Crayon Shin Chan EP7

  • last week


00:00One, two, three, ha!
00:08By Don's Early Fight
00:31Why'd I drink all that Action Bastard bastard juice?
00:36I need a toilet, a bowl, hemus, hands, anything!
00:40Shit, what are you doing? We're trying to...
00:47Be here.
00:52That was a close one.
00:56What did you do now?
00:58I remember to lift up the toilet seat, but I forgot to pull down my pants.
01:03So in other words, you wet yourself?
01:05What happens if I say yes?
01:08Stay there.
01:16Be quiet, I need to sleep. Tomorrow's a meeting where I convince my boss I'm not completely worthless.
01:21Sorry, dear.
01:24Hiro, get up, it is tomorrow!
01:27No, it's not.
01:31Oh, God, I'm late.
01:33Is it your back?
01:35I never should have moved this stupid fridge.
01:37I'll get the muscle cream.
01:39Where's our first aid kit?
01:41I think Shin used it as a toilet on the way here.
01:44Well, there's no time anyway, we've got to get you out the door.
01:47You gonna make me breakfast?
01:49Where is that suit?
01:50No, you don't get breakfast.
01:52It's gotta be here somewhere.
01:54Did you take the poster?
02:01Well, that's 27 bucks and a 40-minute trip to the garment district all down the drain.
02:07Can't you just call in sick today?
02:09But the meeting, my boss is ranking us by our power colors.
02:12I thought it was by birthstones.
02:14He's been reading a new book.
02:16Hey, Dad, wanna do the trust dance for luck? You get to say penis.
02:20Thanks, I'm okay.
02:23Just do your best, dear.
02:25It'll look less wrinkly if you stand next to an old guy.
02:38It's a wonder he hasn't gotten fired yet, isn't it?
02:41Yes, it is.
02:43Back to bed.
02:44Reach it, sister.
02:51Wait, Shin, get up, you have school today.
02:55No, thanks, I went there last week.
02:57You have to go every week, lazy.
02:59And the school bus doesn't know about the new apartment, so you're walking.
03:02But my shin splints.
03:04Fine, we'll take the bike and you can be like those fat American kids.
03:07Ema, honey, wake up.
03:15Come on, slowpoke, say ah.
03:17Say ah.
03:22You know, I don't remember where we unpacked our bike.
03:26We forgot to move it over here.
03:28You must trek, there's a wheel for each of us.
03:31I'm not trekking to your school on a tricycle.
03:33Then call me a taxi instead.
03:35Oh, please, you know we can't afford that.
03:37You're so selfish.
03:39You got a better idea?
03:41How about you take the day off?
03:43Call it a personal day.
03:46Well, I don't know how Shin got monkey pox, but I'm sure biting was involved.
03:51Yes, thanks a lot.
03:53We'll pray for the monkey, too.
03:56Does this mean I'm going to turn into a monkey now?
03:59You're not sick!
04:00I just need some help.
04:01Look at all these boxes and I'm the only one unpacking them.
04:04If only I could clone myself.
04:05Just make sure your clone gets bigger boobies.
04:09Okay, while you were busy seeing stars, I've made a list of things I need to take care of.
04:16Now, which one should I tackle first today?
04:21Spend boob money on Action Bastard toys.
04:24Wow, you nearly tricked me, genius.
04:27We did, too.
04:30Maybe I'll just pick a couple of these to focus on right now.
04:35Well, as those hip teens say, time to get my clean on.
04:39I thought this was going to be my personal day.
04:46Those futons are pretty darn ugly.
04:50They have a motherly air about them.
04:52I'll smother you in those cushions!
04:54There has to be a way I can make them look nice in such a small space.
04:57I mean, if Martha could spruce up cell block C.
05:00Ah, I've got it!
05:05You building me a fort?
05:07And Hema's blanket goes here.
05:09Then the nice green one on top.
05:13Feast your eyes on the new family couch!
05:19What luxury!
05:22Actually, I'm not impressed. I was hoping for a water sofa.
05:25Give me a break here. I'm improvising.
05:28It's more for napping on.
05:30Or reading Danielle Steel on.
05:32Or for you and Dad to practice your wrestling moves on.
05:35Okay, you're done.
05:36What? What did I say?
05:40Oh, want to play on the new couch, Hema?
05:44Just try not to make it stinky, okay?
05:48Hey, me too!
05:54Hema! Nope, there I'm older!
05:57You blew your chance, Shin.
05:59Now be a good brother and let her play for a while.
06:01I'm taking out the trash. Don't blow up the place, okay?
06:10Yeah, well, at least I poop on myself on purpose.
06:33I hate complaining, but that dumpster's a dump.
06:37What's going on?
06:39Greetings, mutant!
06:41I'm only asking once.
