Speak with Kids Intelligently - Nouman Ali Khan

  • 2 weeks ago
Speak with Kids Intelligently - Nouman Ali Khan
00:00Tell me a good joke.
00:10This is the difference between boys and girls by the way.
00:13Let's go.
00:14Why did the bee get married?
00:15Why did the bee get married?
00:17I don't know.
00:18Why did the bee get married?
00:19Because he found his new honey.
00:27You got a future child.
00:28You got a future.
00:30What's your name?
00:32What's this?
00:34What's in my hand?
00:36Noman knows nothing.
00:43What is the greatest thing ever invented?
00:50Some parent is going.
00:53You notice for a lot of the kids that were here, when I was asking them questions, they
00:56didn't have answers.
00:57That means there's not enough conversation at home.
01:00That we don't actually engage our children as much, and they don't articulate themselves
01:04very much.
01:05And a lot of times our children speak to us and we give them one word answers.
01:08Baba, look at this, look at this, look at this, and we're like, uh-huh, yeah, okay,
01:13that's great.
01:14But no real conversation, fluff.
01:16You can actually spend your entire childhood just asking the same questions.
01:19Did you eat?
01:20Did you finish your homework?
01:21Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no.
01:24Instead, learn to ask questions that maybe they'll give you more.
01:27But we have to facilitate.
01:29Kids won't necessarily open up conversation on their own.
01:32We have to teach them to do that to the point where they want to come and tell you.
01:36You don't even have to go ask them.
01:38That's kind of what we're learning in Surah Yusuf when Yusuf himself came.
01:42The dad didn't say, did you have good sleep?
01:44Did you see a dream?
01:45No, the child himself came and said, I saw a dream.
01:48That's the kind of communication we want to facilitate with our kids.
01:51And so when we talk to kids and they're not giving us much of an answer, that's not their
01:57We're not teaching them how to have conversation enough.
01:59We're not facilitating that for them enough.
02:01We're not making it safe enough, comforting enough for them to open up more and more and
02:06Don't talk to them like they're babies.
02:07Talk to them like they're intelligent.
02:09Even when they're 3, 4 years old, 2, 3 years old, speak with them like they're intelligent.
02:13And even if they don't know how to respond, you know, some kids are more primitive than
02:17others, right?
02:18That's just how Allah made children.
02:19You know, sometimes our kids are even 4, 5 years old and we speak to them like this,
02:24That's how they think normal speech works now.
02:30So even when they talk to you like, that's not because they talk like that, because they
02:35think that's how you talk.
02:37So they're talking to you in your language.
02:40Speak with kids intelligently and you'll be surprised how quickly they learn to communicate
