• last year
Penyelenggaraan pesta demokrasi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) serentak tahun 2024 yang akan digelar bulan November mendatang, diharapkan bisa membawa angin segar dan menjadi booster bagi dunia usaha di Tanah Air. Sejumlah industri seperti industri tekstil dan produk tekstil, kertas, percetakan, tinta, alat peraga kampanye hingga makanan dan minuman bakal menikmati keuntungan dari momen Pilkada tahun ini.

Adapun, anggaran Pilkada serentak 2024 diperkirakan mencapai lebih dari Rp41 triliun. Jumlah ini berdasarkan data Kementerian Dalam Negeri per 8 Juli 2024, yang berasal dari besaran anggaran yang telah disepakati masing-masing Pemerintah Daerah dalam Naskah Perjanjian Hibah Daerah (NPHD) Pilkada 2024 bersama Komisi Pemilihan Umum, Badan Pengawas Pemilu, TNI dan Kepolisian setempat.

Sementara itu, Kementerian Perindustrian meminta jangan sampai ada relaksasi larangan dan pembatasan atau lartas produk impor, terutama untuk produk-produk tekstil atau pakaian jadi dan kertas. Hal ini mengingat permintaan produk-produk tersebut diprediksi akan mengalami peningkatan saat pilkada berlangsung.


00:00In this program, I, Prasetya Wiwo, will be your host.
00:16Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:18I'm Prasetya Wiwo, live from IDX channel Jakarta.
00:21I'm back in Market Review,
00:23a program that discusses the economic issues in the country.
00:28You can watch our live streaming on IDX channel.com.
00:31Let's start the Market Review.
00:44Democracy party, the 2024 election,
00:48is expected to be a party for the textile industry
00:52and national textile products.
00:54This is in line with the budget of this year,
00:58which is estimated to reach more than 41 trillion rupiah.
01:07Democracy party, the 2024 election,
01:13is expected to be a party for the textile industry
01:17and national textile products.
01:21The number of industries, such as the textile industry and textile products,
01:25paper, printing, ink, campaign equipment,
01:29to food and drinks,
01:31will enjoy the benefits of this year's election.
01:35The budget for the 2024 election is estimated to reach more than 41 trillion rupiah.
01:42This amount is based on ministerial data in the country on July 8, 2024,
01:48based on the budget that has been agreed upon
01:51by each regional government in the Regional Pledge Agreement
01:55or MPHD Bilkada 2024,
01:59together with the General Election Commission,
02:01the Election Supervisory Body, TNI, and local police.
02:07Meanwhile, the Ministry of Industry
02:09asked not to have restrictions and restrictions
02:13on imports,
02:15especially for textile products or paper products.
02:19This means that the demand for these products
02:22is predicted to increase when the election is held.
02:26From Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
02:33To discuss our interesting topic today,
02:36the 2024 election,
02:38hoping that the national textile industry
02:40has been connected through Zoom
02:42with Mr. Retma Gita Wirawasda,
02:44the Association of Indonesian Filament Weaving and Weaving Producers.
02:47Good morning, Mr. Retma.
02:48Good morning, sir.
02:50How are you, sir?
02:51I'm fine.
02:52Next, we have Mr. Andri Satrio Nugroho,
02:55Head of the Indepth Trade and Investment Industry Center.
02:58Good morning, Mr. Andri.
03:00Good morning, Mr. Pras. How are you?
03:02I'm fine.
03:05Thank you for your time.
03:06Let's update first
03:08on the condition of the textile industry
03:12and the current textile products.
03:14Mr. Retma, could you please tell the audience
03:16how you see the future of the textile industry
03:20in the middle of 2024?
03:22Have you started to feel the momentum?
03:27The condition is still the same
03:29since almost the last two years.
03:31So, there is still a trend in the textile industry
03:34and there is still a trend in the production of fabric.
03:37Our friends in KM are also very slow.
03:41There are many that are out of order.
03:44But in the future, we see that
03:48PHK will still be there.
03:52In terms of utilization,
03:54the position is now below 45 percent.
03:58Nationally, PHK is already at 45 percent.
04:01So, among our members,
04:03there are some who are 60 percent,
04:07but there are also many who are below 50 percent.
04:10There are three companies that have stopped at once.
04:14It means that nationally,
04:16the utilization capacity is around 40 percent.
04:20Then we look at the industry,
04:22the condition is almost the same,
04:24around 40-45 percent.
