Mother Has More Right On Your Birthday - Yusuf Estes

  • 2 weeks ago
Mother Has More Right On Your Birthday - Yusuf Estes


00:00Can we celebrate birthdays like having birthday parties or attending birthday parties?
00:17Does everybody here understand this word?
00:21Is it just me?
00:22Am I in a world where I'm the only one understanding what etymology of words means?
00:28Say the word, birthday, say it.
00:32That means one day out of the year, you're going to celebrate what?
00:39Your birth.
00:40Okay, I'm sorry, but can I ask you a question?
00:44What the heck did you do that was so great?
00:49On that day, I think it was your mom that was having a problem.
00:55I'm sorry, but who is entitled, if anybody is entitled to something here, it ain't you.
01:03It's your mother, Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
01:08He said this clearly, a man carried his mother on his back and went seven times tawaf around
01:14Kaaba and he came to Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, have I fulfilled my mother's rights
01:19on me?
01:20And Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, not even one birth pain, not even one birth
01:29Now, how many of you guys have ever been around a woman when she's delivering a baby?
01:35You been there?
01:37Pretty scary stuff, huh?
01:38Would you like to try to have a baby?
01:44All we know how to say is breathe, breathe.
01:47I don't know what I'm saying, it's just, you know, and if she grabs your hand during
01:52one of those contractions, what are they called, contractions, I don't know.
01:55They grab your hand, wallahi, you would rather have a truck drive over your hand.
02:02And you can't get away.
02:03This little bitty lady having a baby and all of a sudden, oh, whoa, where does this energy
02:10come from?
02:11This strength in her hand, she's crushing my hand.
02:15And later when I'm asking her, I said, well, what, what is that pain like?
02:19She says, no way you can understand.
02:20I said, well, listen, I broke my arm.
02:25I broke my finger.
02:27I broke my nose.
02:29Well, actually, somebody helped me on that one.
02:33I've had broken ribs, used to wrestle a lot, got a lot of broken things.
02:37So I know about pain.
02:39She started laughing, said, no, no, it's not like that.
02:42I said, give me an idea.
02:44Look what she said.
02:46You can't really know, but here's something you can try.
02:49Gentlemen, not ladies, you already know, but gentlemen, take your lower lip with your two
02:54fingers, your thumb and finger, grab it, grab it, grab it, come on, now pull it up over
03:07your head.
03:13You have no idea.
03:14I have no idea how much pain, and then what you're going to do?
03:19Happy birthday to me.
03:25Islam gave you the beautiful perspective on it.
03:29After Allah and his messenger, which is, they were talking to him and you, who has the most
03:36rights on me?
03:38What did he say?
03:40Come on, ladies, that's your cue.
03:44And then you're, and then, and then, and you know the Hadith better than I do.
03:51If you didn't, they'll teach you.
03:54The woman has rights over you.
04:00The mother who bore you has huge rights on you, more than anybody else in the world.
04:07How do you go about celebrating the day you were born by giving yourself gifts, praising
04:14yourself up, even making cake to feed yourself, and then putting candles from the majusi religion
04:23and blowing them out for good luck?
04:27And then say, what is this?
04:33What is it?
04:35And what's even worse, when you celebrate the Prophet's birthday?
04:41You want to honor Prophet Muhammad?
04:43You really want to honor him?
04:45How about doing what he told you to do?
04:48There's a concept.
04:50And when he ordered us, do not do to me what the Christians did to Jesus.
04:57Do not put me up like this, because the next thing people will make him God, or partner
05:03beside God.
05:05And I saw in some countries, not here, I've been in countries though, where people were
05:10actually worshipping Muhammad.
05:13And if you called them Mohammedans, you'd be right, because that's who they worship.
05:19It's really scary, the things, but they do it secretly.
05:23And you see it, and the innovations that go with it are frightening you, frightening you.
05:28But somebody used a cell phone, and recorded it, and put it on YouTube, and it's there,
05:33you want to see it.
05:34You can actually see what I've seen.
05:38People who are getting like the jitterbug inside of them, and flipping around, and falling
05:42on each other, and going around and saying, Allah, Muhammad, Allah, what is this?
05:49Is this what our Prophet brought?
05:52Is it?
