McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Rebirth Cyborg Figure

  • 2 days ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Rebirth Cyborg Figure


00:00Any backup? How about the hero with the hardware? Here's a look at the brand-new
00:04McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Rebirth Cyborg.
00:25The pre-Flashpoint incarnation of Vic Stone was a star football player in all
00:29around athlete. After he was mortally injured in a laboratory experiment gone
00:33wrong, his father turned him into a cyborg to save his life. This was the
00:37first of several transformations the young hero would undergo in his career.
00:40Stone hasn't seen many figures of him so to get a new one now is pretty cool. Just
00:45before of course we get a closer look at the new DC Rebirth Cyborg, first I'd like
00:48to thank the folks over at McFarlane Toys that were kind enough to provide
00:51this sample we could have a look at. Cyborg's gonna stand at about seven
00:54inches in height. I say about, he's actually standing exactly seven inches
00:58in height and that translates to a figure that's 18 centimeters tall. Yeah
01:02the only other Victor I really have in my collection is the one from the
01:05Justice League Snyder Cut. Though one is from the movie, one is from the comic, you
01:09can see that the two victors are standing at about the same size to one
01:12another. Bring in some other characters as also as well. I wanted to stick kind
01:15of with the Galactic Guardians if you are familiar with the superpowers cartoon
01:18from like the late 80s. We have Superman, we have Firestorm and of course we have
01:23to bring in Batman as well. All right what do we got? Well first what we have
01:27of mine is the figure does come in clue with the display stand. If I just
01:31course-correct the steering wheel, down below you can see there's the DC logo
01:35branded down below and just off to the far corner of that would you believe
01:38there's a peg. You can see for yourself that plugs into either one of Victor's
01:41boots. I guess if this is technically his body that they're not so much his boots
01:44they are his feet. Either way though he has two of them. He only has one peg.
01:48Choose wisely. Figure does also come in clue with a training card. I like the
01:56look of the artwork here featured on the front. This is pulled from the pages
01:59of DC Rebirth. Not to necessarily mean that you have to be specifically
02:03assigning this figure to your DC Rebirth collection. I mean this would be a
02:06perfect stand-in cyborg for my current Justice League collection. If we flip on
02:11the back of it you can still see there's the same image. It's a little bit smaller
02:14or is about the same size. Maybe it's about the same size. Doesn't really
02:18matter. What does matter though is his real name is Victor Stone. What probably
02:21does also matter as well is there's a paragraph you can read for yourself. If
02:25you don't want to do any of that I've already taken the liberty of reading it
02:28for you. I'm gonna add that to the rest of my training card sheets. Let's look at
02:32this next. It just so happens to be the only other accessory that comes in clue
02:35with Victor. The figure does come in clue with this giant arm cannon. It looks like
02:39something like Iron Man would have had in Marvel vs. Capcom. Although he usually
02:43mounted on the top of his shoulder and just blast anyone in front of him. I tend not to
02:46play as Iron Man. I think he's way too cheap. Instead I usually played as Cyclops
02:51and Ryu. I know it's just as cheap. This does actually attach into his arm. The
02:55good thing about that though is when you're looking at the inside of the
02:58cavity. Hello? Hello? Hello? You don't actually have to take the hand off. Now
03:03you're gonna have struggles more if you're trying to get this hand on here
03:06just because the thumbs sticking out. So it's a better idea unless you really
03:09want to take the hand off if you don't want to do that. You want to leave the
03:12arm on the hand on just because you're lazy. Well you can easily just take the
03:15hand and fit it inside the cavity and that sits on top of his arm. Because he
03:20also has a grip inside there, it means that the blaster isn't gonna go
03:23anywhere. Now again if you wanted to, if you want to worry about losing tiny
03:27little hands, I mean not that I would encourage you to do this, but you can
03:30also take the hand off. But it also really by having the hand there it helps
03:34to hold the cannon in place. I suppose you could say that there's a handle here
03:38on the top. I suppose you could also say too, because the figure does have a
03:40double hinge on the elbows, that you could really put the hand on the end of
03:44it. The one thing though I wish that the figure did also have too is that he
03:48could have maybe had a gripping hand. Because he has only really a gestured
03:51hand and not a gripping variety, there's nothing really that he can hold on to if
03:55you're looking to put the hand. Now at the beginning of this review, Lady Luck
03:59just happened to be smiling down on me. I just bent the arm just a little bit. I
04:02was able to make it look like he's actually holding the top of the
04:05handle. And you can pull that off somewhat successfully, probably not to
04:09the point where he's blocking off his vision. I just wish though that they
04:11could have also included a gripping hand instead of just this hand here. Removing
04:16that, putting it off to the side. Yes, the figure doesn't have any swappable hands.
