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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Forever Evil Grid Figure


00:00He went from AI to I am here to look at the McFarland toys DC multiverse forever evils grid
00:06grid was a software program that gathered information for cyborg the program grew and
00:32evolved into a living computer virus in its new malevolent form this sentient form of artificial
00:37intelligence attacked the justice league forming an alliance with the earth threes crime syndicate
00:42for its invaluable services grid demanded two things a body called from the robotic
00:47prosthesis of cyborg and emotions which was his ultimate goal he may have gotten his looks from
00:52his father but he definitely got his brains from his mother mother box that is just before of
00:57course we get a closer look at the new grid from the folks over at McFarland toys let me back up
01:01just a bit and thank the folks over at McFarland that were kind enough to provide this sample we
01:04could have a look at grid grid's pretty tall how tall is he in fact if you're looking at the tape
01:08measure correctly that gives us a figure that's nine inches in height or around 23 centimeters
01:13tall grid debuted in justice league volume 2 number 23 and even though he was created through
01:19the artificial intelligence of dark sides mother box he became sentient inside the body of cyborg
01:24cyborg from a size standpoint i mean grid is what like a third the size taller than cyborg so he's
01:29a pretty big figure to give you guys also an idea let's bring in some other equally large size
01:34figures here's what he looks like with dark side here's what he looks like with anti-monitor and
01:37hey why not here's what he also looks like with suicide squads king shark when it comes to the
01:42figures accessories you could easily count on one hand how many he actually has grid does first of
01:47all come in clear with a display stand a few extra bells and whistles get afforded to this now we got
01:51ourselves a silver dc logo down below this can plug in in theory to either boots of grid there's
01:56sort of a bit of a hesitation why i say that because he has a bit of a struggle attaching
02:00on to display stands we'll talk about more of that in a moment the figure also as well comes
02:04included with a podium standee the standee again gets decked out in silver to match that of the
02:08display stand you also as well get yourself a trading card let's just slide that off carefully
02:12i'll put that down here for a second nice image though featured on the front of grid it's a slight
02:16very different design obviously than the one we're getting here for the figure we might get maybe a
02:20variation of this version of grid maybe a down the road you never know on the side though it does have
02:24mcfarlane collector edition on the back though it gives it a real name of na so it's not really
02:29applicable what would though be applicable i think i would love to see this maybe do it for future
02:33figures is maybe put their first appearance their first appearance really shouldn't change even if
02:37they reboot the whole entire dc universe i mean first appearances would be a nice touch also to
02:42give you an idea of just how long this character has been in existence for a paragraph read you
02:46can read for yourself how close you want to get it how close you want to get it that's too close
02:50come on but a nice little nice little trading card of course i'm going to put that back into
02:54the standee carefully carefully carefully but that's the only accessories that come in clear
02:59with a character now going back to this display stand we talked a little bit about earlier only
03:02like a few seconds ago the display stand yes does have a peg for all intents and purposes it should
03:07plug in normally to the bottom of the figure's feet however though if you're looking at the
03:11bottom of the feet for grid you can see that he has these well again like i don't know like
03:16traction soles on the bombs of his boots he doesn't have completely flat feet so if you're
03:21looking at where the peg hole placement would be it'd still be here like all the other heels
03:25but because he now has all these extra lifts on the sides it makes it a little more difficult
03:29to actually attach onto display base now you can get it on there but just with the way that it works
03:35i always feel like the feet end up popping off the display base now the actual figure itself
03:40probably could have maybe even used a slightly larger display as well the figure's feet for
03:45example does have a little bit more stubbornness when you're trying to move the ankle around we're
03:49going to talk more obviously of that when we get to the possibility of the figure but for though
03:52doing that let's get a closer look at grid nice looking overall figure if you like that sort of
03:57i don't know endoskeleton terminator design then grid's right for you the thing about it though
04:02he is he has these really gnarly looking teeth i would have loved if they could have taken a
04:06page for example like from darks from doomsday where he would have had an open and closed mouth
04:11of course it would have had to break up unfortunately some of the stellar sculpt that
04:15mcfarlane's team put into this figure's face but i think i would have sacrificed a little bit of
04:19that had this mouth been actually able to open it teases sort of on one side where you're looking
04:23at this and you're thinking nah man that should be able to open and yet unfortunately it doesn't
04:28maybe a future release down the road of grid may give us an open and closed mouth let's you know
