A Beautiful Advice For The Sisters - Mohammad Elshinawy

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A Beautiful Advice For The Sisters - Mohammad Elshinawy


00:00Sisters, you more than anybody are bombarded and your faith is challenged
00:13and attacked day in and day out, either by temptations or either by accusations.
00:20Temptations is a wide banner, like you're tempted to not want to be
00:24criticized and in the spotlight, you're tempted for the easy life, just go with
00:28the crowd or you're tempted with the hype of just I want to live this
00:32glamorous life of you know being that stunning girl that finally I get a good
00:37angle on Instagram and my prince of shining armor comes and I'm from America
00:42we made those movies. It's not true, it doesn't exist. This guy that's so
00:47well-mannered, he opens the car door for me every single time. Listen, if the guy
00:54is opening the car door for the girl 99.9% of the time. Forget it, 10 out of
01:009 times. How's that? It's one of two things, either it's a new car or a new
01:05girl, except those that studied with Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. But
01:11these temptations, as ridiculous as they may be sometimes, there are reality
01:15inside. Then there's the external challenges of the accusations, either by
01:20the shayateen trying to get into your heart, why does a hadith say it like that?
01:23How come this? Justice, what about equality, life, liberty, pursuit of
01:27happiness? Or from the outside, the shayateen that are usually behind TV
01:31cameras and they're just bashing and throwing time and time again. How in the
01:36world does someone survive? How do you get that mountain off your shoulders? How
01:41do you resist that avalanche from just running you over? The solution is to
01:47experience Jannah. I'm not promoting suicide by the way. There is a glimpse of
01:52Jannah, only one, that exists in this world. It's a gift that Allah places in
01:59the hearts of those that he loves. Formerly known as Iman, faith and
02:05conviction. Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah has nothing in this world,
02:08resembles anything in the hereafter except Iman. He opens two eyes in your
02:15heart to stare at paradise, stare at the hellfire, that's it. Everything else is
02:20disposable. That feeling of nearness to Allah, there is nothing like it. That is
02:25greater than Jannah itself. How do you get there? How do you fill your heart, get
02:30it bubbling with Iman? Submission. Once again, surrender. Take the dive. One of my
02:37favorite quote of all time among the Salaf, Abu Sulayman Al-Darani
02:41he was asked, how does someone get to that level of feeling
02:45acquainted, near to Allah? He said, by obeying him. They said, how do you get to
02:53the level of obeying him? Through him. Beg him to enable you to enlist
02:59yourself genuinely among his slaves. That will give you life.
03:05Respond. Make your response time quick.
03:10When Allah and his Messenger invite you to that which will give you life, it will
03:15make you alive. It will make your struggle to submit history. And the
03:21Sahabiyat, it wasn't these women that I named to you and that's the whole
03:25generation understood that message very clearly from the Prophet Sallallahu
03:29Alaihi Wasallam. Aisha says, for example, let's be relative here,
03:32Sayyid Bukhari, when the verse came down, let them drape their veils over their
03:36bosoms, the women of the Muhajirat, the migrants from Mecca or the Ansar,
03:40another narration, the women from Medina, they ripped their clothes in half to
03:45make enough cloth so that they can drape over themselves immediately. The
03:50Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam encourages for Sadaqah, Bilal's
03:53garment almost couldn't handle all that was dropped there. Immediate. That's why
04:00they enjoyed the goodly life. That's how they became a betterment, a contributor
04:05to the nations that knew them and the nations that didn't. You know, we led the
04:10world and we say this so many times but why do we have to keep digging from the
04:13bottom of the pot for a memory? We can reproduce this. Allah preserved his deen
04:18which is the ingredients for this greatness. And I know, Wallahi I know, I
04:23know, I know, I know, that it may seem so difficult and it may seem like such a
04:29struggle. Please, just dive. You don't have to know the answer to every accusation
04:37but if you dive into surrendering to Allah, right, the answers are there in the
04:42Qur'an and you surrendering your heart, hibernating with the Qur'an, giving it
04:45your undivided attention, that's part of the surrender. But the overarching theme
04:49is just be mine. Give me your life, I will let you live the true life. This is the
04:56message of Islam. Oh Ibrahim, slaughter your son. You ready to do it? Okay, you can
04:59have him. That is the message. You will not enjoy anything in this world, in the
05:04next, except by surrendering everything first to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And
05:09when you find it a struggle, it's fine. It's fine to struggle. I had a
05:13conversation with a beautiful brother yesterday that said, I don't feel like
05:17I'm doing it like willingly. It's not from the heart. It's just, it's empty. It's
05:20void of, you know, that emotional backing. Enjoy the struggle too. Like
05:26there's a sweetness even in that phase. The sweetness of sacrifice, the
05:31sweetness of accomplishment, the sweetness of knowing, oh Allah, you know
05:36how hard this is for me. And you will not give me an average reward when it was
05:41extra difficult for me. There's a sweetness in that. The sweetness that it
05:46hurts and I'm still gonna do it. You know, they say that courage is not that a
05:50person is no longer afraid, but that he chases his fears into the corner and he
05:54remembers his duty and he becomes greater by Allah's help, of course, than
05:58his fears. That's courage. That's, there's a sweetness in knowing you're that
06:02courageous. Aisha says, the most excellent women were the women of the
06:08Ansar. They were not stopped by their embarrassment, by their shyness from
06:13learning, getting an understanding of the religion. Of course, this modesty is a
06:18cornerstone value of Islam. It's not a bad thing. But I'm saying they were
06:21discomforted, but they did not allow that to stop them from climbing that mountain.
06:27You may have discomforts as well. You want to be like your peers. You want to
06:31spend your time looking up the latest fashion and not studying. It's okay.
06:35You're not a hypocrite. Just feed your faith and all those worries, all those
06:40fears will starve to death. It's not just about the
06:44reward of being one of the greats. It's also the responsibility you need to be
06:48this person because you are not like us men. The Ummah awaits you because you are
06:55half the Ummah and you give birth to the other half. You add more to the mind and
07:00heart of that other half than any other factor in society if you so choose.