04:26In the industry, it may be a little higher,
04:29around 50-55 percent utilization.
04:33Okay, but what do you see is more likely to happen?
04:36Farid, do you remember there was a safeguard,
04:39there was also a tax exemption,
04:41which was then quite strict by the government?
04:46Yes, it's still the same, actually.
04:48Because actually the main problem is the illegal.
04:54So, the safeguard helps a little.
05:00The legal import can also be a little ramped up.
05:05But the illegal can't be ramped up.
05:11Because the illegal is very massive.
05:14So, the condition is still the same as two years ago.
05:18Mr. Andi, how do you see it from the perspective of Indef,
05:21seeing the industry in general,
05:23in addition to the current national TPT industry,
05:25is it still haunted by the pressure from the global,
05:29then the stagnation that occurs,
05:31and the concern of deindustrialization in our manufacturing industry?
05:36Yes, Mr. Pras.
05:37If we talk about deindustrialization,
05:40I think it has already happened.
05:42But we know that PMI,
05:47one of the manufacturing indicators used globally,
05:52for PMI Indonesia itself,
05:54is experiencing a contraction.
05:56And this, in my opinion,
05:58becomes a dangerous alarm for our industry.
06:02And not only that,
06:04the implications of this industry's delay
06:08have reached the PHK.
06:11Every month we always hear about PHK.
06:15Especially if we talk about the textile industry,
06:19and garment, of course,
06:21PHK is also contributed a lot by the industry.
06:26And we see that,
06:28so far, there is still no urgency
06:34done by the government.
06:36Although yesterday we know that
06:38illegal imports of products have been made.
06:41But in my opinion, this is not enough.
06:44Because extraordinary efforts need to be made
06:48to push this TPT industry.
06:52Because if no major efforts are made
06:56on this TPT industry,
06:58in my opinion, we don't want to see
07:02PHK happening again.
07:05Especially now in a condition
07:09where the purchasing power of the people is declining.
07:12So, in my opinion,
07:14if this continues to be maintained,
07:18meaning there is no change whatsoever,
07:20there is a high possibility that
07:22our macroeconomic conditions will be affected.
07:25And the clearest thing is
07:28from the point of view of consumption.
07:30We want to push,
07:31precisely because of the delay of the industry,
07:34many PHK and domestic workers
07:37are actually reducing our consumption in the future.
07:43So I think,
07:45if we don't have
07:49a serious step,
07:51there must be several steps that must be done
07:54on how we can push the ecosystem of the textile industry,
07:58how we can push
08:02more incentives
08:05towards the textile industry.
08:07I think up to this day,
08:09it hasn't been lifted.
08:11Yesterday, we talked about the press.
08:13In my opinion, there is no press.
08:16Even from Kemen Perin,
08:18he said the same thing,
08:20that the press cannot lift the textile industry.
08:23This is what we are actually afraid of.
08:25It's just a matter of condition.
08:27Is it possible to lift the textile industry
08:29at the same time
08:31relaxation towards imports is also being done.
08:35We are also still seeing
08:37the effect of gas imports
08:39of these illegal products.
08:41Okay, that's it.
08:42So the challenge is still the same, right?
08:45It's not much different
08:47when it comes to the election,
08:49compared to the previous press election.
08:52Let's see what kind of strategy
08:54is being done by the entrepreneurs of the textile industry.
08:56We will discuss it in the next segment.
08:58Stay tuned.
09:16Thank you for joining us in Market Review.
09:20In the next segment, we will present data
09:22about the condition of the manufacturing industry
09:24and Indonesia's economy in general.
09:27You can watch the full video on television.
09:30We will discuss the movement of PMI Manufaktur Indonesia.
09:33The trend has been going down.
09:36It has even left the expansion level
09:38and entered the contraction level
09:40because it is below 50 points.
09:43The movement started in March, 54.2 points.
09:46It went down again in April, May, June, July, August.
09:49It was recorded at 48.9 points
09:51for PMI Manufaktur Indonesia in 2024.
09:55The next is the contribution of the manufacturing sector
09:57towards PDB.
09:59Let's see what the trend is like.
10:01This is a comparison from 2018 to 2023.
10:04The tendency is also not much different.
10:08The trend has gone down from 21.04 percent.
10:12It was recorded in 2023 as 20.39 percent
10:17for PDB.
10:19The next is the movement of inflation
10:21from April to August, 2024.
10:24As we all know,
10:26in the last few months,
10:28precisely these four months,
10:30we have experienced deflation
10:32in May, June, July, and August.