04:32fingers crossed that's going to be the case now he does only have one glowing eye the other eye
04:36is completely just a socket he's got some nice additional green accents there on the top it's
04:41good sculpting going into the face a lot of good sculpting goes into the rest of the body as well
04:45some green on the front a little larger i don't know a larger light source there on the front
04:50of his chest a little bit lower down below here on his belt as well and he's got of course some
04:53of those green accents also here into his arms and not so much really in his legs he's really
04:57mostly done in a very dark gunmetal gray it works really well for the figure of course he's got some
05:02black there as well for his arms he's got also some black there too for the top of his chest
05:06now right here i'm going to focus a little bit of attention talking about this for a second
05:11the arms are clearly only molded here in black plastic so it's very easy to pull that off
05:15i feel like the chest even though it looks painted i feel like it looks like it's a little more a
05:20messier side now for all intents and purposes they have painted it correctly it's not like
05:24it's missed a spot at all but yet looking at it though i feel like the paint i don't know maybe
05:29it's just too much of it i don't know um for again like the rest of the figure's body he doesn't seem
05:34to really have much in the way of a wash but he pulls the rest of the job off nice enough because
05:38you've got so much sculpting here could a wash maybe have brought out some of those details
05:42of course absolutely they could especially when you look at so how much so much more intricate
05:47the sculpting is on the back of his body there's a lot of good stuff going into this figure i just
05:51wish there was a little more of a wash to kind of bring some of those details out now he does have
05:56these shoulder pads on the sides these are fairly soft plastic they also have some posability as
06:00well so if you want to have a little bit more closer to the body you can pull that off i do like
06:05this a little bit more kind of kind of gives them more just like a bust shape you can obviously
06:09bring them also down as well it's entirely up to you how you really want to have them displayed i
06:13think most of the time in the comics from what i've seen at least of grid usually i think he has
06:16the shoulder pads a little bit more close to his arms but if you want to have them closer to his
06:20chest you can also do this as well also it frees up a little bit more movement too when you want
06:24to bring his arms outward speaking of his arms speaking of his arms now we looked at so much
06:28we've spent some time looking at this arm spent no time at all really looking at this big giant
06:32cannon arm that he has don't get too close whatever you do i do like the way that they've airbrushed
06:37around this to give this sense that it actually is glowing like it's ready to fire some of it
06:41also finds its way also to the side of the arm as well the only thing about this though is that i
06:45noticed getting this guy the packaging this one arm is a little on the more looser side with more
06:50weight actually being given to this arm here i would worry that over time if you want to have
06:54them always displayed for example his arm up i worry that maybe over time as it's already starting
06:59to start to happen i feel like his arm is now getting really loose this arm isn't so bad i mean
07:04this arm even if it is just a little on the looser side it doesn't have to really carry a cannon
07:07this arm does for the figure's articulation though going back to grid's head sculpt here
07:12he has these collar piece this one large collar piece that goes all around his head because of
07:17that unfortunately does seem to sacrifice a little bit of posability when you want to move his head
07:22for back and forth for example you can really feel it only gets to about that point if you want
07:26to have it go a little bit further then you really have to force against that collar the head does
07:31look up only by just a little bit it also looks down too but it looks down a whole lot more it
07:36seems like they also have maybe given this guy no i wanted to think for example he may have had a
07:41double hinge ball joint here and a ball joint here but it only seems to be only just in his head
07:46the head of course also rocks back and forth as well i know we've already looked at this but
07:49obviously the shoulder pads you could say that those technically are posability points those
07:53move up and down as well because of course if you move them up it's going to make a lot more freedom
07:57for the arms to move out at 90 degrees if you want to have them down for example then you're
08:01going to be fighting a little bit more with that so the arms come out at 90 degrees you can take
08:04the arms and move them forward you can move them back and that also of course that same rule applies
08:09for this arm as well just because he doesn't have a cannon on this side doesn't really change that
08:13at all there's a swivel there at the bicep there is also as well a double hinge on the elbow
08:17unfortunately with the way that you break up the elbow like this it does look very sectional but of
08:22course if you're seeing it from the front you'd never really know that the elbow is designed that
08:25way uh the figure does have no swivel here on his cannon arm i thought that this would be able to
08:31maybe swivel back and forth but he still still manages to pull off a double hinge on the elbow
08:35you just really can't quite pull off a double bend there's a hinge right here sure enough and
08:39there's obviously the hinge right here but i can't really seem to bend it all that much more i can
