A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 22 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

  • 2 weeks ago
▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00نحمده و نصلي على رسوله الكريم أمّا بعد
00:03The most brief summary of the 22nd chapter of the Holy Quran is that
00:09Allah, the Lord of Glory, in the beginning of the 22nd chapter,
00:13while mentioning the wives of the pure women, said
00:16يَا نِسَاءَ النَّبِيِ لَسْتُنَّكَ أَحَدٍ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ إِنِ اتَّقَيْتُنَّ الْآيَةِ
00:23Allah, the Lord of Glory, said
00:25O wives of the Prophet, your status, rank and rank is not at all like that of ordinary women
00:36And if you adopt Taqwa, and certainly who can be more Taqwa than you, i.e. the wives of the pure women
00:44So Allah, the Lord of Glory, has also given this good news
00:47that if you adopt Taqwa, you will be rewarded twice as much
00:55Along with this, Allah, the Lord of Glory, has given some instructions and some commandments to the wives of the pure women
01:03Certainly, these are the commandments for the wives of the pure women
01:07But along with that, for the women of the Ummah, especially
01:11This is a recommendation, this is a request, this is an order, this is a guidance, this is a warning
01:18That the women of the Ummah should live such a life
01:22One thing is that during the conversation, they should not speak in a vulgar manner
01:34While speaking, they should not speak in a vulgar manner
01:40On the second point, Allah, the Lord of Glory, has given the instruction that they should stay at home
01:46Stay at home
01:48The real destination and place of a woman is her home
01:53Yes, any woman of the Ummah can go out when needed
01:57But for that, the principle of Shariah and the Holy Quran is
02:00When necessary, when necessary
02:03When necessary, when necessary, she can go out of the house
02:08But in general, the real destination and place of a woman is her home
02:14She should stay at home
02:16The third instruction is
02:20Just like the women of Jahiliyyah used to dress up and go out
02:25Our women should not do the same
02:29After this, the blessed mention of the Ahlul Bayt
02:32Allah, the Lord of Glory, has purified them from impurity for ever
02:41Allah wants the impurity to be purified from the Ahlul Bayt
02:45Allah, the Lord of Glory, has mentioned their purity and sanctity in this verse
02:53We believe that the Ahlul Bayt's wives, husbands, and children are included in this
03:02Allah, the Lord of Glory, has mentioned the sanctity of the Ahlul Bayt
03:06This verse was also revealed
03:10None of the men have a father
03:12But the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets are
03:17The Seal of the Prophets is the Prophet
03:19Here, Allah has announced the most important part of the status of Prophethood
03:29The Prophethood was also given to the Prophet
03:33And the most important part of that Prophethood is that
03:37The Seal of the Prophethood was announced
03:40And it was said that the Seal of the Prophets is the Prophet
03:45After this, Allah, the Lord of Glory, has mentioned some of the attributes of the Prophet
03:52One is the attributes and the other is the qualities
03:55In the attributes, Allah said
03:57I bear witness that the Messenger of Allah is a bearer of good tidings and a bearer of bad tidings
04:00He is a bearer of good tidings, a bearer of good tidings, a bearer of bad tidings, a bearer of bad tidings, a bearer of bad tidings
04:10Now, Allah has mentioned some of the attributes
04:13O Prophet! We have made lawful for you the marriage of only one woman.
04:17This is mentioned in the verse
04:19Here, Allah has mentioned four more attributes and qualities of the Prophet
04:25The first one is that more than four marriages are lawful for the Prophet
04:30More than four marriages are lawful
04:32The second one is that the wealth of the Prophet is lawful for the Prophet
04:39The third one is that the daughters of the uncle, the daughters of the aunt, the daughters of the uncle, and the daughters of the cousins are lawful for the Prophet
04:48Only those daughters are lawful for the Prophet
04:51These are the three attributes
04:53The fourth one is that if a woman, a believer, gives herself as a gift for the Prophet
04:59i.e. if she proposes a marriage without a dowry and the Prophet wants to do it
05:04This is a characteristic of the Prophet and Allah has permitted the Prophet to marry
05:11The fifth one is that the wives of the Prophet are not allowed to marry other than the Prophet
05:16And why is that?