10:36This is our condition.
10:38Then, how about the number of employees affected by PHK?
10:41The data from Kemenekeran Republik Indonesia,
10:43in the first semester of 2023,
10:45there were 26,400.
10:47Meanwhile, in the first semester of 2024,
10:50there were an increase of 32,064 people.
10:54We will continue the discussion
10:56with Mr. Retma Gita Wirawasda,
10:58Chief Executive Officer of UPS TV,
11:00and Mr. Andri Satrio Nugroho,
11:02Chief Executive Officer of Indef Industries and Investments.
11:06Mr. Andri, what do you think of the data
11:09that has been presented?
11:11Overall, what is happening in the Indonesian economy?
11:15How far can the condition
11:18of the special manufacturing industry,
11:20the TPT industry,
11:22while there is a momentum of recession
11:24which is also expected by the government
11:26to be able to accelerate again.
11:28Our TPT industry with a total budget
11:30of more than 41 trillion rupiah
11:33for this year's general election.
11:36Yes, from the data,
11:38we know that in terms of demand,
11:40first of all,
11:42in terms of demand,
11:44the purchasing power of the people is declining.
11:47One of the factors that causes it
11:49is of course,
11:51the policies of the government
11:54which also gives pressure
11:58on the purchasing power of the people.
12:01So, we know that
12:04deflation is happening in series,
12:07and this is in my opinion,
12:08an unreasonable thing
12:10if it is said that the government
12:13can maintain the value of goods and services,
12:18this is more towards
12:21the delay of our economy.
12:24So, purchasing power
12:26and also the delay of the economy in general
12:29can be described from the deflation.
12:32With the decline in domestic demand,
12:36and we also know that
12:39it is getting harder to export,
12:41global demand is also not much.
12:46For this TPT,
12:49from Indonesia in particular,
12:51this also gives pressure on the supply side,
12:54namely from the textile industry itself.
12:57In my opinion,
12:59the textile industry itself
13:02actually the desire
13:04that I can catch from associates
13:07and entrepreneurs
13:10is how we can protect our market.
13:13This is what I think
13:15has not yet happened to this day,
13:17where a lot of import relaxation is done,
13:22so it is difficult for them
13:24to get this big cake,
13:27the cake that is in the domestic market.
13:29In my opinion,
13:31if we leave it like that,
13:34it will definitely get
13:37industrial actors outside Indonesia,
13:41and this has happened enough.
13:42If we talk about the press conference yesterday,
13:46we know that now
13:48for the campaign itself
13:49is already using electronic media.
13:52But we see that
13:55there is still actually
13:57to be related to t-shirts
14:00for party campaigns.
14:02But it should also be remembered
14:04that there are also many
14:06that happened in the field
14:08that plain t-shirts
14:10are also imported from abroad.
14:12So we are only part
14:14to print the party logo.
14:17This is what I think
14:19has happened in the field.
14:21Many imports
14:26are also cheaper
14:29to import plain t-shirts from Bangladesh,
14:31from China,
14:33rather than using plain t-shirts in the country.
14:35And that can't be differentiated.
14:37The public,
14:40only the company printing the logo,
14:45they are only looking for the cheapest price.
14:48They don't know if it's a product from Bangladesh,
14:51or from Malaysia,
14:53or from China.
14:54So this has happened.
14:56This is interesting, Andri.
14:57Let's just confirm this.
14:58Farid, is this true?
15:00The statement that has been delivered
15:02by Andri Satrio from Indef.
15:04Related to how the momentum of the election
15:06is expected to shake.
15:09But it turns out
15:10that it was also said
15:11that it was just slow.
15:13So what about the potential?
15:16Andri, are these imported products
15:19still disturbing our TPP industry?
15:23Yes, this election
15:26from the point of view of consumption,
15:29it's different from the previous election.
15:31If we compare it to the previous election,
15:35there is a decrease.
15:37Because there are more electronics.
15:40Shopping is cheaper like this.
15:42But there are still people
15:44who buy clothes or women's attributes.
15:47But that's it.
15:48So most of the imported goods
15:50have been imported.
15:51If we look at yesterday's election,
15:55the colorful shirts,
15:58the plain shirts,
16:00have been imported.
16:01If we look at it now,
16:03the situation is almost the same.
16:05So from the decrease in their shopping
16:09for textiles
16:11in this election,
16:13the probability is that we only get 10%.
16:16It has decreased,
16:17we only get 10%.
