Crayon Shin Chan EP11

  • last week


00:001, 2, 3, Hup!
00:07Lactose Overdose
00:11Walking with all that milk.
00:15Oh, I feel like a dairy cow, but without the huge udders.
00:21Ooh, ooh! I can make all the missing children fight each other.
00:25I can't believe your school is making you bring in ten milk cartons.
00:28It's like having kids build a giant carton out of smaller ones that'll teach them anything.
00:31I mean, they act like there's a kid in Japan who hasn't seen Voltron.
00:35You shouldn't act surprised. The school told us to start collecting three months ago.
00:39Actually, they told you three months ago, Shin. You only told me about it today.
00:43I forgot to thank you for that.
00:45I don't care for your tone.
00:47Oh, Shin doesn't care for my tone.
00:49Isn't it time for you to go take your pills and fall asleep on the couch?
00:53It's a good thing you got all that milk to wash down this knuckle sandwich.
00:59Now what are we going to do with all this milk?
01:02Let's feed it to Hema till she explodes.
01:04How about we just put it away, Mr. Smarty Britches?
01:10There's no room in the fridge for it.
01:12Then I hope you're up for some competitive drinking.
01:38Just nine and a half more cartons.
01:40Think my peel turned white?
01:44I don't know, but it would help me figure out whether it's you or the dog peeing in the hallway.
01:50Hey, yours is half empty.
01:54Ah, but you need more so you can grow tall and manly.
01:57While I'm on a targeted plan, straight to the jugs.
02:05Haven't you heard of milk poisoning?
02:07Milk is how boys get big and strong, Shin.
02:09Action Baster drinks milk.
02:14That's the spirit.
02:17Big and strong, just like Action Baster.
02:20Hey, we finished the whole cart and now we can get started on the next one.
02:27Package for Mrs. Nahara.
02:29My SkyMall back issues!
02:3198 was a great year.
02:33If you haven't read them, they're new to you.
02:35You're our hundredth delivery man.
02:37Congratulations, you've won the grand prize.
02:39A glass of extra creamy boob juice.
02:42That's right, it's your lucky day.
02:45Oh, don't worry, it's not mine, it's a cow's. Now drink up!
02:48Yes, ma'am.
02:52So, who's going to be next?
02:54I know.
02:58Ah, I'm starved.
03:04Okay, what's going on?
03:06It's a theme meal, can you guess the theme?
03:08You did the milkman.
03:10That's right, dear, and then I did the meter man and had a threesome with the neighbors.
03:14I need a beer.
03:16Here, Dad.
03:17God bless you, son, now we're talking.
03:19At least someone remembers the importance of beer to a salesman's diet.
03:23Can't beat a cold glass of...
03:25I should have seen that one coming.
03:27So it's the American school's fault.
03:30Their kids are big fat moo cows, now our kids will be too.
03:33Sorry, dear, there's not much we can do. Milk has a short shelf life.
03:37Mom says it's wrong to waste food, plus it costs us 30 bucks.
03:40That's why every part of tonight's dinner was made with milk.
03:43Milk hot pot, cream of milk chicken with milky cabbage delight,
03:47milk tofu in a milky chocolate sauce, and my favorite, extra milky miso milk soup.
03:52The good news is I managed to squeeze the rest of the milk into the fridge,
03:55so we won't have to waste a single drop.
03:57Get ready for three more days of milk recipe adventures.
04:00And three weeks of milky diarinies.
04:02Now remember, Shin, you're still not done yet.
04:05Mommy filled the biggest pot she owns with milk set aside just for you.
04:09After dinner, you'll have a cup of milk for dessert,
04:12plus a serving of scrumptious milk gelatin with another glass of milk.
04:16Then, after you take your bath, one cup of milk,
04:19Then, after you take your bath, one cup of milk,
04:22and before sleepy time, a nice warm mug of milk.
04:25And after you piss the sheets and your bladder's empty, you get...
04:29I've got to do something or I'm going to be swimming in milk
04:32like the last soggy bit in a bowl of Action Bastard Corn Flakes.