05:18If a woman has been divorced and she has been unmarried
05:23She is not allowed to marry another man
05:30The wives of the Prophet are the mothers of the Ummah
05:33And if she has been unmarried, it is not lawful for her to marry another woman
05:41Allah has mentioned this
05:43After this, Allah has mentioned the wives of the Prophet in the context of purdah
05:51O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the mothers of the believers
06:04To make special arrangements for the purdah, abaya, jilbab, and the clothes
06:11Keep in mind that in this verse of Surah Ahzab, Allah has given special permission for the purdah of women
06:20And it is worth noting for my mothers and sisters
06:24In this whole Surah, you are listening to the commandments
06:28I am addressing my mothers and sisters
06:32Just think, Allah has given the commandments for the voice as well
06:37That your voice should not be too loud
06:39How should you talk to a stranger
06:43And you should not roam around in the manner of Jahiliyyah by showing off your beauty
06:48And the Prophet has given the commandments of abaya, jilbab, and purdah to his wives
06:55So tell me, for the mothers and sisters of the Ummah
06:59In this whole context, the purdah will not be a forced commandment
07:05It will definitely be
07:07Some people say that it is a commandment for the wives of the Prophet
07:10So if it is a commandment for the wives of the Prophet
07:14Then they say that it is a commandment for the daughters of the Prophet
07:18But what is the third sentence?
07:21Give this commandment to the women of the believers
07:24So we know that the basic requirement of Iffat, Sharam, Haya, and Pakdamni is
07:31That our mothers and sisters, especially for the purdah of Shariah
07:37You should do Targheeb, you should do Amal
07:39You should do Taameel, Taqeed, Talqeed
07:42You should do Targheeb
07:44You should not use the word Tankeer, Tardeed, and Tanqees
07:49After this, Allah has mentioned the people of Saba
07:55Allah has mentioned that this city called Ma'arib
08:10It is located at a distance of 3 blocks from the province of Sana'a in Yemen
08:15This is where this people used to live
08:17Allah has given them gardens on both sides
08:20And they have made a dam out of the mountains
08:25And Allah has blessed them with beautiful fields, gardens, and fruits
08:31But this people did not thank Allah
08:33They did not appreciate Allah
08:35Allah has sent special type of rats to break their dam
08:40And because of this, the dam was destroyed
08:44And all these gardens and settlements were destroyed
08:47Allah has mentioned the people of other nations
08:52And after mentioning this, He has invited the polytheists to Mecca
09:03Allah is saying to the polytheists to stop being stubborn
09:08You call the Prophet a crazy person
09:11Go alone and sit somewhere
09:13Or consult a few people in solitude
09:15The Prophet has been with you for 40 years
09:18He is not a crazy person
09:20It is a true invitation which you should accept
09:23In the same way, Allah has mentioned Surah Fatir
09:29And the beginning of Surah Fatir is Alhamdulillah Fatir Is Samawat
09:33Because in the beginning of this Surah, the word Fatir came
09:37Fatir means the one who creates
09:39For this reason, this Surah was named Surah Fatir
09:42In this Surah also, there is mention of Tawheed, Risaalat, Akhirat and Tassalli-e-Khatam-ul-Anbiya
09:49And there is mention of the creation of Qasid between Allah and the Prophet
09:54That there are some angels who have two wings and some who have three wings
09:58And then there is Ireeh-e-As'ad-ul-Kalim-ul-Tajjib
10:01The pure word goes to Allah
10:04What does it mean to go to Allah?
10:06It is accepted in the court of Allah
10:09The word of Tawheed and the words of Allah's Zikr are accepted in the court of Allah
10:15After this, Allah has mentioned three groups here
10:22Those people whom we have made the inheritors of this Quran
10:24They are three types of people
10:26The first group are the oppressors
10:28Who are these oppressors?
10:30Zalim-ul-Nafsi, who do not do good
10:33The second group are those who avoid Haram, but do some unliked things
10:42The third group is those who have done good
10:46They have complete respect for Haram and Halal
10:48They avoid Haram and choose Halal
10:53They do not go near the oppressors
10:55They choose the things that Allah likes
11:00The commandment of these people is also mentioned in this verse
11:03Those who have done good
11:06Those who are of the highest rank
11:09They will be given the Book of Allah, the Lord of Glory and Paradise
11:13Those who are Mu'tadil
11:15By the mercy of Allah
11:16They will also be given Paradise
11:18But the first group of oppressors
11:20Who have been mentioned
11:21They are the Sahaba-e-A'raf
11:23Because of the recommendation of the Prophet
11:26They will also be admitted to Paradise
11:29It is worth noting that
11:31We have been chosen for this Book
11:34So we have to fulfill the rights of this Book
11:38We should read it, we should choose it
11:41We should have complete respect for its Halal and Haram
11:45And at the same time, we should spend our lives in the publication and publication of this Book
