A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 28-29 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

  • 2 weeks ago
▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00نحمده و نصلي على رسوله الكريم أمّا بعد
00:03The most brief summary of the 28th Sifarah of the Holy Quran is that
00:08in the beginning, Allah mentioned Surah Mujadalah
00:13Mujadalah is called Mubahaseh, which means debate
00:17Actually, it mentions the incident of Hazrat Khaula, may Allah be pleased with him
00:22And basically, it mentions four things in this Surah
00:25Zihar and its commandments
00:27What is Zihar? It means that a husband should compare his wife to his mother or sister
00:34That you are like my mother or sister to me
00:38Now, what are its commandments and what is its explanation?
00:40Secondly, it is to condemn the Jews and the hypocrites
00:45And Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, has stated its commandment here
00:49He has stated a warning on it
00:51Thirdly, Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, has stated the reality of the etiquettes of the assembly and the hypocrites
00:57After this, it mentions the group of the believers
01:00It mentions Hezbollah
01:02It means that for the believers, it is not possible for them to love the opponents of Allah and His Messenger
01:08These verses were revealed on it
01:11And Hezbollah mentions two things about the believers
01:15One is that they will get the light of faith in this world
01:18And in the hereafter, Allah, may Allah be pleased with him, will grant them paradise
01:21After this 28th Sifarah, it is the beginning of Surah Hashr
01:25Here, in the beginning of Surah Hashr, the background of the verses is that
01:31When Prophet Muhammad came to Madinah Munawwara, he had a one-point agreement with the Jews of Madinah
01:38That was that if the people outside of Madinah would attack, then we will defend it together
01:45Now, this was decided
01:46Prophet Muhammad went to Banu Nazir, which was a tribe of Jews, to write the conditions of the agreement
01:52But these Jews conspired against Prophet Muhammad and planned to throw a rock at him
01:59Prophet Muhammad was informed through revelation
02:02Prophet Muhammad got up from there and announced to end the agreement
02:06After this, at the end of Surah, it mentions the beautiful names
02:09He is Allah, to whom there is no god but He
02:11The King, the Holy, the Peaceful, the Believer
02:14Allah is the Lord of Glory, there are 99 names
02:16And here, a few of those 99 names of Allah were mentioned
02:20Allah's sanctity, praise, oneness of God were mentioned
02:24After this, the beginning of Surah Mumtahina
02:27Mumtahina means the one who takes the test
02:30In this Surah, it is the mention of those women
02:33And it is the command of those women who migrated from Mecca to Madinah
02:38Actually, in Surah Hudaybiyah, the condition was that the one who comes from Mecca to Madinah
02:43He will be sent back to Mecca
02:46That is, to the disbelievers, to the polytheists
02:48However, the one who comes from Madinah to Mecca, he will not be sent
02:52Obviously, this condition was against the Muslims, but there were countless wisdoms in it
02:56Now, the matter was that when many men from Mecca came to Madinah, they were sent back
03:01But some women also came
03:02Now, according to the agreement, these women were also thought to be sent back
03:07They will be sent back to Mecca from Madinah
03:09At that time, these verses were revealed that these women are exempt from these conditions
03:13And there is no need to send back the women
03:16However, this command was given that these women should take the test
03:19To check whether they really have faith or not
03:23This was mentioned at the end of Surah Mumtahina
03:29And on this occasion that they should be tested
03:32This Surah was called Surah Mumtahina
03:34After this, Surah Saf
03:36Some of the companions said that if we find out that Allah is very fond of such and such action
03:42Then we will give our lives for that action
03:44Allah said that do not make a very big claim
03:48And before making a claim, you should say Inshallah
03:51Why do you say what you cannot say?
