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McFarlane Toys Diablo 4 Landslide Druid Figure
00:00 It's hard to prepare for a fight when your opponent changes forms.
00:04 Here's a look at the brand new McFarlane Toys Diablo 4 Landslide Druid.
00:27 The Druid is a savage shapeshifter, fluidly transforming between the forms of a towering
00:31 bear or a vicious werewolf to fight alongside the creatures of the wild.
00:36 He also commands the power of earth, wind, and storm, unleashing nature's wrath to devastating
00:41 effects.
00:42 I'm sure things are going to get quite unbearable in a moment with the Landslide Druid.
00:48 Before that happens, let me send a big thank you to the folks over at McFarlane Toys that
00:51 did provide this sample of the Diablo 4 Landslide Druid that we can have a look at in this review.
00:56 The figure as of right now is available along with the other Diablo 4 figures we've looked
00:59 at so far.
01:00 I think he goes for about $29, about $30 online.
01:04 I'm sure in stores it would be about the same.
01:07 Landslide Druid stands about 6.5 inches in height, or the figure is going to be about
01:11 18 cm tall.
01:13 Just before we jump over to the mystery bag that comes included with the Druid, one thing
01:16 I did want to show you guys is the stickers.
01:19 These Diablo 4 figures so far have come included with all three stickers.
01:23 The Sorcerer came with three, the Druid came with three.
01:26 I don't know if we would make the assumption then that all the Diablo 4 figures moving
01:29 forward will all come included with three stickers.
01:31 The stickers though are all different from one another.
01:33 I really like this one though, the one that actually has the wolves on either side.
01:36 Now I don't know if those are actually druids turned into werewolves or if those are just
01:40 your garden variety.
01:42 Ones that would still rip you to shreds werewolves that you would just find in the wild.
01:45 Just regular wolves that you'd find in the wild.
01:47 Really like that sticker.
01:48 There's also this one here as well and there's one that is just basically a paw.
01:52 That would make for a really interesting tattoo if I ever wanted to delve into the idea of
01:56 getting tattoos.
01:57 I haven't, just in case anybody was wondering, I don't have any tattoos yet.
02:00 But I may have that tattoo.
02:03 I'd say leave it with me but we're probably not going to be getting tattoos anytime soon.
02:07 What we will though look at though is the included baggie.
02:09 Now this is a foil bag that's going to have, it feels like, one weapon.
02:13 I'm sure there's probably two inside but it only feels like, I can only really feel one
02:18 thing that looks almost like a staff.
02:20 Of course to know what exactly is inside, let's just rip the top of the bag carefully.
02:24 Let's have a look inside to see what we got.
02:27 So it looks like, okay so we got ourselves, I guess that would be just a basic, like a
02:32 long clubbing hammer I guess.
02:35 Something similar to that.
02:36 And see if there's anything else in there.
02:38 No, that's it.
02:39 So we only got one item this time around.
02:41 The sorcerer came included with two.
02:42 For some reason the druid only comes included with one.
02:45 It's neat.
02:46 I mean I really like the look of this.
02:47 I just don't like the fact that it's kind of bent because obviously it's been sitting
02:50 inside of a bag this whole time.
02:51 It's got some interesting enough details.
02:53 You can see it has a basic, basically it just looks like he's wrapped a rock on the end
02:57 of a staff and he's basically just using it as a clubbing device.
03:00 That would be a very effective clubbing device.
03:02 And this of course can fit into his hand.
03:04 He has basically a gestured hand and then he has a gripping hand so obviously your choices
03:08 to choose from are probably limited.
03:10 You're only going to have a 50% chance.
03:11 You've got to make sure you choose wisely at least.
03:15 So that's the mystery item.
03:16 Then he's basically got all the stuff that's over here.
03:18 I don't know why I'm waving my hand.
03:19 Let's just make this guy a little bit more centered first.
03:22 The figure comes included with a spiked mace or spiked club.
03:26 Luckily it's not spiked enough that it's going to hurt me at least but I'm sure it's going
03:28 to inflict damage on anybody he's swinging this against.
03:32 Once again like the handle is a little on the more warped side but it's nothing I can't
03:34 fix with a little bit of hot water or a hair dryer.
03:37 It does fit into his hand and by that also what we just opened up out of the blind mystery
03:41 bag can also fit inside his hand.
