Special Report with Bret Baier 9/10/24 Full End Show | Fox Breaking News September 10 2024

  • last week
00:00Oh, dear. Hey, Greg, that was a nice salmon pullover that Jesse had at the golf course.
00:05I know.
00:07He was playing golf.
00:08It was lovely.
00:10All right. See you.
00:11See you.
00:12Good evening. I'm Bret Baier. We're coming to you live tonight from Fox News World headquarters
00:17in New York, just down the hall from the Five. On Capitol Hill today, New York's former
00:21governor rejects accusations his actions during the coronavirus pandemic resulted in needless
00:27deaths. And he puts the blame squarely on one man. We will take you there. Iran's leader
00:32promises to make his country ready for an all out nuclear war with the U.S. and its
00:36allies as new details emerge. And Republicans keep the focus on the chaotic Afghanistan
00:42withdrawal ahead of tonight's debate weapon.
00:50Speaking of which, we are just three hours away from what could be the biggest political
00:54event of the twenty twenty four election cycle. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic
00:58nominee for president, taking on former President Donald Trump in their first debate. It happens
01:04just down the road from us in Philadelphia. And the stakes could not be higher with polls
01:09showing the race virtually dead even. We have Fox team coverage tonight. Jackie Heinrich
01:14is in Philadelphia with how the Democrats are preparing for Harris's first direct encounter
01:18encounter with the former president. But we began with congressional correspondent Ayesha
01:23Hosny also in Philadelphia with insight into the former president's strategy. Good evening,
01:27Ayesha. Right. Good evening to you. I'm told that the former president is, quote, cool,
01:32calm and collected and well read on the record of Vice President Kamala Harris going all
01:39the way back to her San Francisco D.A. days. As for his tone tonight, I am told by the
01:45campaign that the president is going to be himself. But the question tonight is, is he
01:50going to be able to stick to the issues? Will he take any personal attacks? His campaign
01:55says he can be focused on the issues. Look, of course he can and he will. Tonight, former
02:01President Trump's campaign says he'll force Vice President Kamala Harris to own every
02:06Biden domestic and foreign policy failure over the last four years. And he plans to
02:12lay out her liberal record going all the way back to her role as San Francisco's district
02:17attorney. He is very focused. Again, he is an incredible debater. We saw what he did
02:22with Joe Biden, that knockout punch that knocked him off the ticket. Trump has been prepping
02:27with Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz and former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who
02:32faced off with Harris herself during the 2020 primaries. Gabbard says tonight is all about
02:37the issues, not personal attacks. He's not focused on trying to get under her skin. He
02:43really is focused on the issues that matter most to the American people. This afternoon,
02:48Trump posted his 20 point platform on Truth Social, topping the list, sealing the border,
02:53carrying out the largest deportation in American history and ending inflation. Trump
02:58leads Harris by a single point in the latest New York Times Sienna poll, well within the
03:03margin of error. But Harris has an 11 point advantage among female voters. Gabbard says
03:09Trump will speak to women tonight by talking about what matters most to them. Issues like
03:13crime and safety, the economy, child care and housing. Meanwhile, Trump hopes to bring
03:19in RFK Junior's supporters after he posted a new video today, urging them to ignore his
03:25name on the ballot. No matter what state you live in, you should be voting for Donald Trump.
03:32And right, we are expecting to see RFK Junior here in the spin room where I'm standing here
03:37tonight, along with a flurry of different Trump surrogates, including his running mate,
03:42J.D. Vance. Brett. All right, I should thank you. One of the major challenges facing Vice
03:47President Harris will be explaining those position changes on a number of key issues.
03:52Another involves, of all things, her height. Senior White House correspondent Jackie
03:57Heinrich takes a look at the game plan for Team Harris tonight. Good evening, Jackie.
04:02Good evening to you, Brett. President Biden told reporters that he talked to Harris today
04:07and she seemed cool, calm and collected. He declined to share any advice that he gave
04:12her. But Harris has been consulting both with Biden and Trump's former opponent, Hillary
04:18Clinton, about how to best handle Trump. Meeting him tonight for the first time with these
04:23high stakes. Vice President Harris is hoping endorsements from Republicans will convince
04:29persuadable voters she's left her liberal past behind and is now a safe bet for moderates
04:34deploying to former Trump staffers in the debate spin room.