03:55After this, Allah mentioned Surah Jumah
03:58In which the commands of Jumah are based
04:01And then the purpose of the advent of the Prophets and the Prophet himself
04:11Four types of obligations
04:13Recitation of the verses of the Qur'an
04:17And the teaching of the book
04:19The teaching of wisdom
04:20Allah has mentioned the purpose of the advent of the Prophet in many places
04:24After this, in the 28th paragraph, Allah started Surah Munafiqoon
04:32That when the hypocrites of the Prophet come to you
04:35They bear witness of their faith
04:37Allah is bearing witness that they are not believers
04:40They only speak from above
04:42The glory of the advent of the next verse is
04:48Banu al-Mustalaq was a tribe that attacked Madinah Munawwara
04:51The Prophet went against them with the companions and defeated them
04:56He set up camp near a spring of water
04:58There was a dispute between an Ansari and a Muhajir
05:03As a result, Abdullah ibn Ubay
05:06Who was the leader of the hypocrites
05:08He told the Muhajireen not to raise their heads so much
05:11That they start speaking in front of you
05:13And he also said
05:15When we return to Madinah, the honorable people will remove the dishonorable people
05:21So this sentence was related to the Prophet and his companions
05:25Zaid bin Arqam, who was a sincere companion, heard this
05:28He complained to the Prophet
05:30The Prophet called Abdullah ibn Ubay and he refused
05:34But after a while, those verses were revealed
05:37And Allah confirmed that this sentence was said by the leader of the hypocrites, Abdullah ibn Ubay
05:44Allah revealed this hypocrisy to him
05:48At the end of this paragraph, there is a mention of Surah Talaq
05:51In this, the fundamental rules of divorce are mentioned by Allah and His Prophet
05:55The first thing is that you should not take the step of divorce
05:58And if you have to take the step of divorce out of compulsion
06:01Then you should return the divorce
06:03And then remember that divorce should be given in such an auspicious time
06:10In which the husband has not had a marital relationship with his wife
06:15The benefit of this is that the age of the woman is reduced
06:20Three months is usually the age of a woman
06:23However, there is a mention of Aisa and Hamila
06:26Aisa is the age of a woman who is very young or very old
06:31Who does not have a marital relationship
06:34Allah has stated that she is three months old
06:37And the age of a pregnant woman, Allah has stated that she is one and a half months old
06:43That is, when the child is born
06:45O you who believe! Repent to Allah
06:48O you who believe! Repent to Allah
06:50Allah has mentioned this
06:52But such a repentance that is a pure repentance
06:54Allah has stated in this
06:57A pure repentance is one in which there is regret
07:00If you have committed a crime, then you should be punished
07:05In the future, you should be determined to quit the sin
07:09And you should be ashamed of the previous sin
07:11Surah Al-Mulk
07:14The most brief summary of Surah Al-Mulk is
07:18Allah has mentioned Surah Al-Mulk at the beginning
07:22Surah Al-Mulk is called the kingdom
07:25Because in the initial verse
07:27Tabarakalladhi biyadihil mulk
07:29It was the mention of Allah's kingdom
07:32For this reason, this Surah was called Surah Al-Mulk
07:35Here is the mention of the three attributes of Allah
07:39Allah is present
07:41Allah is the highest
07:43And Allah's kingdom is in the heavens and the earth
07:46And Allah is capable of everything
07:49After mentioning these attributes
07:52Allah gave an answer to the foolishness of these disbelievers
07:56He said that when the Prophet will die
08:00Or when the religion of the Prophet will end
08:04And it will end like this
08:06When the Prophet will die
08:09Allah gave an answer to the disbelievers
08:13Whether the Prophet will die or Allah gives victory to the Prophet
08:18You will not benefit from it
08:20After this, Allah gave the proof of the truthfulness of the Prophet
08:24Remember, if a person claims to be a prophet
08:28If he makes a false claim to be a prophet
08:31Allah will disgrace him in the world
08:33Here, Allah gave the proof of the truthfulness of the Prophet