04:39Hey, there's an idea.
04:43Bath time, here I come.
04:46Come on in, Daddy-o, the milk's fine.
04:48What are you doing, Shin?
04:50Being an Action Bastard Corn Flake.
04:52I don't believe this. Did you use up all the milk?
04:55Your mom's going to kill us for this.
04:59What did you two do?
05:01Yeah, Mitzi, our kids got no self-control wasting all that milk.
05:04I doubt those cows wanted their teats yanked for this.
05:06Hey, don't act all innocent. You're in the bath, too.
05:10No use crying over it, right? You know what they say, Mitzi.
05:12It does a body good.
05:14My skin's so smooth.
05:16Isn't it great?
05:17You guys are idiots, you know that?
05:19Oh, well, they also say if you can't kill them, join them.
05:26The truth is I've always dreamed about taking a milk bath.
05:29Ever since I read about how Cleopatra did it to stay beautiful.
05:32But who can afford to spend that much?
05:36All right, are you getting in?
05:38Not yet. You guys just take your time and I'll jump in when you're done.
05:41I want to have it all to myself.
05:43Oh, the decadence.
05:48This is the life.
05:50Next time, beer.
05:51Don't you even think about it, Shin.
05:54You want to try a relaxing breathing exercise?
06:09Hima, no! Don't relax that much!
06:14Baby, run!
06:18Good evening, viewers.
06:19Looks like another sunny weekend in the Kanto Koshinatsu area.
06:22Clear skies for Tokyo and Saitama, which is good news...
06:24So, Dad, you sure it was right not telling her?
06:27Of course, Shin. If your mother is happy, why pee on her parade?
06:31Ah, my skin feels great.
06:34I could just drink it all up.
06:37Milk, take me away.
06:42Yo, here's Moisho!
06:47Meet the parasites!
06:55Michi, what a pleasant surprise!
06:57Oh, Missy, I need your help!
06:58I didn't know who else to ask! You're so much older and whiter!
07:01Ah, thanks.
07:02What's the matter? Did you forget how to boil water again?
07:05This is like one of Dad's secret movies.
07:11You're trying to save money to buy a house?
07:13Yeah. Yoshirin says renting's like throwing money away.
07:16And if you can afford a house on Hiro's salary, then we should be able to get one.
07:19Well, then, what's wrong?
07:21We created a budget for ourselves, which was easy, but living on it, not so much.
07:25Wow, good for you guys. I can see how that could be rough on you, though.
07:29Sucks. It's only been a month and I'm ready to kill myself.
07:33Do you know how hard it is to get good, cheap foie gras?
07:38No, but I do know how to put together a cheap weekly meal plan.
07:41You just have to be determined to stick to it.
07:43Ninety bucks a month cheap?
07:45That's a lot of money!
07:47Not for groceries.
07:48Let's see. Ninety dollars a month works out to three dollars a day, and with three meals a day, that's fifty cents each per meal.
07:57Fifty cents? You could buy gum. Gum is a good food to eat.
08:01What do you eat?
08:02Well, we pretty much just have ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
08:06It's just like college without the date rape!
08:08How delightful.
08:09Listen, no offense, but how do you expect to stick to this budget if you can barely last a month?
08:14Actually, we couldn't. We were over budget by day two.
08:17Get a part-time job. It's not like you've got children leeching the life out of you.
08:20Yoshirin's scared if I spend too much time outside the house, I'll start thinking for myself.
08:24I wouldn't worry.
08:25But he says he wouldn't worry if I worked for you because you wouldn't expand my mind too much.
08:29Work for me?
08:30Nitsy, couldn't you use some help around the house? I could be like your maid.
08:35Huh? My maid? Hiro can barely afford to have me do all that crap.
08:39Oh no! No money would exchange hands. Just...
08:42Just what?
08:45Just let me throw in some of our clothes while I do yours.
08:48And let us use your hot water from time to time.
08:51Oh, and let us come over and watch TV.