04:38And she's going to come out of this at 1030 tonight as the one choice that the American
04:43people need to be present.
04:44And rolling out an ad with former top Trump officials saying he's not fit for the Oval
04:49Office, part of a larger effort to get under Trump's skin.
04:52I mean, Donald Trump's team threatened to pull him out of this debate unless he could
04:58have a muted microphone.
04:59I think that they are worried.
05:00But the vice president has to do more than paint a contrast with Trump as he aims to
05:05tie her to what critics see as the Achilles heel of the Biden-Harris administration.
05:10The border. Illicit fentanyl came over the open borders illegally that killed my son.
05:15It didn't give him the chance to learn from his mistake.
05:17And I hold Joe Biden and Kamala Harris responsible for my son's death.
05:22Trump's efforts to undercut Harris's claim that she represents change getting a boost on
05:27Capitol Hill. And now Harris faces new questions about her past support for progressive
05:31policies like taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants that
05:37resurfaced in a 2020 ACLU questionnaire.
05:40That questionnaire, this is not what she's proposing.
05:42It's not what she's running on.
05:43Harris's campaign has spoken for her, saying her current views were shaped by three years
05:47governing at Joe Biden's side.
05:49But after Harris said herself her values haven't changed, there are questions about the
05:53distance between what she's running on, much of it reportedly ripped directly from Joe
05:58Biden's website, and what she truly believes.
06:01This messaging is brand new.
06:03In the Senate, she was a pragmatist.
06:05She is pragmatic. She does want to work together.
06:07She wants to work across the aisle to get things done for the American people.
06:11It's core to who she is.
06:14Harris's team has made a couple of efforts to position her well tonight.
06:18They got her a smaller podium so that at five foot four, she will look even on the TV
06:24split screen with Trump, who clocks in at six three.
06:27They also pushed for the traveling press pool to be positioned close enough to the
06:31candidates that they can hear and report on whatever is not picked up by the muted mic
06:37spread. Jackie Heinrich in the spin room.
06:39Jackie, thanks. Stay with Fox for complete coverage of the debate and analysis.
06:44Afterwards, Laura Ingraham comes up at seven.
06:46Jesse's at eight.
06:47Martha McCallum and I will take over at eight.
06:51Twenty PM.
06:52We'll have all the lead into the debate.
06:55The debate at nine, followed by analysis and then Sean Hannity and Fox News at night.
07:00You see the lineup there. Former President Trump will react to the debate on Fox and
07:03Friends tomorrow morning, 640 a.m.
07:06Eastern time. Stocks drifted closer to a mixed close following several weeks of sharp
07:12swings. The Dow lost ninety three today.
07:14The S&P 500 was up twenty four.
07:16The Nasdaq gained one forty one tonight.
07:19There's skepticism among some lawmakers, including some Republicans, to House Speaker
07:24Mike Johnson's plan on preventing a government shutdown with a six month stopgap
07:29bill. Johnson wants to combine that legislation to a measure requiring people to show
07:34proof of citizenship to vote.
07:36Your senior congressional correspondent, Chad Perker, House Speaker Mike Johnson
07:40flashing confidence he can avert a government shutdown and squeeze through a plan
07:45requiring people show they are citizens before voting.
07:48I am resolved to that.
07:50We're not looking at any other alternative or any other stuff.
07:52Conservatives want people to prove their citizens to vote using real I.D.
07:57passports or certification from Homeland Security.
08:00But some Republicans call this a fig leaf.
08:02There's no implementation that could be made in the next fifty three, fifty four plus
08:06days. That's going to impact our federal election laws.
08:10So to say that this is an attachment to C.R.
08:12is somehow going to do something is a farce.
08:14Bipartisan defense hawks oppose the plan because it paralyzes the Pentagon, freezing
08:19all spending at current levels for months.
08:21They can't start programs.
08:23They can't end programs.
08:24It's just a horrible idea to put DOD in that position.
08:29Arch conservatives demand guarantees from Johnson that he won't accept a substitute
08:33bill from the Senate or team with Democrats.
08:36Putting up a fake fight is a very poor choice for the speaker to pursue before
08:42November 5th. Former President Trump posting, quote, close it down unless Republicans get
08:47absolute assurances on election security.
08:50Senior Republicans reject that the government shutdown is always a bad idea at any
08:56time. And Democrats say illegal voting isn't a major problem.