06:43It's a freak-proof shelter.
06:45We're supposed to be unpacking the boxes, Shin, not clogging the room with them.
06:49That's a reinforced steel wall. The security gate's over here.
06:53The gate's sealed, ma'am. We need you to say the password.
06:56Shin's mother is...
06:58Young and pretty.
06:59Psst! Wrong answer.
07:01Very kind and thin.
07:04She's tiny-boobed?
07:06Very close. The password is a tiny-boob cheapskate.
07:09What did you say to me?
07:17Come here, demon boy!
07:26My back!
07:28Oh, I've heard that's going around.
07:34Now I have even more to clean.
07:44Bug Thy Neighbors
07:53Enohara dives in, setting a new world record for swimming in place on a pile of blankets.
07:58Shin, if I leave you alone, will you try to behave yourself?
08:01I can't promise that.
08:03I'm off to go meet our new neighbors.
08:05So what's in the bag?
08:06Hand towels. Nothing says don't sue us like something you stole from a cheap motel.
08:10This is part of your plan to leave me and never come back, just like we did to Whitey.
08:15That's the silliest thing I've heard in my life.
08:18Oh, yeah? Even sillier than a drunken monkey juggling pickles while riding a unicycle?
08:22Is this because I turned your tampon into a grow worm?
08:27I don't know why you always think I'm mad at you, Shin.
08:29Now shut up before you wake Hima from her nap.
08:32Mothers only abandon ugly children.
08:35You're too cute. We'll be together forever.
08:38Uh, I don't know, Mom. Forever's kind of a long time.
08:42Fine, I'm leaving. I wouldn't want to smother you.
08:44Hey, wait up. I'm coming with you.
08:47Uh, no. We want to impress them, not terrify them.
08:50I'll be good. Pleasure to meet you.
08:53My name's Shin Nohara. I'm five years old and mostly potty trained.
08:57As you may have guessed, this is my mom. Note the unflattering pet.
09:00Fine! You can come with me, but I'll do all the talking.
09:03You just stand there and pretend your tongue fell off.
09:06Aw, you're no fun.
09:08Then stay home. I'll be right back.
09:10Wait, Mom! You're gonna need this.
09:12A bat. That'll protect me from all the rapists and fastballs. Thank you, Shin.
09:17Here, put this with your other dumb plans.
09:19Mom is just trying to help out.
09:23Let's start right next door. It requires the least walking.
09:31They must be at work.
09:34There's something moving!
09:39It's a zombie! Run!
09:41Can I help you?
09:43That's not a zombie.
09:45Hi there.
09:47I'm Mitzi Nohara, and this is my son Shin.
09:50I'm Mitzi Nohara, and this is my son Shin, and we just moved in next door.
09:54Good stuff.
09:55This is a little welcome gift.
09:57Mom stole it from a motel because she's cheap.
09:59Stop it!
10:01I hope you like it.
10:02Yeah, we'll give it a shot.
10:05I'd rather not know what he's gonna do with that.
10:10Hey, where'd Shin go?
10:11On my arm!
10:12Don't tell me!
10:15I do not know what he saw, but I was just scratching.
10:18I apologize for my son.
10:20Now, Shin, don't you have something to say to the nice man?
10:23Your apartment smells like breakfast farts.
10:25It does not!
10:26Shin, it's rude to point!
10:27If my apartment stinks, which it doesn't, it's because I'm too busy to clean.
10:31I've been rejected from college three times now, and I'm applying again.
10:34My name's Yonro.
10:35Well, maybe going to college isn't your thing.
10:38Yeah, that's what the dean of admissions told me.
10:41And my therapist, and my tutor, and my life coach, and the guy who sold me those stupid prep books.
10:46Oh, and my guild.
10:47You'll never win with that attitude, dropout.
10:49You butthole!
10:51He's very sorry.
10:53For future reference, I need all my concentration to study, so if you could please keep your volume to a minimum.
10:58You won't know we're here.
11:00I have to pee, Mom. Can I go in the towel like he was about to?
11:03It was very nice meeting you.
11:05Enjoy your towel.
11:07I was planning to, butthead!
11:10Lock on.
11:11Thank you for proving my point. Now go inside while I finish out here.
11:15No way.
11:16Get your butt inside!
11:17No way!
11:18Get inside!
11:19No way!
11:20Inside now!
11:21No way!
11:22I said go!
11:23I said no!
11:27I'm so, so, so, so sorry.
11:42Soon my lifelong dream of building the world's tallest tower of dentures will be complete.
11:47It's taken 15 days, and I've lost six of my real teeth in the process, but it will all be worth it.
11:53Oh, yes, just as soon as I place this final set.
12:07Got nugget!
12:13Action, bastard!
12:16Quit your hippin' and hoppin'!