16:18Because 90% of the imported goods have been imported.
16:23So it's not too significant.
16:26So what makes us
16:28not be able to compete with the imported products?
16:30Is it more about the price they are cheaper?
16:32Or are we still unable
16:35to form a more competitive price?
16:39The price is actually,
16:40if we speak fairly,
16:42we can compete fairly.
16:44But this is not fair.
16:46It means you don't pay taxes,
16:48you don't pay taxes,
16:50so we can't compete.
16:52Because from there,
16:55there is a price difference.
16:56But the price difference is actually not that far.
16:59If we talk about the real price,
17:01because the raw materials are not too different.
17:05But that's it.
17:06They should come here,
17:07there are shipments,
17:08there are shipments,
17:09there are costs,
17:10there are PPNs, PPHs,
17:12there are income taxes.
17:13But if they don't pay all of that,
17:15we still have to sell the raw materials.
17:17From the raw materials, we have to pay PPNs,
17:20then the shipments also have to pay PPNs,
17:22and in the end also have to pay PPNs.
17:24It has to be compared with the price
17:26that doesn't pay all of that,
17:28so we can't compete.
17:32So what's the strategy?
17:33If it's really going to be prepared,
17:35in two months,
17:36we know that the election is coming,
17:38so the momentum should be increased
17:41as soon as there is energy,
17:42then the number of sales and production.
17:44We will discuss it later.
17:45Prepare the next one, Mr. Redma,
17:46and also Mr. Andri.
17:47We will be back in a moment.
17:48And the judges,
17:49we will be right back
17:50after this next interview.
18:09It's getting more interesting.
18:10We are discussing about the textile industry
18:13and textile products
18:14in the 2024 election.
18:16Mr. Redma,
18:17how optimistic are you
18:19when you see this great momentum
18:22across the region
18:24when it comes to the regional elections?
18:27this should be a feast
18:30for the TPT industry players in Indonesia.
18:33Mr. Redma, please.
18:36as much as we can,
18:37we got an order.
18:39As much as we can,
18:40we got an order.
18:41Because 10% is also quite good.
18:43Because as Mr. Andri said,
18:47the one that is a bit popular now
18:50is the macloon.
18:51There can be two macloons.
18:53Sewing macloons,
18:55but also the raw material has been dropped.
18:57It means that the fabric is also
18:58a lot of imported fabrics.
18:59But it's very, very little.
19:00Well, the most is the macloon,
19:02the macloon is a pattern, a pattern.
19:06So, the raw material has been dropped.
19:09Well, the raw material has been dropped.
19:11It's also dropped from imported goods.
19:14So, as much as we can,
19:15we got an order.
19:16But on the other hand,
19:18we are actually very, very pessimistic
19:20about the current state of the government.
19:22But we are optimistic about the new government.
19:26Because logically,
19:28whether they want it or not,
19:29they have to fix it.
19:30Because if they don't fix it,
19:32there will be a very deep recession in the future.
19:36So, Textile is one of the supporters
19:39from the labor side.
19:45I think the new government will fix it.
19:48And the new government,
19:49I see, I already know,
19:50I know where the problem is.
19:54So, optimism will come
19:57when there is a new government.
19:59Wow, that's it.
20:00Optimism that is quite different from the government
20:03and maybe also the stakeholders.
20:05Related to the list of candidates
20:07that is expected to increase the energy
20:10from the TPP industry in the country.
20:12Mas Andri, where do you see the bottleneck?
20:15If it's just you,
20:17you seem quite pessimistic
20:19with the number of candidates
20:21which may only be 10 percent.
20:22Then what they received
20:24was only in the process,
20:26not in the process of producing
20:29the materials needed,
20:31for example, the pants,
20:32because the pants were dropped first
20:34by the consumers.
20:36How do you see it, Mas Andri?
20:38Yes, of course,
20:40it is very unfortunate
20:42with the current government
20:43that sees this industry
20:46as limited,
20:47that this is an industry,
20:49a sunset industry.
20:51And at first glance,
20:53it looks like a sunset industry,
20:54but without any policy
20:58so it doesn't look like a sunset.
21:00Because we used to be successful
21:02and we saw that
21:04this is a labor-intensive industry.
21:06Well, this is what I think happened,
21:09some policy instruments were issued
21:14which in the end
21:16did not protect the domestic market.
21:18For example, for example,
21:21the one yesterday was removed,
21:24then a new one emerged,
21:26the 8th shift,
21:28from 37 to 8,
21:30the 8th shift of 2024.