09:00Contrary to the claims you'll hear today, non-citizen voting is extremely rare.
09:06But the DOJ says an illegal immigrant pleaded guilty to stealing a passport and voted
09:12in two elections.
09:14The House votes on the bill tomorrow.
09:15The deadline is October 1st.
09:18Brett program live on the Hill.
09:20Chad, thanks. As the saying goes, if you've got something to say.
09:30We're going to defeat Comrade Kamala Harris and we are going to win the White House,
09:38that gorgeous, beautiful White House.
09:40We're going to win it.
09:41You hear a lot of that tonight, maybe.
09:43Let's get some thoughts on tonight's debate.
09:45Joining us, Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume and former deputy chief of staff
09:50to President George W.
09:50Bush, Karl Rove.
09:52You know, we always talk about debates and whether they can shift, move the needle in an
09:58election. It usually doesn't feel like they can that much.
10:02But this one, Brit, seems different.
10:03Well, on paper, it has all the potential in the world to do that.
10:06I mean, we're not going to come close, I don't think, to what happened in the last debate
10:09when one of the candidates bat out of the race.
10:12Now, it's early, Brit.
10:15But on paper, this looks like it could be consequential because we know ultimately so
10:20little about Kamala Harris.
10:22We don't know whether she's the person who ran in 2019 and 2020 and said all these things
10:27that we now all heard about and which she's abandoned or whether she's a new Kamala
10:33Harris, the moderate Kamala Harris.
10:35And obviously, there'll be questions about that.
10:37And if there aren't, Donald Trump will have to raise them.
10:40So we don't know where she's going to come from.
10:41I don't think this debate is going to move the needle much with Donald Trump either way.
10:46People have figured him out to add him as president.
10:48They know what they think of him.
10:50He clocks in at about, what, 47, 48 percent.
10:52And that's where he is.
10:53And that's where he gets a very good likelihood that's where he'll be coming out of this
10:57debate. So it's really all about her.
10:59Speaking of the polls, Karl, you look at the RealClearPolitics average of the recent polls.
11:03It still has a slight lead, but within the margin of error for Kamala Harris.
11:07We'll put that up. But this New York Times Siena poll had Democratic circles all in a
11:12kerfuffle with Trump up one.
11:14And inside that poll that Trump is the major change agent at 51
11:21percent. If that stayed as after this debate, he's in a pretty good position, much better
11:28than he was in 2016 and 2020.
11:30As the white board says, number one priority for her is be the person of change.
11:34She's got to come out of this thing where people say it's not more of the same of Biden.
11:39It's going to be something different if she gets to be president.
11:41If she doesn't do that, she's in trouble.
11:44And so you look at those polls and you say, going into this, he's in a good spot.
11:48Yeah. But she's got an unusual challenge ahead of her, too, because on the one hand, the
11:53people are up for grabs in this election are not on the left.
11:56They're they're they're either low, low propensity voters or disaffected Republicans.
12:01And they're going to want somebody from the center.
12:04So she's got a problem in that the support among three critical Democratic elements, black
12:10voters, young voters and Hispanic voters, she's she's better than Biden was.
12:14But she's not where Biden was in 2020 when he eked out a victory in 40 by 42000 votes in
12:19three states. You know, debates do provide moments, a lot of moments and some big ones in
12:25the past. Nineteen eighty four.
12:27A big one. Ronald Reagan.
12:28Take a listen. I will not make age an issue of this campaign.
12:34I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience
12:43with Walter Mondale and Britt.
12:44You remember that? Well, I remember while I was in the hall, I was covering Mondale, a very
12:49decent guy, very I liked him very much.
12:52And I could see in his face, knowing him as I had and seeing him make speech after speech
12:57day after day for quite a long time.
12:59By then, he laughed at that and was being a good sport.
13:02But I could tell this from looking at him that he knew a that debate was over and be the
13:06campaign in which he was trailing barely was probably over as well as indeed it turned out to
13:10be. Reagan turned the tables on that issue that had begun to had begun to grow.
13:15It was an it was the age issue and it began to grow where Reagan was concerned.
13:19I remember Richard Threlkeld, the correspondent, said he said people are wondering if
13:25he's OK.
13:27And they were briefly some candidates prepare for those.
13:30They plan them. They they map out those moments, but you have to be able to deliver them.
13:36Ronald Reagan delivered it really well.
13:37And I think it was well prepared to no doubt.