04:20So what you're basically being dealt with is one hand that's hold for gripping
04:24or suitable for gripping, and then one of course that's gonna be a dynamic hand.
04:27From a head sculpt standpoint, it certainly does look a lot like Cyborg.
04:30What a really cool looking figure it also is as well. Like a lot of
04:34good sculpting, there's a lot of decent paint happening here as well. Of course
04:37he's got the center stone here done in red, a matching color that for his eye.
04:40There's a little pupil that you can also see is painted in white. If I just get my
04:44blasted finger out of the way, there's a little bit of red down below here as well.
04:46That is the only other place that has the red other than this section, and the
04:50sides on the section of the sides of his torso, and down below here on the top of
04:54his thigh. The figure mostly is made here of black and silver. My guess is
04:58probably starting in a black plastic. My guess then is that they've also gone in
05:01there and painted it all with silver. The silver does a well enough job. I mean
05:05even though some of the areas where it would have looked a little rough on most
05:07figures, you can kind of buy into the idea that's a little coarser here around
05:11the shoulder pads, just because again he's made of metal. Head sculpt was
05:14fantastic on Victor here, because again I only had the only other Victor in my
05:19collection was the Justice League Snyder Cut. I wasn't really gonna be
05:21displaying that figure at all with the rest of my Justice League collection.
05:24This is gonna be the guy that's gonna be my stand-in for that, and I can't see
05:27really them doing a better looking cyborg, although I could really see them
05:31using this mold again for the time and the effort of making this mold from
05:34scratch. You would think that they probably could double dip this and
05:37release this guy as probably a platinum edition, which I'm guessing right now is
05:40probably gonna have some swappable arms, so you can probably have to take the
05:43hands off those, and he's probably gonna come included with like some arm
05:46blasters or something of that sort. Probably not as elaborate as this,
05:49probably a little bit of a smaller size, but I'm calling it right now. I'm sure
05:53they're probably gonna release a platinum edition of this guy, maybe even
05:55a slight color variation of him as well. The molding for the most part is really
05:59good on this as well. I mean there are a few areas that initially looking at, I
06:02thought, oh that a little bit of paint problems, but it actually looks like
06:06that's been sculpted on the back of his body deliberately like this. You can see
06:09as well like the silver again looks more like it's just been brushed on
06:12lightly, so there's a still a few little areas of black that are kind of peeking
06:16their way through. Normally again I would have complimented, normally I would have
06:20criticized this, saying that you know some of the paint probably could have
06:23been done a little bit better, maybe a second coat of paint could have gone a
06:25long way, but you know, to be fair, being the fact that this is Cyborg after
06:30all, I don't mind at all that there's some black of the plastic bleeding
06:33through. Now of course when you're looking at the bottom of the figure as
06:36well, I did mention that he had some red here and the red on the sides. He does
06:40technically also have, can't overlook the fact he's got some red triangles there
06:44on the fronts of his shins as well. Yeah, nice overall looking figure. Now for
06:48his poseability, I don't know why I felt the need to bring my finger in there,
06:51head's gonna be first of all on a ball joint, so it's gonna allow the head to
06:54rotate all the way around. The head's gonna look up only about that high and
06:58it's gonna look down about that low. The head does also rock back and forth as
07:03well. Now the upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint. Those familiar with DC
07:06multiverse figures will already know what I'm about to say. Yes, he's got a
07:11ball joint at the base of his abdomen as well. For his shoulders, even though he has
07:16these shoulder pads, the shoulder pads are actually attached here and they're
07:19not attached here. So when it comes to moving his arms out like this, they're
07:22not gonna be in the way at all. The only problem that you may be facing though is
07:26when you're gonna rotate the arm all the way around, that might be the time where
07:29they're gonna be a little more hung up. At least this is softer plastic, just
07:32though be careful that this doesn't snap off. The figure does have a bicep
07:36swivel. Yes, he also does have a double hinge on the elbow. By the way, I just
07:40want to stop for a second and show you guys what the sculpting looks like on the
07:42inside of the hand. It kind of looks like he's got these repulsor blasts. Pretty
07:45cool looking hands. Get right in there. Get right in there. All right.
07:51Hands rotate all the way around. Again, you've got the legs that split. Now the
07:56top half here is actually made of a softer plastic. It does leave a little
08:00bit to the gap edge there. So I mean, if you're looking at it from the front, you
08:04really wouldn't notice it. I mean, if you're looking at it from the top, you may
08:06notice that there's a little bit of a gap space between the abdomen and his
08:09trunks. But that allows just for a little more freedom to the abdomen. Doesn't
08:13really bother me at all. The legs do split out. You can take the legs and move
08:16forward. You can move them back. The figure does have a decent swivel there on the
08:20top of the thigh. As well, he has a decent double hinge in his knee. Articulation
08:24back and forth for his feet. They also rock back and forth this way. And the
08:28figure does have, of course, toe articulation there as well. Good looking.