08:44seem to bend it a lot better and easier on this side the upper torso is going to be on a ball joint
08:48the lower abdomen is also on a ball joint the only limitations i've noticed here with grid is when it
08:54comes to the tops of his legs the trunk area here is a softer plastic as you can see by the way i'm
08:58pressing it in with my thumbs the legs sure enough do split out but when they split out periodically
09:03this does does end up happening we can see the legs end up falling out from the trunks and then
09:09you may have to even go in there and fish the trunks back out or sometimes even if you have
09:12the legs straight and it seems to end up course correcting everything the legs go forward the
09:17legs go back there's a swivel there at the top of the thigh the figure does also have only a single
09:21hinge in the knee he has articulation at least from the lower swivel down below here in his legs
09:26and again just a lot of good sculpting here there is a little bit of marbling as you can see there
09:30in the actual plastic but again i always say this too when when you have a character that's designed
09:34like artificially where he's got a metal body i can i can agree more with the idea that marbling
09:39isn't so much of a big deal now if it was a character's skin for example i think the marbling
09:43would bother me a little bit more now here's the issue that i have with the legs the ankles are on
09:49a very hard ratcheted joint which isn't a bad thing because it guarantees that over time that
09:53the ankles are going to still stay stiff like this but it's hard to kind of get them in the proper
09:58placement because of course he has the treads on the bottoms of his feet sometimes it's caused
10:02conflict when it gets this guy to actually stand flat the ankle rocks back and forth the figure
10:06does also have toe articulation as well he has all the articulation where it would be expected
10:11for a figure but with him being a taller figure i find he has sometimes a harder time to get him
10:16to stand properly i don't know also while looking at this guy it reminds me of nathan jones nathan
10:21jones was in the uh was it fury road just recently in fury road he was also in as well furiosa
10:27nathan jones anyways i was sliding over nathan it's not nathan jones it's obviously grid and
10:31bringing back in obviously the man who's i don't want to say partially he is partially responsible
10:35the other responsibility have to lie of course on dark side's mother box between the two though
10:41they nurtured the creation of this which is essentially dc's equivalent of ultron kind of
10:46ultra was kind of existing created somewhat the same way especially in the age of ultron film
10:51there is also as well going to be a platinum edition release of this guy that changes out
10:55sort of more the dark and metal gray in favor of a kind of really light almost i want to say like
11:00emerald or kryptonite green we will be looking at him in an upcoming review i like the look of
11:04grid he's a little more difficult when it gets comes time for him to stand and i've already
11:08noticed as well getting this guy the packaging that this arm at least is a little on the more
11:13looser side it wouldn't be so much of an issue if he wasn't having to carry around a cannon arm all
11:17right yeah he unfortunately does as we now wrap up the review for grid i've got the character
11:21displayed not necessarily relying on a display stand if you get him in the right stance and you
11:26get those feet leveled flat he seemed to be able to balance himself pretty well considering that
11:31he's got a lot of plastic weight behind him now of course this is the regular version of grid we
11:35are also going to be as well looking at the platinum edition in an upcoming review i think
11:39the platinum edition is going to be more that green color based i believe on the cyber realm
11:44version of grid where he's battling cyborg i feel like also the benefit of that platinum edition
11:49release of grid is because he's using that green color scheme i think he would be a perfect stand
11:53in for possibly a metallo we're going to talk a little bit more about obviously when we look at
11:57the review of the platinum edition grid back though to the regular version the color works
12:02really quite well for this guy you know again i would have loved if this guy could have had
12:05some posability in his jaw something very similar i mentioned in this review to the doomsday doomsday
12:11i think would have been like if you took some of the cues from doomsday could have worked really
12:14quite well here for grid as well the thing about it though is with his cannon arm being a lot of
12:19the weighted plastic on the figure it does cause for a little bit more looseness in his shoulders
12:23now the way i've got him posed right now i hope can hold that pose over time because with the
12:28weight of the of the uh cannon and of course the looseness already in his shoulders i can only hope
12:33that the arms are going to stay like this longer than they are right now what do you guys though
12:36think of grid let me know down below in the comments section you know pretty cool pretty
12:39cool looking figure a big thank you again to the folks over at mcfarland toys that did provide this
12:44sample of the brand new forever evil grid that we had the chance to have a look in this review
12:48if you guys did enjoy this video do it a solid throw it a like you guys want to stick around for
12:51more so i hope so even though we are wrapping up things right now for grid there will be more
12:56though dc multiverse reviews coming your way as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