13:41Carl, what about your look at this ahead of time?
13:43Kamala Harris has been in a hotel room in Pennsylvania getting ready.
13:49You know, the bar is pretty low to get past where Joe Biden was in that debate.
13:55She may surprise.
13:56She may. And I think it was a mistake for Trump to to basically diminish her calling her
14:01stupid and lower in the bar for because expectations matter a lot in these kind of things.
14:07And if the candidate comes out tonight and appears to be more substantive and more, if we
14:12use the word presidential, I think is going to have an advantage in the aftermath of this.
14:17But going back to what Brett said, Brett said it is tight and it's going to remain tight.
14:23As you said, it's going to it's going to this is going to be very little movement, but
14:27little movement matters a lot when you have a race as tight as this one is.
14:31And as localized as we're talking about six, maybe seven states in which this is going to
14:37be fought 2020, I think we had like 18 battleground states.
14:41And now we're going to be an endless tour from Nevada to Arizona, to Georgia, to North
14:45Carolina, to Pennsylvania, Michigan, which Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.
14:50But last thing, Brett, remember this.
14:53Donald Trump has been through this debate thing a lot and he's been successful.
14:58He's pretty, you know, you know, whenever you look at him, he's he's come out of these
15:03debates pretty well.
15:04The first one, arguably in 2020, he got some criticism for.
15:07But everything else he's done, he came out of the last debate very well because it wasn't
15:13about him. It was about the collapse of Joe Biden.
15:15Previously, he'd done a number on Republican competitors by buffaloing them all.
15:22He came into the first debate that you just mentioned in 2020 and tried to buffalo
15:27everybody and it went very badly for him.
15:29So I think he showed he could learn the lesson by how quiet he was in the first debate.
15:33The question, of course, arises, how will he be tonight?
15:37Well, the clock is on, gentlemen.
15:39Thank you. Appreciate it.
15:41Up next, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo faces tough questions on Capitol Hill
15:46about his actions during the coronavirus pandemic.
15:49And later, Iran is facing new U.S.
15:51sanctions tonight.
15:53We will tell you why.
15:57Fox Weather Alert now experts are predicting tropical storm Francine is likely to become
16:02a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico before lashing against the Louisiana coast tomorrow
16:06afternoon. The National Hurricane Center warns Francine presents a danger of life
16:10threatening storm surge for portions of the upper Texas and Louisiana coastlines.
16:16Multiple brush fires have erupted across Southern California, a blaze that began Monday
16:22and Tribuco Canyon has burned about 9000 acres with no containment so far.
16:27A fire in San Bernardino County has grown to more than 26000 acres.
16:32Residents in several neighborhoods have been ordered to evacuate.
16:37We're getting a look tonight at police body camera video of Sunday's traffic stop
16:41involving Miami Dolphins player Tyreek Hill.
16:44It happened outside the Dolphins stadium prior to that afternoon's game.
16:48Hill and officers exchange words.
16:50Then he's pulled out of his car.
16:52He is eventually placed in handcuffs and pushed onto the ground.
16:55Lawyers for an officer who was placed on administrative duties are calling that action
16:59premature. Hill was eventually released and played in that game.
17:06Breaking tonight, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo defends his much criticized
17:12response to the coronavirus pandemic up on Capitol Hill, Cuomo sparring with Republicans
17:17on a House subcommittee pushing back on allegations his actions caused lives, the loss
17:23of lives. He says there is one person responsible for the situation.
17:28Correspondent Brian Yennis tells us who that is from here in New York.
17:31Good evening, Brian.
17:32Brian, good evening. Well, the Republican led subcommittee released its preliminary
17:36investigation, finding former Governor Andrew Cuomo was ultimately responsible for the
17:41controversial March 25th, 2020 directive that forced nursing homes to readmit COVID-19
17:47positive patients and prohibited New York facilities from testing incoming patients.
17:53The report concluding the directive, quote, unjustifiably exposed vulnerable nursing
17:58home populations to COVID-19.
18:02My question to you is, when were you negotiating for your multimillion dollar advance
18:07deal for your book as seniors were dying in nursing homes?
18:10That is the question in front of you.
18:12You can't make up facts, Congresswoman.
18:15You're the one making up facts.
18:16You're the one who undercounted nursing home deaths.
18:19You're the one who I want to ask right now.
18:21You apologize today.