08:32Good looking Victor. I have to say, like, he was one of those figures, really, like,
08:35collecting and building the way that I have my setup, at least. I kind of build a
08:39lot of it kind of based on what I was more familiar with with Justice League.
08:42For a long time, I was kind of, especially with with Firestorm. Firestorm was kind
08:46of the one that really got me started with kind of wanting to build up my
08:50dioramas or building up at least my collection shelves to kind of look again
08:53like the Galactic Guardians. Because, again, I have so many of these Supermans. I
08:57just end up having a Superman on display with Firestorm. But that's probably where
09:00I'm gonna end up putting Cyborg. Not that he's not just a regular member of
09:04Justice League, but the fact that he was also in Galactic Guardians and he also
09:07got himself a superpowers release back in the day might end up just displaying
09:11the figure along with that. Now, again, when going back to looking at his
09:14accessories, we do have the large-looking cannon. The cannon probably could have
09:19had just a little bit of paint given to the front of it. Maybe a little bit of
09:21blue, for example, just look like he's about to fire this off. But the fact he
09:25gets himself a very large cannon like this is a nice touch. And I also
09:28appreciate the fact that you don't have to worry about removing hands. The moment
09:31you start to remove anything on figures is then the likelihood that you're
09:35gonna then lose a hand because you're gonna put it to the side. I've done this.
09:38I'm guilty of this myself. You put the hand to the side because you're like,
09:40okay, I'm gonna put this on. And then later on you're like, where's the hand?
09:43Where's the hand? You're screaming upstairs, where's the hand? Nobody's
09:46listening to you at all. This one, at least, you don't have to worry about
09:49removing hands. This is just, again, a case of sliding it up the forearm. And,
09:53again, I would imagine that they're probably gonna take that same idea of
09:56adding things onto the end of his arms. If not for right now, the figure will, I'm
10:00sure, eventually down the road be released as a Platinum Edition or a
10:03McFarlane Collector's Edition, where I'm sure they're probably gonna slightly
10:06tweak the paint just a little bit and give him different arm attachments that
10:10aren't part of this release. Or, nobody's saying really, by the way, that you have
10:14to have the arm cannon attached onto the Invictus form. If you'd rather instead
10:17flip that big gun around so it looks like now he's got a big blasting bazooka
10:21on his shoulder, kablammo! The way that the gun is molded and the way it's
10:25configured doesn't look like it has to go one way. The thing about it, though, is
10:29with a handle now being on the bottom instead of the top, he can actually hold
10:32it and it looks like it's got a little sight underneath. I know what you're
10:35thinking. Well, now you've got a hole on the front of it. Well, where is it gonna
10:38blast out from? I'm gonna see even if I can find a blast effect that can sit
10:42inside that hole so it looks like he's actually firing something. Now, he only
10:45unfortunately has one gripping hand. If anything, you could say that those are
10:48the hands he was dealt with. Hello? Hello? No, three of you left over that one. So,
10:56if you do want to have it in this configuration, he only can have the means
10:58to hold them on one side. And tactically, if you want to keep all his hands in
11:01place without having to worry about losing any of them, really the gun also
11:05belongs on that side of his body. You want to start yanking off hands, you want
11:08to start losing hands by all means, I guess you could really put the gun on
11:11either side of his body. But again, like looking at this guy from head to toe, boy
11:15he's a perfect looking cyborg. I don't know if there's anything I would have
11:18done differently to this figure. Yes, the paint in some of the areas for the
11:21silver probably could have maybe used a second coat of it, but considering again
11:25who the character we're talking about, we're not really necessarily looking at
11:28a Superman or a Batman where you can look at the paint and say, you know, I
11:31don't know, it could have probably used another coat of it. With Cyborg kind of
11:35having roughed up metal, I don't mind it again. The idea that a little bit of the
11:39black is kind of bleeding through. The head sculpt is good and that's the most
11:41important thing and the paint for what we get of it is nicely done. Yeah, I'm
11:45really, really happy with how this one turned out. What do you guys think of DC
11:49Rebirth Cyborg? Let me know down below in the comments section. Is this the Cyborg
11:53you have been waiting for and is this one you're gonna be adding into your
11:55collection? I'd like to again thank the folks over at McFarland Toys that were
11:59kind enough to provide the sample of the DC Rebirth Cyborg that we had the chance
12:02to have a look at in this review. If you guys did like this video, why don't you do a
12:05solid throw to like. You guys want to stick around for more? I hope so. For
12:09all the people that are still in this room and for the people that left the
12:12room after I talked about... I don't want to bring it up again, but just know though if
12:16you guys want to stick around for more, hit the subscribe, turn on that Bell and
12:20of course come back. As always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time!
