Party Advice for NYE

  • last month


00:0010, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
00:08That's got a bit dodgy over there.
00:10So if you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that I am ridiculously excited for the new year.
00:14I cannot wait to leave this year behind.
00:16It's been amazing, don't get me wrong.
00:17It's been so cool, I've met so many people.
00:20I moved out of Bath after meeting Ed Sheeran.
00:22I went to America, I road tripped to the Grand Canyon.
00:25I performed at Summer in the City after meeting thousands and thousands of people.
00:28I went to all kinds of like parties, got loads of free wine,
00:30said goodbye to many people in my life.
00:33That's a good thing because the people I say goodbye to are one of the nicest.
00:35I went on tour, I got a new job.
00:38So many things happened and they were so cool, they were so cool.
00:41But I'm excited to say goodbye and to just have an even better year next year.
00:45Because next year is going to be the year.
00:46It's going to be the best year.
00:47It's going to be the best year.
00:48Anyway, so I've been posting that I'm very excited because I'm going to a party tonight.
00:52And I'm so excited because I'm going to be surrounded by everyone I love.
00:56I have like this new friendship group in YouTube and they're just the best.
01:00And I'm really, really, really, really, really happy.
01:01So I'm going to be getting crunk, a little bit crunk and drinking and dancing.
01:06But I'm going to be safe.
01:08Well, I'm going to try and be safe.
01:09We all have those nights that turn into absolute disasters
01:12where you've just drank too much and everything goes wrong.
01:14I had one of those a few weeks ago at my work Christmas party.
01:18I got drunk and then I looked at my phone and everyone was like,
01:22Dodie, Dodie, you must delete that tweet.
01:23And I was like, what tweet?
01:24And I looked and I'd been hacked.
01:26Someone had posted a tweet from my account that wasn't me.
01:29And I cried in King's Cross for a long time.
01:33There was a point where Evan had changed my password.
01:35Thank you, Evan, for helping me on that horrible night.
01:38And I couldn't log in.
01:40So I thought whoever hacked my account had deleted my whole Twitter.
01:43Twitter's my life.
01:44So that was horrible.
01:45But it all got sorted in the end.
01:47Never mind.
01:48Moving on.
01:49Staying safe at parties.
01:50I've got loads of people on Twitter asking me for advice on what to do.
01:54Because they're going to their first party tonight.
01:56Because they're going out because it's New Year's.
01:58So I thought I'd share with you some of my advice.
02:00Because I've been to many a party.
02:02I've drank many an alcohol.
02:04And yeah, it's cool.
02:05Firstly, if you don't want to drink, don't drink.
02:07Get a lemonade with a slice of lime and just drink.
02:09And no one will question.
02:10You'll probably have the best night.
02:11Well done.
02:12Those who do drink, hello.
02:13Or for those who want to try drinking, hello.
02:15Step one, eat.
02:16Eat a hearty meal before you drink.
02:18I promise you, do it.
02:19This helps line your stomach or whatever.
02:21And make sure that whatever you're putting into your stomach,
02:24alcohol-based, isn't just going to go straight through your bloodstream
02:27and make you drunk straight away.
02:28Because that's the worst.
02:29Because, oh god, it's bad.
02:32This is your excuse where a fatty meal is fine.
02:34Have a big pizza.
02:35Big slimy pizza.
02:36Or a big bowl of cheese pasta.
02:37Or just something carb-y and good.
02:41You'll line your stomach.
02:41That's great.
02:42Number two, drink.
02:43Drink water.
02:45As you drink.
02:45This will keep you hydrated.
02:46Because hangovers are mostly caused by dehydration, I think.
02:50Alcohol is a crap dialect.
02:55Something to do with water.
02:57Basically, it makes you really, really dehydrated because you pee loads.
02:59And for people who are like, don't break the seal,
03:01which basically means don't pee because you'll pee all night.
03:04No, just pee.
03:05Just go to the loo.