18:23But there are families sitting here.
18:24I want you to turn around, look them in the eye and apologize, which you have failed to
18:29do. Will you do it?
18:32But today, in front of the families who lost loved ones in nursing homes during the
18:36pandemic, Cuomo did not take responsibility for the directive and instead blamed former
18:42President Trump.
18:44He willfully deceived the American people, denying COVID's very real threat.
18:50It was the COVID hunger games.
18:54The federal government was nowhere to be found.
18:58Republicans accuse Cuomo of a cover up the investigation, finding his office undercounted
19:03nursing home COVID-19 deaths in New York by excluding out of facility deaths.
19:08Cuomo denies directing his staff to underreport deaths.
19:12The report also claims Cuomo personally edited a July 2020 State Department health
19:17report to ensure the excess nursing home deaths were not blamed on the 2020 directive.
19:23Tonight, Republicans have subpoenaed New York Governor Kathy Hochul, who was serving as
19:27lieutenant governor at the time.
19:29They claim she is withholding vital documents related to Cuomo's COVID-19 response.
19:34And after the hearing, Brett Cuomo insisted that he took responsibility every single day
19:39that he addressed millions of people nationwide in his COVID-19 press conferences.
19:43And he insisted multiple times, Brett, that he is not going to run for office despite all
19:49the rumors. Brett.
19:51All right, Brian, thank you.
19:52Up next, Iran crosses a line as the U.S.
19:56and the United Kingdom respond.
19:58We'll explain. First, here's what some of our Fox affiliates around this country are
20:01covering tonight. WDRB in Louisville with the fourth day in a manhunt for a person
20:06accused of shooting vehicles at vehicles along the interstate highway in Kentucky.
20:11Fox News has obtained an affidavit showing a text from suspect Joseph Couch claiming he
20:16intended to kill a lot of people.
20:18He faces five counts of attempted murder and five counts of first degree assault.
20:23Fox 5 in Atlanta, as two Delta Airlines planes collide at Hartsfield Jackson Airport, a
20:28plane on an Airbus flight to Tokyo clipped the tail of a regional jet about to leave for
20:35Louisiana. No injuries, fortunately, reported.
20:38And this is a live look here in New York.
20:41One of the big stories here tonight from Fox 5, our affiliate Tiger Woods and a contingent
20:46of PGA Tour officials meet with representatives from the Saudi Arabia Public Investment
20:51Fund, owners of the Live Tour.
20:53It is a sign of increased efforts in lagging negotiations to merge professional golf
20:57circuits. The head of the PGA says feedback from players and fans have made it clear
21:02they want a resolution.
21:049-11 family is not happy of the timing before 9-11.
21:08That's tonight's live look outside the Beltway from Special Report.
21:17Breaking tonight, as fears grow that Iran is inching towards a nuclear weapon, Tehran
21:22faces new sanctions tonight for giving arms to Russia.
21:26Chief National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin has the latest tonight from the
21:29Pentagon. Good evening, Jennifer.
21:31Good evening, Brett. In a new analysis of Iran's nuclear program, the Institute for
21:35Science and International Security warns that the that according to the IAEA, Iran has
21:42accumulated enough weapons grade uranium to produce nine nuclear weapons in one month.
21:48Quote, Iran could produce its first quantity of 25 kilograms of weapons grade uranium in
21:53about one week. This breakout could be difficult for the IAEA to detect promptly.
21:59The IAEA found that as of August 17th, Iran has more than 363 pounds of uranium enriched
22:07up to 60 percent, an increase of nearly 50 pounds since May.
22:11It is the only non-nuclear weapon state to accumulate this much highly enriched uranium.
22:17Add to this Iran's increased cooperation with Russia.
22:21Today, the U.S.
22:22and Britain accused Iran of supplying Russia short range ballistic missiles that can hit
22:27targets within a 75 mile radius to use against Ukraine, announcing new sanctions against
22:33Russia and Iran.
22:35The supply of Iranian missiles enables Russia to use more of its arsenal for targets that
22:41are further from the front line while dedicating the new missiles it's receiving from
22:44Iran for closer range targets.
22:47Iran has already sent Russia thousands of its Shahid one way attack drones to kill
22:52Ukrainians. And with Iran's help, Moscow has built a giant drone factory shown in this
22:57video. Dozens of Russian soldiers have trained inside Iran on the FATA 360 close range
23:03ballistic missile system.