03:43 The hand itself is made of pretty soft plastic so you really don't even have to heat this
03:47 at all.
03:48 You can just take the handle of the mace or club.
03:50 I guess that would be a club perhaps and that fits into his hand.
03:53 I guess you could also as well take the one that we just got out of the mystery bag and
03:56 that can also sit inside his hand as well.
03:59 What he also comes included with too is like a bunch of sticks.
04:03 Now I'm sure this has something to do with the fact he can manipulate his body.
04:07 He can basically be a shape shifter because it kind of looks like it's a bit of like a
04:10 witch doctor style of thing that he's kind of holding in his hand.
04:14 It looks to be like a log, a broken off piece of tree and you can see it's got all these
04:19 like little amulets all wrapped around it and there's also a ram skull that's also
04:23 on the top there.
04:24 I do wish though that they could have gone in and painted some of these details.
04:28 As nice as they may look as a sculpt, it gets lost unfortunately by the fact it's still
04:32 the same color as the rest of the branch or rest of this log and this can easily just
04:36 be flipped around by changing out the existing hand that he has on this side.
04:40 I'm just going to pick up the hand.
04:41 We're going to just twist it off and remove it from the form.
04:44 Now he has a hole.
04:45 We're going to fix that hole.
04:46 We're going to pop that in place and now he's got that as a place to store that instead.
04:51 He also comes included with a staff and again it kind of is a bit bent unfortunately.
04:56 The top though kind of looks like a crest of like a rooster.
04:59 Like it looks obviously it's a skeletal piece but it kind of looks like the top of a rooster.
05:05 Nicely painted here in beige while again all the rest of it is kind of really relegated
05:09 to browns and reds.
05:10 At least there's red here and there's brown so there's a bit of a breakup.
05:14 It's not all the same consistent color across from the top of the staff to of course the
05:17 bottom and of course that fits into this hand just because that's the only gripping hand
05:21 that he has.
05:22 Speaking of hands, now we already looked at the fact that he has included this hand.
05:26 I just want to start the review with this just because again like it's got nothing in
05:29 it.
05:30 Pop that out.
05:31 Of course I replaced it with that one but then strangely enough he also comes included
05:34 with this hand that has a very obvious peg on the end of it.
05:38 We've already looked at all the accessories he came included with.
05:40 I've now shown you all the accessories he comes included with.
05:43 I don't know specifically what this hand belongs for.
05:46 I mean it clearly looks like it's supposed to plug into something.
05:49 My only real guess is it has something to do with this.
05:53 Now this doesn't look like this removes at all and I really didn't want to fight this
05:57 at all just for the risk that it's not supposed to come off but I thought well what if this
06:01 came off and then it plugged onto this but then you'd be literally looking at the same
06:05 hand.
06:06 So I really don't know what this is supposed to belong to unless it's supposed to serve
06:09 a purpose for a future figure that we're gonna be looking at down the road.
06:11 I don't know.
06:12 We're gonna put that right there.
06:14 The last thing that the figure also comes included with and I keep calling these figures
06:17 they're essentially just statues is that he also comes with an alternate head sculpt.
06:21 I'm gonna spin this around right now so you guys can see.
06:24 I would imagine this would be the way that the druid would normally look before he starts
06:27 to change form.
06:28 A bearded fellow as you can see that does have the moose horn there on either side.
06:32 These are fairly soft plastic too but it's a fairly nicely painted piece.
06:36 You can see they've painted the pupils very cleanly.
06:38 They've got also as well the beard.
06:40 They're looked at a moment like there's a little bit of gray that was on his face but
06:44 that's not the case at all.
06:45 It's a really nice sculpted face.
06:47 I don't know if I would say I like it as much as this one.
06:50 This is actually the head that is defaulted with the figure when you first take him out
06:53 of his box but this one has some interesting appeal to it.
06:56 Certainly if you buy more than one of these there's always the idea then in mind that
06:59 you can swap the heads out and have different looking druids on display.
07:02 The only thing I would say is kind of missing unfortunately on the figure is the fact that
07:05 he has all these little I guess they're pieces of bone that are on the back of the figure's
07:09 head but again kind of like what we looked at earlier with the staff there's nothing
07:13 really to break this up at all.