03:06But drink more water to compensate for it.
03:08You're going to pee, alright?
03:09You're going to pee like a hose.
03:10It's fine.
03:10So yes, drink lots and lots of water.
03:11And if it's late in the night and you feel as though you've had one too many
03:15and you're worried, you're feeling a little dizzy,
03:16you can't close your eyes without jumping, you feel a bit sick,
03:20I promise you, drink.
03:21It will make you feel better.
03:23Let me clarify.
03:24I am recording, by the way.
03:29That's fine.
03:36Right, carrying on.
03:37Another thing to note is when you are a happy kind of drunk,
03:40put your drink down.
03:41In your drunken mind, this is Dodie telling you,
03:43put your drink down.
03:44You're great.
03:44You're fine.
03:45You don't need to drink anymore to keep this going.
03:47It's going to last a while.
03:48It's very tempting to just keep drinking because,
03:50YOLO, you're drunk, it's all good.
03:52You'll regret it, trust me.
03:53Just put your drink down.
03:54And this is coming from the biggest hypocrite ever
03:56because I never put my drink down.
03:58I always drink more.
03:59But do it.
03:59Just do it.
04:00Just put your drink down.
04:01Drink water instead.
04:02Water is love.
04:03Water is love.
04:03Another tip is don't smoke.
04:06Don't do it.
04:06You may find yourself in a place where loads of people are smoking outside
04:10and you smell it and you're like,
04:11I've never tried that before.
04:12Or I tried it once and it's alright.
04:15Just don't do it.
04:15You'll regret it, trust me.
04:16It hurts your lungs.
04:17It's kind of gross.
04:18Sorry to smokers.
04:20It's painful, okay.
04:21You'll be tempted because you're drunk to put it in your mouth and just have a try.
04:24I've done it before.
04:26Never ever nice.
04:27I just don't like it.
04:28It just hurts your lungs.
04:29Suck it on lollipop instead.
04:31Tastes much better.
04:32Much better.
04:34Another tip is make sure your phone is completely charged
04:37so that you can call someone you need to.
04:39For example, if it's two in the morning and all of the trains have stopped,
04:41I know it's New Year's but you'll be able to call your friend or your mum
04:45or something to pick you up or ask if you can stay around.
04:47Plus, you'll want to be taking loads and loads of photos for the night
04:50because if you're like me and you kind of forget stuff when you're drunk,
04:53you can look back through all the photos in the morning and afterwards
04:56and just remember what a great time you had.
04:57Another tip is to bring a coat or a very thick cardigan
05:03just in case you find yourself crashing on the floor
05:05and you get very, very cold when there's no blankets or anything
05:08so it's nice to like cuddle up in your coat or blanket.
05:10Um, what else?
05:12Bring deodorant.
05:13That's a good one.
05:13Deodorant and powder because you're gonna sweat a lot, maybe.
05:17Just have fun, really.
05:19When it comes to New Year's, if you're a kissy kind of person,
05:22just- just hold back, maybe.
05:24Just- just ask.
05:26Because you get people like my friend Evan who don't want to be kissed at midnight.
05:29Me, however, kisses all round.
05:32For me, the countdown is the best bit
05:34so make sure you are with your friends for that bit
05:37because there is nothing better.
05:39I feel as though there is no better feeling than the countdown to the New Year.
05:43Generally, those are my favourite moments in life
05:45and I'm really excited for this year
05:47especially because the past years where I've done this,
05:50it's never really been the best.
05:51There's always been something that's been poo.
05:53There's been someone I've been with who I'm not too, like, happy with
05:58or like I've been with my family and...
06:01This year, I'm gonna be surrounded by everyone I love
06:04and it's just gonna be the best
06:05and I'm- I'm so excited.
06:07I'm so excited.
06:07Have fun tonight, everyone, and have a happy New Year
06:11and I'll see you next year.
06:16Happy New Year!
06:18Happy New Year.