21:32Even Mr. Pras,
21:35the minister himself said
21:38in the DPR yesterday
21:40that he was not the one who raised his hand,
21:42he was not the one who drafted.
21:43This is very stupid in my opinion.
21:45That the Ministry of Trade,
21:49the Ministry of Trade
21:50did not issue a draft
21:51related to this matter
21:52and did not want to remove
21:54related to the draft,
21:55even though it is clear that
21:57this draft relaxes
21:59imported products.
22:01Well, we have to see,
22:03we have to limit
22:05how much domestic supply
22:07does not need to import too much
22:08if the supply is also quite a lot
22:10if we can produce.
22:12So selective import restrictions
22:16are needed again.
22:18So the key is
22:20how can we remove this 8th shift
22:22and return it to the 36th shift.
22:24It is true what Mr. Redma said earlier
22:26that there is no longer
22:28there is finally no optimism
22:30towards the government now.
22:31Because again,
22:33the Ministry of Trade itself
22:35has already washed its hands
22:37just like that.
22:38Because I'm not the one doing it,
22:39I'm not the one raising my hand,
22:40I'm not the one drafting.
22:42But there are other parties.
22:44In my opinion,
22:45this is a policy that
22:47in the end,
22:48entrepreneurs have to depend on
22:50if for example,
22:51the minister himself
22:53does not issue policies
22:55related to the protection of the market
22:57in the country.
22:59So of course,
23:01we expect the next minister
23:03to be quite serious,
23:05to see that
23:07each ministry also has
23:09its own authority,
23:11but can also collaborate
23:12with other ministries,
23:13but not just be driven like that.
23:16In order to sell imported products
23:18to Indonesia,
23:20Mr. Suras.
23:21Okay, Mr. Redma,
23:22as an entrepreneur,
23:23we are indeed,
23:24especially in the TPT industry,
23:25which has already struggled enough,
23:27which has already felt enough
23:29when the current conditions are over,
23:31how big is the optimism
23:33that is being built too?
23:34At least we are hoping again
23:36for our textile industry in the future.
23:40Yes, optimism is definitely still there.
23:43Although the world's conditions
23:45are still not good,
23:47meaning from the point of view of optimism,
23:49it is still not fully,
23:51in the US, in Europe,
23:53but we have a very large domestic market.
23:57Now this domestic market is very,
23:59very enough for us to be able to
24:01operate again
24:05because export is only
24:07about 25-30%
24:09of our output.
24:10There are 70%
24:11that we usually fill.
24:14This only requires wisdom
24:16and the seriousness of the government
24:18on how this domestic market
24:20can be maintained.
24:22If now,
24:24with the current conditions,
24:25as we mentioned earlier,
24:26we are still pessimistic,
24:27but with the new government,
24:28I think the new government
24:30has also seen opportunities.
24:32In addition,
24:34companies that survive now,
24:36how to survive,
24:38reducing production,
24:40temporarily housing,
24:41so that we don't lose more,
24:43so that when the new government
24:45has a policy
24:47to really protect
24:49the domestic market,
24:51we still have the power
24:53to work again
24:55rather than forcing it now
24:57to continue production,
24:58but still lose.
24:59Later, when the government
25:00has a good policy
25:02related to the domestic market,
25:03we don't have power,
25:04we don't have a stake.
25:06So I think now,
25:07the UN should reduce production,
25:10house employees,
25:11house employees are part of our strategy
25:13to survive later
25:14when the new government
25:16does something
25:17related to the domestic market,
25:19we can be ready
25:21to return
25:23to operating normally.
25:25Okay, that's it.
25:27The hope is still there,
25:28as long as the hope is still there,
25:30with the exchange
25:32in the next government
25:33with new policies
25:35that are fresher,
25:36then the benefits
25:37to the domestic market
25:39for the national TPT industry.
25:41Mr. Retma, thank you very much
25:42for the time sharing
25:43that you have delivered.
25:44Mr. Andri, thank you
25:45for the insight analysis
25:46that you have given
25:47to the audience today.
25:48Congratulations on continuing
25:49your activities again.
25:50Good health.
25:51Mr. Retma, Mr. Andri, thank you.
25:55All right, audience,
25:56don't leave your seat
25:57because we'll be back
25:58in a moment
25:59with another interesting topic
26:00related to winning the potential
26:01extension of PPH incentives
26:03for MSMEs.
