, then I think it
10:41makes the statue work a little bit better. You know where he's going with this swing.
10:46Just with him not doing it yet, it does kind of off-kilter the balance of the look of the
10:50statue. The colors of the statue are bright and vibrant. The paint, again, handled cleanly
10:55and applied very nicely. There's no real areas, even like the smaller sickle and hammer. There's
11:00nothing on the figure that looks like the paint's been robbed a bit. The thing about
11:05it, though, is that, like with the other two, Rocky and Apollo, he does have a swappable
11:09head sculpt. I don't know why I kept thinking that Apollo didn't have it. Probably because,
11:13again, we looked at the regular release and the Platinum Edition, but so far up to this
11:16point, and I would imagine that'd be a trend that will continue, all of these Movie Maniac
11:20Rocky figures have come in clear with two alternate head sculpts. The cleaner look,
11:24the battered look. You can then choose for yourself which ones you want to display the
11:27figures with. I think for right now, I prefer the cleaner look to Drago. I don't think
11:32that that's going to change depending on what opponent he's currently facing. A big
11:36thank you, once again, to the folks over at McFarland Toys that were kind enough to provide
11:39the sample of the brand new Movie Maniacs Rocky for Ivan Drago, that we had the chance
11:44to have a look at this review. What do you guys think of this? And what are your feelings
11:47when it comes to Movie Maniacs? Do you mind at all the fact that they're more just statues
11:51than they are figures? Or do you wish that they could have gone back to the days of having
11:55more posability? Also, you can let me know, and I'm sure it's probably going to be quite
11:59obvious. Maybe it's not. Maybe some of you may surprise me. What's your favorite Rocky
12:02film? Let me know down below. Is it Rocky IV? I also really like Rocky III. Clubber
12:07Lane is... I don't think Clubber gets nearly enough credit for how bad he abused Rocky.
12:12But Rocky IV, by far, is my favorite of the franchise. If you guys did enjoy this video,
12:16do it a solid. Throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more so? I hope so. Hit
12:20the subscribe, turn on that bell, and of course, come back. As always, thanks for watching.
12:24And I'll see you guys next time.