08:55And of course, just let me brew tea for us to drink together.
08:58You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think that you were using us.
09:01I'll babysit too. You mind if we borrow her soil diapers to fertilize her rose garden?
09:05I'll tell you what you can do with...
09:09Hey, what's up? Just Nitsy.
09:12No, I can talk.
09:13K, text me.
09:14You can't afford the laundromat, but you can afford cell phone bills.
09:17We got the deluxe plan, so we can't afford not to use all our minutes.
09:21And how else can I talk to my friends while I'm getting my nails done?
09:24You could talk to a fist.
09:25Oh, and Nitsy?
09:27What is it now?
09:28Do you mind if I recharge my phone here?
09:32It's cute, but the battery life sucks.
09:34Chin up, hero. It's obligatory sex night.
09:37Honey, I'm home.
09:38Welcome home! Did you have a super good day at the office?
09:42Are you my wife for the night?
09:44Hey, is this a trap?
09:46There's a perfectly rational non-wife-swapping explanation.
09:49Hi! Hey, Nitsy, can't thank you enough. Your shower really was golden.
09:54Hero, Michi and I have decided to accept your offer to let us hang out here.
09:58Oh, yeah, I offered to let you stay.
10:00Just like Poland invited the Nazis.
10:02It's not an offer, it's an invasion.
10:09Can I help you?
10:10Oh, I just wanted to see if the dog show was on tonight.
10:13Ooh, look, it's on pay-per-view.
10:17I'm not even here.
10:19You gotta get rid of them.
10:20Yeah, but how?
10:21I know you can do it.
10:23Sometimes I hate you.
10:25Thanks for dinner!
10:27I'll go help the ladies clean up in the kitchen.
10:29Doesn't make us even.
10:31Now don't miss me too much while I'm gone.
10:33All right, kids, time for your bath.
10:37Dad, at 8 o'clock tonight there's a new show on TV.
10:40Who wants to blow up an aardvark?
10:43And they'll show it all?
10:44Live, on air, and in 3D.
10:47Do we have the glasses?
10:49Got them this morning.
10:51Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
10:53Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
10:55Bay fast.
10:59Mammals exploding.
11:00In glorious slow motion.
11:02Aardvarks, here we...
11:04I'm a cheerleader!
11:05Do you think you have what it takes to date me?
11:08Awesome! Virtual high school's so real!
11:11Don't be such a game hog, Yosharin.
11:13I want to try out the new gigantic one-eyed monster shooter.
11:15Hold on, I'm taking Heather to the prom after party.
11:19What is that crap on my TV?
11:21Video games.
11:23Whoa, the new Game Station 2. Adopt me now.
11:26We stood in line all night at S-Mart and paid 300 bucks, but it was so worth it.
11:30300 bucks, but...
11:32What about your budget?
11:33Well, renting games is like throwing money away.
11:35That's it.
11:36If you've got money to waste on video games, then why the hell are you leeching off of us?
11:41You make me sick.
11:42Your whole generation thinking you're entitled to MP3 players and cell phones and video games.
11:46But it's a Game Station 2.
11:50Get your cheap asses out of my house!
11:57Haven't heard from the neighbors lately. Think they're homeless?
11:59Well, with her brains and his common sense, it's entirely...
12:03I'll bet you that's them wanting to borrow our credit cards.
12:06Good morning, the Hara family!
12:08Thank you, Time.
12:09Accept this as a token of our appreciation.
12:12Please take it.
12:13Uh, that's very nice, but I thought you were saving your money.
12:16We realized we'd be your age before we could afford a house, so we said screw it.
12:20As long as I've got Michi by my side, I don't care if we live in a mansion or a crack house.
12:24Only if it's nice.
12:26So we took some of the money we saved and used it to buy gifts that expressed how special your friendship is to us.
12:31Generic beer and a mystery drink?
12:34My, how nice of you. Hiro loves alcohol and I love off-brand sodas.
12:38And of course, we didn't forget that we owe you guys dinner.