23:06The United States has confirmed reports that Iran has transferred shipments of FATA 360
23:11close range ballistic missiles to Russia, which we assess could employ them within weeks
23:15against Ukraine, leading to the deaths of even more Ukrainian civilians.
23:20President Biden responded to a reporter's question earlier today, indicating he is
23:24reconsidering restrictions on Ukraine using U.S.
23:28long range weapons to strike at military targets inside Russia.
23:32Quote, We are working that out right now.
23:35Brett Jennifer Griffin, live at the Pentagon.
23:37Jennifer, thank you. Ukraine is once again taking the fight to Russia.
23:41It sent more than 140 drones into that country overnight targeting Moscow and its
23:46suburbs. This follows a similar offensive earlier this month.
23:51The chaotic U.S.
23:52withdrawal from Afghanistan could be a topic in tonight's debate.
23:56Today, the American troops who lost their lives during that action were honored in a
24:00ceremony organized by House Republicans.
24:03State Department correspondent Jillian Turner has details.
24:07A big part of us died with our children.
24:12And I was 26, 20, 21, 13 U.S.
24:15service members slain in an ISIS-K terrorist attack at Kabul Airport in 2021 were
24:21posthumously honored with congressional gold medals today.
24:24As Gold Star parents, our grief never truly ends.
24:30It changed, it transforms, but remains with us always.
24:36Three years after making the ultimate sacrifice while helping frantic civilians flee
24:41the Taliban during the U.S.
24:43withdrawal from Afghanistan, service members, loved ones accepted awards on their
24:47behalf. We are sorry.
24:50The United States government should have done everything to protect our troops.
24:53One father telling Fox News the House speaker's words resonated especially deeply.
24:58Very much appreciated.
25:01When Speaker Johnson said, I'm sorry, I think all of us parents, I know that on the
25:07side that I was sitting and we all you could just see the.
25:12The relief this after House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans released a report
25:17finding, quote, the administration misled and in some instances directly lied to the
25:22American people at every stage of the withdrawal.
25:25Committee Democrats objected to the GOP characterization, but today at the nation's
25:29capital, the morning was bipartisan.
25:32These 13 Americans were sons and daughters.
25:35Some were even younger than the war in Afghanistan itself.
25:40Well, today's ceremony comes just ahead of the 23 year anniversary of another American
25:45tragedy. 9-11 Chairman McCaul, meanwhile, insists his Afghanistan investigation is
25:51going to continue forward.
25:53Brett Gillian, Turner at the State Department.
25:55Gillian, thanks. Up next, we have a very special group of panelists coming up to discuss
25:59tonight's debate. As you look live there at the spin room first beyond our borders
26:03tonight is right.
26:04Nancy Pelosi is channeling her inner Hillary Clinton with this basket of deplorable style
26:08attack on Republican voters who backed Donald Trump.
26:11There are people who will never be, shall we say, inclined to support Democrats because
26:18of. They just have a different orientation toward women, people of color, LGBTQ, you
26:25know, just are not ever going to be there, so to say that's about like 30 percent or
26:30something like that. And then of the Republicans.
26:35Greg, so we have a quick round here and I want to start with this.
26:39Kamala Harris, people have been saying that Donald Trump only cares about himself.
26:43And you're going to hear about this tonight.
26:45This is all of the Democrats are saying he's only in this for himself.
26:49And so maybe there they found in their focus groups that this is something that works for
26:52them, for their voters.
26:53Yeah. How do you think that will play?
26:56It's pretty it's a pretty easy answer to be a great president.
27:00Being personally successful aligns perfectly with America being successful.
27:05His success is actually mapped onto American success.
27:08Like my goal is to be personally successful, happy, rich and effective.
27:12That happens to align with a successful five and a successful Fox.
27:17You can't be unsuccessful in one and be successful in the other.
27:21Kamala loves Venn diagrams here.
27:24One circle, which is self-interest, rests exactly on patriotic interest.
27:29Dems are not familiar with that concept because their personal ideologies do not align
27:34with patriotism. They see America as something to be humbled for their ideology to
27:39succeed. And why would that why would Pelosi Pelosi say this?
27:44Polarization is an effective tool for distraction.
27:48If you pit one group against another, you don't see what's going on above you.
27:52And what was going on above the Democrats?