07:15 It's literally just all the same brown as is for the sculpted head.
07:19 I kind of wish that they could have found a way to paint some of these pieces as well.
07:23 Picking up the figure as he is right now the figure is on the same style of display stand
07:26 as the earlier looked at sorceress.
07:28 It's also cast in the exact same plastic as well.
07:31 It has of course the symbols there on the top that have been not only carved in but
07:34 painted nicely in black and of course your figure is on top of that.
07:38 The defaulted I'm just going to remove this hand because I know it's going to get in the
07:41 way of things.
07:42 We're going to come back and retrieve the hand in a moment but he also comes with this
07:45 as the defaulted head sculpt which is kind of really strange because I think if they
07:48 were going to market this obviously I feel is the cooler of the two heads but I probably
07:52 would have packaged the guy with the more boring looking head and then have this.
07:56 I guess now I think about it people would probably walk right past this and just think
08:01 of it as a more Viking figure.
08:03 I guess the appeal of lure, bringing those people in like collectors to pick up a figure
08:06 like this that you wouldn't normally pick up is maybe by the idea of actually having
08:10 the guy displayed with the defaulted head.
08:11 So let me just correct what I was about to say.
08:14 The boring more less interesting head definitely belonged I think more in the tray loose than
08:19 putting it on this head.
08:21 The defaulted head again strange to see that is actually a skull face that's been painted
08:26 very nicely with some additional brown.
08:28 The back horns as you can see, a jetto on the back of the figure's head.
08:32 These are again softer plastic but not to the point where they were warped at all.
08:36 This one also does benefit from having longer hair on the back that you may notice on this
08:39 one doesn't have it at all.
08:42 Now he doesn't have any articulation at all.
08:44 These are basically all just stached in pieces.
08:46 If you wanted to you can just pop the head off from the provided peg, take the more boring
08:50 head sculpt, I don't really want to keep calling it a boring head sculpt, and you're going
08:53 to line everything up and fit that back in place.
08:56 You don't want to when you're putting it back down.
08:58 I kept wanting to put it forward like this but it has to turn on the side because there's
09:02 a very unique way that this has to fit on top of the peg so it has to turn sideways.
09:06 And of course we'll go ahead and take, let's take one of the just regular hands I suppose,
09:11 plug that back in place, there we go.
09:13 And then you have this look for the, you'll have this look I should say for the landslide
09:16 dirt a little bit better.
09:18 Now again like I don't find this as interesting really as this head sculpt but I do like the
09:22 idea that they gave us two different heads to work with.
09:25 For the rest of his armor and the rest of his body he has further on the tops of his
09:28 shoulders, there's a nice little bit of break up where they've actually painted this to
09:31 be a lighter coloring of gray and then added the silver on the top for where his armor
09:35 would be.
09:36 There is a rather interesting little symbol that he has on the front of his chest.
09:39 It probably has something I'm sure to do with the druid team or the druid race that he's
09:44 part of.
09:45 And you've got all this additional kind of, I don't know, it looks almost like hand forged
09:49 metal that he's got on the front for his armor pieces.
09:52 He has it also down below here as well with a few little kind of calling, what would you
09:56 call those, calling horns or war horns that he has on either side.
10:00 They might very well as well also hold powders too.
10:02 So it may not always be just like a war horn, they may actually hold something inside that
10:07 he actually does use.
10:08 He's a druid after all.
10:09 And he's also got these really interesting looking bottom pieces too.
10:12 I'm guessing these would be like leather pelt that he's wearing.
10:14 It has all these interesting little teeth that he has on the bottoms of these.
10:18 These at least have been painted.
10:20 If they had not been painted, they would have certainly not stood out as well as they do
10:23 right now.
10:24 And he's got big clunky boots.
10:25 Look at the size of these boots that he has.
10:27 A very large looking fellow, very nicely painted.
10:30 Paint again is really clean on all of these figures.
10:32 I've been surprisingly quite impressed.
10:33 I mean, obviously they are lacking a lot in the way of the postability.
10:36 There's nothing really on this guy at all that really moves.
10:39 But where I feel that they still make up for it is something I still said when we looked
10:43 at the Hydra Lightning Sorceress.
10:44 I think they really make for interesting looking statues.