12:41Which is why we were thinking of treating you to some sushi this afternoon.
12:46Hey, it's been a long time since we've been able to have any sushi.
12:50It'd be great, but do you really want to blow all the money you saved on us?
12:53Oh, Mitzi, we just knew you'd say something like that.
12:55So we scrapped that idea.
12:57And spent it all on ourselves!
13:00Oh, swell.
13:01We bought rare, hand-crafted porcelain figurines of the entire cast of Baywatch Knights on eBay!
13:07You bought what? Huh?
13:08Of course we had to buy a computer first.
13:10But you won't believe the deals you can find on eBay.
13:12We got the entire set for just 400 bucks!
13:14So really, the computer pays for itself!
13:17Uh-huh, totally!
13:19Get out.
13:27Race for your life, Georgie Brown!
13:31He's late again?
13:35Maybe he's dying.
13:36That's no excuse.
13:37Hey, it's about time!
13:39A stance, a stance!
13:41Yo! What's up?
13:43Shin, you're 30 minutes late.
13:45And you waited for me? That proves I love...
13:51You've just ruined the sanctity of my cheek.
13:53Because of you, we don't have time to play house.
13:55I was gonna be at table.
13:57You better have a good excuse.
13:58I do.
13:59I was doing the Mr. Elephant dance.
14:01Swing and sway, the elephant's way. Swing and sway, the elephant...
14:05I had to do an encore, but then I accidentally peed on the audience.
14:09We all make sacrifices. I could be learning how to macrame.
14:12We need stricter discipline.
14:14The next person who's late should get a punishment.
14:17Like the hurdy belt?
14:18Hold on.
14:19Let's not involve our parents. We've got to think of something.
14:22With this bunch of brainiacs, that'll take all week.
14:25Shut up, you jerk!
14:26Georgie, you're good at that kind of stuff.
14:29I've got it.
14:30Whoever's late next time can't talk to any girls for 24 hours.
14:34No, anything, but that's so unfair.
14:37You picked that just to be mean to me and the women of Cosca Bay.
14:40I'll put a sock in it.
14:42I'm the only one here who's in with the ladies.
14:44You don't care because all girls think you're scum.
14:46And Masa won't care because he doesn't like talking to girls.
14:48And Boo only talks to plants.
14:50Oh, what will I do without the ladies?
14:52Doesn't bother me. I vote yes.
14:59Right. I've got to make sure I'm not late today.
15:03Hey, Momo, what'd you get?
15:06Perry Hodder?
15:08What a friggin' rip-off. It doesn't even look like he's a wizard.
15:11He's not.
15:12He's an autistic kid sent to England because he shot his brother.
15:15Well, I guess that sort of sounds interesting.
15:18I bought a British phrase book to help me read it. Wanna see?
15:22Where's my green Madonna bra?
15:24Shin, it's your dad's birthday and that bra's all he's asked for.
15:27Well, that and the fishnets.
15:36Just out of curiosity, what are you doing?
15:41Chameleon Shin!
15:45Look, I need this house clean tonight, all right?
15:47Don't you have a playdate with your friends to go to?
15:51And take that bra off your face!
15:54Lizard body, lizard brain.
15:59No horror residents.
16:01Oh, hi, Nanako.
16:02Hello, Mitzi.
16:03You mean hot Nanako?
16:05I know you said it was Hiro's birthday tonight,
16:07so if you wanted, I thought I could come over and help you with the cake.
16:10Sure. Can you stay for dinner?
16:12I do have to give Hiro his gifts, but that never takes more than ten minutes less if he's drunk.
16:17Okay, I'll see you then.
16:22Was that too selfish, inviting my friend to Hiro's birthday?
16:25You won't mind, she's hot.
16:26Yeah, too bad she won't think the same about you, Shin.
16:30She just hates boys who don't pick up their toys.
16:34She also hates boys who don't vacuum.
16:37Let's not push it, Mom.
16:43Good job, Chameleon Shin.