27:54Cover up of an unwell president who is currently pretending to be president, a
28:00silent coup to replace him once he was exposed by who?
28:04Trump. If it wasn't for Trump, Biden would still be in the running.
28:09He was the one that got him out.
28:12It wasn't the Democrats.
28:13By the way, I want to know where she got the 30 percent number.
28:16I mean, did they do a study on this?
28:17No, I think they pulled that out of thin air.
28:19But, Jessica, do you think that that is something that you'll hear from Kamala Harris
28:22tonight, that Trump is selfish?
28:25For sure. Why?
28:27Because Trump is selfish.
28:28Why? Why would you say that?
28:30Well, you could look at.
28:31You just got shot running for president.
28:34Boy, that's selfish.
28:36No, I almost died for this job.
28:39Go ahead. Sorry, I apologize.
28:41You don't really. But that's OK.
28:44You don't mean it. You don't mean it.
28:47If you look at.
28:49All of what's coming out of these court cases and the evidence, he's stiffed everyone
28:54from contractors, he's cheated on everyone that he's been married to.
28:58He demeans people.
29:00He can't even stop demeaning somebody found liable of sexually assaulting.
29:05He's been in meetings and donor meetings with big oil saying, I'm going to make it
29:09right for you, rich people.
29:10You need me for tax breaks.
29:12It's all about the self with Donald Trump.
29:16And he preys upon people who believe this toxicity.
29:20And it's stupid.
29:21We just, you know, we don't see it.
29:24I think what you're what you're what you're talking about is the same stuff.
29:29No, the same stuff.
29:32You. The point is, there is a discomfort with Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton putting
29:38out factual realities.
29:40And the way that, you know, that is the case.
29:42That's 30 percent.
29:44Let me say that there is there is no way that Donald Trump would be campaigning calling
29:48Kamala Harris Kambala unless there were racists in his party that he thought that would
29:52appeal to. Or J.D.
29:53Vance in this Haitian immigrant story that he is promoting this complete false lie that
29:58Haitian legal migrants hate them personally.
30:01What Democrats hate Republicans.
30:04As soon as he got elected, Republicans were unfriended by all the Democrats.
30:10They wouldn't speak to us anymore.
30:11The Democrats are the party of hate.
30:13The Democrats are the party that said he's a Russian.
30:16He's a Putin asset.
30:17He's a Russian puppet.
30:18The Democrats are the ones who signed affidavits and lied to a court so that they could
30:24spy on a president of the United States.
30:26The Democrats are the ones who said that we're destroying democracy.
30:30Let me tell you something about Donald Trump.
30:34Donald Trump was one of the most generous people you'll ever meet.
30:37He does all kinds of things that people have no idea about.
30:41And by the way, if he were selfish, he'd take his money and tell all of us to go after
30:46ourselves. Well, based upon the way this country has treated him, this guy got shot.
30:51Don't talk about him. Don't tell me he's selfish, absolute fool.
30:54No, let me tell you something.
30:56Donald Trump is the only one to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
31:00He's the only one who got the Abraham Accord.
31:02Why aren't you voting for him?
31:04I'm not going to fight with you anymore, Jessica.
31:06But I know the man and the facts were in line.
31:09I can't hear anything you're saying.
31:11Apparently, I have stirred up a little something, Jesse.
31:14I'll call it a hornet's nest.
31:15Oh, yeah, I would agree with Jessica.
31:19I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with judge.
31:21I definitely have today's Democrats back for the Jews.
31:25Kamala Harris, you say, cares about people.
31:27Well, why didn't she call?
31:28I am Greg Gutfeld families.
31:30When all of those people died.
31:32Why did she let fentanyl pour into this country and just wreak havoc?
31:36Why does she just let prices go up and do nothing about it, Jessica?
31:41Why does she let criminals go prey on elderly people in our cities?
31:45A person that cares about other people doesn't do it.
31:49You talk about the Haitian situation.
31:51Yeah, Border Patrol agents were trying to prevent illegal aliens
31:55for breaking into the country.
31:56She lied, said they were whipping them and then imported
32:00and inserted 300000 Haitians into this country
32:04where people don't even know how to speak Spanish anymore.
32:09Have a translator to go to kindergarten.
32:11That's what's happening, Jessica.
32:13And let's not argue, please. Come on.
32:15Yeah, we're not coming up.
32:17Kamala Harris won't have her secret weapon for the debate.