12:36Don't make me come up there!
12:40Huh? That was only six. It missed two.
12:44Please tell me those sounds were only in my head.
12:46There's something living in the floor.
12:48The landlady lives downstairs, so unless you want to wind up on the street, don't make too much racket.
12:53What's a landlady?
12:54The woman who owns the place.
12:57Be right there!
12:58I'm here!
13:01Or you can just let yourself in.
13:04Uh-huh, uh-huh. So you're the manlady? Does that mean you squat or stand?
13:09It's not manlady, it's landlady.
13:11And you must be the poop stain who's jumping up and down on my ceiling.
13:14You mean our floor. And you missed two knocks the last time you tried to copy me.
13:19I wasn't trying to copy Jack!
13:21We don't allow pets in here, and this little monkey comes dangerously close.
13:24Don't worry, ma'am. I'll be sure to keep him quiet.
13:27This is why I carved out my uterus.
13:31She's just mad because she'll never be a real lady.
13:33I am a lady!
13:36All right, I have to rebuild or else that little terrorist will get the last laugh.
13:40This isn't like our old house where the only things living under the floor were rats and mold.
13:44You have to walk quietly.
13:46But that's, like, impossible.
13:47Just pretend you're a ninja in that one-eyed monster game.
13:50But one-eyed never wears a mask and always makes a splash.
13:54Fine, then you're going to have to work on walking slowly.
13:57You mean like this much?
14:03I said walking slow, not being slow.
14:06I'll put dinner in the oven followed by my head.
14:21You're dead!
14:26Game on!
14:27Would you knock it off, Shin?
14:30Keep it down in there! I'm taking a study break nap!
14:36Stop that banging!
14:42Yo! Watch more show!
14:46Spin your jeep!
14:54It's like those apartments you see on the news when someone gets shot.
14:58I think I'll get hepatitis just looking at it.
15:01If you owned a hellhole like this, why would you call it Falling Apartments?
15:04I'd call it Boo Eats Soda and Likes Labs.
15:07It's not too late to run away, guys.
15:09Yo! How's it hanging?
15:15Oh no! Shin's been bit by a radioactive cockroach!
15:18No, that's not it. If anything, it was the other way around.
15:22Hey, you little rat turds! Quit messing around out here!
15:24It's the Man Lady!
15:26In England, they call your type window lickers!
15:28Now get down from there before you fall and raise my insurance premiums!
15:31I mean it!
15:32Shoo! Shoo!
15:35Kids. Can't live with them, can't abort them when they're not yours.
15:39Who are you pipsquirts, anyway?
15:41We're academic associates of your new tenant, Shin Nohara, ma'am.
15:44Well, if you're friends with him, then you must all be a little hill spawn, too.
15:47I don't tolerate yelling, laughing, or fun in my building, so I've got my eye on you brats.
15:51Especially you, Preppy.
15:54She should be nicer to me. I come from a long line of slumlords.
15:57Right this way.
16:01You have to knock on your own door?
16:03If this isn't your apartment, why'd we stop here?
16:07I'm not home!
16:08Hey, dropout!
16:10Finish the first grade and then come back and criticize me, butt nugget!
16:14Come on in. I swear you'll get used to the smell.
16:22You're probably wondering why I brought you all here today.
16:25And I am wondering why you're in my apartment.
16:28Meet my new neighbor, Yanro, the college dropout.
16:31Hi, dropout!
16:34Look, I'm not a dropout. You have to get in before you can drop out.
16:38Well, sometimes it takes two tries.
16:40Maybe for some people. I've actually been rejected three times.
16:44I'd say the fourth time's the charm, but they might not accept a guy named Yanro, the college dropout.
16:50But I thought any folk could get into college if they tried.
16:53Yeah, I thought college was easy to get into, also.
16:56Even my father got in. He majored in biological test subject with a minor in philosophy.
17:03I hear that the people who can't afford to buy their way into college have to work twice as hard as the rest of us.
17:08Wow, is that true?
17:12That's right. That is how it is.
17:14Oh, I like working hard. What kind of work do you have to do?
17:19Hey! So this is what grown-ups read when they're hard at work?
17:24That's weird. It's all sticky.
17:27Don't judge me! You don't know what it's like to have to work off of free preview clips.
17:34Great. We'll just back out slowly now.
17:38It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
17:40I am not adding you to my buddy list!
17:44Don't worry. He says the same thing to me every time I come over.
17:47You're a fool!
17:50So then, behind this door is the new Cause Edition?
17:54Whose day are we brightening with sunshine now?
17:57But what if it's Jimmy Carter?
17:59Ooh, a woman.
18:01Yes, how can I help you?
18:03Yo! My name is Farty McPoopsalot.
18:06Quit messing around!