16:45Hey, you better hurry. Aren't you meeting your friends at two?
16:48Oh no, the late punishment!
16:50That would ruin my whole chance with Nanako.
16:52No, wait! My bra!
16:57Oh, that's better. Spotted dick is a kind of cake with raisins.
17:01So that's what they're all eating. It looks good.
17:04You know, Momo, my mom goes to this cool British bake shop and I was...
17:12Was that Shin?
17:13You know him?
17:15No, absolutely not. He's just a little retarded boy my family helped out for tax reasons. See ya.
17:20I'll never live it down if Shin gets there before me.
17:23Shin, wait! It's me!
17:26This doesn't have to be a race, alright?
17:28We can both be on time. We can be equals, just like church and state. Slow down.
17:33Wait, were you trying to get with that girl?
17:35I don't get with anyone. I'm a kindergartner. Let's just make sure we're not late.
17:41Oh no, my watch!
17:43This one even gave me my stock updates.
17:45Yeah, I'd update your socks, too.
17:47Don't be stupid!
17:48We should just go together so neither of us is the last one there.
17:52Besides, maybe we'll get lucky and Boo won't get distracted by his reflection again.
17:57Oh no!
17:59Stupid public works blocking our path.
18:01What's the time?
18:02We got about eight minutes left.
18:04We'll have to cross the railroad tracks.
18:06Try not to run into the train, Shin.
18:12Come on, come on. How long is this stupid train?
18:15Let's go, Shin. Pick up your tail. We can't be late.
18:17How much time?
18:18About eight minutes.
18:22Giving up?
18:23You've been saying eight minutes for the last eighteen.
18:28But my watch says...
18:29Let me see that. Give it to me.
18:30Somebody help me!
18:31Quit squirming and let me see it.
18:32Would you just stop?
18:34I bet you forgot to wind it.
18:38So you're insane.
18:39I got a pretty good deal on it.
18:41You got a good...
18:47I can't lose to you.
18:48Hey, don't run so fast.
18:49We're still gonna get there together, right?
18:51You moron. I only said that because I was losing.
18:53Oh, yeah?
19:04He can't keep up.
19:05Those morning swim classes are finally paying off.
19:09His tech is power!
19:11Thanks, mister.
19:12We lizards don't get picked up too often.
19:14Anytime, my little chameleon boy buddy.
19:16It's very important that I beat Georgie to the park.
19:19You got it.
19:21You lousy cheater!
19:23So, can you get us to the park by two?
19:25This GPS can't fail.
19:26It's endorsed by Action Bastard.
19:28Hey, the park is down that street.
19:30No, duh. That's a one-way street blocking us, see?
19:32I gotta detour around it.
19:35But I'll still be able to get there before Georgie, right?
19:37I don't see why not.
19:39What the crap?
19:43Cross street's backed up, my green amigo.
19:45Sucks to be you.
19:53How come Shin isn't talking tonight?
19:54We don't know, but don't fight it.
20:16Everything seems awkward to me.
20:17Nothing's just as it should be.
20:19If this keeps on, I'm sure I won't get by.
20:22But then I close my eyes and try to smile.
20:26I know things are bad and getting worse.
20:29But after all this, I can rest a while.
20:32And then I'll party, party.
20:35Party, party. Join us, join us.
20:36Party, party. Join us, join us.
20:38Party, party. Join us, join us.
20:39Shake your day away and you can
20:41Party, party. Join us, join us.
20:42Party, party. Join us, join us.
20:44Party, party. Join us, join us.
20:46Shake your blues away.
20:52Break a vacation, boy!
20:54This party's shaking and it ain't just shaking here.
20:57I see that smile, you're grinning ear to ear.
21:00Sing this song and you should really sing it clear.
21:03Just sing along with us.
21:08Party, party. Join us, join us.
21:10Party, party. Join us, join us.
21:11Party, party. Join us, join us.
21:13Shake your day away and you can
21:14Party, party.
21:16Oh, I'm back with you.
21:19Grand old party it is.
21:21Party, party.