10:47 Again, putting this guy on display and then bringing back in the Hydra Sorceress that
10:51 we've already had a look at.
10:52 I like the look of these.
10:53 Not everyone's.
10:54 I certainly get that.
10:55 It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.
10:57 But I do really like the look of these.
10:59 They don't have postability, no.
11:00 But they do have really interesting sculpts, yes.
11:02 And they also have swappable parts too.
11:04 I still don't know why, for the Druid at least, he comes in clear with this hand when it doesn't
11:08 seem to be a case that the hand serves any purpose whatsoever.
11:11 I mean, it clearly looks like it should attach to something.
11:14 I even thought, well, what if it's supposed to attach, say for example, to a head?
11:19 So if you wanted to, say for example, hold a helmet, for example, he could kind of hold
11:22 this in his hand this way.
11:24 But if you look at it, it's a completely different peg.
11:27 It almost looks as if it should really fit all the way in.
11:30 Maybe it's just a case I'm not pushing in as far as it could go.
11:33 I guess you could really have it displayed like that.
11:35 I don't really know if that's supposed to be the intended reason why they include the
11:38 hand as they did.
11:39 But I guess that's one option to display it if you want to have this still be part of
11:43 the statue and go with the more this or the human face if you want to have this being
11:47 the defaulted look when you have this guy on your shelf.
11:50 Wrapping up now the review of the Diablo IV Landslide Druid, I've got the figure as you
11:54 can see here in final looks displayed with the alternate head sculpt in his hands.
11:57 You know, I tried thinking that that may have been the reasoning why there was the peg on
12:01 the end of his hand.
12:02 I tried to actually attach it the way that it was, and there was no way it was going
12:06 to accommodate it.
12:07 Just because the horned helmet was too close to his shoulders, it just wasn't able to
12:11 fit that way.
12:12 So what I've got instead is it I've got like the fingers, the ends of his fingers basically
12:16 just wedged inside the whole cavity.
12:18 I know that's not the way it's supposed to be, but I can't think of any other reason
12:22 why that hand was even included in the first place.
12:24 It looks like very well it belongs to something, and yet it belonged to nothing when I got
12:29 the figure out of the packaging.
12:30 If anybody happens to have any ideas, certainly let me know down below in the comment section.
12:35 Though on the other hand of the Landslide Druid, I've got the figure displayed with
12:38 the item that was inside the mystery bag.
12:41 Same item this time around, unlike the sorceress we looked at before that had the two.
12:45 It may not always be the case.
12:46 I'm sure that these Diablo IV figures were going to have two accessories in a bag.
12:51 Maybe the slightly bigger and bulkier figures are only going to have one.
12:54 The slightly more thinner, smaller figures like the sorceress are going to then have
12:57 two.
12:58 The figure doesn't have, once again, any poseability, but again, nicely painted.
13:01 More in earth colors.
13:02 You've got the browns, and again, you've got a little bit of the white coloring with
13:05 the fur.
13:06 The fur does look nice, as well as the silver that they've used for the armor.
13:09 Still though, when it comes to displaying this guy, not going to go with the head sculpt
13:12 that he has right now.
13:14 Rather, I'm going to go with the head that he has currently in his hand.
13:17 What is that peg all about?
13:18 Big thank you, once again, to the folks over at McFarland Toys.
13:21 They did provide the sample of the brand new Diablo IV Landslide Druid.
13:25 This guy is currently available, as of right now, either online or in stores.
13:30 I don't have the benefit of finding these kind of guys in stores.
13:32 I've checked Toys R Us.
13:33 They didn't have anything.
13:34 Yes, we have Toys R Us still in Canada.
13:36 So my only option, if I want to get any more of these, is to try to track one down on eBay,
13:41 or probably even like Amazon, or even sometimes online sites.
13:44 There's many online sites that currently have this guy showing at around $29.99, so about
13:49 $30.
13:50 Not bad at all.
13:51 But what do you guys think of the figures?
13:52 Let me know down below in the comments section.
13:53 Have you guys at all been collecting the Diablo IV figures?
13:56 And if you have, which ones do you have in your collection right now?
13:59 Also as well, hey, if you guys enjoyed this video, why not hit it with a like.
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14:21 See you guys next time.
14:23 [outro]
14:29 (whooshing)