08:37So, we know that this is the truth based on prophethood
08:40After this, the mention of Surah Ma'arij
08:42The word Ma'arij is the way to ascend
08:46Because it was mentioned in the third verse
08:49For this reason, this Surah was called Surah Ma'arij
08:52After this, Allah gave the beginning of Surah Nuh
08:56The prophet of 950 years, Hazrat Nuh invited the people
09:01Some people agreed, but the mention of four idols
09:04Allah said that these are the idols of
09:08Wudhu, Suwa, Yaghus and Ya'uq
09:11These people kept on worshipping
09:15Then came a time when Hazrat Nuh prayed
09:18There is no place on earth for the disbelievers
09:21On the earth is the soul of the earth
09:23O Allah, do not keep any disbeliever alive
09:25Then Allah accepted this prayer
09:27And destroyed the people of Nuh
09:29After this, Allah mentioned Surah Muzammil
09:31Muzammil actually means the one who covers
09:34When the revelation came to the Prophet, he was wrapped in a sheet
09:38So, Allah with love said
09:42O you who are wrapped in a sheet
09:46When the first revelation came,
09:48The Prophet went to Hazrat Khadijah
09:51At that time also, this word came out of Muzammil
09:54Zamiluni Zamiluni
09:56He said, cover me
09:58At the beginning of this Surah,
10:00Hazrat Khadijah said this word
10:02Muzammil, as an expression of love
10:05After this, the obligation of Tahajjud
10:07For the Prophet and the Companions
10:09In the beginning, it was obligatory to pray Tahajjud
10:11Qumil layla illa qaleela
10:13In the beginning, it was obligatory to pray Tahajjud
10:16Later on, the obligation of Tahajjud was abrogated
10:19After this, Allah mentioned Surah Qayamah
10:22He swore on the Day of Qayamah
10:24He mentioned the resurrection after death
10:26A yahsabul insanu allal najmaa idhaama
10:29This man thinks that we will not collect his bones
10:32And after collecting them, we will not make him a human again
10:35We will not stand in front of him and ask him questions
10:37Bala qadireena ala an-nusawiyah banana
10:40It is easy to collect the bones
10:42In this world, the pores of the fingers of a human
10:45There are fine lines and lines in it
10:47We are able to make the same pore-like human
10:50And the fingers of the hand
10:52And stand in front of us again
10:55Allah has mentioned this
10:57And what a profound thing
10:59No one can say this other than the Creator of the human
11:03After this, Surah Dahar
11:05Dahar actually refers to the time
11:07Because in the first verse, the word Dahar was mentioned
11:10In this way, this Surah was called Surah Dahar
11:13The purpose of human creation was mentioned
11:15Ghor karu lam yakun shay'an mazkoora
11:18Before the sperm, man was not worth mentioning
11:22There was no mention of it
11:24Allah made it worth mentioning
11:26He gave ears to listen
11:28He gave eyes to see
11:29He gave a way
11:31The purpose is that
11:33Allah wants to test human creation
11:35That these people are ungrateful
11:37Or they become grateful
11:39At the end of this verse, Surah Mursalat is mentioned
11:42Mursalat actually means
11:44The movement of the winds
11:46Allah has made five types of oaths in the beginning
11:50The oath of those winds
11:52Which are constantly moving
11:54The oath of those winds
11:57Which move like a storm
11:59Which scatter the clouds
12:02The oath of those angels
12:04Who bring revelation
12:06And create a difference between truth and falsehood
12:08And then the oath of those angels
12:10Who advise through revelation
12:12After these oaths, the mention of the Qiyamah is mentioned
12:15That the Qiyamah is a promise
12:17Which will be fulfilled
12:19And the Qiyamah will definitely happen
12:21After this, Allah the Almighty
12:23Mentioned the attributes of the believers
12:25First the events of the Qiyamah
12:27Then of the people of hell
12:29Then of the people of paradise
12:31He mentioned that the people of paradise
12:33Will get shade, springs and fruits
12:35And they will be told to eat and drink
12:37This is the reward
12:39For all the deeds
12:41Which you did in the world
12:43In a good manner
12:45May Allah make us all from the people of paradise
12:47May Allah make us all from the people of paradise
12:49May Allah make us all from the people of paradise