18:08I'm Georgie Prescott III, ma'am, and please forgive my friend's terrible manners.
18:11His parents let him watch public television.
18:14Hey! I don't need you making excuses for me. I didn't do anything wrong.
18:18Everyone needs a good spin, Doctor. If Nixon had me, he'd still be president!
18:25Aren't you adorable? My name's You. It's nice to meet you.
18:28Are you here all by yourself?
18:30At the moment, yes.
18:31She'll die alone in there, trapping her millions of cats.
18:34Please stop talking.
18:35And no one will know till they start eating her body rot and the downstairs ceiling starts leaking cat pee!
18:43That's right. Laugh to hide the tears.
18:48Having to stand there and spin for a lying, insensitive, sexist creep, now I know how Dee Dee Myers must have felt.
18:53Kissed that her name was Dee Dee?
18:55I don't get why this spinning thing's so important to you.
18:58Spinning is how you get the public to focus on something stupid while you do what's best for them!
19:02Shin, can you tell your friends to keep it down? Our new neighbors don't know we're a nightmare to live next to yet.
19:07Oh, I think they have some idea already.
19:11An appointment opened up at the nail salon, but if your parents ask, I was here the whole time.
19:15Yes, ma'am.
19:16Mine too.
19:18Well, what should we do now?
19:19Hey, I've got an idea. Let's play house!
19:21Yay! I'm Dr. House!
19:23No, you're not ruggedly handsome enough!
19:25Oh, okay.
19:26We could run around and scream really loudly.
19:29But the landlady warned us about that specifically, Boo.
19:32Well, can't you just use your spinning power to smooth things over?
19:35Just because I can talk my way out of trouble doesn't mean you should go looking for it, Shin!
19:39So you're saying you're not really good at it?
19:41I am too good! You take that back!
19:45I'm a spin-freakin'-master! I'm like the platonic lovechild of Harry Potter and Jack-o'-lanterns!
19:55We're so dead.
19:56What are you whore little beasts doing up here, dancing the darn Macarena?
19:59Well, we were running around and screaming until some man-lady interrupted us.
20:03He's thankful you came up to put an end to our shenanigans.
20:05Whatever, Frippie. You just take these mutts somewhere else, you got that?
20:08Yes, thank you. We will. Please don't call the cops.
20:11Suck up.
20:13Gee, Georgie, that wasn't so hard. I knew you could do it.
20:16But you're the only one who ever said I couldn't!
20:18Let's go outside. That's what I do when Dad starts yelling. It helps keep the ouchies away.
20:24Ninety-four Mississippi! Ninety-five Mississippi! Ninety-six Mississippi!
20:30Ninety-seven Mississippi! Ninety-eight Mississippi! Ninety-nine Mississippi!
20:36One hundred!
20:46Your butt is mine!
20:48I wanna be loved by you.
20:56I must say, that hat looks stunning on you, ma'am.
20:59I'm begging you, please, please don't call the police.
21:05I was starting to think that today would never end.
21:08Are you kidding? Today was great. We had so much fun and I didn't even get in trouble once.
21:12Good for you.
21:13Thanks for having us.
21:14Yeah, it's been fun.
21:16Smell you later.
21:17As he waved goodbye to his friends that day, none of them knew what lay ahead.
21:22Least of all Shin.
21:28And in that moment, he went from being a boy to being a man boy.
21:34Love changes a man, and Shin was a man forever changed.
21:38Love changes a man, and Shin was a man forever changed.
21:41Whoa, I think the man lady just got knocked down to third hottest hottie in the building.
21:55Woke up late this morning, a storm was really rolling.
21:58Frogs and dogs were raining from the sky.
22:01Everything seems awkward to me, nothing's just as it should be.
22:04If this keeps on, I'm sure I won't get by.
22:08But then I close my eyes and try to smile.
22:11I know things are bad and getting worse.
22:14But after all this, I can rest a while.
22:18And then I'll
22:19Party, party
22:20Party, party
22:21Join us, join us
22:22Party, party
22:23Join us, join us
22:24Party, party
22:25Join us, join us
22:26Shake your day away and you can
22:27Party, party
22:28Join us, join us
22:29Party, party
22:30Join us, join us
22:31Party, party
22:32Join us, join us
22:34Shake your blues away, ha ha ha
22:37We're getting vacation, mom!
22:39This party's shakin' and it ain't just shakin' here
22:42I see that smile grinnin' ear to ear
22:45Sing this song and you should really sing it clear
22:48Just sing along with us
22:53Party, party, join us, join us
22:55Party, party, join us, join us
22:56Party, party, join us, join us
22:58Shake your day away and you can
23:00Party, party!
23:01Oh, I'm bad for truth
23:04Brand old party it is
23:06Party, party!